, + i .--�----'— t•./..�--. _..t�_.._..__ -. .--�_ . _ - -- � . . . -'-.. � . � _.. � . "'._'- '-..—..�-'--._..'----�—� .
<br /> •
<br /> �� ���Q��
<br /> ' t7.Trars�er af t���lrogsrty or a Qeac�its� an of the Pre � ar an inrerat in it
<br /> '�al Irteres3 in�arro�ver. U a!1 or any p P rtY Y
<br /> is s.ald or uansferred(ot if a tsEneficiai incerest ire Borrower is sald or transferred and B�rmt;rer is rtat a natural�rson)aithout
<br /> � Leader's priar �vritten consent, Le�tder may, 4t it� option, require immediute paycuent in full of all �ums secvr�by this < <
<br /> , � �u�iry Instrumcnt.Ho�vever,this option shali ant�e e.tercise0 by Exnder if exenisE is pmhibited by federal law as�f�he dace ��
<br /> , � oi tbis Secunry InstrumEnt.
<br /> . j If i,.eitder exercis�.s th'ss apsion. L ettdet shn�l give Bareower notice of�ceientian."Q'he aotice shz�l pmvid� a period of aot
<br /> tess tdan 30 days fsom the da2e ch�nflttce is deGvered or mailed within w5ic'�Snrrouer must px}•�.l1 sums �:cured by this � � :
<br /> g e c u r i ry I n s t c u m e n[.i f 6 n r r o�a r e r f a i l s t o p a y t h e s e s ums priot to the e s pirstion of this R�riQS1.L.enster mF3 invol�e any remEdies
<br /> : . �riniut�by this��uriey lnstnunEnt�aritDuut fut4her norice or demand on Borrou�er.
<br /> 19. BQr���r's iti8ht to Rcinstute. If Borsower cntets czrtain cou�litions. �om9ue�dshals or ucheathea��ri daas � J` .
<br /> - - - eaforcement of this SQSUrity Instrument discon3inued at anY titstt prior co th� e�lier oi: (a) y � .
<br /> � _- _�� � apglic�}slt 12�u m�Y sgzcity for reinstate�nEnt) before sale of the Prapemj pursuant co any Roitier of sale con�Qd in �his
<br /> - --.�_ i S�nry Insttumzat;or(b)entry ot a jud�m�u enforcin�[his S�suriry tn�:�m:nt.Tii�y con�iliant are�ha�Borrotiver:la)Vays �._` ='
<br /> . `� t e a der a l l s u m s a l u c f a t h e a w o u ld be due under this Securiry lasuum�t and the Note�s if afl 2zac��niion h..�occwred:(b)
<br /> cure�any default of any oth8r covanants or a�eeere�Pnts; (c)PaYs all eapensss incwred'w enforcing t his S e c usi uire ro�assure •
<br /> � � .. inciuding,but not limited to. re�on2ble attom$ys' fees: aa�(d)takes such ac�on as Lend�m�y �easfln�blY �9
<br /> m
<br /> tha��he liea af[his Security Insunment, l.endes's ri�hts i��e�OP�Y�E°n0�ver's obli�ation to pay the swns �ecured by _
<br /> . . . . this Security Insuumrnt shall cantinue unchange3 Ugon reinstatem.nt by Bormwxr. tbis Secunry Instcument aad tke .. _
<br /> �, obligxtians s�+u�d heseby shall nm�in�11y e�ct�"e as�f ao acceleradon hsd uscurred.Hotivevet.ihis nghc to reiastate shall .`'`°£
<br /> , nai apply in�he case of accelerarion under para�rapb 17. ` '':
<br /> � ' 19.Sale of Note; Ctsa��e a�Haan Seavic�x.The Note or a partial interest in tb$ Note (tu�ether witb this Secunry .��T`
<br /> . � : I a�m u nQnt�ma y be sold oae or amte tim2s withomen 5 d e undes ehE Not an�t b is Secvdn��I n�t c u m°�s'iT�Ere�0 5m y hc oae i•`�s
<br /> �— -�� �tht'l.cra�"s_�'1 rhat co{lects month1Y F�Y - . ..: , �svi�t,So�+xrr vlill tte __•,=�-
<br /> • 3 or maie chr.nges of the Laan Servicxr unrelsuesl w a saie oi the 14 abave aud��a 1 cab e law.l'he otiaa wiU state the aame and '!,,�.�-'
<br /> . • .� given�vritten notic�:of the change in accQtdnnca�vith paragrap �P '°'�_"__
<br /> �cidtess of the n�u►laan Servicer a�[ite ad�[o whtch paymeau should 62 mtde.Tde aouc2 tvi11 also contaaa�any other ,�.-,==
<br /> infarm�tion req�ired bY aPPliszble law. ��"='��
<br /> .. � Z{l.Ra�rdmus �u6stanczs. BArrower sb211 not c�e or germit the p�sx. uEe. d�pa��, sto�aSe• mr re��og the �r,��
<br /> , �3 Hazudous Sub�aaces on or in ttts Propsrty- Boarower sdalt aat do. tuo seatenrz�s�sball n ayply�t th�e p Brzseace.use.ar
<br /> '----�--- �� ,:. Pmpexty�hat is in violaagn of any Enviraum�atal laiv. The p�cedm� � to be ro riate to¢vrmal =_
<br /> °�;� storage on the P[ogertY of small cyuantities of IIiazardou5 Sabstan�s thut nre gea�a111 r�o8ou� aPP P __-
<br /> .. � residential uses and to maintwtace of the PmgQrty- �-_--
<br /> .. @onower shall pmmptlp gic'e Lender written notice of any invesds�tion,clnim, demaud,IaNr.ult or other astion by anY ���L
<br /> '�'•i. � � ' �ecsssnental or reg�lazary agen�Y er Pnvau party involving the Fmpeay and�ny�s�urlauE�nbstan�or Envitnnxnental Law � __
<br /> ..:..:..... .. . ga ovErnmtttul or ato aushoriry.that
<br /> , . � of w}�c.fi Borrotver has zstuul knmvledge. If Ho�otver t�,(It 15 AObfLCd MJ 2D}/� Ba�sh�11 p�mPtiY�� __
<br /> • - any�moval or aiher remediatiQn of any g]!avnidous Substan�xffcsxing tha Praperty is n��r�- _
<br /> � r. all nec:ssary rem�dici actions in accordanrfs a�W Envimnmental Law. — _
<br /> . As us�d in this patagapb?A. "Hazardn¢�5ubstances' zie those�.rb�*.anses defaned as cor.ic or hnrardous substaaces Dy
<br /> .� Envirormental �ia�u aad the f�llucviug subst�ces: gasoliae. kerosen:. mher flammable or toxic petmleum prodwcts, toxic
<br /> ..,... .. � .� pesdc�dZS and herbicides.voisn7e solvents,ma2erials containing asbesws or formaldehYdE.aad radiozctive matenals 1���
<br /> ' • tbis paragraph Z0. "Environm�uai Law" ��ang federal laws and taws of the urisd"acaon where the P�oPertY�
<br /> ,,�� ` relate to health.s�fe.'y or envuonmental p:rt�ion. _
<br /> r,� , NON-[TNIFt}RIrI COVENANTS.Bn�vc�and Lender further cov�nt and agr+z�as follo�vs:
<br /> � • Zl.Acaeeleraftvn;Remedics.I.euder c�s�11 glve uotice to Borroiv�paior W s�celerat€on[dllmvtng�orrower's breash _
<br /> ,:r�4i:� �� o�any wvenant or agreement in t63s Se�.�r[tY Instr�en4 Nut aai grior!o acxetPaattan un�er pars�gtaP� 17 �m4c�
<br /> ••••vi•:� aPFIIc�able Eaw pmvides otherrvtse).Tt�e noiice s�11 specKY- (e)the default:N)the ar�lon required to care R�e defanit;
<br /> . _ ��: (c)a date,noi ixs�tl�an 30 dsys from the dute the no�tce is�iven to Bamower,by�htch the detauit mus!be cnrcd;and
<br /> . � (�that failore W cure the detaWt on or betor+e the date speci�ed i�the notice may res�alt in aaelett�t[na o[t�e sums
<br /> &ecured by thfs SasurIty Ius'tn�eat and sr�fle of We Property.T�e Qa�e shall further inform Borxo�r�r cr tiie r�ght Co
<br /> • . _ .. � reiastate sifter ar.�derat[on nad t�e rig�t to brtag a court uQt�n w�..�.�t the �oa�dsieace of u defaulttn the no�
<br /> • defeicse ot Borr�«'to soc4lc4s-�Eun sind sa2e. u thE detatilt is not cm�d on or before the dsiite s�����
<br /> ' : • � a.gs�,at its optton,may r��iiia�immediate paym�4 in�ul!of a1D svms secur�xd b bthY� uw61e law.Lender sThall be
<br /> ,��:+.���F;i?, _ €�tirr.r�emaud aad may�nvaY�2he power of sale and an�other remedles permtlte� Y h 21.tnchidjn8,bui not Umite�l
<br /> ' rntlf3n.di to oolled.�1 expenses iacurred In putsufng thE remedies pmvided tn this pzr�xg�aD
<br /> �.��`s``:j4`'�� . • ',• .. to.reawnable�iiarsaeys'iccs and cwsts of if4te evideace.
<br /> . . . � .} , U the pov�oi sale is im�oked. 1Yas-2ce§hall reaord s► aottce a f d E t a n tt i n e a c b cc n n t� i n v r 6 i c 6 u n y p i c t o i the
<br /> �'��;;;;u'°. IIcslsl�P.�w to �orr�w�and to
<br /> r;�?+�s�:s� Pm�erhy is locate�snd sLaU maU oopies oY sucb notice in the manner presedhe�bY aRP
<br /> ��`•`;:a, - th�c�i.�er Pe�sovs pr�scribed D3'aPAftra6le iaw.After the Etme required by appQc�ble�w.Tr�t�sbaU�ive�nbllc natf¢e
<br /> -�tir �� af��to the peisoas and iu the msnner pa�crlbed byr appllcable law.Trustee. �titi�out d�aad on Boms.wctr,s�ll se11 _
<br /> " � the lcroperiy at public suctYoa to the highest bidder at the ttffie ana p"_ace and ander theeer�s��or a�p L^se]of CCre �_.
<br /> � sate tn o�e ar tanre parcels and iD�ny order Tru.,�Tee ddermines.Tr.a.�Cee eiaY P�PQ
<br /> �� - .� Property by poblic anno�IIcement at the ttme and piace of aay p�u�avslY scheduled sale- &a��er or its c€YStgnee ma±� _
<br /> .:� �tuchase the�rmpe�rty ut any sale. —
<br /> � a ---- _
<br /> �,,' r ----
<br /> ' • ==-
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