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<br /> t .?.- �- :�" :"o'C°`y�t,#r�.�ds�"�F..�:w�ti"�`-�.,a, -
<br /> _,:.eoa„r_� a r.�-�:� ti .—.... -
<br /> : 99� �����2 Zaa��9�
<br /> IIJpan eec�pt of pay�ent o� &ita �S�toe b4d, Tnrstee s�ll de�var to tQc$ pna�ch�r Tniste�'s deed caaseyts�; t�2 _ .
<br /> Pro�ty.The�cttsils in taae Tn_st�'s deed s�nU be prtma [acia evtdPaze o8 t�a trutb of thE stateffients c�d2 thgrein.
<br /> Tr�ie��hhall apgly the prac�ds of the sale in the foltow[ng order:(n)w a!1 costs aad en�ensPS oP exenctsins ths gc►�er of
<br /> sa4e,uadi the sa3e,ia�tudIng tke payineat of tSie Trusiee's fees actually tacarr�f,eoi to exc� S.00 �
<br /> of the prdnciga!a�tannE of 3�e aoie at the t3�s ot thP dectarattnn of dEfauJt,aa�r�►sonaWe at4orneys'feFS t�permitted
<br /> by law; (b)to afl sums secur�d by thfs Security lnstn�zneat;sad(c)any ezcess to the persan ar pPtsons legully entl4led to
<br /> It.
<br /> ?.2. Res�a�eya[tt�e. Upan payment of u11 sums s�cured by [his Security Insirument. Lender sh311 request Tnist� to
<br /> reoonvey the Praperty an� shall surrender this SQCUriry Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Innru��t to'1'rusi�.Tnssi�sha{�►e�nvey�he prop��ty rrit4taut�varronty und�vithaut charge to the pe�an or J�rsnns l2�ally
<br /> c�ttittal ta it.Sstch� ar�ns s4�l1��y�y reaordation costs. .
<br /> ?,3. Subs�4ituie'Trv..Met.I.Qndsr,nt its a�sian. m.ay from timP to tiiva remave Tevsiee and appoint a successflr trusiez to
<br /> may Trustee uppulnted it�r2urzder by nn instn�rtcent r�rorded in the rnunty e�which this Security Instrumenti is reeord�.Withnut
<br /> conveyars�oF ttre Pragetty. the sucsessor tr�stee shall s�ccoeed ro n11 the title.power und duties canfereed upnn Trustee hscein
<br /> aTSd bY upPlicab�e law.
<br /> _24. R�t�e�+t tmr NoE#g�s.Ror�mver ra;usts t�at coPies a;�Q Retices af defaait acd sale be sent to Borrower's addres�
<br /> vdhich es the Praperiy Address.
<br /> u� Rldtrs W thts Seeurdty EnsWment. If one or more ridezs aYe executd by Borrower and oecorded ta�e�er with this
<br /> S�curiry Insuument,the oovenants and agreEmenu of each sucb ddsr shall be insatpornted imo and shnll amend and supplement
<br /> th�covenzms ap►d agreements of this 3ecurity Insmimxnt as if ths rider(s)were a part af this SECUriry Instramen�
<br /> (Check a�plirable bnx{es)l ,
<br /> []Adjustable Rate Rider [�Ca�dominiwn Rider ❑1-4 Family Rider
<br /> Q GraduaLed Fayment Rider �Plann3d Unit Development Rider ❑Biw�Yly Pay�"'s re�:a'
<br /> [�Balloo�n Rider 0 Ra�x Improvemen2 R4der ❑�on3 HomE Ridra
<br /> L...l V.A.Rider 0 Q�—."�S)ISF�YI
<br /> BY ST�?�N6 BELAW.Boirower acxepts and a�to th � venanu aontairn�d in this 5ecurity Insiru�i r�
<br /> r'�anyr ade�(s)exxuied by Borrower and recorded wid�.i�:
<br /> �s'atnesses:
<br /> (5�1)
<br /> (3EORG A POULLOS -�=��
<br /> � �.P� (Seal)
<br /> J Y '��LOS -��*
<br /> . ��� •`�7)
<br /> ' ?'��r[ourzr ' -Bor[oR�er
<br /> STA'I'E OF NEBRASKA, Coanty ss:
<br /> TMe foregoing insuumer.t was ackn9wledg3d b� me this 22ND day of JEt:a I7ARY .1999 .
<br /> �3y dEOAGE A PQUi�,fiOS AND JODY x r�OULLOS •
<br /> Wimas c�ny hand artc�r.atarial seal at ,. in said County,.:nc��a2x afo,�aid..
<br /> (iRAND ?aLAND, N��` �
<br /> My Commissian Eapires: �s"""
<br /> �HE(UlNOTAAY•SlataolNeDr�s�� NwaryPubf►c .
<br /> � DAYID F.OQ:ii:fEN
<br /> 6ty Cc:nm.E�,;.4i.2CG0
<br /> �,8�o Fwes�30i9 9190
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