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<br /> =_�� 1,� D�ED O�'�RU�T • 99•��1�4� ---
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<br /> THiS DEED OF TRUS�is ntade fifis �I�� �'°f TTdi�.f e and Husband
<br />'r�'� 1999 .amongt�aTnFStor. S�asan L Conacaay and Lyl� D Conawav. �
<br />�_�� • — (h;etein°�arrovsret�. °
<br />`� Bell Federal Credit Unioa (heretn`Tnrstee`�.and U'�e 6enefictary,
<br />'�-`�? - Bell Federa7. Credit Unaon a����°n°������ a
<br />"=�� � exisiing us�der the laws of United S¢ates of America
<br /> -� : �rahflseaddressis 3406 W State S�
<br />=:� . Grand Island I� 68�43 (herein°lende�.
<br />=`-� . BOFiROliOi�R,in consirteratinn af ti3e irtt#e�ie�ness he����r recitsd and tha trust harefn created.irrevocabiy grants _
<br />--__ . and camreys to'fru..,�tee� in trttst, �riU� R�rer of sale. the fnt:�+ra�g de�cribed ProPertY located in the CoutYly af
<br /> -_- � 1 State�f L�c,�r�Gska:A tract,of land comp risi�c�`�
<br /> _ �rart o e Gd�st Ha o t e Sout west Quar�er iT��..S"�+) of Section Thirty Triree (3 �
<br /> ��;� 4ownship ��qaive (12) 1�lorth, Range L�ine i9) West of the 6th P.M., Iiall Count�r,
<br />"'�� '�iebraska, and more particu�asly described as f�llows: First, to ascertain the point
<br /> �� I�f heginninq, start a� the southeast corner of said West Half of the Southwest
<br /> �� t�taaYter (W�,SW:); thence westesly aZQng and ugon the south line of said West Half o�E
<br />=� it�� Southwest Quarter lW sSW�:) , a di.�tance of One F�ur.radred Fifty Fi,�sre (155.0) fe�t to
<br /> - �e ACTUAL pc�int of beqinning= ther.�e conwi.�uing wasterly along and upan the last
<br /> dlescribed course, a distance of One Hundr�°3� Weventy Four and Nine Tenths�LZ4.9)€eet;
<br /> — 1�ence nor�herly. parallel with the east y.�.u�� of sai.d West Half af the �QSZ;:.�'r�est
<br /> `°`-"�= qµarter (W�S�`7�)o �. ciastance of Six Hundrea �z.xty �nd Three �enths (660.3t ��=-'�:
<br /> ___ if�ence east�r�y, r�a�.�allel with the sauth li�:� o� �..�.d West Half of the So�:i::xest
<br /> S;p,larter {��'����3;), a distanc� of Eiqhty Seven a�� L�=.�:.Pth Tenths (87.A) feet; �encQ
<br />-- aAp�atherl�,. ��rallel with � east line of :��d West Half o� the Sauthwest 5�'iartes
<br />----- �T�SW�:) , �- ��istance of Th::�-� Heandred Thirc�r and TE,ro Tenths (330.2 D feet; ����nce
<br /> --� �i:�;Yly� '��ra11eZ with the south line of s�id West Ha1f of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> �'°`_' �;��i�) a distanc� o€ �ighty Seven an3 Five Tenths (87.5) ¢eet; tue�ce southerly,
<br /> p�arallel c�'i,th ttie east line of sai� Wes� �r1f of the Southwest Qua��ar (W���t) .
<br /> �r• distanc� �f Tlzree Hundred Thirty and o�1� Lanth (330.1) feet,
<br /> �
<br /> , .
<br />_��
<br />�-°����
<br /> �►� vsfiir.bhasthead�ressof 20a E Airport Rd �rand Island ,
<br /> tteet
<br />-_'�.� Nebraska (horein°Pm�`�!Addres�'j;
<br />:i'jsi��
<br /> "`"="� TOGET9iER wi2h aN the improtiements na►v or hereafbr ere�ed cn tho PropertY�and aii ease�ne���t�.a�p��
<br />;,.-:T� ' and re�is(subf2ct howevorto fhe rightn end authoritiss given hereln to Lender to ooll�and aipp3y such rents),�il af whk;h
<br /> _ ,� shafl be deemed to be and remaln a pt�r6 of the praperty►cov�ar�d by tnis Deed of Tcusi;a.�d a[I o#the toregaing,togelt�or nr�th
<br /> -"��� said proporty(ar tho leaseftold esiate i!this Deed of Trust is on a teasehotd)are t�areinafter refe�to as ths°Froperty':
<br /> �`�,� TO SECIIRE to Lender the r�apayment a!the indebted�ess c3uidentsE�i by BAnotnis�s aaie daiad
<br />"-'"� �.-21-99 and extensions and renewals thareo}(herefn"Nnto'�},in the princtpal sum o?
<br />� w;;�: U.S.� 17200 00 .with intere�!'thareon.providin�far manihly in�taltmants o!principal an�interest:
<br />;�,,,,,.� - 1-25-2004 ,
<br /> wiih the balanco o}the tn�biedness,if rtot sooner patsi,due and payabte on
<br />�����_ ths payment oi atl�ther sums.with lnterest thareon.advanced in exordance herewitih to protect tho securiry of tflis Qeed
<br /> of Tr�si;ansi th�psrfarmanoe a1 th�c���nanis and agreaments o!Borrovsrer herein costtalned.
<br />-.. .,':,3. Bo�r+rer o�'ren3nts t�at Borrov�er is l3whtily seised oY the es*.2ts hereby oomr�S►ed�haa the righ3 to grant&r.d�vey
<br /> � tt��Propercj/.an�1 that�ts�Praprny i�unEn��amb�rcd.er.�yi far encunnbranr.�s of roflord.Eam�wer oo�nant�that Borr�wer
<br /> -,- _.-� .;:8�����i�i r�teM�.nerat:�tiig tiL'a to the Propa�t}I�gainai�Il c��ims are�darrt�s,svio�ect to enc�mbr2noes at rasard.
<br /> rUE, E::;�,a c;sas
<br /> ,.!
<br /> � _ _
<br />