..� ... - . F.t�Gs� . . .(� •
<br /> _ --=�r
<br /> '.'i:.
<br /> l . ' . � . _ _"..-..:...._:� ._..._-____. .
<br /> _ _ "'"�-��._.._.--'--- . .. . . . . .. —'—•--' .. _ �_._ �� - - -. '. ' -- - -. . ....�--'..t�-._.__.�_:��°'�..
<br /> ' �� y �
<br /> � o�-as�,ss� . D�ED oF YI�usT � o �Oi��� ���°a
<br /> . I L��n Efo 8�s t�nttreu�c0) ' a��
<br /> i!�-
<br /> . R�rt ot tho Indsb23dnes.3 52ctuad OY tPw'*D�0 of Trt� (D)a�[f[C tax on Trustar vddch TrustOr is attthOriT�ot tsiAttrnO ti►62duei ttnm
<br /> • •, . � Rayrnents an tae Irt�bt��n�reeurefl Dy lh`.a lype a1 Qaed o4 Ttus$ (c)e tax on tht�type ot Qeetl Of Trus1 ch��o�91�e�'.<rc+�0�d�ar
<br /> . th9 hottter ot Ih3 ho'D:and (dj 8 SQECif.0 tax on�.9 or eny RII�on a1 iRe IaQep:edrtess Or ar p3ym�t�'S at ptftr�al end t�f;tr.iFa t�tad�bY .
<br /> ,
<br /> TruStOr.
<br /> . . I fi�e4ueni Taxa9. U any tsx to whiah tAS sBCt!ote tipy'.i4s fs QnBeted sttbsepuent to the dat9 0!this Oes9 at Tnui,ti►'�e�ar.Y s1t7 haYe tho =-
<br /> szrtia e1!sct as an Evont o!Oafau�t(as ds°rtod be'azv),enfl ltn�ar may ax�se ar�y ar e9 n!iis ava:ab!a rem�°tJ�far a�C-�P•of Qstau�t as
<br /> prov!ds�bffiaw un.ess Trustm either (9)Palts the t4�t betor!H ts9romes deJrtquB�.or(D)Cortiesb the iax e�Oro-:d��mat�.��.fiD Texss 8n� _
<br /> ' � Lt�nS s�ctfon arsd dayos�;3 w'�tti Lendur ca5h or a 84"K:dert3 earpIIt3f.�sttrety bond or othet sneurity Sa�tFCtorY to Lend�r. _
<br /> . � t�Ci&t�TY AGREQ4IF.iYT:FINANGHti STATE!!l�lYTS. Tee tas.o�xfh9 Orov'.sions reta5rtg to tha Qaed o!7rust as a�eur�ty aBrnrT'�ere a D3rt o! v
<br /> . . ' tha Qr�Ot Trw-t. -_
<br /> � ��-f"f� �j S�atlY Ayretmenl. Tl�s irfstrurtsart sl�ai)eor�S�. � 6 56�ur�H&$�.%n!t9 ih9 e�9rd enY o!the Pregs�rty co�:�:u��'f[iues or Other �
<br /> . . pafsan3t 9arAestY.snd Londar shtt9 have e:l a}ih9 rtpA�ai 3 8�;urc3�pfury under the Uniorm Comm3rc'.:f CotW Fa a�n:ttttr�UCm 6me to _
<br /> . ,� �� —
<br /> • ,� �� _�..� Seuirtiy tntarest. UDon�e4uesl by Lertdsr.Tn�tar shaD e�ta Gnartdn8 statcmants artd take wh�tsvar o':��eff��n��+�ua�Ud 0y Lender .
<br /> . tt�peRect artd continue Lendets secuiiffl in�ras►tm tAe RertlS and Personai Pwperty. In e6�'u::oa W r�ar�.rJ t1��Cat�r�e:Tflrit L�tl�s reJ
<br /> PraAsAY reCOrds.Lentlsr may.et arry�ma art�wHRoN hatAer atcfnoriTatton fram TntStar,fife�ceeufa�eour�Prats.CaA1SE�r r�(ASDQveEarrs qf
<br /> . thts Ossd of Trus9 as a finanetny stateme�t. Yn�star shail��i.eft{wr t,�r ali�c�tr,a.��iss��r oT aant�mf�t�s�«�y _
<br /> interesl. Upcn dsiat�t,Trustor sha.9 assemsfe the Psrsanai Pro�erty in a martr►er artd at a plaw rassan2bPj cam�f�rni tp Titr�fQ�lerc6or -
<br /> . � . and maice ii avaiLsbte to Len�wiWn three(3)t�aYs at�r�aoe�P!ol wrift�#en demaisd imm Len�. -
<br /> . • . � Asdrassts. The maifirtg addrasses of Tn�tor(debta)and Lers�er(set�ue�D�Y)�from wnch irdottnrtion canvam:t�th��utiy►inte�t _
<br /> _Y• granted by tt3s Oeed ot Ttust may be abtairtc=d(esct�as requtred by Ihe tlrtftarr�Comrrterdal Cod3).are as�:oa 9n'�a Sr�Psge af ihis Qesd
<br /> €. of Trusl.
<br /> ' FUpT1fq ASS{JRAl�t�ES;A7TCAHrY-Zti�AC'�. 'R�e taCawing Prov�[orrs'�a�n9 to turth9r assuranoas and c�tto�r�wn fact are a part at thls
<br /> . . .� Qe80 of Trust.
<br /> ,. Furtner/itmcrattd�. At any 6rrte,and irora Sm9 to Crt�.uDon ceqw�t�I.c?nder.TnsstoT wJ rr�;u��mw:tAa sn�d�tivar.or w:7 catse to Qe
<br /> "' made.�d o►deGvere0.to Lertder ar ta LenQers d�igs�ee,and v�►aei reqtt�stad Dy Lenttar.�vi4 to'bs ided.recorde0.catils2.ar
<br /> �� r�revorasd,c�iha a�se may ba,et su.ch L'cr.�artd in stieA ofHees end ptacvs es Lertde�m�y d2em apprqpn�4a,enY and�tl such�
<br /> f � dee�ls at tnist,see�u�ry daeds.sec�uitf►agreen�enls.finar�ctrg�atemenis.continuation st��rts.is��urmrY'�c o4 hr��er e:�, -
<br /> een
<br /> „ �+•Y and other Qacumenta as may.in t�s s8te epinan al tsrider.be�or das3rx4s tn arcier ta a'E;rC:.t�.comytete,Q�fr�.c�3"�or
<br /> - prase�va (a)ihe obCgafions ot Trustor urtQer tra Rute,Uds Qaed ot Tn15t.nnd th9 Rda'S�II�ur.r�n2t,tu►� (b)the�ans oitti�e�l inler�sts _
<br /> ueatsd by ihis OeeA o?Tnis1 on tAe Propeity.whettser aar►awaed or h e r e e ft e r acq u�by Tnu l o r. U K i c�s p r o fl(b t!e d b y t��c�a�r e a E l o U+e
<br /> eoritrgry by Lender in writing.Tn�stor sha0 teimbusse Lender fat aU casts and e�en383 tnetur6��n�rrnnsx�ion wlfh ihe malters�aterred to In
<br /> st
<br /> . ��+�.:. ttt�s P2t&greph =
<br /> . . � Attspmay-(n-Fac1. tl Trustor iai�to do eny af iha iNrr�s�eterred to in!ha prece6r�f gz.��A.t+�.'�r may do So for end En ihs nart�at -
<br /> m
<br /> Trustot and at Tnutofs e�ense. Far such purposes,Trusioe Reraby irtevocaDty ey��rts L�n�a�?rusto�s atterr�►Y-ir�fac!fm th�pupasa
<br /> � a!trtakttsg.executing,dnllter[ng,fifing,reeordtng�and ddng a9 ather things as rt�y b�na�'l.ar destrabte.in Lenders aoU opiNan.to
<br /> : . . •k BoCOmpUSh fhe matters�3t¢m3d to in tRe preC6ding Rere�aph.
<br /> • FU,L pEpFpR�9AlICE If Trustor pays aD iha lndeb�dn�s when due,and cthcsutse p�tocr�r�l'�W abGgaflons imyosed upon Tru5lor ar[Eer tN9
<br /> � � Doed o?Tn�.i,t.,ci;der shatl execute and dc�i�v to Tnutee a request for tull rocorsvsllat�o an�st�a11�ocute and Qacver to Ttustor tir3a�'�'s
<br /> � '• statamants ef N��rination of any finaneing�ecr��on F.e eNdendng L�sA�as sect��J tr;t-sa�t in the Rer�G and the Persmiai FmAeAy. lciry
<br /> • � reconveyaace tee required by law shall ba paid�;"'rustor,d Rermitied by app'i�:e taw.
<br /> �EFALLT. Each af lhe tolowieg.at iPse opUOn o!Lendor,sheii cc�sttut�en ev2nt oT 6F'�+it;"Eu�rYt of Ootaun'�under tA�Oasd at Trush
<br /> � � •, �Selattt3 an lndebtCdrttss.Failure ot Trttstar to make env paYment whsn�te on ttr�(n�;bbffness.
<br /> �- • ' �� p�ta��t�ar�1her pryrttents. Failure of Twtar within tho Ume re4�d�Y�Oeed af Tnut to make an)I PaY+��f��nr irmwIIn�.ar
<br /> • anY other�4,'Rarsi necessary tu P��nt F6zp o1 or to et[ed df�cl�arqe of erY Cen.
<br /> CompttanCe peiautl. Fa�lure o9 Trustor to compty wih arry other term,o6��a*a4,o7r�nant or candtion coniafined in itds Qoed c!Trus�tha
<br /> � • � hote a in arry a!the Reicttad Document5.
<br /> ``�•�• Fdoe Slatemtnt�.Acry vru�nty.representation ar statament mudo or furrw�d fu t,�:rr by ar on 6e!►3lf at Tni,,KCr urtder lhES Oaed o!Tnnt,
<br /> •�.���:;� _ the Nate a the Re�ate��rrascnents is false or mkleadnp In any tmteAal resp�cl.eithiir n3�n ar at the Cme made or fum�hed.
<br /> ° - . ; peteetiye C�tlater�tlmtion. Thfs Qaed of Trus1 or any o1 lha RdBtetl Qxu.r.�r.5s ar�ses to ds tn f�ti farog and effeet pnaudinH faihxe of enY
<br /> _ 'r:�� • •,: �-�':
<br /> . ; collateral doeamonts to create a va�id and portacted secunry inUarest or Ran)nR a�/Urt n antt for arry reasan.
<br /> �•'s• '=:.ty:
<br /> .::••.+F+..�•� . �, Desth or tnsotvency. The death ot Trusto►.Iho in.oNencyr O!Tntstor.tt�e aq�eteJ'rnerA ot a reoeiver fa any pail af TnutOf�prop�AY.anll
<br /> ����' :� " assipnment/ot the bensfit o1 eredtors,any lyp9 of ersGitor wakout,a tt.3 oc<rmeneemerd ot any praf:Eroe�np under arry bufkruptey Or
<br /> �.�_...�.'. .
<br /> �`''t��f' � tnsotverwy taws by or against Trustor.
<br /> -,r��:>a:.• .
<br /> �.,,. .
<br /> -- ' Fpreelpsure.FoAeiture,eic. Commera:�r�n^I of tared�w'e ar fataihcs pracoadinq�,whether by Ju�dal Oroceedln8.%ett-he�.reposs�ss�On
<br /> . -...�' ��'���. !� ot 2.rry��'m.'rt82hod,by any eredtor ot Tru:ir�r a by eny gwernment�uQBr-aY¢y�nsi any a!the PropeAy. Howevw.tAi3 s��ae9on sMll�d
<br /> �..
<br /> ' ••. • � � appty in t'.:a evonl ot a good faith disFafrt r:�Trusta as to the va"dity a c�aavzabten�s ot the daim whfch is the basts o1 the foreclos�ae a
<br /> �P���:w:�•-�'�-- toreteiture proceedirtg,providsd thal T::Z:sr gives Lendar wftien no�lee o}��h clatm artd fumtsh�reserves or s surety band tot ttw d�im
<br /> ''`�``;'��'";a:t' - saUStBCtorytoLender.
<br /> ;.�:�„_; ., �
<br /> �;�� Breaetf of Othet A�eaarmnsl» Any breach by Trustor undor lho terms n?ar!a,her agreement betwsen Tnis2or and Lender 4ha1 is e0t eort�e�d
<br /> ��_�•�',a• � withtn any.yteCe Deflod;�•%��i�d theteln,InCludng vr•.1haN Ilmi*aCon any c�qroomonl conoorrting arsy irtdebtedness or olher obllgt'fi�af Tnntor
<br /> �"' : i.��tij t0 Lc3ndc� .vir.eiher e�dsiing nOw Or IatEr.
<br /> ����:. Even4�lJtt�UnD Gsiarantor. Any o?U:�i i;�ding evenb oceurs wlih r�pact to any Guarantor of arry c?the Indehtedna s ar any Guarantcr
<br /> �i dis�m beeomes incompetent,ar revokea�r du�put�ttw vatdiiy of,o�4ati!ity und�,arry Guaranty o!the InAebiedrta�. Len�e►.d its optlan.
<br /> " ' � rr�y,but sha:l nni tre roqu:red to,permH the Gu�rMtsfs estato to as,ame unconEitionaity ihe obligallons arisin8 u�IIer fha guaranly tn a
<br /> �,��'. � m3nn��ssti.�^faCtnry to Lendo�,and,in 8o1rtg so,Cltrol�e E+,3n1 of Ot►Sauit.
<br /> • � ��" InsZC:iAP,�. londor�n good taiih daems itselt inSeGU:a.
<br /> .�:}
<br /> ,^r,ti��r� E�InQ.IRd¢btasnes9. A defaull5h�.i ece�r untLar nr.j Ea:stir•n ipdcr,la�4is�ss or un�or nny lrutrumaaY er,th�PropaAy racurtng any Existisip _
<br /> ' �'��,'.;S '' Indnbta�n�,o�CommEnt�zm.^.n101 any su"t!w oihErBG=ta W fatt�ctlt ttny r•s�`Hinp Nen on the Ptopethi�.
<br /> i��r�i Rtph1 to Cure. 1t sush a f�!�are t�curebk�and it T:u:tcr n2:.r.ot tsen�fvs�a not�ee c!a breach of tha same prou5stan el 14�b Q�aO o1 Trust
<br /> ��� wit�:n tho procedtng twc,�4c tti2)month�,tt may Da cu��(art�no E��er�of 04faut�ti�il t�:.rr!oocu�rod)it Trustor.at4a Lonsfer sess�writen
<br /> ���„��• : ` noLCe demanding cara cf such talare: (a)cures ihs faJture arltAin fi R e en(1 5)6 sS�cr (u;H t h h c t t t e r a 4 u i r e s rt s D r e th�ri£ilie�n(i b 7�Y��
<br /> � �,�� imrttediatety initiates st�s SuHleient to Cure the lailurg and lheteflRer CCr.tre�ES an�esryf��II.7 reasonsb.e end n9ar'�atY steps suf�dsnt to
<br /> ���;>;�, produce comy:?anoe es saen as reasonnbty pracllql.
<br /> � . �.�•� RI�TiT3 A[iD REMECIES OH OEFAI�Y. Upon tAe ace;mena�:r1 eny Event cf Defauf artd et any Cme thert�!'.er.Tnis!ee or L9nser,at[b aallon,
<br /> � . �• rt�ay oxorc'�any orro or mare o1 thn to:lawirsg dghts ens remed.'es,in ed�ltan lo aa�y oiher dQhis er remed�es GrovlQed by law:
<br /> � . � ��tar a�71�d�tc�n�-��s[�x�uAred by ihis�d Tn�l to be�ue�un Qayahte artd tho��shs.�`7 t St�e}uga becortw d�an8 payab�itmul _
<br /> � any pre�on:msni,dema�0,pro'.est ar notieFi o1 any ktn0. Th°rQaft_r.Lertde►may:
<br /> � � � ��ro�g��d o lhe adepulCY of��s�seeuntyr en p pon and t�.a3c�e p yb�ession o1 theec�di� or eYny pari hcxeopn its a nynarr�a n Uie�nsme
<br /> . of Tru;'.ee,artd Qa arry acts wniGh it deems rtecessary or desrable to preseni9 tP�9 value.maflcelatr:lity w ren+.abiliry o1[hs Property.or paA
<br /> � ' o}tAa Properly or in�eresl in the Proy^Ry,increaso!he income from @ie Pro¢ertY or Orotecl ih9 SectmTf►o?ihe ROperil%end,with a wilho��1
<br /> — falcieg pps,esstan o!the RropcAy,Sit�tor or o!1t�rwGa e�'_'..,,et thfl rCn�.Issues artd profi�of[1fe ProII�riy.tnc�uan3 u�ase pasi due and
<br /> urrpa:D,artd epp'�y th9 sarts3,tess casis and o�srues af op�ation artd co'ixtian,im7ud:rtg a8omsys'fses,to an;�inDebtaQness s�evred
<br /> .. . bq Ih:s Oscd of Trusl,e!1 in sucfi ord�r ss Lc:�d�r�say Q�'=rm!a�. Th9 entyrirtg uIIon art9 taking p�on a!iTs�PropF.�tY.lhe Col�tion
<br /> o}such renis,rs�t�s and profiU,und lR�cDDi:t�t:an ihsreal sh�7 rtat c�ro or weiv�any def3�f1 or rtatce ot dc.'a�t1 un9�tTi�D�oe Tnrs1
<br /> . _. ,. `• . � , .
<br /> . �
<br /> _ � .
<br /> * � - — -
<br />