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01 <br />01 <br />Return to: <br />Erin Urbom <br />202 W. 3' St. <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />QUITCLAIM DEED <br />rr <br />r:^ <br />Kevin M. Pool, a single person, hereinafter GRANTOR, whether one or more, in <br />consideration of the terms of the Decree of Dissolution in Hall County District Court, Case No. <br />CI20-593, quitclaims and conveys to Lisa L. Pool, a single person, hereinafter GRANTEE, the <br />following described real estate, located at 641 MacArthur Ave., Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, legally described as follows: (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec. 76-201) <br />Part of Lot "H", Joehnck's Subdivision in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of <br />Section Fifteen (15), Township • Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of <br />the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of MacArthur Avenue <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, said point being Thirty - <br />Three (33.0) feet Southeasterly and Two Hundred Thirty (230.0) feet <br />Southwesterly from the Northeast corner of said Lot "H", Joehnck's <br />Subdivision; thence Southeasterly parallel to the Northeasterly line of said <br />Lot "H", a distance of One Hundred Forty -One and Six Tenths (141.6) Feet; <br />thence Southwesterly parallel to the Northwesterly line of said Lot "H", a <br />distance of Fifty -Four (54.0) feet; thence Northwesterly parallel to the <br />Northwesterly line of said Lot "H", a distance of Fifty -Four (54.0) feet; <br />thence Northwesterly parallel to the Northeasterly line of Lot "H", a distance <br />of One Hundred Forty -One and Six Tenths (141.6) feet, to the Southeasterly <br />line of MacArthur Avenue; thence Northeasterly parallel to the <br />Northwesterly line of said Lot "H" a distance of Fifty -Four (54.0) feet to the <br />place of beginning. (Physical Addr: 641 E. MacArthur Ave., Grand Island, NE) <br />Executed this day ofe , 2021. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />Kevin M. Pool, Grantor <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, in and for said <br />County and State by Kevin M. Pool, Grantor, known to me to be the identical person who <br />executed the above and foregoing Quitclaim Deed. <br />DATED: 1 a , 2021. <br />Notary Public <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />