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5286 <br />al <br />8cr <br />.1 <br />T <br />O <br />.. <br />O '� <br />` C. C• D <br />H Lp -� can <br />gib 4.01) <br />N' Nc - P s� K 9c. 5k Actual Point Of Beginning <br />1 i 5 0 i -$4,q0 <br />ie hell -.c S.E. Cor. Park Reserve <br />N do Of The Subdivision Of <br />a, 1 Block One (1), Gilbert's <br />2nd. Addition To The City <br />Zi; \ Of Grand Island, Hall <br />,\ County, Nebraska <br />Utility Easement <br />Broodwo / <br />I <br />QB <br />seok� <br />.0 0, �-466gots <br />Description <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Pork Reserve of the Subdivision of Block One (1), Gilbert's 2nd. <br />Addition to the City of Grond Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as fo/lows: <br />Beginning at the southeast comer of soid Pork Reserve of the Subdivision of Block One (1), Gilbert's 2nd. <br />Addition, said point o/so being on the southwesterly right of way line of Eddy Street; thence running northwesterly <br />along the northeasterly line of said Park Reserve of the Subdivision of Block One (1), Gilberts 2nd. Addition, and <br />the southwesterly right of way line of Eddy Street, on on Assumed Bearing of N29'53'54104 a distance of Seventy <br />tight and Ninety Six Hundredths (78.96) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence running 560'06'05X a <br />distance of One Hundred Four and Ninety Nine Hundredths (104.99) feet, to a point on the westerly line of said <br />Pork Reserve of the Subdivision of Block One (1), Gilberts 2nd. Addition and to o point on the easterly right of <br />way line of Broodwell Avenue; thence running N01'19231V, along the west line of said Pork Reserve of the <br />Subdivision of Block One (1), Gilberts 2nd. Addition and the easterly right of way line of Broodwefl Avenue, o <br />distonce of Twenty Two and Seventy Seven Hundredths (22.77) feet; thence running N60'06 05T a distance Ninety <br />Four and Nine Hundredths (94.09) feet, to a point on the easterly line of said Pork Reserve of the Subdivision of <br />Block One (1), Gilbert's 2nd. Addition and to a point on the westerly night of way line of Eddy Street; thence <br />running S29'53'541; along the easterly line of said Pork Reserve of the Subdivision of Block One (1), Gilbert's <br />2nd. Addition and the westerly right of way line of Eddy Street, a distance of Twenty (20.00) feet, to the ACTUAL <br />point of beginning and containing 0.046 acres more or less. EXHIBIT "A" <br />_ OMRW.�, A ..a <br />2610 NORTH Wi30 ROAD. GRAND 101A11D. NIII1ITASKA 00002 P.O310X 74e <br />aMAIL stavoyetecounpubramaceplemorn PNONG (707)702-1172 PAX (700) 002-1123 <br />DATE: 4/28/2021 <br />