_c •� ' ��' '•3�i
<br /> - tta.tic�l4i�r.. ' . _j` ' . , . ' . . ` �� c�_-• . ' , . .`t�.. .�._ .
<br /> ' ' 18. �s�rower'e Ri�h3 t� �l�inata3e. tt Bof*a,acr m�ts et�tet+ eanddiona. Bo�ro�r s�+a� ha+sa ttto r�;� u� tta�
<br /> 6rt10tC�t 6}th�$9CUf@y/ U18f(ttl4t°14t d'uCOnlUlitSd�2 tiJ�y tititD Bft�t�O th8 62tI70t 09: (6)b d3y8 (Cf 8l14P Otht3T 607fII�II1 8��1ii3@b!8 0� .
<br /> (J
<br /> Igw rttsy S�eCHy tot r8lnsTatoment)08for�G8I9 O?th9 FrCC9tt�Out�utll�t to 8nY OoxBr ot s3l0 eor►23'.nsA��� �utrfi whk��iSteal �
<br /> � (b�antry ot o judgment ansan9rtp tnl9 Sacurityy tnswmant Tl�os�a cond8ions ena tt�at 8ortowar. (a}pay�► ,
<br /> ' wpui�pi► dito undet t�b SeCUrityl lnsCuinent Qnd the Na2o a3 a rto tteeafer¢2ton Aad oceurraQ: (b)cutes any dY�tt�t o4�1f��� O�
<br /> I eovanar►t or egrsamsnta:(e1 OnYn aU ex�snss3 ascurtctd�+antorcirtp U►Is Sscar3y InsLrumanY. YseO�d�np,6v4 nc2 Ei�n2a� W.rtt�'►xtttble �
<br /> ex
<br /> attomey�'ises:end(d)takea suah ecUon as Lender maY reasonabty reQuMe to assure that tt�s liet►o!this Eecurtiy tn�nirr�p:�2�LtR6�� A •
<br /> � dphia in the Property and 8arroure�a obflgattan to pay t�o suma�scure�by thi�SscurSj Instrumen!s�aD coat4zuo uno.'�sui�ri. Usnn �
<br /> roa+�ratsman!by �ortow2r. thts�eCUrny lnatrument an4 ttto obG�g3tfona GeCUBd hareDY SAap remaEn tuly ft�I�CiNn W U aA Qa�'�Naa
<br /> h3d GCCUm3d. Howevet,thi3�Igfit to relntltat0 shnll not 6�ph�l�e caso ot eCCelertitton un�3r parugraAh 72. � ,
<br /> -- . { 99. �gt3�4��S�t�; CR:sg=04 Gsn �grvieer. Trte tvoco or e oanta� �nmrs:.e �n ee►a Na�a (ma�c�m w�a u�K. 8eeunv ` .
<br /> itnstrumoni)maY Ee sold ono or moro umas wftnaut prter noika to 8etto�:rer.A selo iray ros��tn n e�nn8a tn thp miity(7camvn�ta G�o
<br /> � 'LOan 5ervfc�v") that co!k�cts rrtonthry PaYrrt�ts duo under the �'ota and thts S�uritY ins4sur�G Theaa sso maU�st z.�a ar rts�rs � " -- -
<br /> • � ehongas o4 the Lean Senrieer unretated W e sate of the Nota It ttsere�i a chengs o!ths Laen�.@arrawm w7l�a Sh�w�en -
<br /> _ � notiai a!tho chenQe h sccardance vrKh �a�¢SraAh 14 a�QVe e�+d apa!�ab��av�. TRe notke wJ 3mte YPto numo and ctd�tttr�t a!tRo .
<br /> . . rtew t�su�Ssnrt�r end the address tc���tch payrrtent�s9�nutd be made. The nottce HrJ aisa aontaEn Bny olhw�nfnmtatic��criQuUed bY �q���.
<br /> . . _._ . . . .± L'IIP�b(8+�r. '�``�_-:
<br /> 2a. Hsza�dous Subs�nces. 8ortourer ShBA not CBUSe Or pBrmQ the prssence.a.".e. dispos�L stamp°' o����o!af�y ytt„
<br /> . i a� _
<br /> hS3ar�rdous Subsffir�ces an or in ths Prcpsrty. Bortawer sP�ap not Qo,ncr a2o:v enyorta aS0 to do,anytftL^0 aHa�Q���'t��l�+u __
<br /> �� i is h vfolatfen o!anY Enviranrrtental Lsw. The p�ecedhp two santertcas shall rtoi aOPry to tho pmssnca,uat4,ar �w+fige an ths _-.`v'�'_
<br /> ': PrapeRY e��s�1�uentfties of Flaratdous�uhstsnces Nat ero Senera'�+c6eeSntzed to Ee aQAmprlEte to namrol eRai�uiii�i u¢9.9 an�tD cTi,,_____
<br /> �...
<br /> matntenanao c�the Propertfl• :-��';�.
<br /> ~- — --�-t Bortowar stiaU�romp�y give Lender wr�ten net�ce at any us+�ti�Ye�n.ca�n.C:.m:nd.�:rsu�t es aii�er erstittn b5�e�ng Sav�mme^tal
<br /> ,�'�+���� � � ar rt3yutatoiY e�SCY ar p�m RariY invo:ving tRa Property and azry Harardous�a�nce ar Envionm�4[U Lnv cE�ahlct�Eaaawer hts I:�`-�'�.
<br /> :;:i:• ` �ti";:--
<br /> ,..-, . • � sceial knowiadge. If Bz:rc�rcr[ez•ns. ar's notifiad by any govemmenffi!ar reQuut24oR•aulitadiy.thAt an�•remau&I ar aYnor rdrtwdi6Nen `'�
<br /> <•i,,:.;' OCt10IIS b
<br /> • � of eny Ha.0 Qaus Sabs*_.-� �=.-c^'sg t�c Property (s nacessarlt� @cira� shaD piaa+pltY is1S:� r�➢ rteC83GC�cY cr�diel �;°___
<br /> , .� ��
<br /> . ; i 2ccordattce with EnvYonns:::S�:v.
<br /> ... � As u�ed tn this Pa*'�w'� �. '�'doua Substerices" aro thasa substar�s�s 4Cfk�ad as tm� ¢r ha�dnuu seD�tartea3 R� �=�`=::_
<br /> � ,--...._ ;�:-� Envircnmontat Law and tP.e t�]:wing substsn�s:gasaLae.keroserta,oih�flammzbto or tox�c peirofeL.:,y�daets.�x CasUcid�s aR0 __—`
<br /> x
<br /> ��` Gatbictdes.volaUle 3oMents,mater€�ls cont�5�;r.g s:�t�nas ot fotmaldahyQe.end rrsdiotctAre meiertal�. AS usttd (n tltfC aat�greph 20. ��.,s_
<br /> ,-�, � 'EnvYonmenial law' means teE�al taws cr� avus cfi L�-a ;�risdicUon where the Praperty ts tocafed that rotate tu �Tan�t�.safa►y ar � � -
<br /> .�:, —0-
<br /> ,�,,.. .� : environrttert�I�rotecUon. —_--
<br /> • -,�:'t,at;[` NON-I::�-�AdA COVEPIANT3. Borrowet end Lender Nrtttet covenant and agree as foQows: --__-
<br /> - " ; 21. Ac�el�atl�n: Remedies. Lendea shall give notice to Bonower prtor to acce[era?lan toriaw�np �
<br /> . .�: Barrov�ru's breach o4 any covenant or agreement in 4his SecuriHy tns�une�t ��a! a�a3 P�la� � �
<br /> � asceleratlan under paragraph 17 unleas app�icable lev� provl6es otherniae). The eo4�ee ahsE� aPsett�/:
<br /> � ;;,-=;1 . (a)tha detaut� (b) �e sctton required Zo cur� the detautt; (c) a date, not lesa than 3fl dslfs no� �he .
<br /> � "%�" date th� nattce ts given ts ear�wer,by�Ich the d��.�lt must be cured; ace� (d)tltat MIlura to cura
<br /> '.:�•ti,,>.. !
<br /> � ' '"������ th2 detault on or before the d�te specifled in the ��t[ce may resuit Ee� a�tera�ora of ths su�
<br /> .,:,.�;�;;,
<br /> � `�"•!{�:�� secwred by thls �ecurity lnsWmen t an d s a t e o f t h e P ro p e r t y. T h e c�r s i� �s a�l t u rt her Ire!¢cr� -
<br /> , �`f�'��! �rrower ot the rt in:� relnsqate after acceteretion and ttee rigt�t to �rt.�;L ��.-�e�t���I¢� m �*��e -___-
<br /> _:�;•. ,' ,.�, ;
<br /> �;:;.�;.� . , �an-ex�.Q±���e of a d�i�alt or any other ��tns.se ot BoROwer to acce.�r�:r�,n and aat�. �t t�s,e defauit ts ---
<br /> • ;�;�'');" rtot cur�d �n or be:�re ths d3"� .^�•rect��� fm �� r�+Lce. Lend�r� 5ts option may Q��.r�"� [mmediate .--
<br /> ,,:�,;,,,�
<br /> . .j,•�;:;,;��� . • psymza� �� tuil of alI sums �ceai.'�d �� �'::s S���S.Q Matr�m��t vsrithaut 4urt3�er tlentand and ntaY
<br /> • '�j'i`�� �� in�ake �."� power of sale a�:� �:;► ather �emedies ��rmitted by apptla��� �aw• Lender sh�il be
<br /> �:,:�:'�...•;... entttled to cotlect all e�enses lncurred � pursuing the re��C'.°a provided in �.'�ts pa�agraph 21,
<br /> [ncluding,ttnt not lirnited to,reasonable ettrrneys'tees and cor��'� ttUe evidenr.e.
<br /> •���"��� ' it the po�ver of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record e no4cc��� detaalt ire eac�c��nty In whl�h
<br /> �� �`��" an art of the Pro�erty is tacated and shatt mall copies of such natice In the �r.a�cmer prescribad by
<br /> � . ,,,,.�,:. Y P ,�i.�ee ta�+r. after the �:.-7s
<br /> ,.,•� , �. ��;. ` appttcable lew to Borrower aRd �a the other pereona preacri3�ed by ep�' �
<br /> .. � . required by appticabte law,TruuL:e shatl glve pubfic notdce of sale t�o Ltie ;�sorta and In the manner
<br /> � . : preacribad by epp�icnble law. Ts:�siee, with�ut demand on Borrower,at�atl se(1 t�'.e PrmAerty at publi�
<br /> ' auctlon to the hlgheat bldder a3 ti�Q L'.rrr�are� P�gce �snd urt�er �e terms deatg�tat�d t�� �e notise o!
<br /> � � • aa9e in cne or more parcets an�frr. s.�.y ae�er Truatee determinea. Trustee rnay po�e sato of a0
<br /> - ' �' or any �rcel 04 the Progerty, iny �a�'btic announa�cr:snt at the Ume ae��J g�Qace of ary pre�lousiy
<br /> - :�,,, .
<br /> . :�r' schedule� aale. Lender or f��:+�•�,nee aisy �ue�hu�r�e Praperry at a�3p��.
<br /> . � . ; Upan �eceipt ot paymenZ ai�,:ne price �i�, TruatQe ahatl delt�er to t9te y�u�cl�sser Trustee'a deed
<br /> � conveying 4he Pr��erty 'fhe recitala In UtQ Truatee'a deed ahail be prirn�tacie tv�denca of the truth
<br /> � � ot ths statements m�e t�cere�T. Tru�tee shali appty tt�e prac�eda of the sai� in the to4iowing order:
<br /> � ' (a)to all costs an� ex�ernaaa 2f exercisin9 tlte pvvrer�o4 sate� and the sate,iu�dlud�np Ute paymtnt of _
<br /> -•. �� j
<br /> r � tha Trueiee's tees actualty iRCUrrr�d,no4 w exceed 3 %of the pri��tpal amount of the ns __
<br /> � at tlie tlme of tlie declaraUd� at detauLrt,and �easonn�te at4�a'r�e bb feea ea P��rnittt�bY �aW+��t°a�� �=-9:
<br /> � auma aecured by this Secnrity Instrwr�ea�E; ana� (c) an� excess to t�� p�rcan or ptraons le�aity �__
<br /> . ;;.
<br /> � entitled to it -
<br /> � 22. Reeonveyance. Upan pnymant af eC:�+m�secured by th�3t�cnrl3)tnsWment,Lende�sha0 r�rux Tcvstaa to recor►wy _
<br /> t� the Progarty and shall surtender thu �rf.',• 'nittum¢�st t3nd Eti1 noto�avlIIptC�t1 deDl Seeurt3d by C:is SeCU�,�l�Sbtttnent t0 Tcrts?9B. _-,
<br /> � ' Trustee sha►!�econvay the Property w:hcu��r'.1TL��hJ a�d vlithout cI�ErQo to tho AE�on at per�on;,I;g��.�ly 6eG`t(od t0 ft. �tCh a��.Ct __
<br /> k• parsons shai!pay eny roaordaticn co:t»- �.'��'`
<br /> • � I ,
<br /> ' •r y._
<br /> 23. SUbStitLtC �Qti�"��• Lrynd3r, at it3 optian, m�y 4rom tl-no to ttan rA.TT:�Tro:,tQa c 9 e�DohnE a sttccossor trustee tD `:.
<br /> •,�',.;���;' .,�� any Trusiee appo�ced hereunder by nn i.�sVum�nt reeorded in tt�o couniy h� �vhY,h thb �ecurt�> Insuurrtent is reaordad. WRhaut . ,. ._
<br /> :���� � convoy�nco of tho Proparty, successor austee shail succeed to N)tho titt�,po►vnr ond dutf��canturod up�n Trustoe heretn and by �.�'°.--'
<br /> ' :;.ti..`.
<br /> ' ��•f •1.` . $��:'1Lab��dW.
<br /> . 24. ROQU88t S'BF P3O4iC88. Borrorret roquost�lhat COp�.s ot tho noU:cas ol dErlauR and snio b0 scant to BIIao�s Hddress
<br /> � , wnxn i�the PropErty AdHress. .-,
<br /> � ' 25. 6iiders to F!htc�QCUr38�f In�trumQn2 It ona or mnre �i�om tuo m»cutatl by 6orroieer srtd recar6od toQelhe►w�h
<br /> � th�S�CUr�2y Instrurttenf,the cavenants Qnd agreementc o1 c2ch such rider shnU bo l•COrpnmtod {nlo and shaJ emt�rtd and supp'9mart - �,
<br /> . " . •. the tovenants tm6 aSre�m�ts O1 thls S�turify Instaument&s if tho R�fx(o)wtuo a ptut ot 11tiL�curity In�trument
<br /> � I Porr.,:a2�olDO ,:�
<br /> - ..� J F1010.LM11 110lDn Pa�e 0 of 5
<br /> fl]4
<br /> , J _
<br /> � ' � "_' .__—_,_'. __. ...� _ __--..�.vr-..._..`. __ __ —....,..___.__ ______— ...
<br />