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. <br /> � � <br /> � � 89-�- 1�5'79� � . <br /> ie��w�s wi I,e�ia eo�N•�a�re r ta�r�: more shs�s tiftan p#)dtiys in�reus ta covcr the rxtra expense <br /> . invut�•sd in It�ndtin�tielinquent pay�nents. <br /> = l. 'ilut Bortowcr will pay the hereinbafurc • <br /> .. ' pr6vi8ed.Privik�e is ce�rved to paY the debt in whok or in part 3. 't'h�t it the taal o�the pa�iaents made by [he 8arrower - <br /> oe.�tijY IaSi3lt�lit tttFt diCe. WfdeC�b)�O{'p�f��Qi!3 p�etedill�!1(�Il lXCad-111C�-a�11101tRE Of - - -.. _ <br /> - - - . , p�yf�Stlltf�iL'IDI�!111i�t�1 t�1e�.!lk�Gf fOC�[0111fd tC71t3ti tiltCS� . � <br /> 2. '�t,tb�ether wich,and ia additiaa to.tfie monthly a�me�a�ape�r►Nana.�s the case may Oe,such ra-. <br /> psym�aRS of principa!aad iaterest.prY�6k uede�the terms of the cesi,if the tan ts current,ac t�e option ol'tix 8orrowrc.shall 6e � . � <br /> . :oote�eciired IitrcBy;tt�t Batowrr�rill{say tts tha Lcnder,ort the credited'bY tl�e Lrnder ort wbiequent psyments to be made by th� • . .. .. ' <br /> ... <br /> �eet�d��of e�cA cnoetb�uetif the s�id nota is t�Hy p�id.the Bart�ce,n�x�l�adc�ta the Batsr�t. Ii..b�+.�r,.I.f�.e.moptMh► _ . . <br /> ..... .... ........ .. . . <br /> {��; paymears mrde by the�otrower under(bl of p�n�raph 2 <br /> (a1 Araiet sutficient to pcavide the holder Ue[eof vrith fi�is ���sh�tt itM be suffi�adu td pay�ound rrnts,ta�es and <br /> ta pa�r tht next mortsa�e inwrance pcensium if H�itutrun�ent and �or iasurance prcmiums.u tix ca�e tniy be,wfien the <br /> tbe sott�e�wed haebY are iawred,or a monthlY cl�arse fe/ieu sans�s!a!I becane Que and p�yrabk.tlKn tix Btxrowe�sNait paY <br /> rnf�t mort*yr i�ura�oe p�rrmiwn)if t1�ey ue hetd by the ca the L�endet any amount ncassary to makt up tfie defiaency.oa <br /> See�+ehn�ot Neutit�aad Urban De� foilaws: °C�0K��e vrhen payment oi such around rrnts.tua. <br /> insurancr premiurtrs sha11 be doe.Ii at anY time <br /> (� tf and so lons as said noce of evea d�te and this instru- the Borrowrcr shaD tender io the Lender, in accordaixe with the . ,. <br /> a�a�[are insured or ase�eiasnred�nder the provisions of the Na- provisioas of che rwte secured hereby,fi�lF•payment of the entire , <br /> tiomil..Houtia�'�► amount suFt"kieat to a��cu�mulate in the indelxedAess represcnted thaebY,ihe'L'�irc�i=shall,in contputit� _ <br /> . . �,.o�'tbe lidder one(C�manth Ixior to iis due dait[he annual tt�e aurou�nc n�'su�h indrbtednas.eredic iu t�'ne accounc oP tlx Ha- . . .. .. _ .. .. <br /> nwrtp�e inauanoe Raaium in or,�e`r co prvvide such hoider with rower all paYmrnts inade undtr the provisioms ot(a)of p�rs�rsph . . <br /> � tuads eo par wch praaium co..r�e S�etuy of Ho�sin�and Ur- 2 txreoi.wdich thr l.ender hu noc become obli�atai to paY to che . � `�' <br /> t�n Devdopmait"p�ry�ac m tiic.�+�ational Housin� Secretary of Ho�uing and Urban fkvelopment and any balance re- . <br /> � atneotkd,ouid applicat�i�s,T�r�ui�dons thaeunder;or maining in tha funds accumulata�unda the provuions of(b)of � <br /> _ (in If and so long as said nvu of even date aad this instru- ��ph Z�OOf. If there shall be a default ander uny of ttx ,. <br /> ment ue held by t6e Seccetary of Housing and Urban Devtlop- Drovisions of t�►is insttumrnt resulang in a public sak of the , <br /> � ment.a monthty charge(in lieu oi a morrgage iasurancz prrmium) ot erwise af tt def u[t,yche �Lrader shall appiY,lat�tht ti�the <br /> wivch shaU be in an amount a�ual to ont-tweli'th(Il12)of one- �mmencement of such proceedings,or at the time the propMy is � <br /> I�alf(112)per centum ot the average outstanding l�alance due on otherwise acquired.the bal�nce then remzining in the funds ac- <br /> the note eom�uted without t�king into aeeount del�quencies os �ymul�teci under(b}df puasraph 2 praxdi�,as a credit a=ainst � � <br /> ' Pr�Y�`� '.�.' ` the amonnr of prinCinal then remsinin�u�t�,�nder saia note;. . • <br /> (b) A s�u equai,te;Etrr grouad:r�n[s. if any,npct due,plu.f L:ie and shat!properly adjtut anq pAymenu�vhiC$s sfi�ll have beett �' <br /> premiums that wi33.rx:�!:��ocome due and payable on polieies ot' made under(a)of paragraph Z. ' <br /> fire and other haza*d.i��rrance covering the property, plus[axes � ` <br /> and assasments n�t',iRr on the property(a!1 as esrtmated by rhe �t_ '�7�at the Borrower wi11 pay ground renis.caties.^��ants, �� <br /> Lmder)less all sums already paid therefor divided by the numbez water rates,and other'gavernmental or municipal ct�ar�cs.�rites, <br /> of months to elapse before one(1)month prior to the date wi�� or impositions. for which provisio�has not been made � <br /> such ground rents, premiums,taxes and assessments will become hereinbefqre.and in default thereuf the Lender may pay the same; <br /> delinquent,such sums to be held by Lender in trust to pay said and that the Borrow�er will promptty deliver the officiat rereipts <br /> �pued rents,pitmiums,taxa aad sptcial assessmtnts: ami therefor to the Lender. . � <br /> (c) All payments mentioned in the two preading subsectiu,ii af S. The Banower will pay all taxes which cttx�.be levied�upon <br /> this par�rap6 and a11 payments to be made under the noce the Lender's interesc in said rr�l estate an�3r�t��c�er�enu,and . <br /> securo�hereby shaii be ad�ecI cuKcti,c�. a,-td tii..a3g:cg:.t.a���a:�:�t which may be levied upon this instrument or'�.�ie.debt sec3wed . _. _ :. <br /> thereoP shall be paid by the Bonowcr each monih in a singte pay- herc�y(but only to thr extent th,3i such u not prohibitr,ci is!E law ' <br /> mrnt to be applied 1��±�tfie Lender to the following items in�he �� ,ya�y to the extent that sach�+i�l not m8ke this to�n usttu�ous). <br /> order set forth: bae �:xcluding any income tax,St�:.or Federal, impos�d'� <br /> ' dn ptemium charges under the conttaCt of insuranre w6th Lender.and will �le the of�cial receipt showing such paytn'ent <br /> the Sec�tary of Housing and Urban Dcvelopment.or monthly with the Leader. Up�n violation of this uadcrr�king.ot if tfie <br /> chuge�n lieu of mortgage insurance premtutn).as the case may Banower is prohibited by any law now or t��:r�fter existing from <br /> ' �� ~^•.+�:3I.°�. ^:t•••• TliC:!!!`rl���nTa�u4'�1 taxe�e,ut�ut►On ' ' ---- -.- <br /> �syis�g i.... •.. , .-o - <br /> (li)ground rents, taxes. assessments, fire sn�other hazard �he rcndering ot'any court Qecra prohibi[iRg the payment by the �� <br /> Horrower of any such taxa,or if such (aw i�c t£scree provides that <br /> insura.*�xt�remiums; • any amoant so paid by the Borrower sha(I f��t��edited on the debt. <br /> (111) interest on the note:�a.z�n,d hereby; the Lender shall have the right ro give ninH1 �tays' writteri notice <br /> to che vwner of the premises, requmng tite paytnent of ti�e�ebt. S ° <br /> (1V) amonizati.a�.t af the principal of said �o:e;and �`$�;;_�6tice be gi�en,the safd de�► <ha11 ►�ecome due.p�cy�ablr ' ' <br /> (V) fate charges. and col(ectible at [he expiracio+:rf sa�� nirR�ty days. � '-�.' <br /> Any cLs�ciency in ihe amount of sucb aggregate monthty pay• 6. That should t[�: liorrm►er iai}to pay s3nt�sum or kcep any <br /> mrnt stt�ttl;unlas made good by the Borrower{�xior to the due covenant providsd far i�this iAatrumer�t,�li��the Leader. at its <br /> date oF�the next such payment. constitute an e+aa�t of defaul� aption, may pay or perPnrm chc s.�mc.and all expenditdres so <br /> undtr this mortgage.The Lender may coltect a ` Late charge not <br /> �., to e�ccad four crnts(4�)for each dollar(Sl)oP each paym�nt <br /> . � <br /> Page 2.4t 5� � HUB�92143DT - -- - <br /> , .J . ' � � ,.__ . . <br /> . • �.A.�! <br /> • �_ � <br /> L � ' � _.,! � <br /> � � s <br /> � L . _�. <br />