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<br /> . ER
<br /> ' ` �x � irtaor,�srated inio and aAaB C� ds[�m�6 ta crnnd $nd suyp�ssant tha MaR�t�or Deas of TruSL harahatter raP�sd co as the `Sec3+r�
<br /> - __.'';:.� Mmu�xni'. o? ths aam� de» �tu�n bY tt� urc�si�etl. h�r �i�nd to es t2H `�ama+vr'. to ssc�ue ¢errowa�a irtd�b�s+s�ss, -
<br /> � . .�:;'� h�ntrtati�r esiarred tn Qa trt�•NOSO•.ts�,�i7'ED NE�A �9At�iK
<br /> . ..r� . Aere3rtaRw rotarrsa to as tt4o`te�s�r°.et the e�ms dats ana eorerirtp tt� —
<br /> • ;,�.�� . R�D�7I descn�ed D�ths Secur�y tns�u.�aeni ar.d tccatsd at --
<br /> •�%'�= 940� N �A 11DWEi3.�FI�RlID {SIAN� NFc81�elSl(A 6BSSi�
<br />-��. (FYOCM1t fleuess) _.
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<br /> T - W�S,Earra�xer snd Lender haue a�eed that es►y ran4s and prof3s am��itaDSe to the Proyerty shouSd cnnaGG�edd#artai secur�1►
<br /> . ' tO the La�dar tar the Paiment a!Ute Nnt�
<br /> _''<`.�`�:::�4 NOW.T�{EFFFOi�.[!ts a�ed thit the Sec�Y InSfitment sha0 iso emertd6d hecebY 8s►d deeme4 Yo htChde the foBCwhp�,t�.�ianx
<br /> �,_,�=�:._..
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<br /> ,:;�..��_ 9. �s-�t�meiSt M R�ts and�r+dsr�nbl CaG�n RtOMa Bocro� P'.e[e�y sbsolubay and uncond3lcrtattP¢afl�s a�cafs}s.Istues
<br />--`.=��:� an0 B� ot the RraDertY to BeneffeluY. I.�rt6tr ah�ha�s tRe rtQhL Rawar arsd�r1lt:cfitll durktD tAs canihwr�c�o?ths SecurR�tnstru�n4
<br />- .. .�°� to cseoct!t»�snts,issu�s�ttd RroRs ot t1�pro�,+eR11 ucd ot r.ny Rt�anal Rrc��q1 4:caLad ti�ereon wth ar w32rout t�ktt9 Ocssassion n!�
<br />~,� -. ��F propsrty affecbd hreby- I.RCder•hawe►�r,t�nbY consanb to H�c�t�s co3�n and�on a4 such nnts,kwa�sd p�fks as tt�l
<br /> _�`•
<br />-�.a.:-:�,i
<br /> - '° - s�nto ind beeoane p�Y�b.so bn�[s Barrower fs etaL at 5�1 a�rs, in defmt$wRh reSA�� FiY�ot anY hdebtsdnssII
<br /> �Y;�._..:"s.'
<br /> • r°�.--., hecedY.C[Q�fhe Fe�facmat'.ce o?anY a�sarwif heretn[da:
<br />'-., � ,.. 7J
<br /> i.;�+=;��" g �gOimrt,�ac,z_ .i�rc�A+ut fP Qny�nt a!deduPi tn rssP�ct to tha Secu-r�Y fnstrumrnf ahal havs aceurrsd urd b�carthuinp,Lsndrl.
<br />==�`�� as a maco�as�hs.na,�hou3 e�atk�to earmw�r ar anyons e�uneer eorrowe,sna wtthous�ag�re cc uss vaL.w tF�enr��or
<br /> :,: _":1�. n to apFotn2 n rscel�er a!th�proix�'•v.
<br /> tne irt29rdsY ot the Bosr�war iheretn.sh�l ha�tlra ctyht to aCDty to r,ny eaurt h��urisdictio
<br />���:''•' 3. �tst to Possessk�, �casa of Q�ut ln iha G`+�Y�2 a!tTis aAld�SC�aI Nats ar htaix�l,or aTry p�rt thano4.u��m�isx�.
<br /> _l,�r.
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<br />-.-�-;:;i�.`�� succsaaar� or [saipns. aAal b�and is MnbY aufho�ed asd empowsrsd to ts�Ca t�msdisis Doss�sslon o? t!� said p�►Teas IiHnh
<br /> -������ descrfhed arsd to eo7Yc�the ree�is therakonb ind to appty t�+s Prxe�e�s thsreof w ths pa�rr�ent ot tt�Nai�.
<br /> -°.:.:=ws_;��� 4. a-...rs..�bT af R�tt9 ISSilYB fild Pf0$g. AY tBri?s CORBCtBd bY L6t1Qei Ct M9 f8C6!{t!�Shal b8 dppB6B ft5t IO pt'�ftlSfit 0!tfi4 COf2f
<br /> -�- af cnant�snern of tqo �rop�rty ana cofecNon �s! renbc. ineluQhO, but not �rt�ut :a. nc�N�a ieas, Pcanl�ms c� tscaiu�w's bonds �rb
<br /> --__--- raasnneh8a attamgJ/s taes.and Usen to the sums sencr�d by tha Secu�Y fnsnuu:aeri:l.ender and ttse recekor aha!�e Iab1�to sccamt any
<br /> ����-� tor tita:�L;cacr.5 ecfualy mcet�ad. '
<br /> =^=a:,�.�:��
<br /> ___.,_�._e— i. (5„rct�ta�!kn o1 Proviskn�. Each of Me pmv�slons cas:'�c�ul�ia thb E►s5'�nrt�ent cf Re�i�'itder�nd�'s2�x3r;���IImm+�nt�hd,
<br /> - unless q!�rw1s� sAeoi�lCaYY �e�ui�.ba ccrtsLuoe in aecor�iaa s31s Ne�:'�.:�i;ta law, ertd In t:9 evacd N[r 1��r.xG70n :�dn�NF qt�ren
<br /> ---------- cmtsJr,e�i sha! be Calartnln� by a couR ot eompe�er►2 l��lcflarl io 28 :z�testr�r.e�b. tha suns slsAE be� 2�rfrt�d � dlatph wcb
<br /> _ -- u�s�Ycr�Y pra�ision enyrs not P���or thareut.
<br /> --_� G. �7�t �f . 6cceP�as sD��H ���Y o� t�ccegi�n4 wRh thls Assi�ment o1 F�enis Fildar or b1'ar�s9 m(I�r�pDgeaLU
<br /> Adr.al a9 th�t�nns�d prcvtstons contitnd h t!u SecurQY[nstur.iar:i sha9 canL�nue b t�sA tares and�at
<br /> ' IN WtTNES3 WK�EOF.Bnsror►r has�neutsd lt�Ea/lsslynment a1 Rants At6�fln ths dito flrst rtbZsd abov�.
<br /> �n�•K CHRI ���� F�ER
<br /> PA,�� �S�.h�Q.�.r
<br /> eorrc.w .
<br /> ------ S�'ATE OF NE�AI�KA
<br /> ---_— �ss. .
<br /> ==-_= cau�nr o� Hui.
<br /> ----- �Nr IBcY 25�,_day Ot .�Af1U�1/ . 1599 .bNOA m�.ths urtdw�i��t NOtary PtrbiO duy COnscsitttOtNd�1fd
<br /> -- �aF�O tor sale cnunty.persana�y prtr CHRISTOPHER J SCHROEOER AND RA�HEL SCHRQF�ER .HUSBAND �
<br /> --:�;a�� AND WIF�
<br /> -= b�th�id�rtitea!Psson�s)wt�ass rtame(s)Eatan c�scrDed cn tne tocopolrg k►s7umen�,and harsf�sRhe�►�cimo►�A�Ay�tt�escution tl�esol
<br /> -��-°��:;:�' t0 be hE�erlthsi►voLnLry�ct artd dt�J.
<br /> . ;.:x;[..;`t1f?�'
<br /> _+r:�i�;t.:. tn Qatd.counry.the
<br /> _-_=:�,rn,. wtrs�ss rt+y nane�ne Noreri�s�at QRAND[SLAN� �tEBR�,�IC�1
<br /> w"=� Q�ie�to�atd. 6ENERli NOULRT-: a1He�r�
<br /> --=--"`�'•� � SNfRRIL 0'Pd1
<br /> �:s^:�:���1R1��'tll 1ryCert��tf�SeptZ�, weic � �
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<br /> �='' `�,���; !ty Cocreaisstan�Yes: SFR1�1�18Eii�6. 7989
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