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<br />' fil`F�`� _
<br /> t. pay[r�nu cnay no longer be required.at the option af Lender. if mongage insuranrr_wverage(in th$amou.nt and for the period ___
<br /> that Lender re�uires)pravided by an insurer approved by Lender again becames available and is obtained. �orrower shall pay _
<br /> '! ���re���quijed co maintau�mortgage insurance in effect,oY to provide a loss reserve,until the tequirement for mortg2ge -
<br /> ::� insurar.ce eads in aceardaace�vith any writt�n�n=ent bat�+een Barrower and L�nd�r or applicable law. �nder shal! ive
<br />. �- g,lc�spectimn.Leader or its agent may make reasonable enuies upon and inspections of t�e Proparty. 8
<br /> ,�` Borrov�er noiice at the tirrte af or prior to ari insgection sgecifjnng reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> �.?� 10.Can�em8at�an•The PTa�e�of any a�vard or claim for damages. direct or cunsequenrial. in connecti�'wit�h �y�
<br />'�'��z• :� coademnation or ether takin�of any part af the ProPertY•or for conveyance in liw of oondemnation,are lterebY g�►
<br /> ' s6a11 @s paid to Lender.
<br /> t.r:;: µ In thc event af a tatal taking of the Property,the proc.eeds Shail be aPP�ied to the sums secured by this Security insuument.
<br /> wheiher or not then due.with arry excess Paid to Borrovier. In the event of a partial taldng of the Pr°FcTh"n H'hich the fair
<br /> �'- market vslue of the�operty irnma�iately before the taking is equal to cr_-��.�-�'-'�-'-^�e�ount of the sums�ecured by this -
<br /> , _,;
<br /> _' .��-�r"� Security Tnstr�ment i�mediatEs';,`�sore Yhz�=�ng,unless�'srmweran3���:''�'�"-z.�ollowing fracHa�a) the wtal
<br /> --�: dus Security L�sriument s�-� �'*��''s:�.: _; .�s a.mo•.�:: .T_,e pmceeds -"`�i,=' --�'=� -
<br /> a_mnnnt of[he sums secured irn�::.�"�-J �'efc:e the tald:�. c.ivided by(b) the fs:c*�_�.:�:��r le�f the Prep�r� •y.nediately
<br />°=_�-�;;.�• �t►the fair
<br />-%` 5-�'�� r�Y --
<br /> ..=,�, before the taking. My batatcce shaII ise p.:-d :o Barrower. In ths event of a partial •�:;;o��e Ltc�erty in:.-su,.
<br /> ;�s,i� ruarket value of the Propercy imine�liately 6efore the taking is less tt►an the amouut of the sums s�u�.�imcnediately before the f
<br />=--__- tairing,an1ess Borrower artd Lender otherwise agree in�vrit[ing or unless applicable law othervrise provides, the�ror-wds shall
<br /> ��•;���+ he applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums ane then due-
<br /> "'"`=� If the Progerty is abandoned by Eorrower,or if.after notice by i.ertder to Borrower that the caademnor offers to m�ice an
<br />'«,��v°� uward or settle a ctaim for dama�es. Borrower fails to resgoicd to Lender with�n 30 days after the date the norice is given,
<br />- - °� Lendsr is autharized to collect and apply the proceeds•at�ts aprian,either to restorauon or repair of tne Property or to th2 sums
<br />-�'`'-� secured by thie Sccurity Instrument.whether or ttot then dae.
<br /> ='"�=� Ualess Lendet sind Borrower atherwise usre2 in writing. any upplication af proceeds to principal shall not exten� or
<br /> ~ � post�nc the due date of the monthly paymen�s afe�to in pamgmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sush pnymenu.
<br /> n:,r�',�"'�
<br /> ���$��,���s;����;�;,�;For��re�se By l�rcdes Nat a Wc�lvex• Erctension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> i�.:� � of amortizatian of�he surr�s secured by this SECUriry inswment granted by L.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shail
<br /> -"�`�:.�. not opemte to releas2 the Itability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shalt nat be r�quired to
<br /> .�:;�;�s cammense pracaed►ngs against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization
<br />-°`'`=`�� of the sn� secured by this Securiry Insuument by reason of arry demand made by the origina! Borrower or Borrower's
<br />-_•��.•L��
<br /> -_- - - Successnrs in Interest. Any forbearance by Lender in e�cercising any ri�ht or remedy shall not he a waiver of or preclude e
<br /> -- exercise of any right or remedy. �. �e coven3nu an�i agreements of tSus
<br /> _----- 1Z. Successuis sBd Assigns Bonad; dos�t an�3everal UabilIty; Co�sign
<br /> �-��� Se�curity Insmunent shall biad and benefit the successois and assigns of I.eader and Borro«ef- s_bjecc ta the pmvisions ar
<br /> - — paragraph 1T. Borrower's c�.�..zaz..�u and agresments shall be joint and s�veYal. �'�?. �o�a;�:' who ca- t���ve�tha
<br /> _-_ - Stu-trus;.ni but slo�s �at eq�.:�t'��?lo:e�fa)is co-signing this Security Instnssr�;�:ry j to �aa�tga$e.g�an Y
<br /> :.��� Boaower's interest in the�ro��r!un:w����of this Securiry Insmimenc:(tr: �`='Jzt Q����='y obli�ated to pay the sums
<br />----- — se�ured by this SecaritY I��trs�.-�ent;and(c)a�rces that Lender and any ather Borror.,�-:nay ag�e��extend.mndify,fortrear or
<br /> - �--�e any accarnma�atiuns`.;i�ia regard to the terms of this Seruriry Insuuinent or dsc 1'a�te without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13.La�Chasges-f!:tln.loan secured by this Seturity Insuument is subj�t���a law wtrich seis maxian��oan charBes.
<br /> and that !aw is finaLy in_c-*_r.:eted so that the interest or oiher loan c�atges colte�ed or to tre collected�n ce�n�cti°n���E
<br /> �-�� loan exce�ths�r�aire.3-��iu,then: (a)any such loan charge sha�i tr�reduced by the amount�ecessary to reduoe the ch���:
<br /> ___._._-_ to the perantted limit;z��"'��ry sums already collected from Borro..:.z vlhich eac�ded permi.u�:d limits will be refundzd+�s
<br /> - Borrower. Lender �aay dr_�:}�= � �e tt�is refund by reducing the principaE otT.s:: uader tY:e Note or by making a direx
<br /> payment to Borcotuer. If .e rrvnd reduces principal, the reiluction will be tr.c.:,�:: � a Partial pregayn�ent �yithout any
<br /> _ prepayrAent cfiarge uRder a���r,r.-�,,e,
<br /> 14.PlatEces•ADY rCi0.TJ BflJTO:•;�:(�rovided for in this Security Instrurr.znt�:1uu�ce ri•:�-.r'-y delivering it or by mailing
<br /> -- it by first class mail unl��w'=�licabte ia�u requires use of another method. '17te�.��a.+�s r:�aS�(a='�a'�."ted to the Praperry Address
<br /> ,�r any other�dQt�s 8ar•r,«:er designates by notice t2 f4.ender. Any notice ta IL:�.t�3er shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> lt�zder's address stated[:e�in or any other 2ddress Lender designates by coti�e�3=��Wer. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Securiry Instrament shali be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender u::n given as�r�vided tn this paragraph.
<br /> 15,Governiag Law; Severabili9y. This SQCUriry Instn�mer�t �319 be �ovem�d by federat law an� the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which th��n^nerty�s loc�ted•In ths event that any p:'�vision or ctause of this SQCUrity Instnimant or the I�Tote
<br /> conflicu with applicabte 1;i,v,.=uch contiict shall aot affect other provisions of ttu:�::��urity Insunment or the Note v+hicl�ran be
<br /> given effect vs+ithout the c_rsi����ting provision.To this ertd the provisions of this`:�ssraty InstNment aa�the Note a�declar�d
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> --- 16.BorroNer's Cag:,�..Lorrower shall be given one confarmed ruPY of th=`-'�J;a and of this Security InsuumEnt•
<br /> Fo�aoae srsa
<br /> Pape 4 of B
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