<br /> h )
<br /> � . � � �' - ' '• _..." _ " ' , '. _____.. _ .. __ '_-_"__ '" '". _,�.`._.. -
<br /> + .��<
<br /> ot-2����s ��������'7 DE�O�TEiUSY P�s�� �
<br /> l�oE��iD 7��7�i (Cstte3dnueC�p
<br /> . tr.�to Qo r,o�fih:n Gt�en(tb)Qays o?tts3 eaausfty. MYh�11rer or aot Lgad�..fs s�wify b impairs0,LenQer msy.at ita eeefion.recei�and retaln ,
<br /> ± th9 praoeeds 0�nny Insuranoe�utd aRyiy ttte procee�fn the reduc�on of tIIe trtQQD.aII��s.s,PaY�nt of arry l:sn ati2eting the ProF2�Y�or the
<br /> . � res'ardEon aets t8¢L'r of tt�1 Frc�ERY. If LertR9�eleeffi to 490N Ut�graCeeQs t0 teator�ttian 8nd raps:t.Trtt�tor st�.7 teg�'r ot rEyt3CO t�ts
<br /> • Esmayq�ar des�oye0 lmpravarr.enis In o manr�salis�tt�rY to Lsndar. Lend�tr shaJ1.uFcn sati.�°taztcry praat a!sucn ex6artC:ture�93Y a* .
<br /> , ��.���{�m���Qy q�th��pspna9ts cost ct rspa:r or restoratian i!Tnrstar Is rtnf in defa�ft unrt�th�Q2ed nf Tcust Arry �
<br /> � • prppaeds wltieh Rave aa!been dSLitrssd wilhsn 160 days aftar tTrsti reoeipt artd wh'tt�LanHar rt�rts1 eam�tte�to tt�repaU er restora�on o?
<br /> tt�e prpperfy ghag Oe use�f55t to pay ar�y amount owtn�to Lende►urtd�r th�s Os6d of Tnat.tt�en to psy 8r.aued Irt,erost,end ttse rema`.rtder,tf
<br /> . ` � eny►.st�9 Qa&pa:tsd to tha prfs�:,g�l baart�0 0!tt�a IndeIItEdnsss. Ifi lender he'.Qs any proo��s afte�Paynsent in fu.�ef iho lrtdeD'.eQness,suah
<br /> � � Br�s sha.7 6a¢ffid to Ynist¢r es Trw-tofs in�r�s crsaY aPP�►•
<br /> ` {J1i�psG�!In3ureRL�al�BtB. Arsy un�'red Ir�umn�e sha.�tmuo ts tho bsrtsfit ot,and¢3ss 10,th9 purCh�r o1 the Pra�..rty cov�red by th�
<br /> � �� - QBed af Tn�l et any tr�t_.�'ss3Se or oih2r�!a hc+�d under tha prou`-'..Ans o?tN$(t�d af Trw.t,ar at any icredosure ssLe o?suth Prop2rty
<br /> t Tnt82oPs Re�Ott A�1ltisttter��e. Upon request of Lead�s,ha�xsv�rtot mr.rra'.Lil�a^cv a y���Trustcr shflU tumsh to LsrtQer a rapa�t on ezch
<br /> � �n9 Pail�of irtswartce shovrfr�g: t8)tha immfl ot ths Ir�s�uar: (C)!.�a�S Ers�3d: (C)ttss amourd of tha pa'.:c�, (d)the ProA�Y insured,
<br /> the fh¢n eurreni rep!soement vaiue af sttch Pra�,e�m����������d�rm`•na tha eesh v�iie reAlacem nt eosl of th
<br /> . . 7n�tat sPta.9,upan raqt�est ot Lend�.have an in
<br /> . ._..._.._. . . ProRedY• .''-"`'
<br /> � EXPENOftURES BY L�ID�iit. (f Tnatar tais to cort�a:y Kifn�sny Prou�3an o!this Q2ed af Tnc�f.ar if amr ac4on or psv�ding ts commence6lha't F;_-__
<br /> ���„�,�y���rs�.rgr��in tt�Rcorrerry.Lende�on Tw�s b�ha;?cn�Y.but stra9 rtot ba��re�to,Lke arsy scEOn that Leader "
<br /> ' � dee:ro aPA�P�. My atnsunt thaf lendsr mrp8nds tn so Qoiny vr;D beat lr.f�sl at!h3 raTa R�d2�fot In ihe Ko'te frefi tha Qaia incutra0 ot Daid ie;,�'�:�
<br /> . by leader to the da�ot repaYmeM bY Tncstar. /L7 suct►exRer�es.at Lendars oPL�n.+KID (a)b2�lrb'e on 6amand. (b)be sdded to the Datenoe 4-�
<br /> ot the NCte 8nd Ee�FRortion�atftang tus�tte payaltla w:fh enY irata".me�psYm°ttL�to becomo du�durfrt9 e.�r G)the term o1 nny aAF�eaC� ��k_:�
<br /> . ' insurance pot�f►ot C�ths canraintn9 t9rm at the Nata,or fe)Ee treated as a bsYarcn p3yment wtixh vH�Ea dste an�pal►abte at tt�e Na:es rnatu�fb• �i4�_
<br /> " . � Thfs Qsed a!Trust e�o wjJ secure FeYmerrt o?th�air.�unts.The rtghts D�+r�s9�ar tn ms p:3a8rePfl she7 be tn add�an to anY other-rtghts a ar►Y
<br /> remedles to cvhkh Lertder may bs entitSed on accourtt or:;h9 defadt My ssic-'+�r�i�A�tan��sha9 rtoi Da eor�t�d as cwtrtg the Qefautl so as ta �.
<br /> � i � bar Asrtder ham erry remedY fhat it ath�Kat�d PsLvt�tr3d. _--_
<br /> F_--
<br /> s � � _
<br /> ; ��'AAREl.�i'TY;OfF'E'Q�ISE OF TiTLE.. 7i;0!'aCstr:s�8 O�sr�de:s " `o rnm�s�P�:3n Prc��istY a�a a psrt a!th�Dssd ot Tn�L �
<br /> �...__
<br /> T(�a. Ttust�wananLs that {s)Tn�tar hdds gs:d 3.�r:!�tt�.ah.'4 G�1a of wcord to th9 Pto;�ty�n f2B simpi9.fr�an�s�s aE ei!liens an� ••,
<br /> --- ---�-�1 �ranaes oiher fhas�tirose ast farth�n�ro Rc-z!'ro�:rtY d�xi�:on ar in am��iasumntt+Pa�cY.ti�9 re�art.vr fr.:!�e a�tr�issued in � �:.
<br /> . ----- , - -I favar af,ar�aooePteB�Y.tertifi�In conr�aa•a�t tf��srt esust.nnd (oj?i�ior iES brs niri ci�,'�i.w*+p•��FS�essTY ta t�ecirtsa artd __--
<br /> . 1 Qc�iver thfs Oeed at 7rus!to Lendsr. _
<br /> � � j i De�O!Tttie. SubJeCt to the tTGapUOr m the p9re�eph tlbIItre.TntStOt w8rtarRs end a17 to'3��er d3fettd ih�fiN?to Uie Pc6AertY 8g8It�M it19 _-- _
<br /> r�a
<br /> r�� � tawhd daims ot a0 petsons. tn tise everR arry acNan a�praoeedlnp G cammena=d 4ut qui�o:s3 Ti�fofs F:a or tha ir►t�est at Trustae or
<br /> +�i�' . �;"� Lsnder undr�this Oeed atTn�L 4�usta sha7 defst�d iha seCon at Trwiefs expas�e. tnutsr:mzY b�ftra nomfnal par1Y in such proweding,but �
<br /> a�? ,w
<br /> �,�i; . counsel ot LenGefs awn choice.artd � w
<br /> .•'•,`�.�*;. ` lendar shaD 6e ertSQed to patEdDate in ttre prcceedin�an�to ba repr�eri'ed in tlsa Pz�i:rr�bY C"�—:
<br /> �c;,.�• 'I t m�f u m e t o U r R e to perrta't s�a�A p a r t i d yat3ort. � ��
<br /> �.,,� . ds�► , Tn�stor w0 Qefver.at causa W be Qebvered.to Lender such tnstru�rr��L�n t t�m�y�equ�'t
<br /> :' '" Cpmyp�nee�1dPiLS:Lewa. TnistW wetret►LS tltgt tha Pro¢�t11 nn�TitutL�b Wt�oS th�PtopaAY corrtpLes wfh 8D e�dsting aPPSCAbfe laws. _
<br /> � ordtnanoas,aa3 c�W3tians a?Qa,rammar�taal ad.t�,ctYes.
<br /> ,:.,� � _._
<br /> � ..��;r.,., • "
<br /> .. %i,fr',�; CCttL'EMNATION.The tollOwing�notAstGfts relatttxE fb wr.�stn�A'o:�a�r,,a&.-e 4�",zi of ih3 Oded ot Tnst.
<br /> •,.f�.�., ,
<br /> ��;.��f:. � � AtqT�bn o!N!t Pcaceeda. If�'1 ar am�p�t at t?r�Prayaaty f�can�zmnes by em`r�:d dcrafin procee�iru,�s or�y¢�s/Gr�edrtg m
<br /> �..:t�;;3;.. � y�irt�ase in Ilau a?coadamnattt*.Lar.d�rr�ap aE 13 elac'ion-�co th3t eD ar any Po:'ion d Ja�rsat pror.�Qs af ttse auard t:�+�7::ed to the
<br /> � •� Irtri�btedness ar the�Eir or restotaton of�z�ertY. Th7 R54 Q70LECd3 0!fh8 BWdTd 57137 SCwt fh8 8W@:'d 6.f'.L't pSy[it2t(t C:gl(B3°.OIiBbEB
<br /> • x, I eosis.�cpenses.ana attomeys'tses incarrad Ir�Tn,.a-tae or Lend�..r in eenn�c'1an:��th!h3 ca.^.damtation.
<br /> � , r� Pr�xtQn�. R any praoeedin9 in candemns°_c71s fi!ed,Trustor ShaD p:DmP�IY rt7'ifY�endar G�wriUrtQ,aa3 Ti�trr Shall pre:�D�1►teke suCh
<br /> ,;4��5;� ` steps as may tre neoessary to defend the actlon and obtJn the award Tnsior rtssy b�th�nantr��l zarty in=�s.�rooeeQing,lt;���.ender shall
<br /> . �, In ffi9 prooeedfrv.l by�::t,gd csf s crm a`.T,p.end TruS:¢�vn'J 6ali+rer a
<br /> :j�,,,.. be errtifled to parBc�ate In the proceeding an0 to ba reyresented
<br /> •>r: cause lo bs de�vered to LenQsr such instruments as may be r¢queste0 by tt trom��to ur.�a tn gc�rr,it sucb parEdpa�on.
<br /> � IMp031Yl�I�I OF YA7�S.�ES AND C�IARGES Gl'G�OYE�tHHlFMA1.AUYI{pAfYigtt Ttr�4at;<xfKa ptovislor:�m-atfi8 to govemmentai taxos.
<br /> � to�artrJ charHos are a psR o!Ws Deed a}Tnr�k
<br /> � � C�r�nt Taua.Fer�end G1�arQas. ttpan�+uiat by Len�,^r.Tnnto:��ufi e��.�such�a:�:r,a�s in ad��lon to thls Oced af Trust artd faka
<br /> � � �fr,�tev�oiner�ucn�s rea�ea ey t,�,adE,r sc cs�ect a�cozm�.��n�rs aen on a�,aEd i�;,srry. Tncstor sF.atl re�mb�c^�Lender for a0
<br /> , .. mEOn all taxes.tees.dxurr►sritarf►stam9s.en�d other crhar8�(or raccrding ar�re�isterinn:tisjt3�d oTrust. eed o1 Trua"i ua�ti�ing w(thoN _
<br /> ' T�. The taHowfng sfraH eonstitu2e taxas to y Ni-.h tA1s secUon app� (a)�a sDedflo tax upan its type at Qc-ed of Trw^t a upan a9 a any
<br /> part of the lndebledness seeur�d by ihfs�e�d af Tn� (b)a spectfle t�c on Ynuter wh�ch Trustcr is au'�satiac!or requ:re0 to Qeduet irom _
<br /> � ha holder of lhe�N�ot�e�.�ann�s secvre���YR�?1la�anY OoTrti�nD af�the�lrt�dob�n�or ur��Ymen�ct p nciAal an�Interest maRG3 by °
<br /> �'--
<br /> . . , � TruStor. �-
<br /> Stt�xquent Tmtea. (f arry tmr ia�.whieh thts secflon applias b enaCted subsequent to tho da'a�st i.1�Qaed ot Trust,thfs everA shail have tha �
<br /> ��. � � SamB etteC!es an Event of Qda"i(as defta3�bElow),end lenQer may mc9rcl°-s erry ar eil of Y.5 uva;tsblo ra:.-.�for Hn Event of DeTaadt es �,
<br /> protRQed bet�tt ii�ess Trus�or either (e)ps,�U�s taz before H become�Qe11nQ•.tEr.t,or (b)ccn�the tex��a wvlded above in th3 Tau2s ae"
<br /> . Uan.s secllan mrd 65pastis�ifh Ltu�dor cr�:.h c;s su(4eie�corpomte surely b�:S�S CT 01TiBJ 58CLTSrJ Sfl1LSf3:"•S-�/tp IJ311E8f. `��:
<br /> _ . . y s-_'-�
<br /> .. , SECL7AITY AGRFgAr7iT:�(HAAE4S'ntG STd1TFid13�IG3.Tho falna�zp provfsioas ra�.:�r.g to thU a�cuf cf Tn�t c:�:scufily egraement are a pe.�t� _
<br /> . thi��ed of Tr�4. '
<br /> :;
<br /> � SeeuAly Ayroement TT,1s ir-�umen2 SPkJ canstituta a sa�11y a8reemsnt to the exts�3 a,s�•c?i!:�P�syerly coru"titu:cG P�.�res or other
<br /> • pFxsorral property,artd Lender sha0 havo ell nf t`e dgh�o?a securad paAy undEU it�Unii�r:Cam.r.�:i G:Qe as amortQod from Ume to
<br /> • ttme.
<br /> SeeuAly intere3f. Upan request by lor,Qec,Trvstor slie0 exect�fa flnandrtg st�temenb arsd tak3 whE:�i•cr ctfrer r•_ctlon b requos!ed by Lender �
<br /> ..:�:_
<br /> ... --•- --- ,_..._.....-.. ,-:,.:�,+N,�iw�:' _ .
<br /> �� :-T—.�.,�.�.;4 �-�..�::T;�fi .. . . :
<br /> . � . . • ", ` � . . ..
<br /> ` '..
<br /> � _ _ � - , __
<br />