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<br /> i.SON PLASTICS. ItIC., GRANT�R, ia consideration oi TWEtJTY THOt18AND
<br /> ($Z0.000.00) DOLLARS recefved £r.a� A6RICULTURAL SERVIC83� IKC., GRANTES _
<br /> coaveya to GRANTBB, the folloxing describad real estate taa defiaed ia Neb. Rev. Stat. --
<br /> '76-202): _
<br /> Lota Ten t101, Slevea (11) and 7tselve (12}, in the Couaty Subdivieioa of the �
<br /> i2orthvreat Quarter (NWl/4J and the West One-Half (W1/21 of the Northeast Qu���'
<br /> (N81/4? of Sectioa Five (5). �o��p T� (10) Horth, ��q' Ten i10? �Teat of the .
<br /> dth P.E7.. V121agc of Alda. H�11 Cauaty. Nebraska: -
<br /> Sub�ect to the provl.aions oE the Abaolute Release aad indemaificaelon executed
<br /> by Grantee and recozded on even date hereof.
<br /> g�rttser subject to curreat aad futuze ad valorem property taxea and a7.1 exiatf.ag
<br /> utility easemeats serving the grapereY-
<br /> GRAt3TOR COiiVESg1N'TS (jointly and e2verally, if more thaa oae) with '�'.=�=�3T� th�'-
<br /> GRAIJT�A:
<br /> (i) is lavrfulZY seized of auch real ertl==e and that it ie free £rc�u a+.-'u�'�. .
<br /> (2) tr,3s legal pcwer and laarful authr�'cy to coavey the sattte �+�ll,,I" �
<br /> (;) warrants aad will defend title to th� reai eatate against lavflik,c]'�ilr��;
<br /> aZl persons claimiag tha sa� of aay part t�=reof th�uJh• bY Oz �der-srsit►LC�:•`.,'.',�
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<br /> c,e:�3.er ie required ar deairea to renpond to any claim from a,ny gersaa;r��eCi:Lg�o tTi� �
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<br /> Name: Tho:nae J. Pykoac
<br /> L�f;��!�^^�...� 4� Title: Pzeai'c�': - Leoa Plastica. inc. •
<br /> ) 98.: '
<br /> COUtiTSf OF IC8i7°f 1 � ' .�'• , '
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<br /> ::ATB OP NBBRASIlA. County o£ Hall .19.. ._ at .,���
<br /> .,, .
<br /> Piled for record and eritered in 23umerical Index on,pa e..
<br /> ...............aad recorded in l!eed Record ••-.... g ........
<br /> Couaty of•IIavutyCounty.Clerk ••.
<br /> Regieter or Tieputy Regioter of DeedD
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