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202104949 <br />Prepared By: <br />Susan Geis <br />4257 Nevada Avenue <br />Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />After Recording Return To: <br />Susan Geis <br />4257 Nevada Avenue <br />Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />REVOCABLE TRANSFER ON DEATH DEED <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: <br />I, Susan Geis, a single person, (herein referred to as "Grantor"), does hereby convey unto Grantees as <br />designated below, (herein referred to as "Grantee"), effective upon my death, the following described <br />real property located in Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska: <br />Legal Description: CAPITAL HEIGHTS SEVENTH SUB LT 24 <br />Grantees: <br />Kristen Rejda <br />5931 Aylesworth Avenue <br />Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 <br />Sean Matheson <br />7051 Bianca Avenue <br />Van Nuys, California 91406 <br />Until a change is requested, the county clerk shall send tax statements to the following address: <br />4257 Nevada Avenue <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />TRANSFER ON DEATH: At my death, I transfer my interest in the described property to the beneficiaries <br />as designated above. Before my death I have the right to revoke this deed. <br />Grantor Acknowledgement <br />GRANTOR: azfl� � DATED: - If - 02-o 02--/ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF HALL, SS: <br />This instrument was acknowledged before me on this / ( day of <br />GENERAL NOTARY - LORI State SEN ot Nebraska <br />My Comm. Exp. December 1, 2022 <br />otary Public <br />My commission expires: beo,I AD aD <br />