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202104927 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land comprising of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (E%SEYSE%), Section Four (4), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. More particularly described as follows: Beginning at the <br />northeast corner of said EY2SEY4SE'h; thence S 00°13'25" E on and upon the east line of said <br />E%SEY4SEY4 a distance of 1320.58 feet to the southeast corner of said E'/%SE%4SE%; thence S <br />89°5731" W on and upon the south line of said E'/4SEY4SE% a distance of 660.59 feet to the <br />southwest corner of said EV2SE%SE%; thence N 00°08'43" W on and upon the west line of said <br />E%SE%SE% a distance of 1321.38 feet to the northwest corner of said EY2SE%SE%; thence S <br />89°58'18" E on and upon the north line of said E%SE%4SEY4 a distance of 658.78 feet the Point of <br />Beginning. Said tract contains 20.005 acres more or less, of which 1.783 acres is road right-of-way to <br />be dedicated. <br />The Property is the homestead of the Grantor. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. <br />Grantor declares that the transfer is exempt from any documentary transfer taxes. <br />EXECUTED this <br />1.0 day of GN� <br />Steven R. Powell <br />Grantor (Spouse Signature Grantor (Spouse) Name <br />fug <br />Grantor (Spouse) Signature Grantor (Spouse) Name <br />Kathleen A. Powell <br />Daniel R. Powell <br />Grantee (S use) Signature Grantee (Spouse) Name <br />Chelsea M. Powell <br />rantee (Spouse) Signature Grantee (Spouse) Name <br />Quitclaim Deed (Rev. 1343D0B) 2 / 3 <br />