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Please return 10: <br />LA -21-15 <br />Canna Delosh <br />Public works Department <br />PO Box 1968 <br />Grand Island, NE 861102 <br />Tror Some liewvee ler Remo" of Moo <br />License Agreement <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />ON IN3WI1I1SN1 Sb Q31131N3 <br />This License Agreement is made by and between the CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. a municipal Corporation, herein referred to es the `Licensol and QWEST <br />CORPORATION dibfe CENTURYLINK OC d . Owner. hereinafter referred to as the 'Licensee' - <br />1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. The purpose of this License Agreement 4 to set forth the lens and conditions, under which the Licensee may construct, maintain, repair, and <br />Mae the ldlowing descnbed Improvement which will infringe upon a pubbc right of way: <br />To access the City's public right-of-way for installation of Ouest Corporation dba CemuryLink OC fiber to serve 606 - 612 North Diers Avenue, per the attached exhibit "A", <br />dated 2021/5/5 and consisting of one (1) page. <br />2. DESCRIPTION OF LICENSEES REAL ESTATE. The Licensee owns the following described real estate adjacent to the Licensors public right of way to which this License <br />Agreement shall apply: <br />LOT TWELVE (12), RICHMOND SUBDIVISION. IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA. <br />3 LICENSEES DUTIES AND RISKS it is understood and agreed that the Licenses may cons*ucL maintain. repair Inc utilize the above described Improvement at the <br />Licensee's sok risk The Licensee hereby waves any claim for damages against the Licensor. its officers, employee. agents and independent contractors for any damage or Injury <br />that may result to said c provemenl. II the Licensor. In its sole discretion, determines that any pan or all of the Improvement must be removed or is damaged by the Licenser. ib <br />employees, agents or independent contractors working for the Licensor during the course of their employment or duties with the Licensor, the Licensee agrees to assume and pay <br />al costs relating to the replacement or repair of the Improvement Licensee indemnifies and holds the City harmless from and against all claims ening out of fir use or occupancy <br />allowed uMer this agreement <br />Licensee shall coordinate any and ell work with the Crly of Greed island, their consultant, and contractor to eliminate any interference with Chy utIhles. Any <br />interference *OM City atMares shall be addressed Immediately and at the s301/en5e of the Licensee. <br />Lkansw if respoaab% for their contractor obtaining a Right -of -Way permit from the City of Grand Island Public Works Deperbn.ns, as wag as submitting an <br />approved traffic control plan prior to commencement of any work. Locate gags shelf be removed after the excavation work has boon defanNned to be <br />complete. <br />4. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES The Licensee is responsible for locating and coordinating ongnet construction and Mure maintenance work 011 to described <br />Improvement. No excavation work will be permitted In tate rata of underoround utility facilities until al such facilities have been located and identified to the ssaisfeceon of alt <br />parties. The excavation must be done with care In order to avoid any possibility of damage to the utility Nobly. The Licensee she, be responsible ice any and al damages, Nan <br />City utility Infrastructure shill not pralel a water main biose than three (3) feel There is a pad mount electrical transformer on the northwest Comer of the building at 612 North <br />Diens with underground eiecktcal Ione mmnng west which will need to be cerelully avoided <br />5. RESTORATION OF PROPERTY If the construction or mamtenanoe of the improvement identified in Paragraph 1 above requires the excavation of earth, remain of hard <br />surfacing, pass, vegetation, lendscapng, or any other disruption of lie surface of the public right-of-way or neighborng property, the Licensee shall ream the surface of the area <br />to the same condleon as it existed Immediately prior to the Licensee's work in the area <br />8. EFFECTIVE 047'E. TMs License Agreement shag take effect on the dirk it Ice created by the Public Works Director/City Engineer of the City of Grand Island as dated below. 11 <br />shall continue for an indefinite tem or until such eine as it is terminated as provided hereafter. <br />7 TERMINAnoN. This License Agreement shall terminate upon ono or mon of the following occurrences: <br />(a) The service of sixty (60) days wntien notice al intention to le m mak by any parry upon the other parry. <br />(9) The Licensee's application Ira pend to atter said improvement or any part thereof. unless said permit is for work due to an occurrence as described in Paragraph 3 <br />above and said work bas he pnor women approval of the Licensor <br />(c) The Licensee's construction or installation of any structure or improvement of any nature upon the City's property, public right-of-way, or easement owned by fie <br />Llcehsa 113109* that described in Paragraph 1 above. <br />Upon the terminahon of this License Agreement, the Licensee shah be required. and hereby agrees, to remove said improvement horn the Licensors property at its oaa expense <br />and without cast to the Licensor Said removal to occur no later than sixty (60) days arta receipt of se notice of intention to terminate or any W the oraementes sal font in <br />to <br />Paragraph <br />77 the lovie. <br />Shouldrt a iLiLi ense fad to ddo so, the Licensor may remove or cause the removal of said improvement from the Licensors property and the Licensee agrees <br />8. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreement shell be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. <br /> 6/7/2021 <br />
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