��`��:r��' �4 ' _. _ .
<br /> -..;,.:� �- .- ---
<br /> =�;'�. �
<br /> . ,. �� , -----� . _.. . . . ..-- --�----- '...,"
<br /> . � �� � � ggo ��:�o�� � .
<br /> 17.T�ns?er of ti3P iR�operty ua a IIea=tictml Inlerc�s3 in Sor�o�ver.lf all or any pan o[the Progerty or any int�rrst in it ,�" .
<br /> is sold oi transfermd(or if a benefici�l interest in Bore�wer is sotd or transferted and Barrower is not a natural Rcr�on)withuut
<br /> � � , Lender's prtor written consem, I�ender m3y, at ics oplion, requia2 immediate pay�nent in fuil uf all surr�s secured hy this '
<br /> � �. � Securiry instnim�nt.Mowever.this aption shall not he exercised by Lender if cxercise is proh�bicc�by federal law u��f the c�atc .
<br /> of this SYCUrity Instnunent.
<br /> � ' if Lender exercises this optton. Ler.der shall give Borrower notice of asceleration.The notice sh�1i provide a Qeriod of no1 �,
<br /> i less than 30 days from �e date the n�tiaz ls delivemd or mailed �vithia ahich Bonower muss pay alt sums secured by this .
<br /> ' Securiry Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums pr�or w the eupiratlon of this perias9,L�ender cnay invoke any retnnedies
<br /> ' ' , germitted by this Security insttunsent�vithout funher natice or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> �� � � 18. Burroww's Ftig6Y to �etmtnte. if Borro�ver msxts cenain conditions. Baaower shaU have the right to have
<br /> �— - � eaforcement of this 5eaurity lsiunune�u di�sontinaed at any time prior co the earlier of: (a)5 days (oT such osher period as
<br /> � . •.{ applicable law may specifY for reinstatement) bsfoce sale of the Propetry pursusint to any po�ver of sale contaiaed in this
<br /> u
<br /> � . ' � SPCUtiry Insuuuient;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this 3ecurity Insuument.Thase condinons are[hat Harrower:(a)pays
<br /> . i Ixnder all sums which thea would bs due under this Securiry lnstrument and the Note as if no acceleration t�d occurred;(b) �..
<br /> . . . _ cures any default of aTry other covenants or a�;Ceemeuts; (c)Pays all expznses incurred in eaforcing this Security dnsuument, ,:,;
<br /> _ .. .. .. . .. • ..�
<br /> including,hut aat limited to,reasonable attotneys'fee.s;and(d)ta�es such asrion as Lender may c�easonabIy require to assuse x--
<br /> thaz the lien of this SQCUriry Insdument.LendeT's rights in the Property and$orrower's abligativn to pay the suins secured by
<br /> • ';] this Se�uriry Insuvment shall cuntiaue unchanged. Ugon reinssatement by Sorrower. this Secunty Instrune�t :�td the _ _
<br /> j obligations�herebY shall remaia f�lly effective as if no aa�eSe�atioa had occurced. However,this right to reinstaze shall v,
<br /> aot apply in the case of ecceleration under garagraph 17. •�.;�"_
<br /> 19. Saie mf Hoie; Chaage o�I.oa.� Sea�v�ser• The Note or a partial inteiest ia the Na£e(tonether with this S2curiry �¢
<br /> 3�suu�ent)may be sold o�e or more tuaes withuut prior norice to�orrower.A sa[e may result in a change ia che entiry(kaown :,-._,
<br /> .: as the"Laa�Servicer")thaz collects montbly paymews du�under t�e Note and tbis�ec�uity Instnrment.T[iere also may he o�e ,:�_,��
<br /> � ar mare c�ates of the Loan Senricer untelated to a�t�af the Not�.If there is a change o�the Loan Servicer,Borrower cvill he ;�:"�;.::.
<br /> . "���4 �ivea ct�.zotice of the change in asrourdance with�aragraFh 14 above and applicable law.'E'�e nntice�vill state th.name�d :�:�,,:
<br /> ' •:�;�� ��.-tss c:cii:new Loan Servicer and�2dd�s to arhich payac�u should be mz3e.Tt�:.�.ix widl al�o contain�ny a�r 1`�t:_.
<br /> ,,�;�,;;;. ' ''�`.:� ��rczatios��uired bY aPFlicable law. ;` :
<br /> _. � ' , x,-e nc �.�at, ctara�. ce release af any �°`�
<br /> "'?:---._.�...���:�� 20. Hazardous�n�:t�uces. B�ro�x�er ssa:t u:�:�.aus� ar p..^rmii tlse F�...... ��, ,�--
<br /> �`:'i��:.; 4 �7azardoas Substanees en a� in the Pro�eny. �o�*�� shall not do. nor �.:�j .-�c=��i� so do, a..°y�g affe9ct'sng the (�'�_
<br /> . . �•�� Pcopem}cd�:s in violatica of any F�.�LL-c�mentai S..G,�. The prea�='.�g taro s�'�.�s se:1E mar apply w the presence.�� or �;;:
<br /> ' . � , ;• A�' storaae cs��» rty of small �ir�of Hazarclous Subst���at are generally re��iv�w be appropriate to nrmr„1 a=�-..
<br /> � pmpe q--- azar
<br /> . ,� . ,:;, ,;},+, :�ide�:.i:�.zv.�and to�:�ance af���:?mperty. �`i"-
<br /> �r.;�-
<br /> •..;�;�;. �•����r�-;.`.� �r^c�:r sl�atl pr��'.iy give L.�=er written s��ce of any irnesagation,claim, de�.:�. lawsuit ar oiher action Uv n�y :--
<br /> 'er
<br /> t`,%,�. . ;,�:0��1 or regula�or�r agency or privat$party ia.niving the Property and any Harardous Subsian�e or Environa�nta�Iaw
<br /> ,. ra -_—
<br /> "�' ` � cf w6ir31?raower has ac.tual lmowledge. If Bor�o:.�Ieams.or is notified by�s.�F gover�IIental or regulatory authority,Q►at ---
<br /> .. ��;� °-_ _
<br /> . ::�'i any remc�rI��r other remediation of asy�arardous���-szance affc�ri�g the Progaty is nec�,�',.Bomower sball pmmp:IF'°..-�'Q =__
<br /> - a1J aecessZty remedial aCrions in•r.ccdrdau�.:�Nith E�L�amental Ls.-rr.
<br /> u�
<br /> As used in this paragmph 20, `H,�daus iT="° " are tn�se substanses def�aecE�tr�.�ir_or ha7ardous substu��3y
<br /> � : Environmental Law and the followiag substanaes: �soline. kernssae, other flammable or rr��;, petm2e�=�ducts. t�uc —
<br /> � � � pesticides and heibicides.volan'le sol�ents,materiats cantaining asbestus or formaldehyde, and radioactive u:aterials.As ased in - _
<br /> � �h�s paragraph Zp, -Envisonmental Law" means federal laws and laws of th:jurissliction where the Prays�rry is located that
<br /> �"9 � t,eelate to health.safety or eavimnmental protetaon.
<br /> . � " NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender futther covenant aad agree as follaws:
<br /> � 21.Aecelerattan.Remedles•Leader shal,l give nai[ee to�osrawer prlor to eoceleratton[ollowia�Borm�ver's breasb
<br /> ai any oavenant or agre�eat in this Setwity im-tniment(but not Prior to aoceletattnn nnder paragrapb 17 tmless
<br /> �' appilcable law provides ot�prwise).Ttie aotiee sh�ll specify: (a)C4e defaWt;(b)the acKon required to cure U►e default;
<br /> �� (c)e date,not less tha0 30 days[ro3n tif2 daLe the�tdce is given to Borrower.by wh1cL the default must be cur�d:ond
<br /> - (�t6at[ait�re to cure the defa�att on or beYore the dzte speGiiied in the aoticP�s+y resvlt in aecelaatlon o!the sums
<br /> secured�y this Sccurity Instrument and s�le at the Property. '[4�e aotFce shsU further infoim I3ormWer oi t�e rigLt to
<br /> ' reinstate Atter aoceleretlon and the r�ht to brtng a court actton to�ssert the noa-e�dsteme oZ a dcfsult or anY ot�a'
<br /> er
<br /> ., � defease ot gurrower Yo acteterntfon ond sate.I[3he deiaWt is not cune�on or beton the date speciffed in the naR[ce,
<br /> � Leadtr.at its opbton,msy re4uire immediate p'Yment in tY�ll of aq s�s sowred by thLs Secus[ty In�n�mt vrItho�
<br /> � [s�ri6er dmmand and may invoke the puwer o!sa3e and any ottser remedfffi permittcd bY°p21,indudtng,�Itmited -
<br /> entitled to a�ltect�Il expenses incan+ed i�puisWng the r�edles pmvided in this paregrapb -
<br /> to,erasona6le attoraeys'fe�and casts oi title evi�enoe.
<br /> � . If the po�rer oP s�le is tnvoke8,Tmstee shaU reaor�a notice ef detault in each co�ty in w1�ic6 any Pu4 0!t1►e
<br /> � propeity Ls�ocated and shall mail o�pies a!suc6 noifice fn the manner pr�ril�by appi�cabte IaW to Bormwv aad to
<br /> ;:F:: ; the other persous prescr�bed by applIcable Qaw.Afier We time required by applicable Iaw,Truste�s�ll give gnblk notice
<br /> � • oi sale to the persons and In the manner presi'rIbed bY eFPf�sble law.Trastee,without d�and on Borrorver,shaD se11
<br /> the Pnuperty at publtc auctlon to the highest biddeT at the time and plQCe and under 3tze¢�rms d�ated in 4he notice o!
<br /> �� sale in one or more parceLs and in u�y ordea 7lrustee d�ermfncs.'a'nuiee may P°��Pone sale of all ar any�rod of the _
<br /> . � PmP�ty by public announcempnt uE¢E�e tIme and plsise of any prevtovsty scheduled sale.L4ndr.r or tts d�ignee may --
<br /> • f parchase Rhe PmperQy at any sACe.
<br />