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_ <br /> ...�. . <br /> - - -- - -- . , ; -� . .- ` - :_,i: . -, . ... - . • . ...;.,:: <br /> � � � <br /> . . - � .�� 8�= i0582� � <br /> � T�t�r h�r�b�r �b�olut�ly and uncanditiarNlly ���iqrw �al auch r�nts. is�uts and profits to . <br /> e�ntfici�ry. err�rticiary. howwr. t�r�by Cp11M�tti Rq 7�WL4T�� Ctl11�CLldfi �11d iltMlt.�G11 Ot �uch <br />_ r�nls• isn�� ar�d pro�its i� tl�y s�x::�ut snd payebl� w larp �� txuaLor is rwL at wctr t3ae i� defaulL . . <br />_ �f.� s��xct tio pay�e�E ot any it�lftl�drw�s w�r�d h�nbY pr !,n ttN pafo�nc� of sny agr�nt " <br />- . !»r�cieidirr. ti�as�y att�ett delatt��, 1�Pir,�.�r�t �a�r rt a� tia�t, �th�r i�P���: �Y +�4*nta or-b� ��-�- �--.-._. _-_- <br /> ' �.t+�.r ta e. .�,o�,t.a ay a coutk �iti,out nnttc+� ,�t�d ��tt�ut cp�sd ta tll� �d�qu�cy at any s�ctsity <br /> ; tot the i�d�btadn�ss frMraby �currd� (�j t�ntfr upan snd tdc� p��ion o� th�PropertY os a�► vart . <br /> LMr�of �nc! 3n it� an nw � for ox otJwrri� cnl��ct �eh rsnt�. l,sax� �nd p�ofits. � �ra7.udicg ` . <br /> .; ,;..: _ _.... . . .. . . <br /> .... tl�owl A�� �tl11 +�1 urp�id, �nd+�ppiy th� ��r,� tNA1t t�ssts �nd �iip�M�!of o�tlon a�1d oollseticx�r ,' . � <br /> � ..::_...... _ ._.. ....... � <br /> � i�clexlinp r�a�rNbls attorn�y�s *�. upan �► lntJ�bt�tlrnss ��d h�r�by and fn aufi ardor ss � ' <br />. 9.rti.ficiary► ..y at.��.t (a) l..s. th� i� ar �nr w� th.r.or tor �,d, r.nt.l, c.� .nd upon a�,d, . <br /> , conditiarnr rs emtf'ici.ary�s �b �y dict�t� ox Gic�ir��� or �d�t th� ltr� arx! caxfitians of . <br />� . any �tistir� l�t or ls��a. Un2�� tcuator �rd �fiei�ry �qrar ottwrwis� in �itirgs anf► .. - <br /> appiicition a1' r��� isaws or pra�its to �y lnd�ht�dr�ni s�cur�d Ixr�by �t►�lI not uctw�d or � � <br /> � P�tF� 111�r du�d�Gr of tt� irat�lLwnt pryirwtts �s pfovidrei in �hr Notr or chanq� tt�t aNaitt cf x�cf► . - <br /> ir�tall�nts. The en��rinp upan �nd trkiny pnssne�aion ot tM Prnp�rty. Eh� colisctfon ot x�ch z�ents, �,:�;:' <br /> � iaw�s �nd pratit�, �nd tlx applicat#an th�r�of �s �forNaid� at�ll not wiw or a�rr any r�fault or ��:`;;;�''��:���: �:::':i�`';�-�'..� �, <br /> :. .,:,-. <br /> � �;,:;`:�,;;;:;�i°",'��-�:��,:?fi>1�::�....� . <br /> � �� �c��. of a.�.�,it n.�,e.r. or Snualid�t� ahy ac� dnf� purs�w�t to duch rwtl�. �ru.eor .��,. r� � <br /> .,:•'.,�::,:.; ,. <br /> � B�r�ticLry, aa turth�r s�curitr Tor tfr prrtor�nc� at th� indrht�d�ws� snd oDligatians s�ciaad ' <br /> 'h�r�by. all psyp�id r�nts and a�l �ys �ich n�y huw bMn or �sy h,�ruft�r b� d�posit�d �ith � .. . <br /> � Trustcr by any 1�ot the Pmp�sty, to ascure th� pay�srst oT any r�t or dan�eg�. and uport dKauit <br /> ' in th� pestor�ence ot �ny oT ths �r�visian herrof, Truator agr�a� to dsliuer such r�nts and d�pos3ts <br /> _ to �anetici�ry. Delivery og rr�tten notice of 8ensfic�ary's �x�rciae of the ri9hts grantod by this � <br /> . parsgrapP► TOiIRD to an� ::enar►t xcupying the Rrop�rty or any portion th�r�ot sh�ll be auttici�nt to � <br />� r�quire aaid terw�t to pay sa��i rent to 8aneficiary un�l1 furthsr noticf. <br /> FOL�i1Ht Ef there ehall be tilad by or againet the Trustar �ny p�tition or psoNading '��' • <br /> ........_ • :_:�:..; <br /> • ' se+�kirg �n ur�ant or cawpositian or extension ar �ny oth�r r�li�f unA�r or purxr�nt to the � ' . - <br /> . � F�dsral B�nkruptcy Code or ave� ether sinilar atetute as noir or hrsMft�r !n Nf�ct� or iT the Trwtor • � � <br /> ahall b�ad�uclicatad bar�icx.get er inaolvent or any of Trustor�a property eh�ll hav� b�w� sequsstered • <br /> . arid �uch drerae sl�a31 have �t3rx�d undischarged end unatayed !ar nin�ty (BO) drya aft�r the entry , "' :, , �� <br /> tt�r�ct� th�n tR�e uEwle of the Ncta and i�debtadness hereby aecur�d shall� Without notice� at the � ��".'��`' <br /> aption of the BeneP3�y �"a�e due and payable. <br /> FIFYHc Upon deTacr�l�t by Trustor i� th� pay�ent ot or p�rtora�nc� ot tM t�r� snd conditim� <br /> of th� Note, ar any ssnewls, niodiffsation� or exacutiora tMr�of, tl� {uynNnt of usy other <br /> � indebt�e+ies� s�c�a�e1 hereby o� in the pertorn�ence ot a�y aqr��nt� covernnt or �rranty h�rsi� , , . <br />� � Cai�14r1�ItMl vi So� tGa^�ii '�tr �o� ��jia�nw�L oi 1��iti��G, nit�i.� uji Trt�r$ut I�� �vir�:�".'�fuii if�h ti'wr � - � - �, �--. . <br /> � Sndrbt�dr�a� twreby s�e�„ 9arie�iciary �nay declar� all �s sscur�d it�x�by in�rdi�t�ly du� and <br /> ' payabl� and the sa�e �all theraupott b�ca�e due and payabl� Witl�o�ti pr�n�ftt dMA�nd, proC�at or <br /> r�otic� of sny kix�d. Th�reafter, Beneticisry may d�liv�r to Truete� s iaittrn drel�ration at d�fault ' <br /> and d■�nd tur�aaItr. Trusta� ahali havs the parer of sal� ot th� Prap�rty and it 8wt�fici�ry d�cidn <br /> th�Property is to be sold� it shall deposit rith Tsust�e this ONd ot Tsust �nd th� Not� or notss �nd <br /> �ny n�i�r �wr�nt� e�ri�f�cinn exnenditure� secured heraby. erx! shall dfliver !a Ts�Zu s �rritten . <br /> notics ot �1'ault sc�d slaction to cauae tM Property to d� aold, and Trwts�� in turn, N�li pnpar� • <br /> simiZer notice in�toria required by ��r, rhich ahall b� duly til�d tor r�cord by Tru�ts�. � <br /> (�) After the lapse of �uch tinN es n�sy bs requiretf by laW folla�i�g tf� r�corclrtlan of :�,._ <br /> Notice ot O�fault, u�d Notics of Dstsult �nd Notic� o� 5slo ha�ing bean giwn �� r�pulr�l by Iw� c: <br /> Trustas. trithout de�nd on Tru�tor� ehall asll the Praperty hereinbetor� drxrib�d� �nd u�y and �wry '� - <br /> part th�reof, in ssp�rate parcele or sn nr»e as th� Trwt�e may elect ��xf in wch urd�r �y Ts�ust� "" <br /> n�y drten�ine on th� d�te and at th� ti�as and pl�c� drsiqn�ted �n aaid Notics of Sal�, �t public <br /> wction to tt�highest bicldsr, ths purch�ss prics pay�ble in cash in 1Mrtu1 mar�y ot !h� Unitul Stat�s <br /> at th� ti� oT �1�. Ths person cond�xting th� sale n�y, tor eny caus� M e�r �tw �� �x�t!l�nt, <br /> poatpa�s tF�e a�l� frc� ti� to tinis until it ahall bs co�pl�t�d and. !n �v�ry wch c�w. notic� ot <br /> pastpar�nt shall bs gtvsn by public declar�tion therwf by euch peraon st th� ti+ns �nd pl�c� l�st <br /> rppvfntKf for tF�a�2�t prwided, if ttw sal� ia pa�tpor�d tar l�rtys� ttWn anr (1) tliy t�►y�d tfii� diy - <br /> d�sigrwt,�d i� th� Noties ot S�is. notic� tMraot eFwll b� qivrn in tt� ea� n�x�r a� thr ariginrl <br /> � Notice ot Sale. Tru�tae shall executa and dal�ver to the purchaser it5 t)nnd Ganu�yln�� thr {irq�sty �� . <br /> suld, but rrithout eny covenent or uisrrent, exprese os ir�ilied. ?hA reclt�le !.n th�r fhM aT �ny <br /> �tt�rs or f�cts ehall be concluyivr proof of the truthfulnese therROf. Rny �te�sa�, f,ncludinq Without __.._ ._ <br /> 13mitatian, 8�r�ticiary ar Trust�s nwy purchaae at the aale. Said sele ahall br�cur��ct�d at thd re�l � <br /> sst�t� fbr�ing • part ot th� Propetty or �t the court house in tha cnunty in Whfch tf►� t�rc��rty Co h� � <br /> �u1d, or � p�rt tF�r�ot� is sitwtrd. ' <br /> i i <br /> (b) . (d�t TrustMr s�11s purauant tv ths par�re t�r�in. Tru�teu sha12 v►�►ly tht� �rrx:8�ds uf' � <br /> the eals to paynwr►t ot tha coat� and exysnsrs ot exercising ths power of e�la anrf pP thr� sn1Q, <br /> L fncluding, Witt+oUt. limit�tiart, the paym�nt ot TrustN's taes incurred� mhich Trustn��� Pea�► sha1�1 rx�t � <br /> in the agsceg�te excNCi the �un of Fiva Fturtdr�rd bolltrs (�500.00) plu9 QnQ f�vrcont (t�) nf ti��❑ m�nsunt • <br /> • eecured hereby �nd ranainlny unpefd and then �tn the iteme e�t forth in .,uh7�retjroph (�) oP Chia <br /> paragreph FIFTH in the order th�reln et�ted. <br /> � <br /> f . +- "�ww� . <br />