_� . cf• _c��jl�`�,�;` �,�s��
<br /> _.'- . _:_- `n•_ -.- � .
<br /> �� .�? .
<br /> . T ' . . ` L . ; . . . .� _.
<br /> _ r . . . _' . ' { . � . . , � , � -'
<br /> . , . ' �• y�'�y� , . . _ ." _'_. �._...-_��.
<br /> .
<br /> . . . �.�^'�.G , . .. ..-___ . .
<br /> .1.: \: . . -__ • � - [ `� '�
<br /> "7.b1�,t�t' .�___._...-..a_... . . _... _..u._ _____-�.
<br /> � � 7.6�te�4lo� oi Lende�r's R1�h4� tn 4ha Rroperty. tt Borrow2r tss ta Rsrtosm ttso covensnta cn0 ¢gr�ts
<br /> �. conts6sad tn thts&eeurflY tn5trumar+A ar tPt2ra Cs a te�1 DraceednQ tAai may¢�n[f�antc71 e�ct Lor►do�a�h:a fn the Rrog�rtY(cueh an
<br /> ' a prateedlnp in baniw9tcY.Rrohsl8.tor conEamnRticn ar torta8ure or to enforse taws or regutattoas),tn�Leatdsf+naT da and(say tct
<br /> � � whatsver is n�ary ro D���e ot the ProaertY snd len�.a's�9hts fn ih�Property. Lendsfs acttans may trttLde payhs
<br /> ciny sums Secured by a G¢n whie4► hss prtor@y orar thb SocufitY Instrumsnt,aPDearn9 e►cauR.DaYing reasonabie al4ocrtay's Escs end
<br /> enterirtp on th9 Prop�tY to mrihe rapaire. A!thoagh Lender may take acUon under thet pareIIraDh 7.LenE�x daes noi hava to da ao. .,�
<br /> My amounts 6sbws9� by Lender under this paraaraph 7 sga[l Deeema add3tonal debt af 8ortowar secura0 by ttib SosurESY
<br /> ` � instrumen� Unfess Barrowe► atsd LonQer egrea t� othEr tenns ot Dsym9nt, tNese Emoun26 sAaU baer Bnterest from tha date ot
<br /> i dsDurssment at tha Mot��ata aed shu0 ta payabte,vvL+h�ntera�t,uga�nottce from LenQer to Bcrrower requ9sUrtp RaY+n�1-
<br /> • 8. Mdrtgsge Insuranae. lf lender re4uired mortgs�qa hsurance as e cond�ion o!malc�p trte taan cecviced bY th[s Se�+rfiY .
<br /> Instrurm..nt, Borrovrer ahn0 pay tha prem�ms requtrpd to rt�alc►tah tRe mortgn83 tnsuranea in aN=�ct I},for any reason,tha mortp�ge
<br /> •- - --_- � �SUrance Cavarage Baufed bY i.�6er tapss3 Ot c�ta IIs h e.`='�t,Fiorrox�cr&l�.:3 p�y tha ptt.ni:ums reg��d to abtan Gover�ae
<br /> � � `" subsisnLt�!IY equt+aSant to the rt�efi�a3a U►surance Prev�ousty 1n eHas4.et a cost substanttaLY eq�lNal�r+t to tt�s cos4 to Borrowar ot tfie
<br /> �r"�r mortaag9 e�suranea Prev`�au.�N � e� trom � °��ata moRgaga insurer apyrcvad hy tsr►der. If subsmr+ttal.y e4ukasent martgaqo
<br /> " hsurance coveraqe ts nat avai'abte. Borrower sha9 pay to Lender eaeh morith a sum equal w on�tvraffth of the yaa�Y �onf{�
<br /> ' ` msurance premi�m beirtg patd by Barrawer whsn the insursnce covarsge 4�sed or ceased to ba in eHact. Lend�w�ar,cept,uso an0 ----
<br /> • reffin thws DaYm�nts as a Ioss cesafva tn C�u of mortgaSe insurance. Loss rescrve paym�ts may no tonger bs tequYed. ei 4ha � �'
<br /> option ot tsrider. it ma�ge �►suranee cov�raSe C� the amouri! end for ths psdod that Lsndsr reAutres) PravideQ by an insur� � �.��::
<br /> � • ;: � ePPtovsd by Lender sga4t heeomes ava��ehfe 8nd is obffiirtsd. Bafrower sn¢Il R�`§1 ur8ttce ���etxotd8t�C�w3tf BnyII��.,� �-.
<br /> tnsumnco �n efiect. cr w psovtde a tass ress�ve, unt7 the requirESn�nt tzr marto c� C7 k --
<br />. � • _, : �:� 8gl86tR@11I E81WEBfl BIIlIC;m'FJ SR�LERQl�'Cf ApDI1C8b19 13w. cnr� r � ��-�
<br /> 9. Ins�ctimn+. �csr ar as �i may rt k3 �easanabia entios upa�s ..._ ht.QsCt[Rns ot tRe Ptagsrtr. fSttder s:t:.�3 9i'-'g � k�--
<br /> - i� 8otrower noUce 8t tha ti-rt�a{or pctc�to sn insAect�R e�s�a'�1�9�easonable Ceuso tcr the Onspec6on. [��i
<br /> ect
<br /> . . 10. Conderne��"T� rne a�� c1 s.Ry �-�erd or c►a�m tor aamasss. aYeet ar consequcxattat. tn �ct�sn Wzt+ rc� �Q �,;
<br /> 's� • eondemnati�orf or othsr Lii.�;,o!enY ET�'t ot tha FrcRntY.or for conveyartce fn tien ai condemnaUon.en�harebY nssigned and fR�':�a � �,`�.r
<br /> � .'i, patd to Lend�. ��-
<br />, , ' . �-. N tf�a ev�t o7 a tt�! �kiip o!the Propefii. Nr.� ;mcaeds shall ha epP:►�O to th9 sums sctcured by tl+is SecutitY�nsh��� .��;_:
<br /> to -�.,r.�¢xer. In trte e+rent of a part�t t�khg ot ths Pro�rty tn whieh tha�tr maAcat
<br /> - wRather or not Sha�f �^����y��Pe� --
<br /> , . .. �, vap�e of the FroDsrty �usmnataly b�fa�e the tal�a s¢qual to ar grdater than tt�� amount of the svms sar.vrad by th[s S�+►gY �
<br /> Insuument tmmed�atery'=�t.ue the tak�0, untess Bnrrcrcer end l.ender otherwLse agr3e tn wr36n0.tha sums sscurod by thts SeculftY -..
<br /> Instrument shell De reduced by the emount o}tho pmceeds muR�lied by the tailawinp �a�t°��eforethe tak►�g.oAnY 0atan e -"
<br /> ' � secure� Unmediateb betore the t8khg.div3dsd 6Y(b)the f8ir mazket value of thv P�pertyl �-
<br /> ... .• -. ; shall be patd to Borrower. In tha even!of e pitrtial takhg of the Properiy in wRksh t�se f�r m�et`ra�ua of the Prope�ty tnmedhteH r
<br /> betore the takinO is tess t!►an the emount ot Ne sums secured immadi�tery bataco��e takn9.untess Borrow�r an6 1.�"►Gur o4t�s�w�e
<br /> • • • agree in wrRinO or uni�s appGeabte taw othenvise Drovtdc�• the proeeeds sha0 Da eAp�ied to the suma sseutad by thls Socut@!P
<br /> �'<;�:•, inst�uaca~:wheUser or nat ths su�r,�then Eue.
<br /> ';;�%'}�'i�: ;. I!ttaa��royerty is ahandoned C;+'�ar-awer.or M.aRer notica by !icesr'..er to Boaourer that the condemnor ofl�rs to make an a�rd ar
<br /> 'i�y�r+:� • SBIiiO 8 Dl^a3f1 fOf daTilRQea�BOIfOW�`i�it:,io respOnd to Lert�r v'R"a`('�0 days aft�!he Qate the notiCe(s p1u9n�Let1dBT f3 4Lt11h^(`'L�
<br /> `' � to coJoct and apPry the Ptoeeeds.a:�optlon,eilher to renor�w :r repNr o!tha ProQerty or ro the sertss ssc�..�r�by th�s�acur�y
<br /> � InsUument,whathsr or nol than dua
<br /> :., Unlass lender snd Bonowar aihsrwL^,e egrse in wr�i+g.enY Gi.(::rstion o!psocoeds to pnc�lpal chaU nat m.�rnd or postpacre the
<br /> '"'.�' dae date of the monthry paymer►ts r�'�"=d to in psraBteD�s�����r change tr:o�mount of such DaY��•
<br /> - ' 11.Barrorier Nnt RNea��:Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Fxcenston at tho tme tor payment ar
<br /> ,.Y, ' modfcaL'on o!amOrtiratfon af the sum3 secured by th�Soeurdy lnstrument Brenfad by Lender to eny aucew�.flr in hteraat o}Bart�wer
<br /> � shatl not oparata to cesaaso th9 OaDiiity of tha orfgtnal Borrowar ar BoRO�ve�s successors in�taras���ad��oNmtbn Uo}�ttte
<br /> commenco protea+dinps ssafnsi any successor in tnterest or retu..s to e�Qsnd t'rrte far payrtoent
<br /> -.-..,Y.�:�;;;�: sums s9eured by this SeCUr�y InsN:^:ont by rea�on o! rtny dt+mand madv by t�sa ori�irtal Bonanrer or Barrowers successots (n
<br /> `;:i'�.s., �'�, t,� intsresL AnY torIIearflnce by Lendc�c �mc9rc�hg anY r��t or�s�,tj sh9D na!ba e walver o1 or p:ectudo tha e�tCtse ot any AGht or
<br /> �"f,'i.:'i���:��K• .,,,�A,,
<br /> .',laf�Yil����{74 �m��r/• y�+
<br /> -,�.��s£,��, 12.Succes�a�and Asaiqas Bound; JoDn3 artd ..�ral Lta�illtyi��Q�e7s. nta co,+en�nu and
<br /> �f;,�;;-'��j;r�;•-: . agreernent� af thb v�:�tf;• Mstrument chn9 bad and benefd the s.ecessor�s end assi�►s a!Lender and Hcrtrnser. subyect w ths
<br /> :'�,r:�?I f.�;rt,"A Frovtsbns of para�'Js sr. BDr:ia�*°s savenamfl en�egreernsnis�'J be J�ini a�s�severe6 Any Borrower w.c¢r�vaipns thb SecuM
<br /> �,f:�i��.-w����1�.
<br /> , ���`:,;: Insirr.�rw�: but doe: rr�. exeo-.�� L� yota (a) t� co-s�nhp ts� yecur3y tnstrumeatit onry ro mortDaq�, QrerL and cemoy t
<br /> ``�:ir:t:��"�i,,.
<br /> -=t����� Bortaw�nrx:i�terost e�+1�a Fropsrty v'Y�the terms ot thfs Securriy :astrumen�(D)ts not pe�sonady obliDated to paY thp suma s
<br /> ,-,;;f�i.�"� by thtn ,3ecurity L:..tmim�nk aed (c)a9rees Nat 1a-.�ev end any othor Borro�aar may eqree to e�end. mod2y.(orbesr or m�ics�ny
<br /> � ' aecommodaUons w:!+� �;ard to torms o?thts So��� �^�savrn�nt or the Moto wiG:cuc that eoaowerc eonsent ■
<br /> '��"� ' �$. 1.pII!! CE78f�@S. If the b8n sscured :t• �`is Security Insfrum�►t h subject to a taw whbh setc �ra�x�:num ban ch9rpYe. _
<br /> --�����_:. _.
<br /> i: . nnd Y`u: Saw t�finaRy hterpreled ea that tho inierast or other tosin churges co7eeted ar to te coiiected h oe"��cUon wB�ths ban
<br /> �sutt���..��.r
<br /> ;�;),�j�,�•'�•; , '•' exce�ed.�1T�a perm-'Sed Pmits,ther.;�,tr,},,�ay such loan chargos S�.c:�I i,o roduce� by the amoun4 r.r�rwssry to re�"s:e the cher(��tn e
<br /> perm�d l3m°G and:�, any sums a�a24Y eolbct�d t��n Bono�vcr �^ich�il germttted fm`.�v�r�be reiund33 th Borrower• L'bnder
<br /> ;�• , ' may choase to cr.�l.z�9ris retund by roQucin�th��^-�:;al owe� under U:o Hota or by makhp a direct OaY�mst=to Barra'"'e�. Il a _
<br /> •� , • rsiun0 reduces prtr.staJ. ,'"e reduction w�t be troa:.sry:��a Oartai prepayrrtont�vRnout anY praDaYmant char�e un0er the No2B. _
<br /> t,,:�
<br /> `��''��� ' 74. NOUC�!!. A.:y notice t� P__rrower prov..�icr�t";c ^yxurfiy Instrs�rter►t�ha0 tr9 9t�by���k or by ma9i�y R Y
<br /> �'�>',�+;�`�i'� • frst ctass mail unless epDUcatofe ttse nv::'ras usa of anatl�ar m��ls�srl. Tho natice sha0 be dteeted to the Property Addrv.G��a anY =
<br /> '''���4�'�� other 8ddt�s Bosowel Cesigns'*��:Y "•'.xe to!.o'.38t. Any"u�ii"-+e to L.txt�bt sh811 be glaen by tirst Ciass rnail to Lertdet`G Rtt.79s9
<br /> B
<br /> • u' Sl9ied hBteSf1 Ol Q[Ly(Ilfl[3r edQr�s l.en9er da:�ui►ir_,3y nottco t�Bor�owa. Any not;ce pravided tor in thls SecutYy Inst�u�saz:shal _
<br /> . . ' bo decns.'�to t�W,ro Gmcn�'�en to 8arrower a L�U.''��4l��T►as pro�id3d in ths paragrayh. _
<br /> ' 15. Govera�6r��,�..a�r; SgverabiUty. ^i+� seaurrnr �+��nt sha0 be ea�remea by raa4xa� �t� nna c�e �:�� ct cno _
<br /> jurisdictbn in which tne Proporty L^, I.r.:_e9. In th9 event that cr.y ,:rovi3lon or et�use o?tA�SeeufRy IrtSUUm�f or 4ha tta(a rt�ntaeb
<br /> � wit�applicgble taw,suah cnn'2:� :f�uli ^.04 a(tact othar pravtsfo:.0 ot teta Securttyr Instrum�nt or tho Hote which cen ha rb3='� � _
<br /> „�:�`- ' wilhovl the Conricttn0 R���n. 4G�d�s end tRe provbbns c!this S9cur3y in�irument and tho Idofe are deciar�.1 i�!so severebt9.
<br /> 16. Bonac�srer'a Capy. Boaowor shaU 6o gk,en ano confnrmod cG�Y of tha Noie and o!ihis Secu�:'!����'��� _
<br /> � �E7.Tranafer ot the�aoperty or a �enetictnllnterest in BarroWea. i� an or any o�r ct u�s Rroaam► or any
<br /> � interosi in d Is sob or transtermd (ar Y a bon3fJcial hteresi in Barto�u�L sold or e�ar►sterro0 and Bam�sar Ls rtot e nnturat 6arsCn)
<br /> wiihovt I.en6�o prior tvr�t9n eon�onG Lenda may.flt iis opNon. requEro tnrrtsdlats CaYrne�t tn full of c��um,sxurod by thB Seeuriy► _
<br /> InswmenL Ka•+r8vsr,this opL�cn sftaD noi be�c�sd bY l.ander N Et�C150 E3 Qrah�fL9 by fadoral taw�19 af the 83:D at thi3 Socur@y
<br /> ' Instrumont. _
<br /> � 11 Lender exorclses th�3 aAt�n.LenEer sha0 g.'ae Borrovror notica a!aeeeleration. The noilca sha9 prnvkb e p8ri0d ot nat tess
<br /> � • than 3� days ttom tho da�thfl noilco u derrered or maiied w�hin��h�CA tho Borrower mvst Qay a0 suma secured by 4hb Secufdy -
<br /> � InsWmen2. if 8orrowat taih to psy th9s�sums prtor to tha a�i�ctinn ot this psrto�,LenBer may etvoRe any remedies p�sm�Tit►d b���
<br /> , �. &scuriip lnstrum�nt w�hout tuRhsr noi'rA or d:m�nd on Ecrro�:=r.
<br /> _. .---- . .�... Gt0i0.UP.t�(�CNh Da3a 9 of 6 ,
<br /> �
<br /> _--. - � ' � C�3 -- --- -- � - - . . _ . . - -,
<br />