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20210528 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />B. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, thee successors and assigns. <br />9 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This License Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parbes notwithstanding any other oral or written agreements to the contrary. This <br />License Agreement shall be amended only in writing executed by all parties hereto <br />10. CHOICE OF LAWS. This License Agreement shalt be construed in accordance with the laws of the Stale of Nebraska and the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />11. CONTENT OF LANGUAGE. Wherever the context of the language in this License Agreement is appropriate, the singular shall appy to the plural and the plural shall apply to <br />the angular ►/�LC.I , <br />DATED d Lf / I)(J it <br />LICENSOR: <br />C/TY OF GRAND ISLAND, NE RASKA <br />A Municipal o • . ion, <br />By: <br />Collins, PE - Public . r Engineer <br />STE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />On this I (L.) day ol'J&.JLII t1Lr114 <br />before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public. Qualified in said County personalty came John Collins, PE - Public Works DirectorlCity <br />Engineer for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a municipal corporation, known to me to be such officer and the Identical person who signed the foregoing License Agreement <br />and acknowledged that the foregoing signature was her voluntary ell and deed, and that corporate rwas thereto affixed by proper authority. <br />LICENSEE: <br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />CATRINA M. DELOSH <br />or"j_` My Comm. Exp. August 10, 2023 <br />Notary Public <br />QYYEST CORPORATIOMdlbla CENTURYLINK OC. OWNER <br />!/ //3 <br />SIGNATUR <br />• STATE OF [iC17)(-t 51:_i, ) <br />I�. I;g <br />COUNTY OF 2 � I <br />On ass 7 day of 1/4.71..; it C 20.2 I before me, the undersigned. a Notary Pubkc in and for sad County and Stale. personally appeared <br />. OWNER. known personally to me to be Inn identical person and such officer who signed the foregoing License Agreement and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be her voluntary all and deed for the purpose therein ',Tressed on behalf or the corporation WITNESS my nano and Notamt Seal the <br />date above written. ,l f ` �. <br />Notary ublic - <br />411111111011N•Illidlhbmil <br />Carrie E Bender <br />My Comm. Exp, May 21. 2023 <br />https://grandisland.v 6/3/202 <br />