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._A . . -� _. . <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � �9-- 1058'78 <br /> the P►operty��oo teken or dums�erf,l�nilvr ehAtl havo thn option,�n�te sole and absotute dlacretion,to apply all auah ProCeede, <br /> : eiter deduct�np tnerotrom e11 c�st�and exQtne�a��CUtfBd by it In connectipn Wdh B��Gh PrOCeeds,upon sny Indetatedne�s aacured <br /> r hsreby and in auah order w�Lenciei m.ay determ�ne,ur to epply all auch°raceeda,After�uGh deductiane,to thg reatoratlpn o1 tha � <br /> t , Proae�r upor►ee�ch cand�t�na aa LenEt��nay�trt�rm�na.hny appt�catran at Proc�eds to Ifldehtedness ahail not extend or poatpone <br /> the de�e d�te ot any payments undar the►Nc,;t+.oc curo any detault thereunder o�I�ereunder.Any unapplied tunds ehall be pdid to <br /> Truator. <br /> e. PKlonnane�br Ltrtd�.Upan!ha occurrence ot an Event ot OetauN hereunder,or If sny act is taken or te�al proceedi�p <br /> cammenced which maleriatly attects Lender's intareel in tAe Praperry,Londor may In{ts own dlacretion,but wlthout obli�atlon to do <br /> eo,end wlthput notice to or demantf upon Truttor ar�d withaut relqaaing Truator Trom pny obllpatlon,do any act which Truator haa <br /> •fl�eed but tsils to do and may atso do any ot�ar.�ct�t desms necessary to protect the security h�reaf.Trustor ahell,immediately <br /> uQon demand therefor by lende�,pay ta Lenctar 81h cc�sts and expensea Incurred and eume expAnded by Lendar In connection with <br /> ihe exercise by Lender nf tha forepolnp nghts,togethor with interesl thereon at the default rata provided In the Note,wh9ch sha!!be <br /> edded to the lndabtedness seCUreaf ht�reby, L,pnqe� shall not incur any I�a6fllty beoause ot anylhing it may do or omit tc+ do <br /> hereunde�. <br /> 9. Ha;ardous MN�ri�ls.Trustar shdl!kpep the Property in compUance with all AppUaable Iaw9,ordlnances and regulations <br /> �elatlnp ta indust.►iat hyg�er.e or envf�pnrnentail protection(coltacttvely reterred to hereln ea"Envlronmental Laws").Trustor shell <br />- keep the Prope►ry tree frqm a!�gLbsta�nc�s daomed ta be hazardoua or toHla under any Environmenlal Lews(collectively reterred to <br /> he►eln as"Hezardous M�tt;rlala"1.T�u9tc+r.hgr�by warranta and representa to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or <br />_ under the P�operty.T�usto�her�t�y pgra�s to�ndemnity and hold harmlesa Lender,ita df�ectors,ofticers,employees end agents,and <br /> any s��ccessara to Lender's in2E�ssst,fram and againat any and all claims,damages,losses and Uabilitles aNSing in connection with <br /> the presence, use, dlsposa! or trAnspa�f at any Hazardoue Materials on, undar, from or about the Properry. THE FOREGOING <br /> WARRANTIES ANd FiEPHESENTATIQN�,ANO TRUSTnR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOIN(d INOEMNITY,SHAt.k, <br /> SURVIVE RECQNVEYAlV.GE OF THI�4EED OF TRl1ST. <br /> 10. Ast{�ntnonl of Atewnb.7rusta�hereby assigns te I.ender;he rents,�ss�es and profits of the PropeRy;provlded that Trustas <br /> sh�ll,until the occurren:�uf ac��vent of Detauit ne►eunder,have the r�ght tv callect and retain such rents,issues and profits as they <br /> becomo due and payable.Upon the occunence ot an Event o1 Default,Lender may,either in person or by agent,with or without <br /> bringing any acti0n or p►oCeeding,or by a reCerver app�inted by 3��.:rt and without regard to the adequeCy ot its SeGUrlty,enter <br /> �pan and lake possessi�n of the Property,or any pari thereof,m its cw�na^�e���n the name of the Trustee.and do any acla which it <br /> deems necessary or dessrabte to preserve the value,marketabA�ty or,l,� ot tha Property,or any part thereof or interest therein, <br /> lncrease t�e income titeratrom or protect the secur�ty hcreof and,w�th er weinout taking possession of the Prope�r. sue for or <br /> ottte►wise ca�lect Me tenis, issues and profits lherepf,m.cluda�g those past due and unpa�a�,and apply the same.t6ss coSts and <br /> ' expe�ses o�4bpesatior�and coltection including atto�^�gs'fees,u�C�r.d►`y�nc��bte�ness secured hereby,all in such ptd8r es Lendes <br /> mey deterrrU�e.The entanrtg upon and tak�ng possessian oi the�'roperty.;he c�ltection of such rents,issues and profits and the � , <br /> appliCatlan Me►eof as atoresaid,shall not cu►e or wative any delault or not�ce af defaull hereunder or mvalidate any act done in ,•:- <br /> �esponse to such detaulf or pursuant to such notice ot delault and,notw�thstand�ng the continuance in possession of the Property or ' <br /> the co8ection,race�pt and apptication ot rents,�ssues or protits,and Truatee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every�1ght i• <br /> provid9d for In any o}the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence of any Event oi Detault,including without limitation the right t'� <br /> to exerClse the power o1 sale.Furthar.Lendar's nghts and remedies under this paragreph shall be cumuletive with,and In nn way a <br /> i�n,iinoon vn.�enoer's rignis ano remeCies untler any 88signment of leases and rents recorded agalnst the Property.lendor,Trustee <br /> and the recewe►shall be liabfo to eccounl only for those rents actually rece�ved. <br /> 11. Er�nb ol ONauM.The foliowirg shall constitute an Event of Oe�auh under th�s�eRd ot Trust <br /> (a) Failure to pay any mstallment of princ�pal or mterest ot any other sum secured hereby when due, <br /> (b) A Dreech o1 or default under any prov�sion conta�ned�n the Note,this Deed ol Trust,any ot the Loan Instruments,ot any <br /> other lien or encumbrance upon ihe Property; <br /> (c} A wri!ol oxecut�on or attachment or any s�m�lar process shall be entered agamst Trusror whlch shall become a lien on <br /> , the Property or any portion thereof or mterest there�n, <br /> , (d) There shall be f,led by or agalnst TrustQr or 8o�rowe►an act�on under any present or future federal,state or other <br /> statute,law or reyulation relat�ng to bankruptcy,irsotvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be appointed any trustee, ' <br /> reCeiver or Uquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or ot aIl or any p�rt of the Property,or the rents,issues or prc�tits thereol,or Trustor � <br /> or Borrower shall make any peneral ass�gnment tQr the bene°.+1 01 cred�tors; � <br /> (e) The 9ale,trensier, lease, assignment, conveyance or turther�mbrence of all or any part oi or any ir,terest in the E�� <br /> PrOperty, either v01unt8�ity or mvoluntardy, w�th�ut the exGress wr+tter� consent o} Lender: prov�ded that Teusiar shalt be <br /> permitted to execute a iease of the f�roperty that Qoes not conla�n an optian to purchase and the term of which does not exceed <br /> one ye�r, — <br /> (� Abandonment of the Pro e a- <br /> P rtY:or ; <br /> (g) If 7rusto��s rtet an mdividual.the�ssuance,sale,tranafer.ass�gnmer.t,conveyance or encumbrance oi more than a tatal ;_ <br /> ,..:�. <br /> ot._ psrcent ot(�t a corporation)�ts�ss;.ed and autstand�ng stocr,or(�f a partnersh�p)a total of percent of <br /> partnersh.ip interes:s during the period this Deed ol Trust remains a bert on the Property. � ` <br /> 12• R�rcNdiy;AceN�ntbn Upon DNauH.In the event of an�Event ot 0efault Lender may,without not�ce except as�equired by � <br />: law, declare atf indebtedness secured hereby to be due an6 Raqable and the same shall thereupon become due and payable <br /> without any presentment.demartd.protsst or not�ce ot any k�nd.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exe!cise the PQi�ER OF SALE granted !�e►e�n, and Truatee shalt thereafter cause Trustor's <br /> lnterest in tha Propevty to be sold and the proceeds to be d�stributed,au�n the manner provided�n the Nebraska Trust Deeds <br /> Acfi <br /> �b) Exerctse any and al{r�ghts provided for �n any of the Loan Instrumenis or by �aw upon occurrence of any Event of <br /> Oefaul�and <br /> (c) Commence an action to foreclose th�s Deed oi Trust as a mortgage.�ppo�nt a►ece�ver,or spec�fically entorce any ot the <br /> Covenants he►eo1. <br /> {1io remedy herain Conierred upon or resdrved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclus�ve of any o!�er remedy h9rein,in the <br /> loan Inatruments or by law prov�ded or permitted,but each shall be cumulatrve,shall be m addition to every other recneCy grven <br /> hereunder,ln the loan Instrumenta or now or hereafter existmg at law or in equity or by siatute,and may be exerc�sem ConCUrrently, <br /> irtdependenUy or succes9ively. <br /> 13. T�ustN. The Trustee mey resign ef any time with0ut Cause. and Lert�er may at any nme an� w,ihout cause appa�nt a • `T <br /> 5ucce�sor or subst�tute Trustee.Trustee shail not be liable to any party,�/�Cludtrtg w�ihOUt�^'ation Lont4er,�ptrowec.Trr�sior or anyr <br /> purchaser ot the Property,for any loss or damag0 unless due to reckfeSS or w�:lfur m�scondu��.and shall not be requ�rec�to take any <br /> aCtion in conneCt+on wdh the enforcement of thi9 Deed ot Trust unless mdemnitied. �n writing, tor all costs, compgnsetion or � <br /> expenses which may be assoc�ated therew�th.In addd�un.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale ot the Property pudicial or ' <br /> uncter the pOwer ot sela grente� herQin), pbstpone the selg of alf or any portion of Ihe Prope►ty,as provided by law,br sell the � <br /> Proparty es�whole. or m separate parceis or lots at Trustee's discret�an <br /> � 14 Fles and ExpM�* thu event trustee seus me Property by exerc�se of power ot sale.Trustee shail oe entrtted to oppty � <br /> any 9alg prfl�eeds f�rst tp payment ot au costs anp exponses ot exprC�s�ng power ot sale,mclud�ng aIl trustQe's tees.and Lender.s <br /> ancl Ttusfee'�etto►ney'�lee9,attu�tly�ncurrc�d to exient porm�tted by appl�cable iaw In the avent Borrow�r ur Trustor exerases any <br /> ��qt►1 VrUVide�D Dy Iflw to cu�tt�n Ev@nt 01 pef�ult,L.endpr ShAI!be Cntitled to�€�COvE����om Trustor Ali costS antl oxponses actuauy � <br /> �nCwrCt! �1� 8 �flSUlt Vf TtuStor', data���t �nclud�ng w�thout hmdal�On �II Trus:ee's and attU��ey�s foes. to 1ne ��t�nt perm�fled by �� <br /> aitv''tcab;e Iaw � _ <br /> t5 iutut� Advsn�:q. Upon rQtllust ol �orrdwtsr LQnder mily. Jf it3 OptiD�. m3k(! ;�Gd�Gortii�nU iuturt� adv.�nci�s ;:nd rt� i „ <br /> t1fS�i1RG('Pi 1�J�Of)ObU� S:ic:h advar��os��nd�vt�dvar.CE�i.N�ZII�f�101CS�1hp�QD/1 Sh811 t3L SCI,u�Q�1(iy 1h�Si dF?C+(�(�1 TrclSf flt r���f•m!''ch:lll <br /> 1�t(T(ihti(,i�7:S�UI��UUh1�J!fh��nUCbtotlnEt3S!iUGu�O(�b�1h�S�ICNL�f�t rrl�Sf.�'b1�r�C�U:1�nq 5..•r:5�1C1vJ��(P�1 f'�(`�U1�•�.t t1.p•SCI,U�•Sy i�l�1n5 <br /> �SF',E:�.)!�� �lil!:} fT�CPCt�fh0 !)t���re71 prir2t�P�!�tnr�ur�l!i1�7�6C�h(•r[•.r, � � <br /> • 5 15.f1UU.U0 u.�,., �•��y��� S<a��•.�t��, <br /> �� <br />