, 1 ` ��.. - �:
<br /> . , .
<br /> � � , � '�. . � . � � ,
<br /> . ,...
<br /> _ 1liide Shall bt sddld t0 the p[itlCipil sum Owie�on thC�bOtic t�. 'i�&ttrower further�rees th�c shoutd thls iaurument�nd .
<br /> -- note,sLaall be�ecured hereby.and sh�lf bcu iaterest at che rate sct the natr se;�i�'os�hereby not be eGyibid fa insuraace w�der the Na• . � - �
<br /> ... . ..-----
<br /> _ --' farth in the sai�aoce.unti!paid• tions�t H"a�utii�6'Aa wit�tin ei�At mooths tcom tHe tiate baeot
<br /> ` (w7ittcu st��t�t any officer of the Departsnatt of Houtitt� . .
<br /> 7. TbsE tGe Borrd�ver hercbY ass�u, tram�fa�anA secs oti�rr cn and LTrb�n C�,vplopnent or autl�oritsd a�eec of tbe Secirctary of � ..
<br /> tbe LendeE.to be spplied ta�xard the payment of the nate and all Housing md:�.frb�t►Developrrxnt dtted subiequa�t to che ei�ht
<br /> .. ..... ..
<br /> swns tt+cured beteby iQ cssr of s dtfiult itt thc p�ttf�rn�e of moerbs'uina fr«n dx dace of tf�is S»nrunienc.dectia+a�co inwre
<br /> aaoX of ti�elamz a�d.000dicioes of tius io�tru�naii�ar�dl�siid said-nata an�!this mort .._ _...._ .. :.
<br /> i�.�t deemed�x�baalueiY�t pra3f�of -
<br /> oote.a1F d1�[pilf.�eMenues and irteomt IO be desived fi'om the suc:h i�ll�t�l�&y)�ihe Letvder.of Iwldt[of the MIe•3bqr at itd�op� ,
<br /> sai�d D�an�s durini wch time as the indeYtednas sbW remain tioa.dal�a�s�It sums socueed hereby i�a�iateiy dye.�nd.W]�bte.
<br /> � u�paid.aed t1�e[.ender sbalt have po�var to appoint anY a�t a' Natwnfiawdciii�tlx forc�oin�, thia oprion raay na be exercised ` �
<br /> r s�atu it rday daire for tht purpose oE repairins s�id pnesni3as and by t�a i.tnd'cr oc tix 6older of the notc when ttje it'►�li�i6ih'[q.for. � . . .
<br /> of mKin�tbe sune and cMkcting ttu renu�rtvtnucs and inc.ro�ne. Insuranae titrder the Natiotta[Hotain�Act is due to the I.ender•s .
<br /> ' aad it e�aY p�y oue of said incomes a!!expenses of repai:ing said fsWure ca i�nit the mor[�a�e insurutice premium ta the Deput. -
<br /> P�e�ni�es and necesssry connn�issions�ud eapenses tncurre8 in rcnt- mcnt of Ho�sina and Urbaa Deveopmeat.
<br /> . iot snd man�the same aad of.cdie�tin�rentals therefrom; .
<br /> the byiaoa runalnin��if any,to be applicd toward the dischargc T3: That if the B�t[owet ft�s to tnake any payments p€asou�sy.
<br /> of said indebcedness. . Kbe�-thr same beco�doe.ar faiC�co eonforn�to aad co�l�_ . .-.
<br /> w�th any of tIu conditions or agte�natts contaitud in this ia�trti- �
<br /> 8. Tfiat the BorroMer will keep the ianprovemrnts now existing ,., meni�,or the note which it serura.tl�en tlee eatirt princip!sum .
<br /> or herafca ereaed on the�'WxrtY, insured as maY be requircd `•, rand accrued irtterest shait at oace becon►e due and payabk,at the .
<br /> f`rom time tce�.tinse by the I,ttsde�8gainst loss by firo aad oth�er ekction oi the Leader.
<br /> hazard5,c�u�ai�f:�es�qti�tingencies in such amounts and For such �
<br /> _ ��e'ricws��iit��`be requa?1�by the Lrnder and will PaY D�mF�Y. Lcudar s�oatl_give na[ioe co Borrourer prior to accektation
<br /> :•:�:�:►xn s�4t,;t�n�;'r`prrrniutirs�n such insurance pravision fur paymtnt fotiaw3ng Bonawer's breuh of any oavenant or aareement in thls
<br /> `.:°�.w�h.�'t:.".�t�t:becn made hereinbefare.All insurana shall be instrument(but not prior to acoekritioa,under puasraph 12
<br /> '';��trxd in�.cc+�gaW�.`es&pproved by the Cender and the policies and uNtss applicabk law provIdes otherwLse).7}K notios sh�ll specify;
<br /> , ':�va1s th�;lti siYall be tteld by the Lender and have attachd (u)•the QefaWt;(b)che actioa roqtured td cvre tlx defw[t;(c3.� ,
<br /> • � . .�reto loss payable claus�ia favor af and in farm,ao:eptable ta date,not{as than 30 days from.th�sS,1te the notice is givec*.u> :• "
<br /> � ' � ��±�e Laider. In evrnt of I��ras'Borrowa will give imme�i�tTC potiae Borrawer�by which the�efaulr�x�.ix ctued;aad(dj t6at��q"htite
<br /> �by nYail co the l,ender.w�i,v may make proof of fass��ncir[rtwd�.� . co cure the defauh oa ar before c��te specified ia th�cwri�t ' `'
<br /> • P��P�Y bY Borrower,and euh insuranoe comPwY conct�ed i�;. may rautt in�ccxl�nn of tLe sums secured by this instn�mene .i
<br /> . hrrebY auc6�0i�d�od directed to make paymrnt fdr su'd2.fusa and sak of the Property. The notice shall further.irtfona�H�rrawer �
<br /> ,
<br /> directty to�►��:'tnder instead of to[he Borrowtr and.il�e'i:,ender 8f the right to reinstate after accekration an�tht rigf:t.to�trix;g a '
<br /> . .. . ... :... ._ r-
<br /> - lahrtty.u�ef t�iie iasuraiu�{uocceds,or any part thcnxaf;map be court action to auert tl�e nonexistenee of a defauh or auy o:l�r
<br /> anplie8 6y til�s Lender s;�its r��tian either to the reduaion aG che defense of Borrower to accekruion and sak. if•che ckfault is not �
<br /> indelxedae�t�eby saz�11'rY to the restoration or rcp�ir o[the cured on or bet'ore the date specifud in the twt�ce.Lender ai its
<br /> propecty d�om��d. In eveni af foreclofu.rc of this instrumcnt�or option may reqnire immadiate payrt�ent in fuU of ali sams sec��i
<br /> � other tr.uss,i�cr uf titk to the mongagea property ia extin�uisltment by this insuumrnt witRout fwthet demand aad may invqlc�.tha;
<br /> ; ot'�he ind�t'xidness secured hrreby.a!1 right,titte anfl int�esc�of pow•er of saie�nd any other remedies permittM by app�i�p6i�.h�v.
<br /> the 8orrower ia and to a�l:�surance policies thrn irr fi�res aha]! Lender shall be entickd to coUect all�exprnses incurred in p�si�
<br /> � pus to the purchu�r or gr.i�?tx. the rcmedia provided in this
<br /> , ... . D��B�aph l3.includin�,Ml[r�: ,.
<br /> limiud co.rrasonabte,u�KOiBCYs' fees anc!costs uf cick evid�ace.
<br /> 9. Th�7T�c.arlr�'�,ilU!!3�3.'!L3 CBSiatH.�•J::QIII}l fOf ChC j1Q)'mcnt•o� T_
<br /> .: the note desciibed,and,a��ms to @�ome due under this instrsr. If the power of salt is invoktd,1Cruscee shall re�orB a nc�t:�oP � �
<br /> ment,the Borrowei hercis�[•t+ssigns to the Lender aU•pfofits, • default in each oounay in whieh ai:����tt^t af the Property is:,.-�ted
<br /> revenues,royalties. righa4-ani� benefits accruing to th:13c►r.�wer and shalI mail copies of such rtot:ct ds, the manner prescribed by
<br /> under any and_a!1 oH aad�x;tases on s�id premisrs,u�it:h the applicable taw to 8orrower and to 1`he other perso::s precribed by
<br /> ri�hc co rocef��and re�celpt tor t�*e same and apply tixm td said app)icable law. Aft:r t�s time required by apptic�►�{k taw. rru�K
<br /> indebtedncsx:it�t�well before as a.�'tcr de�ault in the conditions of. � shall give public nct�,,�4i�ulc to the persans an�`iM t}se nua�er
<br />_ this insttuis�+�it,c�and the�.rr.det may demmd.sue fr_r.�and recover nreccriMvi try a L'��{���.W. �. �� ..• � 3_. �,;t:,,, �
<br /> � a�ry such �`L` Tr�.,.r�. asthaa. c�ar. .,�,
<br /> p�,':7�ents wheer du�:and payable,but shait'nee be rt- rower.shafl sell the�;oy�erty at pk�'s�Oc auction to the hi�t�#;t�- .
<br /> quired so ta do. This asrig�ts�ent is to terminate a��'ticrome nup der at the time and pi�::s atrd under the ttrms designatal i�'t}k �
<br /> : and void u�celease oi t�:is instrument. notice of sale in anrt r':r.rr�csrr puetls and in any c;cder�'r�stee
<br /> . 10. Thu rtNC liorrowet will k the�i►�din u n s�id d�ermina.Trusta d����ostpone salc of alt or�ai��s �arcel of thr �
<br /> �N Bs po premises Propercy by DubL'c aar.�oncrnune at tJ�e z;me a�`�9ace ot:r.v, t�
<br /> 3s�tood ct�t+ir,a�d neithcr cammit nar permit wute upon said previously sttrcduled sak. Lender cr ic's designa ma5 pur;3;n4�c aHe , __
<br /> . �tnd, nor suffer the sai�,{;�•�xnlsrs to be used for anyrunlawfW Propeny at any salc. �
<br /> liurPose• _-
<br /> ' Upon receipt of p��iucnt of tho price bid.1'tuyta�shaU deliver
<br /> 11. 7`h�t if the premises�or any patlli�r,�reof. be condemned to th�purch�ser Trus��'s deed conveyi;tg the�`iY�pkrty.'I'he
<br /> uader the power of eminent domain.,nr�u.�uircd for a public use, recitals in th�Trustte's deed shall be�rima ficie evidrncr of the
<br /> the daatt�es awarded.the procoeds for the taicing of,.or the con- truth of the statements made thcreir.:'trusta shaU apply the pra
<br /> sideration for such acquisition.to the eatent of t�e tul�amount of ceeds of the sale in the following adtr.(a)to all expenses of the `'
<br /> indebtedness upon this instrumtnt and the note whi¢h it is Eiven to salt� including.but not l�nited to,Trustee's fees as pem»tted by
<br /> • ���inj u�Daid.au 1ser�bY�sai��d bY t1x Borrower to applicabk 13w and reasan�dt�attorneys' fees:(b)to aIl sums
<br /> t!rc 1.ender.and shall be paid forthwith to said Lrnder to be ap- secured by this Security Instrumenq aad(c)any excess to the per-
<br /> ptied by the latttr an acconnt �F tlx next maturing installments of son ar perso�s legally entitted to it�
<br /> . sneh incfebtedness.
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