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� I <br /> �g� 1�5692 <br /> � If t_�ndcr rcquiced murtgage ins�rdc�.�a�ao»ditirn� of making the lnan securcd by this Security lnstrument, <br /> &�rrowcr shall pay tt�c premiuma�rcyuiced w t�int#in thc insurance in e�'ect unti l si�c h timc as t he requi�ement for I ha <br /> insurancc tcrminatc�m a�•cordance�ith Hacrowet'yp��iLender's written agrcement��r applica�ble law. <br /> a. lnspection. Lender nr its agent may makc reasonuble entries upan nnd inspections�f'thc Propurty. 4ender <br /> shall gi�•c B�rr��N•er notice ut�he time of�r pnor ta an inspectian 9pecifyiog rea4onablc rs�usc for the in�pcction. <br /> 9. Coedenn�tio�. The proceeds of any award ar claim fdr damagta,dircct nr consequantiul,in canncctian with , <br /> any cc►ndemn�tion c►r other tAking oP any pan of the Praperty, ur for conveyant�e in lieu of candemnation. are hereby <br /> usigned and shall be paid ta I.ender. <br /> In the event o!'A totul taking of the Aruper��•, the proceeds shaU be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br /> , Instrument,whethcc or not then due,with uny excess paid to Horrowe�. ln the event af a purtial taking of the Propeny. <br /> u�less Borrawer and Lender athenrrisa agrec in writing,the sums securcd by this Security instrument shall be reduced by <br /> ' the am�unt of the proceeds multipli�±d hy the fc�llawing fruction: (a)the total amount of the sums secured immediately <br /> befixe Ihe taking,di�+ided by(b)the fair market value af the Property immediately befare the taking.Any balance shall be <br /> pAt(�tQ E�Oi[OK'Cf� <br /> If the!'roperty is uband�ned by Bonower.or if,atter rtatice by Lender to Bo�rower thnt the condemnor offers to <br /> make an award or settle a claim for damages,Borr�wer fails ta respcand to i.ender within 30 days aRer the date the notice is <br /> : given,l..ender is suthorized to collect and apply the its optian,either ta restoration or repai�of'the Property or <br /> to the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument,whether or nat then due. <br /> Unles.g Lender and Horrawer otherwix agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not e�tend or <br /> � postpcme the due dute af the monthly paymcnts refetted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of such payments. <br /> 10. Horrowe� Not Releaud; For6earance By Lende� Not a Walver. Eatension oP the time for payment or <br /> modification of amartization oP the sums securGd by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to uny successor in <br /> . interest Qf Borrower shall not operate to relcase the liability of the original 13arrowcr or Borrower's successors in interest. <br /> Lender shall not be requirod to commence praceedings against anp succeswr in intenst o� refuse to extend time for <br /> pnyment or othenvise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by relson of any demund made <br /> by the oRginal Barrower or BorroWer's succe.ssors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy <br /> shall not be a waiver af or preclude the cxercise of any nght or remtdy. � < <br /> Il. Succes�wn and Aai�s Bound;Joint u�d 5e�en!Uabllity;Casi�n�rs. The covenants and agreements of ; ; <br /> this Securiry instrument shall bind and bcneflt the successors and assigns of I.ender and Barraw�r,subject tn the provisions =, <br /> of paragraph 17.Borrawe�'s covenants and agreements shall he joint and several.Any Borrower wha casigns this Security ��:. <br /> Instrument but does nat execute the Note:(a)is ca-signing this Security lnstrument only to mortgage.grant and convey I <br />