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<br /> - -—, . ..hi�p,y ` _- -- - - - _ .
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<br /> � �_.__--------------- ----- --- -� 9��s��o�� .
<br /> . e
<br /> �� 17.'�nsfer oY t���ro�riy or s Bszaefici�l intea�est in Barro�vea.If aii or any part of ths Property or any iaterest in it � .. '
<br /> ' is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a aatural parson)withaut r . .
<br /> • � Ixnder's priar ��+ritten consent, Lea,der may. at its option, require ima�ediate payment in fiill of all sua�s secured by tbis ,
<br /> Security Wsnument.However,this option shall not be ea�en�ised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal law as of t�e date
<br /> of this Sacuriry Instrum�nt.
<br /> 1 If l.ender exercises this option,I.ender shall give�orrower nntice of anceleration.The norice sha11 provide a period of rwt
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the aorice is delivered or mailed within which Baaower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> , � g�ty?��rr+,+n �t. Ii�;orrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirarion of this geriod,Lender may invoke any nmedies
<br /> � � pzrmitted by this Security Instreuaent without fiuther notice or demand on Borrower. �•
<br /> _ . '�. j !g, Bprrower's Right W Rei�siaEa If Borcower nzeets cer[ain cond�tions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> i enforcement of this S�urity Instr�ment discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> • ' � .. . .� applicable tarv may sgecify for remstate�eat) �fore sale of the Frogerty pursuant to any paveer of sale coatained in this .r
<br /> Securiry insuumenr or(b)enuy of a judgment enforcing this Securit5+Instrument.'i'bose cunditions are that Eorrower.(a)pays
<br /> Lender all suTns wluch thes►tivonld 6e du�under this Sscuriry Insuument and the Note as if no acoelerarion had occurred;(b)
<br /> ' cures any defauit of any other coveaants or agreements: (c)Pa5's all expsnses incurnd in enforcing this Security L�steuraem, '-_
<br /> � ntcluding,but not limited[o,reasflnable attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such acaon as Lender may reasonably require to assure z`*,,.;�:
<br /> � �� � that the lien of this Sewrity Instmment.LRnder's rights in the Property aad Borror�er's obliga4ioa to pay the sums secured by ,_,
<br /> this Security Insuvment shall continue uachanged. Ugoa reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiq' Instrument and the � ',:;�_-�
<br /> _;. .� =��W
<br /> obligations securod hereby shall remain fu11y effecrive as if no acceleratio�had occurred• However,this right to reinstace sl�a11 _
<br /> not apply in the cass of acceleration under paragraph 17. �.-�
<br /> = � . 19. Sale oY Nate; C6ange o4 Loan Servtcer.'�'he Noie or a partiai interest in the Note(together with this Ser.urity r,�
<br /> �_=k.�.:.
<br /> -:,-�.-ument)may be sold one or mom tiiaes wtthoui Pn�':.atice to Borrower_ A sale may result in a change irs t�e enaty(Imown �,,,,p__
<br /> �!-:�., . • r., i �:�:'Loan��?vicer")thaz colletts monthly payments��under che Note and[]vs Security tastn�.ent.Them zso may be one �?n=.
<br /> :�:---_--- �����- t ���re c�:�;�•af tha laan Servicer unrelaisd to a sa'��{the Note.If there is a cUange of the Loan Servicer,�:rower will be �t���_-�
<br /> r ' '��,' '1 �-en written;:��cc of the change in acoordaace with F�:.-�'�aph 14 above and applicabie taw.Thc�.��ce ui1D siate the aame and �� -_
<br /> .,• �5`� ;
<br /> .: •`:�.{,> . +. a?3ress of the new Loan Servicer aad tb.e-ur.�re,ss to�i��gayments shauid be mzde. The ae�,�will also contain any other �,�"°.:-
<br /> �` •� ' ` I �'orn�atiun re�b licable law. t `�'" -�
<br /> �`�:•:: ' �� . � Y�P •--� ' �•_`:�.
<br /> �:,'::, • ,� 20. Ba�rdous Subsiauces.Borror:rr s�ll a.. �a:�,ye or permit the presenoe, .:...di�;.�:, storage.or release of any ii��
<br /> ��`� : ��`'�`� HaTardous Substances on or in the Prorz�.*ty. Borcca��shall nos do, aor altoar u:.�ne e:�.: :.3 do. anythin8 affecting the =--_::--
<br /> �.;._.,. �_:,,.� .
<br /> —�::�°{�:,�j.` that is in violation of any Enr�;:�..�.an t a l L ac�r.T h e r e c e d i n t a+o senteaces s�all��� 1 to the resenc8,use.or {.,,:, _
<br /> � ..:i•,,,�,r;�;�� �PertY '� .
<br /> . � ;s! _,�� storage on the Properry of small quantiti�af Ha7ardous Subsptanr.es 4�t are generally r�o�'°�9 be aPP Priate to norma! `^�,•
<br /> :,.'.... � residenrial uses and co mamtenaace of the Property.
<br /> .',� ..�F-
<br /> � � Boaower shall pmmpdy give Ixader written nc�af any in�::=gation,cla'�,demand, lawsuit or other action by any ,r�,=_
<br />..,Ay��.. � .. y .a'__-�.—
<br /> _ � �.< , �E�vemmental or regulatory agency or private party in:�:::a8 the Pro�,eriY and at.IE�azardous Substance ar Environmental Law �4.
<br /> �_i which Bonoa+er 1�as actual knowledge. If Bonouz.���ns.or is tosified by ar:govemmeatal or cegulatory authority.that
<br /> any removal or other remediarion af am►I�'���S1=S'='=ce affe�'�,'=�r��operty�s necessary,BorroNer shall promptly take ��
<br /> � � � all aetessary remedial actions in accorda�.x��:a F��'��ental Lz� —_
<br /> � • _.-,,
<br /> . ;,� • As used in this paragtapb 20, "Ha�m�e-� .:.�_�ry..,.es" are th::JE 3�bstances d�fined as ta�.`•c or hazardous substances by -
<br /> ;':',;_ • �. �vironmental Law and the following si:ls.a:.c�: �=s�'.:ae. kemsene. other flz=..-able or to�c peiroleum �mducts. tvxic --
<br /> � r�sticides and herbicides,volatile solvenu,�ateri�:s:.�-'�.auunB asbEStos or formz-::�T•:3e,and radioactive ma:3�*ais.As used in
<br /> ,:;:� � :��. ., ^�iSr_paragraF�20. "Environmental Law" �eans fede:a:laws anil laws of the jurs��ion ahere she Prop:':• �located that
<br /> �,'>,: �.
<br /> ;.� ��. ���t�' :�lata to hea:�iL,safety or environmental�r::.zcxion. �:�.-_:
<br /> ' : ��,t:..'. NON-ITNIFORM COVENANTS.��:.�aer aud I.ender further covenaac and agree as foll�:.-s_
<br /> ;�s�'s" '1�" Zl.Acceleratdon;RemedIes.Leade:��6ve ua�fce to Borrower prior to aaxleraUo�t'�owing Borrowcr's bre:�� _ -
<br /> ,Y� , � �ff any covenant or agre�ent ta t6is Security 1�'�n�meaE (6ut no! prior to IIoceleration nnder p�ragtaPb 17 un:�
<br /> ��r • :���flceble law provtdes otherwlse).The uotice sh� .,�';eci4y' (sn)the defaW�;N)the action require�to care the defawt;
<br /> • • �.)a date,not iess than 30 daye from the date the�'d3se ds g3veo to Borrower,by which tlte d¢fault m�st 6e�;and
<br /> (� t6a4[ailure w cure the defau9t on or before t�2 date spectiir��tn Qhe no8cc may result fn acreleration of the s�ms
<br /> sec�md by thfs S�ecurity Instrument a�d sale o4 tt►e Pro�etty.'II'�notice sLaU further i�.'��riz�Bvrrower oi t�e ci�3 to --
<br /> reiastate after acceteratton and the right to brtng a court adE�� w ass�eri the aon-eadst�a� oi a ddautt or any oi�Er
<br /> detense of Borrower to accetera4ion aad sale. U the defavit ts not cnred on or be8ore the date specitied in the no8oz,
<br /> 3,ender.ai its option,may t�equire[mmediate payment in[ull of sU sums sea;--red bY this SecurltY Iastr+nnent afthout
<br /> �n'`` �urt�tr d�and and may invate ttse power of sale aad any other remcdies��tied by b 21,incladIW� but not limfted --
<br /> �,�.� ' •snliued W ct�llect all expenses imcurred�n pn►sving the remedies pmvtde�in thv paragrap ��
<br /> .' • . ''.�f>�; ,� � 30.reasonuII.Ix_attomeys'tees and cas'�c�Htle evMence. _
<br /> .,, rs ,�,
<br /> :.,.� •, : i';": If the�a�aer of sale is tnvaked, T'inutee shall record a aottce ot default in each c��n�• in v9hich aay Part of the
<br /> ;. ,-
<br /> '°:��; �operty Ls G�eated aad�all ma11 oopies o!suc6 a�tice in the manner prescrtbed bY aPP�-at::,2e law to Borrower attd to
<br /> .�E *_-�e other persons presen3zd by applicable law.M�:�he Wne required by applicable law,�'ivstee sha��.ve pulslle aatice
<br /> - . . � ��i sale to t6e persoms suid in the manaer pr�scrtb�'�y�pplirable iaw.Tra�^tee,w[thout demand on IIcu�wwer,sball seil
<br /> - • the�rope�t�:�public suctian ta the 6ighest bidder at the tGm�e and p1IICe and under the�Qerms f�gr�a:��n�e��n�oot thQ
<br /> • � ` sale in oas c,r:aoa�e parcels aad in any order Tn�siee determines.Tr�rstee may postpo
<br /> , � 8roperty by public annoaacemen!at ti�tIme aad piace of ariy prevtousty seheduld sale. Lea��a'ar�ts dcsig°ee�Y _
<br /> � ' �vrchase the Property Qs any sale. _ _
<br /> . E --
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