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<br /> � Lert�3fs end Trusi2s's remad'.ss as pra�rdesi in�aragraph 17 hareo�. irtduding,but naY lim�terJ to,reasanab:e attomsys'tees;
<br /> anc9(d}Barrflr�er 4�kes suc9�ect�on as Ler�dar m�y reasonabty require to asswe ihat tt4s iien of this Qse�of�rust,l.endar's ��;
<br /> � , iRterest in the Proparty artd�rrowzfs ebligati�n to pay tha sums s�aureti by fhis De�d ot Trust shail cantinue unimpa�red. __
<br /> • Upon&uch payrtient antf curo by Be�rower.ihis Qaed ot Tr�st and tne obiigatians secure�hsreby shall rema[n In fu0 forEe -
<br /> • ` ert�eHa�t as If rso aocelsra6on had accurr�d. =
<br /> 9�. Aastgnmstt3 �4 Re�ts: IlP�oi�rtert o? Rece3�r; I�n�er tm Rassess!Qn. As ad�iUanal s.era�rity h�reunder, -
<br /> ' Berr�Xer hereby ass.;gns to Lender the renis of the Praperty.provided that Borro�+rer sha0.Prtor to aoce�sra�on under parayaph —
<br /> �` ' ` 17 hareo!er abaJtdonment of the Frc�srty.�ava ihs rtght to aoliQCi and retain suct►�er�as thay fteccros due and payabte. _
<br /> ' " URan t�t�cef3ratton ttnder p�tagPaph 1?hsreflf or a�andonmEnt of ths Pro�erty. lender. in �ers�n.�}i egant or 9sy -_
<br /> • � judictali�ap�IMed re�ivar shafl be entitled to enter upon,t$►�z passass'son of and managa the Pra�terty ertd to cafleCt ths �
<br /> ;�, reMs�t t7�a Pro�2rry inc�uding thosa pas4 dua AU ren2s caS'.�ted�y Lend�r or tha receivet shaU by a�p[ied first to paymant _
<br /> '' e1 tite aosYs o1 manageman3 of Uta Pro�avly artd co1!ectior►04 ren?3,incluc2ing,�ut rtai limited to,rexeiver's fess,prarr.Urn .
<br /> e
<br /> • en re�sl�+sr's Donds artd reasanabte atiorcisys'fess,and than to the sums secured by Uus Desd ef TrusL Lender and th '�•-II
<br /> � receiver�hali be liabia to aaaount oniy for titas�rents actually�ived. (,g
<br /> � � 2p,R$coa�vayarsee. Upen payment of ati sums secur�d by thls Oeed of Trus4. Lender shali rer{u�t Truti^L� t�� --
<br /> nsc�rnf�y the Proparty ansi sh�il surBr�der this Deed of Trust and a!1 rtotes evidencing trxfebiedness sECUrr�by�i�DaES! o --
<br /> - oi Tritst��T�-283_Tn��l:�i:sr.�sse��t3��P��rN�Ii?!�ui v�2rra�ty amd withsut cilarge w t�e Rersan or Der�ons�egaL'y -
<br /> '. er�itted thereto.Sac�Re�sfln or persons st�all pay all costs of recordation,'rf any.
<br /> , 21.Substitute 3tustee.Lendar,ai Lenders eption,may fror+�time to Yime remave Trusiee and ap�soir.t a successor �
<br /> - • tnistea to arry Tnisiee aApointed hsreunder by an instrumem recorded in tfie county in which this Deed of Trust is�eoarded. �
<br /> , Without conveyartce of the Properiy,the suocessor trustee sltail sa�ccesd to ai1 tha titie,paevar artd duties cornsrred upon �
<br /> . • - the Teusiee hetein arid by apAi'�able law
<br /> .,. �2, Request 4ar l�at[axs. Bormwer �equests that cop3ss o? the �ost�e af de4auit artd rte2ice of sale ba seM to �
<br /> �;i:,,:.;:;.z Borrafver's address wfilch i�the Pmperty Address. 1--
<br /> � , • � E�Q�A�T FOR PiA410E OF D�FAIi6T
<br /> ��T� . �FORECl.OS4J�E UT��Efl SUPEfttOR
<br />.���,>'.-' -�''1•.
<br /> I�i�FeTfa!►GES OA DE�S OF TEtUST
<br /> _ � Bonowsr end Lender r+equest the hotder of any mortgaga,deed a�trust or other enaumbrartce v�ith a tien which has
<br />-_a''''-�'I prioriiy over thts Deed o3 Trus?to g'n�Not�a to Lender.at l.�nda�s addr�ss sei torth on page or�e of ti�is D�ed of Trust.oi
<br /> -'°''�� � � any defautt under the su�erior encur�brance and of any sa�e or athsr breclasura acton.
<br /> - - 7�•..2
<br /> -h•l.':.�`. ..':
<br /> '--=-�'�-'� L;�E'ht11NE��41MEREOF.Borrawer Cta��x�cuted this QE2d of Tn�t: ,
<br /> _-°_::..�„�-ss�.'e� [�
<br /> e
<br /> . =y._i;:�;.,.
<br /> ,.'�"'�E`."�;���,� Sus Y, Cona ay -B°"°�
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<br /> ---_� ..� Lyle Cona�ra�
<br /> _.:_:
<br /> -?��
<br /> :;�:`'�y3ti.� STAI�OF f�1EBHASlW, ual 1 Coudlty SS:
<br /> _-`���� . On thi3 21st day of JanuarY , 1999 .q�etote me�13tr urtclars;grted,a Ploiary Public duiy
<br /> - ' commIssioned and auatifi2d far satd county,personalty car�s+. ^� T �nn��r a�c� •�>>�A canaway
<br /> _— __��_ __a �,,,��,�,�� .to me krtown to ba tho�dentical person(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the
<br /> ______� tureg�:r.g tnstrumont and at�Crtowledgad the exsctition thcreof to be their valuntary act aild deed.
<br /> _���;:�.:y� . YN,i!�{VESS my h3r.d�.�����al seal at G�an Island ,in safd c�urriy.tlte
<br /> _�-�� d3t�t�li=:�said.
<br /> ��
<br /> ------�� rr,�y c�„n;�tw;�,z��{r�.�:lp-Z y_�, �„�,'r'�u7 D Y���
<br /> -— GENERALh01AAY•Slateol GeO�aska "- ivo�ary v�erc
<br /> -^�;�7,� �� KARMIN MAUL
<br /> __�;#� �`.+s K.;�G��nn.Exp June 14,T�00
<br /> �=�� HL-�UEST FOR RECQ?1VL�'ANCE
<br /> :;-���`.� TO�RUST�E
<br /> .:::;;�„•..;�
<br /> ,;--.:,,�z`�� 1Ts�unders3gned is the holdor of the noia or rtoaes ffc�c.c�a.d by thls Oee�of Trust Said rtote or rtotes,together with ail
<br /> __";°::",;, pthEC trui�b2edrtess sQCUred by this 08ed of Trusi,hava In3r:r patd in full.You are hereby diracted to cancel said noto or
<br /> Y'�;�;:.°iwL��'.: nates 3nd this Q�ay of Trust,which are delivered here�;�,att�to:�a�nv��wKhout warrar►iy,ait the estate noN hald by yau
<br /> ��__,ti,,, ,: � under"c:is Dcer!ci Tr�si to the person or psrr,�ons le,n�ttiy�.RL't�eS t��r�n;tcs.
<br /> =s„f:.;; . . Q�tii�
<br /> -':,.;;�,�,; :
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<br /> ;'':� (Sp3�eo BaSow This Uno ResnrwA FCr Lcader ar�d R000rQo�
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