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<br /> � . � - , �
<br /> � $g..:i05826 �
<br /> U�►IFOIt!�[CovFxa►!urs. �ia������o=n��t��g����a��ower shaSl prorraptl}pap when due
<br /> �' ��t��� re a ment and late charges due under the Note. - -
<br /> the principAf of and intarcst on tha debt evidcnced by the Note and any p p Y Borrow er shall pa}• �
<br /> 2. Fti�ds forTuss aM I�mrasce• Subject to sppticable!aw or ta a wqtten waiver by Ixnder,
<br /> �m
<br /> to Lender on the day montf�ly psyments tre due unda ettt Natr,�nti1 the 1�ote is paid in fu�l,a sum("Funds")equal to _
<br /> one,t�v�{ftIy ot: (s) yearly tua and u3essments which may attain priurity over this Security Instrument; (b) yea�rty ,
<br /> - � ` - kiae}�io���►Ymt�nts.ot�r�ntt� rev�ts c�e t�'tc Prap�rtY, if any; fcl yearl�r hazard 'm.surance prcmiums: and (d) yeariy . . --.- . , .-
<br /> mortp=e insarance p�emiums,if any.These items are csdkd"escrou items:'I.ea+de�m;Y�stimace the Fund�due an tAe - .
<br /> �sis of cumnt daq and cdsonabie esrimata of future escrow items. � , . .
<br /> Thc Fvnds sha11 be hdtt in an instituiion the dtposiu or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed 8y a federa!or E
<br /> ; sut� (incl�din�I.ender iF Lender is such sa iitstitutian).Lendtr shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. �
<br /> ° � Lender�y�not��iar�e fcx libtflu[��and spplyina the Funds,�ly�ing ihe accaun�or vrrifying the escrow iiems,unle�ss . .. . . . . .._... _. ...
<br /> �t.hidat�pays Borrower intaest on the Funds snd spplicable la�v permits Lender to make such a charge. Bonowa and
<br /> e • Ixadec,may sZroc in Mriting that intenst shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agteement is made or applicablt law
<br /> �f requirts intrcbst to be paid L.ead�t shall not be required to pay Borruwer ar►y intecat or eamings on tite Funds.Lender .
<br /> � sha]1�ive to Borrower,witbout charge,an annual accounting of the Funds sbowing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> 4 purpose for which ach debit ta thc Funds was mada Tht Funds ar�pltdged as additional secua��+for the sums socured by ,
<br /> ' tinis Secunty Instn�ment. . .
<br /> � if ti►t amaunt of the Funds held by I.ender.togefbsr with the future monthly payments of Funds psyable prior to
<br /> � ' tbc�ue date�of the escraw items,shaU exceed the amocu�t requirtd.to pay the escrow items when duc,the ex...�-ess sball br. .
<br /> `'� at HoRrower"s opdon.either promptty r�sid to Borrower or crac€�ir�to Borrower on monthlY paYments�f��mds.[r.z�e .,;_: ; . :
<br /> amouat of tltt Funds held by Lendu is not sufticient to pay the escrva�items wh�tn dua��o�s�all pay tt��e�tt��rry .:;:,;;;.-: .
<br /> amou�t necessary to Aialce up the dtficiency in one or m[ite payments as required by Lender. ;��� . .
<br /> � Upon paymaet in full of�I!snms secured by tb�s Security Instrument.I.ender shall promptly refu�t�i��`�� ,
<br /> '. any Funds held by Lender:If under paragraph 19 the Prdptrty is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender sha3Y appiy,no tater .
<br /> ' than immediately prior to tht sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> t . .. ,
<br /> application as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. A�liatio�of Psyattnts. Unless applicable law p*ovides otherwise.a11 payments receiwed by Lender under,•
<br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied:first,to lste charges�due unda the Note;second,to prepayment chargcg due under the
<br /> � Notr�.third.to amounts payable under patagraph 2;feurth,to interest due;and last.to pnncipal due. �
<br /> � . 4, Clue�es;I,ien.s. Borrower shall pay all ta��es,assessnnents.chargcs,fines and impositions ariri'autable t�a thc - �
<br /> � proptrty wi�ich:"rnny attain priority,aver this Security insttument, and leasehold payments or gra�nd rents. if an;r:
<br /> ` Bornower shali pay these obligations in the manner proxided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrmver shull� ,:
<br />- ' pay t,�em on dme directly to t!n porson owcd payme�st�13orrow'e*shall promptly fumish to Ixnder all�qifr.es of amounte �`
<br /> ' • ta br paid under this paragraph•If Bosrower makes tf��payments directly,Borrower shall pramptfy Trls�ish ta Lender .,..
<br /> � teceipts evidrncing the payments. � ' __
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry InstrumeQt un{iss Borrow�r-:{a)
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acctptable to Lendcr;(b)contests in.good
<br />�� fait�t�e lien by,or defends against enforctment of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's a�iinion operate to
<br /> prc��cst the enforament ot the lien or farfeiture of any past of the Property:or(c)secures Prom the hofdFr of the lien an
<br /> agrotment satis€actory to Ltnder subordinating the lien to this Security lnstrnment.if Le�nder determittes that any part of
<br /> , tht Property is.�ubject to a lien which may attain priority ovtr this Security Instrument, Lender may give Bo�owEr a
<br /> -- - - notice id�ntifying the tien.Borrowe�s�at�sansfy i�tc lita a:tskt on+�or mc+r��f the actions set forth above within 14 days
<br /> of tht giving oi'notict.
<br /> � S. Hazar�i Insurance. Bonower shall kee�����improvements now exasting or hereaRer erected on the Proptrty
<br /> insored against loss by fire,hazards included within tU�;t�.rm"eatended cflverpge'and any other hazard�fur which i.�rtder
<br /> requires insurance..This insurance shall lse maintai�:ed in the amounts and for the perio�i.�that Lendar requires. The
<br /> insurance earrier providing the insurance shai�be choseu by Bnrrower subject to Lender's.approval which shall not be
<br /> j unressonably withheld. _^w ,v� „� �;.n,�,AtitP r�I.ender and slaall include a standar�l:mort e clause.
<br /> i Aii tnsc�rar.ce pv?i�i�,�i� r.,....:::..°�...Z L�..�-� - �g --..
<br /> I Lender shall have the right tu fiold the pvlicies and[+xr�e�als.If Lender r�quir�s,Borrower shall promRtly g�ve tb i.enaer
<br /> � ali recaipts oE fasid premiums and rene�w;rj,notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt norice to the insurance �
<br /> ' carrier and Lei+�er.L.eader may make prr�+���'af loss iPnot made promptly by Borrower. -
<br /> � Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree s»writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied ta testoration or repair
<br /> of'tlte Property damaged,if the restosation or repatr 1�economically feasiblc and Lertder's security is,�iu�;lessened. Ii the �T
<br /> � ►�r s taration or r e p air is not economicalty feasible r.ti�l�:a:nder's security would be lessened,ahe insuranuu.proceeds shaU b�e
<br /> , . applied to the sums secured by this Sec�srity lnstrur.tent.whel her or not t hen due,wi t l t:�.n y e a c e s s p a i d t o B o r r o w e r. I f
<br /> . � � Harrower abandons t he Prope r ty.or d a�s�not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance canier has
<br /> ; otf�red to settlt a�claim.then Lender ma��collect th�insuran�e proceeds.Lender may use the praceods to repair or rrstore
<br /> �
<br /> th�L'mperty or to pay suttts,r�ecured 6y this Secu�ily,Instrument,whether or not then due.The 3(?-day period will begin
<br /> i wfien the notice is given.
<br /> � Unlag Lender and Borrower otbc-swise agree'in writing,any apPlication of praceeds to principal shaU not extcnd or
<br /> � postpone thc iiuu date of the monthly pnyments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tlte amount of the paym�nts.lf
<br /> - � under peragraph 19 the Property�i a�he acd u,s�t on shal�ss to Lend�to ihe extent of he sulms�secur d by A siSeca�ritY
<br /> ' from damage to the Property p 9 P
<br /> ; Instcument immediateiy pnor to the acguisition.
<br /> ' 6. pcesenation md Muntenance ot Property;Leaseho�ds• Banower shall nnt d�stroy,damage or substantially
<br /> � ehange ihe property,allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. lf this 5ec�rity lastrument is on a leasehold,
<br /> � Borrower shall comply with the provisions of ti;e Zease.and if$ottower acquires fee title tu the Property.the leasehold and r_��
<br /> � fee titk shall not merge unless L.ender agrees to the mergcr in writing.
<br /> � � 7. protectio� ot Lender's Rights in the Property; Mortgnge Insurance. If Borrawer fails to perf'orm the
<br /> i � covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument.or there is a tegal�sraceeding that may s+gnificantiy atfect �
<br /> • i.enaer's rights in the Properiy fsu�h as a prese:.rdiag itt tr3se-k�pt�y•prc+blte,for condemnation or ta enfarce laws or
<br /> re�ulations),ihen l.ender may do and pay for whate��er is necessary to protect the value of the Property and l.ender's rights
<br />�` in the Property L.endet's actions may include pa)�ng any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security
<br /> � Instrument,appearing in caurt.paying reasonable attomeys fees and entering on the Propeny to make repairs.Aithough
<br />�► � Lender may take actio»under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have co do so•
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shail become additiona!debt uf Borrower secured by th�s
<br /> , � Security lnstrument.tlnless�orrav�sr and Lender agret to other terms of payment.these amounts shail6ear interest from
<br /> � the date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable, with interest,upon notice from Lender ta Borrower
<br /> requesting payment.
<br /> , � .
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