<br /> ,,
<br /> , � .,: %f,.� _ ` ""'.�"'�
<br /> �--- -----------__..___.___ . - - 99����o�i
<br /> .;
<br /> � . 99. �ar�awtr'e Rig�B ta Welrt�tai�. tt Borrorrt� meels es�h COnd�.'ans� Borrourar sltzJ hait� tit9 �ieht to h�,s . .
<br /> � e.ntar�m�t af thb S�ur(ty Fnsbu�nent Giseontinuad at sny tima R���9�of.{a)5 days (cr suah other psrbd es&pp".xeb7�
<br /> � taw m�Y o9a��► tor ro3nstatamsnt)0s:are�Te ot tha ProD�Y 9vrsusni to anY Rawar o!&a�coni�ed in ths�u�If Inst�wssnt cr '
<br /> _ ` (b)�uy et a(ue�+t antantrtg enb Secur�r tnstru�rss�+t ThO`e e0ttd3[Qrss ef�IhSt BCmDxuer (81 R�t.�tdar 80 6urrss wntcn tnan .
<br /> . vrautd Qe d�so ua8et thb Seeurtip trtstntmertt and tha Note as @ no c�xseratfan Nad oaeurred; (b) eures sny dz'2i� a}any atRs
<br /> � � cavc�nani or e�r84snen4a;(c)pays aff�4rts�a irteurtad h ent$rctrsa th�Seatrity lnstruman� �ne[udhB,bui not&mRed to.reasonzbk�
<br /> � attotr.9ys'toes:�n�(d1 ttka3 suab tcUan as l�r►dar nsaY ro�sanaD.y ra�+ire to ass!ue tRat the Cers ot tnts SeciuhY IrtcbumenL Len4ers
<br /> - ' - . -- . rg�his �►i,�e FropiF��r��3� . ....6 as"��fa�;!!��:�tsed Dy lhis�eusQ�S�L•uer.ds3_!�°cc�eir=.R�. !!p�*i = -.
<br /> ralns�i by Barrovrtq.thb SeCUfd�r Ins�umwst on�the obl'ga2Sana seeured RartbY&fia�rema6�tuBY et!setl:a es 6 ao acce�railcn
<br /> � . hY�oscurr�. Hzxrausr.t��fphi to rahs�te sha9 nai ey�iy�►tha ease a?eccaSe�attan�nsd�paragrapA 17. . r
<br /> 19.Sa4e�f I��te: CDsange o!d+oan Stsviaer. rne �ara nr a va� �carese a► ma Ko�a (�aee�rtar�az, r��s s�:ray
<br /> . . - - , . tnatrusnen4)rtr�y h�so�ona or rtrsre ttrr�ea wRhcut pr�r not��4o Barrov�er.A es7�m;Y�e=u@ in�ci�artge�r,t�a sntsy(knoKm es tha
<br /> - ` j 'LCart S�1c�')thst co9ects mantt+t!Ogl�ta du3 andsr tha R+at�end thEs�Y trslumcni 7fiere a�o sfrsY Le ane o�rora
<br /> � shanges n!th�Laan S�vtcer unmSai�to c►s�b ot tt�s Noia t!tR�a Is a chsr�ga a!tha lo�+S�avlar.Bamox��68 pAr�wr�n
<br /> . . _ 1 no'.ke cY th9 chEnBs�a�ordartsse w9.A R878�Dh ti abavs 8std�AD:icBb�L�nw. Zhe notice rri7 s�tTte rt�me and ad�ot Ihe -
<br /> -- _ . .. . . � na�w L.o�S�vfeer and the address to whiefi paymants shcutd Qe madr�. YF�e rto&e ew'�a3so eeniah►eny ather bfarnsatton ceQafred by —_
<br /> aDDFcthl�4tw.
<br /> ° ; 2�. t�azar deua S u b a t e ne e�. 8arro�xer sha�rtot cause ar peem3 tha pre^��.usa a�oosa�. stora�.a r,:x�ase as any
<br /> � " • Hamrdoua�bstancis an or in tha 6�7opertq�. Bsrrowar shsa not da.aor a9ow anyona eGe to da.anythny aftecthD tha Froperty that `_
<br /> . •, � b vbitUcn o! cny 6rrlranmertfal Law. 71ie � twa santencos shaD no2 ayyly ta tlse ��ca. use. a storaya cn Ihe '-�"--
<br /> • Property o!smatl quaniSies o1 lier�rdovs�os*�ssssas ffiat ara 8ertarnD�l��B�Iza�to De spProy*tate M ncsmsl rasldential ur.es a,�d p -
<br /> . � rtninia+ancs at the Property. ` ;`�
<br /> . Barrawar sha8 Dro�2N 8!ss l.a�d�v�v9tan noile�a?eny tnu�aUon.claim.daert?nd.tawsu$Cr other eL'tion by 8ny pOVtvrtmertffiI
<br /> ���tY�KY�P���hvot�Irt�f4:9 FrayeRy and atty��u,Substartco ar Etsvhonmertial lanv o?wTdch 6asrow�r Nts ,j,���
<br /> '• � � aeUUt krtarf�dys. [i Hortawer latms. ar[s rtaL'�¢d bY u►p povnnme�tt91�re�+Bta�Y auirt�l.that+anY taasoval a oitter tert�► ',''=
<br /> ' . ° s ot �ny Huardaus &abstanee alfeetin8 tt� ProyeRy ts neeassary�. Hosrov,sr st� pmmRit,r t�f.ro a8 rtecess�uy► rert�edinl ae�ons in �r;��
<br /> . r � ,`::-:
<br /> accordtaiC�vr�tf Eflvlrorttnettta!law.
<br /> ' ,,i y � AS U59S i1 thrs O�D��Dh 20, 'HS�r0ou5 Stbsf�nces' 8t0 th0� &ubslattc� tia�ted 8s Wxic Ci he�ous SubSmttCa3 bi/
<br /> . ----�-- # ; �vt�e�1 Law and fhe falawitp subst�tso�x�SOSrte,ketosatc0.othar fluratsabla or tmdc Pe3rote�sm O�Sucts. cmdc PestiCides end
<br /> � ' . i herbicides.valat3e soHents.muerials arntaini�g asmrste3 or tamrr�tdaAyde.end radfcaatke matefrels. As used in 1Ms partg�aph 2�. ,:'r.'
<br /> t : `�,E,.n�,rr.(,�ro.rtm. Ynyft�l Law• tntens fedetal iiws and laxs ot tha buisdxdon whara ths Property is beafad that � to Rsa1t1.satelY oP :�-
<br /> e
<br /> � � ,'``:� a 1 P���{i��++�W y+YU��.� -��'�!-.
<br /> NQN�UNIFaR�A COUENANTS. 8otrowar and LanQer(urther Ca�'.ant a�fd a�rea as taIIOw� -:-�_
<br /> ' � 21. Acce9eratlon; Remr.�l[es. Lend�r slsa[1 Qiva rtottce to BoTrewu prior fo accelerattmn toUa�l�[� E:�=�
<br /> �� ; gorrowePa hreac� ot atry �ovenani or aqreement [n this Sts�sriiy trtatrumeM (but r�ot prIor to o -
<br /> � � acateratton under�taruQraph 17 uNass appltr.�bte law prdvides�fherwise�. TAe noticc shatl �peclt�: �---
<br /> � Ea)the d�ta�ut� (b)ff�e s�on requtred t� wre the defaul� (cj a da7rs, not les�t h a n 30 daya tram�e =_-
<br /> � } daLe 9he c�aflce t�yiven to Bamower.by Nfiteh the detautt must bt eurad: �nd (dj ttmt fad[are tm �e
<br /> the detautt on or betare tha date spesMed In 43t� a�tice may reauft In accele�ation at tha �rirss
<br /> . � aecured by this Securriy fnatraapneM an� aeie �Y tLze Property. Tt� RotJce ahetl f�rther ic�e�n
<br /> � � Borrowu of the N�ht Lo �elnatate after accel�ratton end the rinht to �ria� s �auri action 4o assert the -
<br /> � uaon-e�datertce o?a detautt or am��ther de4ertae ot I�arrewer to accet�rat3on and aale. [t 3t�e defsult ts
<br /> '":4;:�,� not ewad on or betote the dat� ap�ciRed tn 4ha �a�tee, Lender at its optian rtay rtqulre immadtate
<br /> .�, psyment in tu11 of atl sums seeured �y thfs Ser�rrtiy Irtatrutnent witi�nt turQ�ter demand and may
<br /> •. �- Invoke the Rower of saYe and any other remediea peranStted by appllca�te law. L:�nder atlnll lra3
<br /> e�titted to co[Iact all expenaes irtcuRed in purautng 9lte ren:edtes provided In thta par�reph 29,
<br /> �'� includ��g,bu4�st liniited to.reaaonable attomeyr te�a and�oats of tiUe evidence.
<br /> tf 1he potiuer �4 aaie is invoked� Trustee st�afl recard s nottee of det�lt tn ea�h eouMy tn wt0ch
<br /> � �Y P�ot 4tte PrmpErty ts btate� and sh�il msil eaples ot auch natice (n the manner preaerihed by
<br /> ' � appl�cahte taqv t4 Barrower and �o the other peraons pres�ribcd by spplicabl� law. ARer tife tlme
<br /> � required by applicabla law.Trustee s1�a11 Qhra pnbtie cwtiee of sNe to the ptr�ons�nd tn the mar►ner
<br /> �, pres�ertbed by appticsbte tawr. Trustee,without demana on Bmrrower.sbap sell the Property�t pubtla
<br /> � auetion to the hfpheat bidder at the timc au�d ptace aad under the terma detignated in the r�ottee of
<br /> , � . . sate tn one or more parcets artd in any aruier TrusYee deteranines. Trustea mry paad�one sale of dl
<br /> . �,,�;ti5�Z . or any �arcel ot t1�e Pro�ctri�,r F�Y Publte annouR���4 at the Ume end ptace o! my prevtou�y
<br /> _ ���;:it�+.�� schedcct�d aata L,ender ar[i�cic�.atQrtce may parchase�he Propetty at any sala• -
<br /> -_ : . � � � Upon receipt o! payc�er�4 �'1 the prlee bid, Yraes�e shatl detiver to the purehaaer Trustee'� deed �_
<br /> conveyinp the P�u�a4y. Ttie raeitats in the Trustee's deed shall be prims hcie tvtdence ot tl�e truth �F ,
<br /> m!the statenae�t�m�s theretn. Trustee =ha!! apply the proceeda ot the sde tn the totbwin�order: ��°
<br /> � � � (a)t�itf9 cost�s actc� e�enses of exerclsinp the power ot ss�le, and fhe aate, tnefudin� tt�e prymant ot j�-=--
<br /> `:;.i�'� � the 4�ccr�t�:'s tees actusliy ta�cua�ed,not to exceed 3 %6!the �rincipal arnc�unt ot the nate `-
<br /> :..,:�;
<br /> �;,:,R. at the tirrrr�04 the d�ctaratiar� csf`det�utt� and rea�anable alLOrney's teas as perm11te0 by law;(bj t�o atl ��".
<br /> � � �r sums secured by thb Sea�arE�y Instrucnent; and (c) any exeeas tn t h e penan ar paremns le�l l y =°_
<br /> � •. entiUed to [L �_
<br /> 22. Reeonv�yanae. uaa+aarmenl a�eo�sacurea dy mis see�r msaument t�c�rsaer tit►x,u�t TNStas to raconue�r =•__,
<br /> . ,.;:�'t:.•i ths Ptopc�tS+end sht!surtersdar thh Sea:�lY tnstr�'.e►:8 ard aD nata.�o+ridonelrtp dabt r>eeured by tis�s�iaG� Qns�um�nt to Tnub�. ��-
<br /> �.'Y�I'...•
<br /> ;,..�,:,;,1'. Truste�thasl r,�conv�y ths Property w�ticma3 warrar.iy ar.d wB.Ra:it cfst,rpo tv the P�en or patsan�(u3u1f,�ani3l�d to� S1ieb prtsai or �;.;
<br /> . �;,�,�ro�` porsons sh.a:l pay esy roeordata'�costs. ,�-
<br /> 23.�U�SliLut�Tet�atC�. l�►de�,at� opt�cn. may hom scr.3 to tJrteg ro.m��e Trus!�and aAPaint e suocnssos trustw w .
<br /> - nny Trustoe aPPa�ited herm�nder by an �sbument record�d tn fho cnvnry � which thb Secur3y Instrumen! b rdcordsd. {Nlheul
<br /> — � eo;ivayance o1 the Proparty. sueeessa trus�e sAaN suxeed to au tha tdJe,pa+rer end�ties confcrtoA upan Trusfea herM'� srtd by
<br /> �ppSc&b1D letw.
<br /> • , � 24. ii6Queat iCT PlOttc=s. 6arrower mqua�^ts t►�at cayies of tha naUcus o1 d�tauR and cate ba sent tn Borrowrs sd�kas
<br /> . which is tha PropoRy Admrass. •
<br /> � 8ti. �9d�ra t�s t�is Sesar�ty tnatrument t/ ano or rrtara et4era aro�eu"..�0 6y Borrower end iosorded to(xtteer Wth
<br /> ' thSs Ssturty In�um�nL the Cov8nant3 8nd�Gt aach cutA tider ahaH Ca htorParn�ed{nto ettd s�taf errbr:d�ttfl su�llrt�ctt
<br /> . - th9 CCVe�tsJtiS ettd 4¢6e�nenb Gf IA'S Seetu�EY Ins'9ltrnmt RS Y ths ridtr(S)werB e p8R o}tt�is SeCUtiy tn5fittns�L
<br /> � � Ger4 3�Zt Rf70 � .
<br /> ' _ .; ito�.lA:fl U13�) �a;,a e of 5 .
<br /> - -� =-
<br /> ' i
<br /> -. � C3t
<br /> ,1 ! _
<br />