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202105214 <br />• J Ctr•eate Limerid revoke or terminate an inter vivos trust <br />• <br />/ • Make a gift. subject to the !imitations of the Uniform Power of Attorney Act set forth <br />section lit, i1.1-740 Coorado Revise.d Statutes and any special instructions in this <br />power of attorney <br />Crate or change rights of survivorsh.p <br />Create or (*.flange a beneficiary designation <br />Jr, • i• Authorize another person to exercise the authority granted under this power of <br />attorney <br />Waive Ine principal s right. to ie a berrefic .•try of a joint and survivor annuity <br />e . inOluding a survivor benefit under a retirement plan <br />tt!! Exercise fiduciary powers that the principal has auttlonly to delegate <br />'ph4ciairn refuse. or release ar interest in property or a bower of appointment <br />tk.tii),irj'Exero!stiiii a power of appointrrent other than r 1 The exercise of a general power of <br />appointment eor tne benefit of the principal which may ,f the subject of estates <br />usts and other ueneficiai interests Is authorized above be exercised as provided <br />ondet the riurrjeot art estates trusts and other beneficial interests or (2) the exercise <br />cOvve, )r.Jppoth tinent fo: the t)eriefit of persons other than the pnncipal <br />whiiii!fi may if the fT'ai•dr'', of a gif: is specifical'y authorized above be exercised <br />under tre spec fir: aritrnrizatiion tn make gifts <br />sn ;.net,; f•tr,'irrr na-r•orty as a rarine" mennber or manager of a partner- <br />jjci hat: hi or 'itner nt r31 Inc principai may exercise on <br />r;err:i f of the erty aoo has a.itt)ot ty to de'egate excluTng the exercise of such <br />a...;!hc:rIty tm espect 10 an entity owned solely by the principal <br />evi• (et, --3;)h(;e erehty ot rrs s authorized above be exercised as <br />;..iovirted Linder the sbbje*.t or operation of tne entity or business <br />LIMITATION ON AGENT'S AUTHORITY <br />An argent tinat is not my ancestor spouse or ,Jescenaant MAY NOT use rry property to <br />benefit 100 agent Of a person to whore t,Oh:t agent Owes an otkgatIOn of support unless I have <br />iiiiudei:t that outnarity in the specidi instructirms <br />SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (OPTIONAL) <br />You rir,:ty ve strer,,ti irlstructions err thr- following lines <br />- - lIsy•Jivf <br />EFFECTIVE DATE <br />iattorneiyi r:...ffeiiitive iiiiine•liat(rly unless :v...• stated otherwise in the special <br />ors <br />s 1 ‘1!1 (11 ( ()I ()RAD() SI VI( 1()111 1ORN1 1'0%1 1 ()RN1A Pagc 3 of () <br />