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<br /> .. f ia�luding#loods or flaodin�,fur�vt�ich Lender�eyuires insurance.This insurance shall he m3int�ined in the amouats aad '•�
<br /> ". . . for the peticds that Leader �equires•'ll�e insurance carcier providin�th.°insurance sb�ll be chosen by Barrawer su�ject to
<br /> ' L�nder's approval wbiich shail not be unreasonablY withheld. if Eorrower faiis to ma'sntain coveruge dFS�rtbed abave,
<br /> .• Lrender may.at Ixnd�r's oprion,obtaia wverage to pmtect Lender's r�ghts in the Property in Escordaace with paragraph .
<br /> 7.
<br /> p�l in,-wrance policaes and reae�vals shall h$ gcceptable to Lender and s�all include a standarQ inortgage clause.
<br /> L,ender shall have thz nght[w isold the policies and ienewals• If Leader requires.Barrower shall protn�tly give to Lender
<br /> ' . ' ail reeeipts of paid piemiuxns a�d reaewal notices.Ia the event of loss.Sorrower shaU give promp�nouce m the insurancr
<br /> '-_�;� .� ��a aad L�er,I.ender may mske pmof af loss if not u�de prampt�y by Borrower. �
<br /> . Unless Y.ender and�o�wer otherwise agrae in writiag,insuraace rxeds sha116e spplisd m restoration or mpair
<br /> gro
<br /> � • of ihe Pmp�rty dama�ed, af th�restorarion or repair�s ewnoimcally feasi le and Leader's s�unty is ant lessened• If the
<br /> ' . resroration az repur �s not economically feasi�le or I�nder's sxurity would be lessened.the insvrause pracceds shall he �;._
<br /> • applle�to the sams secueedby this S�auity i"�'^�g";��+h�r or aot then due, with aay e�tcess paid to 6oarower. If �=k
<br /> � ' Sotrower abaadons the Prnperty,or dces aot aaswer within 30 days a notice fram Lender that the ufsuraace canier has
<br /> ' offered w settle a clzim,then Lender s�ay col2�t che insurance Pra�.eed�g.l�er may use the pioceeds to mpair or restore .r--
<br /> ± the Praperty or to pay�secure�by this SecuritY jnsm��t.���or not then due.'Ihe 30�day penod will i�gia �:,,,
<br /> �� whes the noticc�sg�ven. uption of mceeds to PriaciPal shall not extend ar --
<br /> r Uales.s Lendes aad Bomower otherwise agree ia writing,anY aPP P _
<br /> gost�one the d�e date of tL�e rr_onthly paYments re¢er�d�°in p��F,�1 aIId 2 or cb�ange the amaunt of the payments.lf —
<br /> � under paragr2gh 21 the F�ape�rty is acquired by Leader.Borrower's nght to aay insuraat�palicies aad pror�eds resuiting _...
<br /> ' from dama���the Propert9 Pnor to t�e acquisidon shall Pass to L.QUder to the eactent of the sams sPCUred by this Security �
<br /> ' �n�m,.,,zr.�...:...�diately prior to the acqius�tion. llcatfan; —
<br /> s�
<br /> , � ,` 6. c,���au�9,p�'vat[on. �3ffiatse sud ProtecEiam of thE Property, Borrow�'s Loan APP
<br /> . ; � �[.easQho.?�. :�.-rower shall acxupY.establish,aad use the Property as Sorrower's prinapal resi3�ce within suty daYs i
<br /> after the c•,�.:�on of this Se�uriry Iastcument and s....:V�ntinue to uccupY tke Property as Borrower's ciacip3l iescdence
<br /> .T for a21�..'��y�aftea the date of ooc�gancY. ur.;�Lender ot�eTwise agrees in writing, which coD eat shall not be �
<br /> - •- `.��, �soa�? ���.�held,or unless emenuatizg c�stamces exis!which aie beyaad Borrower's contro3..,arrawer�all nni
<br /> • • destroY, c�s'u:ce or impaar the Pcogerty,allow the PropertY to d�iorate. or commit waste on the Progerty. Bcurower
<br /> • s;� st�aU be���.�:lt if any forfeiture action or ptoceeding,whether civ�or cciminal.is begua that in Ixnder's good faith
<br /> judgnent ca,;:id result i^forfeitiue of the PcopertY or otherwise materially im�air the lien created by this SecuritY
<br />. � ' ? Instrnm.�t or Leader's s�ity interest.Borrower may cure such a defanit and re{-nstate.as p:o�ided'm paragraph 18,by
<br /> . . causing the �uction or p:oceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Le�der's good faith deter�inarion, Precludes
<br /> � forfeiture of the Borrower's interest m the Pmperty ot o3her material �'mpafnnsnt of the heu create�l by this Secnrtry
<br /> . T� Insnvment c.-Leader's sesa�rity interest.BorrowEr shaU also be in de�'ault if Bortower,during t*e loan applicaiion gmcess,
<br /> .,� gave ma��rl:!'Y false or inaccurate information or statements to Le�der(or failed w pmvidr Lr�nder anth any maierfal
<br /> infosma�u:.:in connection arith the loaa evidenced by the Note. including,but not limited to,^aPresentatioas coaceraiag
<br /> � � Bormwer's accupanzY of the Property as a princip��dence.lf this SecuritY I�sr-�en1 is on a leasehold,Borrower shall
<br /> .. � �ntply ai•h all the pmvisions of the lease. If 8o�-r•�a��acquires fee tide to t*.��roperty, the leasehold ayrfi':�e fee title
<br /> - . '� '�; ,� s..a11�a2.�.ge uniess I.ender agrex�to the mergcr�:.�^`�g•
<br /> . .,. ., ".L�s�tecti�n o8 I,c3tder s Rigl�s in tha P_-:�'ty. If�crower fails to perform the cflvenants a-.3 agreements
<br /> . ., " tantait_�y....t'is Serurity , t, �that tnay sigaificaatly afFaci Ixnder's rights in the
<br /> ' b, T �• lncm�men ar tt:rr is a l�a1 ptoCe�i:c3 ,
<br /> ,��;f,;y.�. . �t_ o�b y��� for conde�5on or forfeidJre or to enforce la�vs or regulattons),
<br /> pm a:.:b av a pT� �s:..--y,.�:-u=�
<br /> ;•�,+,: foz urhasever is L��M-y to pmt�the value c.::?�e Peop:rty aad I.ender's nghts in the
<br /> ;t�� shen Ixader may do and paY p°Zty ,
<br /> ,. . property Len der's actions may i a c l u d e p a y i r.; aa.� sums se�umd by a L:az ��iich has prio�iry ov� a�s SecwitY
<br /> . �n„mer.- � in wurt,PaNinS reasonable auomeys'fees and eatering�:.�e Prop�rty to make rer;s1s.Al t hougb
<br /> � • � ���,.n,;r�. e actlon under this pa�ih 7.1.ender does not have w do so.
<br /> � � Az,�::.aiounts disbwsed by Lenfi��der tbis paragraph 7 srall become�s."�idonal de�s:ai�rrowe�r secured by this
<br /> �.�-; _ ..:: . Security I�asumem2.UnIIess Borrower.��Leader a��ee to other tetms of pays��,�these atnouats shall bear iate�t from _
<br /> �`.-�_� �". • the date of disbursemeaii at the Note iate ar.d s-�.;be payable. with iateres°c. upon notice from I.entLzr w Borrowet
<br /> r s�. � ,'"^ ��g,�M�g,�ge Ins'urauce. If Leader requir.:�;�cgage insivattce as a vc�tion of tnakinS the loau ss;,ured by tbis
<br /> ^,'�.'�. ��.,'��� Security L-r.�eat,Borrower shall Fati z-`•=fi'e�::�f�i�to maintain the m�rtgage ins�uance ia effect. If.for any
<br /> .-,. .. reason, the mortgage iasurauce cover�;;� re�u:red by l.ender i:r�ses or ceases w be in effect, B�aower shall pay t�z
<br /> . premiums recluired to obtain wverage s��s'....^n��equivalent c•� Yhz mortgage ins�u�ce previously in effect, at a co�z
<br /> -�.' .. substantially equivalent ta the oost W E�_ ....T c`_t��tnortgage insurance pre��:::.sly in effect,fmm an aItemate tnortgage
<br /> .�T�t murt e insurance c��'�-„e is not available.Borrower sha11 Qay
<br /> ;�.�; . :` ' insurer�pproved by I.e�der. If substa:.ta.:y eq':..'-�_'- 8a8 �d go�wer when
<br /> I.e .
<br /> .: ' to Lender each manLS a svm equal to c�:�iwelfth oi the yearly mortgage insur�.:pre�iuten bainS P bY
<br /> -==,�- .; h the insutance wvetage laps�or c�au��:�be in effea.Lender will aocept,use and ietaln these payments as a loss reserve
<br /> ��.irY:���'�� '.
<br /> r�``� ;, in IIeD of cnortga�e insureuce• Lo�s�ses�'e PaY���Y IIo longer be requued. at the oation of Lcnder, � mortgage
<br /> ." inse�raace coverage(in 3he�sount��'for the penod that l,ender requires)Drovided by an ins�uer approve�by LeIIder
<br /> •'�'y���-��. again becomes ava�lable ead is obiained. �arro�rer shaU pay the premiums re�uired to maintain mortgage insurxuce in
<br /> � � effect, or to pmvide a loss reserve,until the requirement fu mortgage ins.�.�ee ends in acc°�da�.ce'^nth aay w�i�n
<br /> � � e�emfnt between Borrower eIId Lender or appli�.[;?r law. Farm "'.�7 fpaga 3 161
<br /> BAtSXE.;�:TF3Y.3.RtC-.ST•CLAUD.MN 6630Y I7�COP397•23411 i0A'd t1.6t-RE T/8f�t 3�,��
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