��.vi_ .�!?.. . ;ri";'.t}:<Cr]• . :���i�`_,-:
<br /> . . . ��:.�.<<,.�-.
<br /> ----�—z . �= i�y?us.< {r<::'f r';;`_-
<br /> � -
<br /> �: ,i': _ _,
<br /> <y:...rf.. . ' . -
<br /> , , � . . � . . � ` �
<br /> �_.. . ... • ..... "__'""""""'�__" ' •
<br /> � 9g_ ��g���
<br /> � �. S�URITY[1YfEREST UHDER lHE UNIFORk1 COtAMEEiClAL CODE, fiis Oaed of Tcust shall be con�dered and ba effedive as a 8nanaag
<br /> � statamarrt and a fi�ure fi!irtg pursuant to ma provs?ons o no�N o�w�n�ed ot hereaftat attaehad t or��be�ussd in oannecfon with tha Pro�r�t�l ioge��� G' .
<br /> apy8tittg fuGUres,chaitats,and articles ot petsarrsl propercY itrtetest in such Chattels. Tf:e datrtor is
<br /> any and all rep!�oemerrts thereof and addt.bns th_reto(tha'Chatt�is�.and C,raMCr hereby grants Lender a�writy�
<br /> j tha(iramor�scn'bed aboue. Thts Deed of Tcus�srritl be efMeuue as a firrar:dng smtemem fi:ad of satd prerrdses(�ind��R9 said fixiures)'isnsih�ated. lfis
<br /> . ' � sa;d premtses and is to be frEed tar reoord in ih3 real estate records af each c¢umy whsre arry paA
<br /> Oeed ot Trust shaU aLso be ec o������on o�is D ed f T��st o of any finartd g stazeme��it relaf g to this Deed of�s1 shall bsgsutfraer�tt as a .
<br /> • ' ' of@ce. A tatbon,PRoto�i the sewred parry is tha Lendst desaibed abova. Upon derr•.snd Grantor shal
<br /> ` finandrs9 statemeM t�a�y of the purpo:ss ceTetred to in this Paragra�• ,
<br /> • rtr�ce,exewts and de.river sueh seaufry a�esments(as such tertn is dsf�ned tn sad Uniform Corrumrda!Cod°)as Lender aQarry Um3 may d..�m _.
<br /> n�ssary or pm�r or raquired to grant to Lender a perteeted s�eumY tr�eres�t0�e�����d uP°n Crantofs(ailwre!o do so.L.endar is authorized to
<br /> . j s,��y��ryagreErr�m as the agont ot Granur. �ranior hsreby antherEzes Lendsr to fite finanartg slaterr�nts(as s��►tertn is dafined tn sa:d Unifortn
<br /> i Cott�rQrdal Ceda)rrith respeet to 4:e Ghalteis,at arry tirro,vuilhaul tha si8n�ure of Grantor. Granior wiU,hcrrever,at any tims upon request of Lendar,
<br /> l S�y�fin�ndn9 yKatet�ncs. Gramor�rill pay a!1 filirtg fees for tha fiGrt�ot suoh P.rtsrtdng st�emerrts artd�or tho refiling th�o�f a�a h*�ne���'n �
<br /> _._�, F ths op!n�nn ot t.er.dsr.by s3d UnifnTm CcmrerdaJ Cod�. i#tha f:�tP'o and tn'.erest�tof Qrar�tar 3e.nd ta ayrry and at o��hn Chattels is h2reby ass?grtarJ to
<br /> ! in 1hs evarrt etoan�ith tRo��i arry�poJ s or¢ayme�s nca o►hereaft_^r mzda tttsroof by Grarrtor ar th�PrCdaosssars or suors�ots u�tcG'.4.o}
<br /> ; Lsndts.togeth .
<br /> , Grantor tn tha Pro�rry. •
<br /> 21. REiIYtBllR3�tdEt�T�F Al1601tI3T9 E3tPF.�JDE(i 6Y L,ENDEH' �°nde�,at Lendelo op':an,rr�}!o�cnd fur.d.s(inGud'.rtg attam�ys fees nnd legr�l •
<br /> . .. : expen:es)to pariorm any act rssQa:md to bo t2ken by Grunior ot to ou.rd:a cny righl or remeffy al,h�r.r�^an a7 thn Ia x r a1 ho h�ost�to��esf f�a y -
<br /> ehai immc�ataly re?r�urcfl I.end�.�tar dl cuch amourrts eupandnd by�le�ITtt�da oll�re,�r�u ccrrscm 'Tfs�Vo curro cha:l tra inctude0 fn tha dotinf�an o1 �
<br /> iL
<br /> p�';glteon or tha h'gRosl mts a;cx.^.O ti ta,v hom th�d3'.o ol paymc p�. .
<br /> . @btiga8ans h�vEr►�sA at�3 tra s�.-�:r�Dy ths��f:r�.�1�n!^roa granted rtarc:n ll tho Obi:glttons a°u1n�K:,t cs+��^;t�:��^'�'�n�nj��Rca1lan of l ._ '�
<br /> '. cale.as here:n prav:dod.cr ln Iha overn Larda�sRa�l.nt lt�ceb ayt:cn.pem11 QmsYar to pa7�IhP T stao and lcrtder!n aonnectt�n v,nth saltl puht:eaUCn. 1 '�'
<br /> ' n�p af ca:a.as hsre'.n prclded.tn�n.Qr�tar cfi�7 pay an dem�nd a�l oxpnnses irtourrod ,.
<br /> � induding r6asnnaEio attomoye'(acs to tho nttamoya tor tno Trustco and tor tho Lcnwr,artd o rea.Gft�A3 tOJ l0 lft0 TN�too.attd thta Oa:d ot Trust shal:bo { '�•
<br /> • ; �.,�un[sy tor a!1 cu�oxpansm and losts (
<br /> - �ppp���pp pA1fME7�ITe, Th�TfU5tf30 bh3)anatY�ho prooeeds of tno trt+steo s caa Iirc�.to ih�oo�ts and oYpcn;os o1 exetd^�in tha g�xat ai
<br /> �a
<br /> sale and o11he sale.indu�[ng ihn payrs►sm o!th�Y�ust:e s taos setu�'t�l inairred rtot[o o�oo f d�or��s o trur mortgag�esLUr�oihor lienha:d�.�.and tho �
<br /> .� '
<br /> ceoond,to paymerti of th9 abi:gat:on securad!rj tha Deed o1 Truh,th.rd,to tho payrnnt l
<br /> � �.it any.to th3 porsan or panais Iegalty entiLed therato.
<br /> . _ .; A. F�MEo ths Obli�gations or O�se�dt�ot Tn�s1 In addl:onn Lender sha:l be enm�l�.� bul rto1 requited�o a crm anyia��Of�6Y8GJI3h8J1y��m _
<br /> _-_-_�:� ��+w►am w exeeuSEd tiY Q�tor urt6er this Qeed of Tru_[. Lendefa���m nt�to�rr�d�sa+�d ineth�0aad�ef T�t s�r�uPad w�cth an _
<br />. . ' .� ; re'��ro C�tan[o�from any Ohl:gation or are arry�efaun urtcsr inis�.:c!Tsu�. . C^+!!? . y ---f�
<br /> � � ttitere5c attd are irtavoc�e.
<br /> . � d to ihe rt s of th�Roldet o1 atry p�evtDUS lien,seariry irrterest er enwrtixance �.<•.
<br /> . ! 2!. SUBRO(�A7[ON OF 4END�R. LertQer sha0 ba subrogate �
<br /> sha
<br /> �,���ged witl�(�rtds advartced 6y Lertder ragar�ess of whethet ihese Iiens.s�rh irr,etests ar oihet encumbrances hava been relea�d ot reca -j�
<br /> - ?5,�LEC7iON COSTS. To the extem ed�y law.Qran*.ar E�es topay lendefa�easonah:s tess and oosts.�RCIIttERg,I1lR RCf(ITif[8d IO.teas
<br /> .,���,,G: � . �� ' 2r,d c-.ss of sttemeys artd other agents(rtduding wfthout lirrntation��'eBa�s.cierks arrd oonsuitants).whethar or not such attars�i c*�n1 is an �
<br /> '��' : ¢rt�i�. -a(Lender.whid►ere inaured by Lender in caP.ectirtg any a�ttw'"rt due ar enfordrtg any rf�t ar rerr�edy urtd�r this Oeed o!Tc�sr.•ahst er or not �;.�=;�,-
<br /> . ' �m:s�ugh1.indud�ng,bu1 not lirri?ed ta a!i tees and ocsts inaarad cn�peaf.in banfwptcy.end tor post;�udgrnent cat:eetion act!ons. _��
<br /> ,�;:, �c�. pe g
<br /> . , i';� �'�:�ey�t�nth�a ec�n9 t�ts�intsT�est in ihe�rerta�y�or mc%f L:3�Propercy. (�Unttiing herya n s�be d dmed�to�ohi'.��L�'�ta.^i��ea.seany of i�s �--
<br /> � � g�E�..... , =
<br /> c;.�n the ProDertSr(sxcePl as�uired under ParasuaCn 38 or��r be othenviso req�red by Iaw).nor shall LEnder a�'.c ^^�lease anY paA
<br /> of�::=^peRY ii tirarrtor is in daf2utt under this Qeed of tmst 1h='-'='z'd sew�i�'-�es����tiy�a Deed of Trust remain m e.�c r+rth respect to --
<br /> t��,:n o};he(ucperty,as defirted in the Oeed of Trust,thal is nc!��_•�:la�°ct o1 t is or any Partiai Dced of Recarnayance ____
<br /> ' � '� 27. ilAODIACA7lC46 AND WAIY�CA. Ths rtqdifleaUan�O�a�tty of Bc.t Nefa�ornaC a.�'.�fs pbl'g:��y or�(all to exe��s�e{anY of�n�its or acce _-__
<br /> . cfln.atned in a virlting sfgned by Lendar. Lsnder may pe. —
<br /> •�. p�fi�a hom Grartor ot arryone other than Cirantot without eavs�rtg a�:�ier o1 thase�ti;,al:ons ar r.d�;. A�vaiver on one aaasan s�311 not ao ' .�
<br /> ,�; ,' ,.: .. n an othsr nocas'.on. Graritors Obtigattons und3t thls Q���Trust shall na2 i¢a aftec'ed:i:snder amend,.cotrpror�ses.E-�attges.talls to
<br /> !;';�,,: . e;�a!►ripalrys or re:eases an y o f i h a O b i i g a t f o ns beton g fn g to z�iy�":�r,��tteT or ihirdp�,c-a^.y of its rf s�ts agaTns!any�'r''�r� Borrawer ar
<br /> :'s:•,:;:'1 � �� �f,��^;:or any of th3 PropeAy. �enCefs fa`•lure to fnsisl upon s*`.�rn'�ance of any of the O�:i�:.�'s h a i l no t b s d e e m e d a w�.Q•�c:'.snder shaD _—
<br /> :��.e'L:�right at any tirr►�thereafter to insisl upon suiel pe�fam�ance- _
<br /> ' g� :':�;`` i ?tl SUBSTITiirE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE UABIUTY•�.-r't'."alat'�'°.�J. In case oi ihe dea�.inabili;.."211IS21 TO 9C1 C*3�~SBltCO CF'!�--JSIBO IrOfil tI10 -
<br /> '�: � s.�a whnre ths real proper1Y is loeated or in ease the fi=�a'�3•°^'-'�,�tions shatl doJire for atry reason ta cemove U-e_ � :3v,re c a;apotr�it n wrlUn a
<br /> � .��'��• �y n e h e reunder and to a p p oint a now trustes in his�� •r.s��a tho ho:der of ths Obilgatians is hereby gra-="
<br /> • �.�.,:' s.ia�til.ro���httn�(oi tho p�rposestand ob�je�s ot�this Oee�c:��'�.rs.�a the pawa r�du►l e s and�.s���s heret coiife�rred�n 1�T�tee T�tusto�e _-_
<br /> �_•` r.ist tar dehis
<br /> . ' . ..�� �a1 nx ba Ilabto tor anY errot of jud�r�em or act done by Tnrs-r �n�evlr�tu�e olSt�Dowers l��r�cs�atrted�upo�n ths�0�.�whatsoevaz. _._
<br /> • •,�;;, Tr.a�strall nat 6e pers�onallyq Uabte(n caso o!erttry by R or anyc^a 9 bY
<br /> . ' d�xu�m or sl��ia�r+'�ro�sulhorizlrtg o suppor�ng any aGfon�takmen or�pratlon��oto b�o telc�en ysit hareu�r�or�believed:y�tt in gooa''.a.e'to be ganr�nfl, 6
<br /> ropo �__
<br /> '. ' � •� Tmsiee sha!1 bo errtitted to re,rt�ursemerrt tor expenses inarred by,N In ths PeAemance oi(ts dintes herevndal and to reasonabts ec.�,,.ensallon for saoSi o_,
<br /> �P �y�ia and hold nehami�s.h m�d���any and a�ll toss.��st��i+�;t�da Bge�d e�nse�wttats�a���aRed ty h�inrtho peA��o!fts�es�� —
<br /> :«,+.�>�1 � `�:::�
<br /> { !�;�tonoys�eceived bY Trustea shall,umil used cr appi:ed as hc:wn rr��:ded,ba he:d in trusl for the pu��a�br vfiich they wete tvs�:�t:d Sui rteed not ,._
<br /> • ,�:,k{-; �o segegatad(n any rtsan�er from any oiher monoy:,(er.ce�': t-��axrot[t required by Iaw)and Tnuteo shall be urtder r.o 1'.�:ly u�'irRerest on eny �-*,_
<br /> ,;.+',�s� .: Roreunder. `::°-
<br />