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<br /> � � 1.2 Dacuments m$ans�11 dacuiaeats,photog�pbs,maPs,�ata. notes,reports, �';�;
<br /> or ot�C�r infos�ation, in digital for�n, Print, vid�tage or other �etlia, �sed to
<br /> ` " chmmatogaams, �x.
<br /> � • �ansnnit infomaation regardin� the PraPeriY+ �ts tiue, a�►y t�tter ef Legal or Physical Due
<br /> � . � DiI; ence, improveinents on ths Prog�rty, the Envirannnental Condidon or any othsr aspect of ��_�.
<br /> �
<br /> • , ' �� the ProgQrty and the preseace of Hazardous maten�ils lacated on,in unaler or oagixiatiag frcm th� ;
<br /> �__
<br /> Peo
<br /> ��.��-� P��Y• ,,
<br /> `,",`:`�' � 1.3 "Environmenaai Condition" shall �ean aay condition regarding t�ae :
<br /> f;._
<br /> � . . pn�ence of�Iazardous Materi�ls ta�ed or�,in,under or originuti�g from the Properi�+ar loc�ted E_�:
<br /> - - - '. �;�� witbin the iangTOVements t�aereon with resgect to air, soi1, surface vrater vr�roundwater which --
<br /> ' � requiie r e s g m n s e u n d e r a n y�n v i r a n m e ntali R e quiPea�cat5 in eff�;i at ths wne of their�pfication, �.
<br /> . , .�•" _
<br /> , ,. "� 1.4 "F�vironmental Requi�ments"sl�all mean all applicable fe�eral,s�te aad
<br /> . a� local governmental a��Y environmental statutes, or�dinaaces, rules, notice.s, regulations,
<br /> stamdards,Permits,arc�and any ather govemm�at�l requiretnents relatiai�,by way of example .
<br /> � . •. �. and aot liffiitatnom,to�� followiIIg: C)the spill, Ieak. dischaTge, emission or release of any
<br /> I�azardous Material,t�'�e an'� surface water, groundr�rater or uoil; {u7 the storage, ri�.ea��
<br />�_,-__—_�� S�.r,�nsal ar�tdli�,;�:�'1 Ka�ardous Niat��?s: Cui�the contcaction,oPeration,ma�ntena�.�, _
<br /> -- ' n�gair or closing of abovegr�nund� ar uudergtct:ud stora�e tani�s or impawa��ts �--'�
<br /> - ' Ha7ardoees materials; and (iv) t;sra cleanup, removal, eg other r.mediations of Ha�rdous
<br /> Materials.
<br /> __ - ---= 1 S `'`I�A�rdous Materials"shall mean substances defiaed as such pursuaY►t to
<br /> _,-,'L::u ..: the `Compxehensive Eavimnmental Respunse Compensation and Liability Act, as amended
<br /> _ ,. . ("CERCLA'�:or as ha�ardous w+�ste,as t h a t term is defiaed uader the Resource Consetvation
<br /> -�; w� s
<br /> `���;..�.: • II c%�.1�rinated bi hen �s "PCBs'�; Petroleum hydrocaroads; and
<br /> y�i_ r :, : � Recovery Act (TtCRA"); Po Y P Y ( h
<br /> �;,::�.�.�;�v substaaces so defined��.�ua����ny other federal,siate or local re�uirements prcvailang oat�.e
<br /> ' �� time of this Absolu4e 1�:'�asy�L�enanifiartion iacluding,but not limited to,those estab'�^��
<br /> -���°���= b y the����:flf Nebraska.
<br /> ,�. •ti:
<br /> ��?=���::-;��,
<br /> _�-��r�'.,,,�;.�, 1.6 °'�ther Materials" shall mean any materials or substanc�s which do not
<br /> -. �,:�, ,1,,1. ,
<br /> -:-�.•.�;r„ ��::.�. �come wit�the definition of Hazardous Materials,includin�,but not liaiited to,ACM,radon ar
<br /> ��=;'�:- � other radioactive substaaces, lead-based paint, non-ha�r3ous wastes or anY excluded toxic or
<br /> _ �j"�W-, `'°.
<br /> ---$+r- — �fp�IIh�g Sl1�SialLCBS.
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<br /> -�-3----_� r�:ri��aser, its successor�a: tzansferees and assigns ("Releasors'�, h�1ry a6solutely,
<br /> ;_q;� unconditicr.ally au� srevocably release, indenu�ify aad hoid hartnless Se�'-+�� i^s g�.*+��s,
<br /> -:_::��,�r predecessors, afP.�;�:i�. successors and assigns, and their respecrive d:rectors, shareholderar esu���
<br /> - -•`-��--- emptoye�s 4"Re?���'�, from and against �y and atL claims, Fctantial claims. suits, .aL�,
<br /> ������
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<br /> -��,�
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<br /> ��v�°, �
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