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rh ��:�•�i • w;'•�f-:: . .E?l�"'xY�:t��i�a.::'k['"b.7�• � t�3;r <br /> __4.� A ,jy� ' � • �T�k " 'i:'�:`'f4'�� ' F= �i . . . <br /> j[�'��t+�� , . '/ �� (, ' :T .. . � 1 . <br /> . - _ �''"��y.i's'';�v '��__'-S_."'_`.--.'____'_'___' '__ �__"�_._.�,...._.__.. '�_�—_—.._.'.. _. ...'__'"J'-.,.—'__—" <br /> �9 ����� <br /> . ;' TQ�BTHEft WTfH all the impmve�ents nop�or hereafter erected on the pmgerty.��11 ease Qnu.aPPurtenaaces,aad <br /> •• •� futtares uow or hereafter a part of the pmgerty. All replas�ments and additions shall also be cover� by this S�curary <br /> . •� in.ctmment.All of the foregoing ls c�eferr�to in tLis SECUrity Instrumeat as the°ProP�Y•° �: <br /> • • gORItO«IER COVENANTS that Bamower is lawhilly seised of the estaze hereby conv�yed aad has the right to�rant aud " <br /> ` , coavey the Paagerty aad thaz the PmgeitY Ls uaEnsaimbxred,except for eacumbraaces of recard. Barrorrer�ranaats and�il1 �"_ <br /> . , defend geIIeialiy t$e title to the Progert�+against sIi claims ead demauds,su�jea to aay cnsumbranczs of record. �t_. <br />--_--_.,. - __ 'TgiIS cFCt�t1'�I�1vS7'�RUMEIe1T cambiaes uniform covenanu for national use ansl noa-uaiform wven.aa!s with Iimited �.:,: <br /> � varlatia�s by JurisdlcxIon to caa�ritute a upifor�securiry i�struffient ooverin8�P�F�Y• . <br /> � • . UIVIFORIyi COVENAN'I`8.Borrower and Leader ooveaans and agn�as fol!ovis: <br /> • . - 1. Payra�eni of�[csi��l ssi�Ia�ier:�: �e�aya.n3 c�rtd l�a42��. Bomo�ver s3iali proirptly pay �vhen due t�e <br /> ��'r. p�i�a1 af and fint��t cm the dcbt evl�l.,-nted tsy th�Plote aad unY Pre�ayrz:nt a.IId lass�arga�d�e�nc�ee th�Note. E <br /> `'4'' � 2. F1►m�s fcr Taxes uu�Ias�aace.Subject to applicable law or co a written waiver by Lendsr,Bflrro�tier sh�ll pny to <br /> ' � L�nder on ths day m9nthly payments nr�due uader ths IVote.�snW ttze Note is gaid in fie11.a sum(°Funds"�for.(a)yearly taxes �_- <br /> ' . . • : j and essessmsnta c�h!c6 may sttain pstoriry over thls�ecurity Pnsuuffient ag a l Ien oa t he P r a g e rt y:N)Year ly leas e hQ l d p a y m$ats = <br /> . t � or ground cents am the Froperty.Ig any.(c)YeaTt3+tiazard or pmperty ias�.uaace presaiums:(d)Yearly flood insur�r�r�e premium9, - <br /> - -��- if auy:(el Y�Y�#��{usur��premiums. If any:2ad(f�any sums payable by Botmwes to LeSder. In sc�rd2aee wIth <br />. . � ttie provisions of g.aragraph$,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuransx premiums.These items are called'Est�rau+Item�.° ° <br /> . • � •��- L,eader� anY time,collect aad hotd Fuads ia an amnuat nat to eacoeed the maximum amfluat a lender foz a federally — <br /> � relsud mortgags loaa may req'uire for Borrower's essm�v Eocount uaQer the federal Real F.state Settlement Prooedare,s Act of <br /> . . 19T4 as amend.�fmm time to time. 12 U.S.C.S�ti�a 2601 er seq. (`RESPA"),unIess�¢ua�er la�v that applies w ths Fundn <br /> �5 sets a lesser amoun�If so. Leader may, at aay dme.collect aad hold Funds in aa amauns r.nt w exceed the lessei amoun� - <br /> • ' Leader may�.stimate ths amount of Funds due on the basis of cw�rent data and re�Bnab:e es3amates of exgenditures of futur� <br /> ' • `i` Escraw It�s ar otttecwiss in accordaaoe witb agplicable law. ` <br /> �� The Fun.�s �11 1�reYd ia an instiwuon whose deposiu are iasuced by a fedetal ageaay, insuunasntality. or entiry <br /> _�--..,.,.- C�luding Iead..r,if Le�dzr is such an insrinitian)ot in aay Federal�mc Loaa��k.Lender shall apply t�Funsls to pay the _ <br /> �scsew Itsms.Lender a�y�t charge Haasawer for tc�nldie,;and aggiyiag the F�s,annuallY an�lyung th�escrow account,or .- <br /> �� . �, r-erifyIng the Bscruw Ite�s,�ess L�ea�er pays So��-�r inter�st aa the F:mds�sd�plicable law pe�mits�s to make such .. <br /> ' a charge.However,lxnder cay requiae�orrower w pay a one-ti�a�harge for aa indeptndeat ceal estate tax repania�service _- <br /> r <br /> � � used by I.eader in connoai�n with thas toan, naiess applicable law provides atherwise. Unlzss aa agrcement is made or <br /> _:�;� -:-=.:� ' applicable law�ni�ss iax�t to be gaicl,Leader shall not be required to pay Borrawer any ant�est ar ea�nings on th�Funds. � <br /> `�t:... _ <br /> __= Borrawer sud Lender ma�,�in writing,however,that interest shall be paid aa the Funds. L�ader s6a11 give to Barrower. <br /> --_ ' • without c� anauF::zxouating of the Funds. showing credits and debits tn tte Fuads a4d the puipose for wl�ich each _ <br /> � •�� d�bit to the Fuuds was made.The Funds aie pie8ged as addiaonal s�z..*�!y for aU srms secured b�thLg S4curiry Instn�nt. <br /> "�`s'-�-� r" 4f the Fuads held by Leader exceed the amoimLS permitt�to Yxe ha.3 by upplicable law,Lc4der shall accouut to Banaar�r <br /> ;.�:, :...�. <br /> �'r t;�`� '' foz the excess Funds ia accardana with the requimmeats of appli�:aw.If the amount of the Fuads h:ld by Leader at zay <br /> `'�':"�.:.:'"`' dme is�xoi sutf cient to gay ttts Escroa Items when du:,L.ender may so notify�cr.�wer in vnlUmg,aad,in�case Borrawer -- <br /> �'�,;;:,.'�.,s..., rhall p�y to lcnder the a�,.-unt necessary w make�dce deficiency. Borro�e::���' maYe up the defici� uo mflra than <br /> :_�t;�':�`•. ' :"'�.. twelve monthtY Payments,at Leader's�r_�discretion. <br /> =�;.�'�"�'�e� Upoa Payment in fuU af a]} su.�,secvred by this Security Insavment, Lender sha11 p��-��.1y nfarai to Bnmower aay <br /> �,�;,. � <br /> ' '� �� F�ds tield by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,I.ender shall ac�uire or seA t�e Property,�.er.a�., @or to the sy,;vition or sale ___ <br /> � � ��f J'� of the Propercy,shall apP-;!az►y Fuads held by Lender at tiie time of acquisido�a-::ale as a cmazit agaInss�,.samg seraued by -- <br /> -�:;:w.�;�` ._. e�is Securlty Insuument. <br /> -:�'�''?,,`'" 3.AppiIartion of r.�,y�mts.iJNess appiicable law pmvides otherwiss,��r�s;�ents received by I,ectder uader paiaagraphs <br /> �.v;�4.-�' <br /> -_--'u r.�c�� 1 and 2 sP�::i:�e agplied:fir�� aaY P�PaY���es due ua����e:�c::: w:ond,to a��:.�.�s payab2e uadM paragragh 2. <br /> --=��`'�� third,to in'.��c due;fc�.�.�tL,to principal due;aad last,to any late c��,;��ue�:.,'_er ehe Novt. <br /> -- <br />