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200109302 <br />5. Sidewalks. The Subdivider shall not be required to install sidewalks on Lots <br />One (1), Two (2), and Three (3) of Block One (1) in the subdivision. The Subdivider shall install <br />public sidewalks on all remaining lots including Outlot One (1) of Block Two (2) as required by thb <br />City of Grand Island when the lots are built upon, and such sidewalk shall be regulated and required <br />with the building permit for each such lot. <br />6. Flood Plain. Since the subdivision is within a delineated flood plain, all <br />structures constructed shall have the lowest floor elevation to a minimum of one foot above the <br />elev cation oftl;e I `,ii; - year oou as deLiermaned by the building permit received by the Subdivider or <br />successors from the Building Department under the provisions of Section 2- 1506 -06, R.R.S. 1943. <br />No basement shall be constructed in connection with any structure in the flood plain unless such <br />basement is floodproofed and certified as such by a qualified engineer or architect. <br />7. Easements. Easements dedicated to the public shall be accessible to any <br />private or public entities for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, or replacing such <br />public and private utilities. <br />8. Landscaping. The Subdivider agrees to comply with the requirements of the <br />Landscaping Regulations of the City of Grand Island, and plans as submitted to and approved by the <br />City's Building Department. <br />9. Engineering Data. All final engineering plans and specifications for public <br />improvements shall bear the signature and seal of a registered professional engineer and shall be <br />furnished by the Subdivider to the Department of Public Works for approval prior to contracting for <br />construction of any improvements. Inspections of improvements under construction shall be <br />performed under the supervision of a professional registered engineer and upon completion shall be <br />ME <br />