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1. c 4�. <br /> �.4� . ...� ' ' sY2�`t`i . . . , c�eiC:r� .. —k_ :�_ / ._ <br /> sf � � '.f;.�,',''{;,C,'.. .. <br /> , -k . .-:.»� <br /> �->."*y. . � . , <br /> ", ' �.f!�t�l,t�: c , '.. .. . 4 . i��� . . . . . � ' . , . , . <br /> ,. .� � � ._..--- ------•------ -.__.______._.._._.------�---_-�-----. -....._.._ <br /> . . � . <br /> � c @a�aw�'s escrour eccovrrt und�r tho tad3rel R°sl Estato Seit[em�t Pracsdures Aet ot 1974 as em�sdsd !rom timo to i?ma, 12 USC. <br /> • • 2501 st seq. l°FIESPA•?>untess another law tAst epp:ies to the Funds ssts a tesser amount. (t so.lendsr any tir.e.�o�set srtd . <br /> ' hold FunQs�fln smoun!nat to�cc6ed iha t3ssser am�ant �er►d2r m3y estimats the amount a!tunds du9 on the ba.�ts a!eurtan4 dzt3 <br /> ' ' and roasodt9bie estirtmtes o!exRertd3urs3 of tuturB Escrov�Items or otherwLse In BcCOtdanea with apDlkabSa tan. <br /> ' Ths Funds shs7 ba hetd h en t�st�uL'nn whosa cleao�iis ere insured by e tsd�ral ag°nayr, insuursien�dy, ar sntdy (hchidna <br /> � � Lendar.t!I.ertder �sucA en inss3utton)or H any Fe6aral Hama losn Ban�c. t�nder shs:l eppty Ns FanOs M pay tt.o Esrro:v t�r:s. � '...: <br /> ,� :. , L�6er may not eharqe�arrovesr tor hotd�g end aApbing Usa Funds.annuaLy enaryz�g trte esaow eccoun� ar var�r�g ttse Escrovr ' �'. <br /> - � ttems,uniess L.ender pays 8orrow2r(ntetest on tha Funds end appxable faw perm3s Lendet to istake such a cRarqa. Hovrs�r.t.�►d?r � � <br /> � m3y req+lao 8orrawar to ¢ny 8 enat�:9 chsrqa for en�d�endent reat esffit9 toz r0parta8 s�r�e ussd by Le;+dTr�Canaeeilon w3t� Q�• r' <br /> � � thts tasn.unteas app�able taw provtd�s ott►erwts9. Untesa en sgreemant ts made ot app5rabie taw�qu6as ht�t3 to Ca paD.tEad� <br /> shall not 69 requ�ed W pay Banorrcr Cny ini�rest ar eamtn8s on ths Funds. 8orrowsr end Lsnt4��ay e�s�tn rrr(tatg,horr6vC�U!s! � �,�. <br /> --���-, inteses! sRaU bs patd on ths Funds. Lead`t sh�311 g6ra to Bortawer. w3P�out c8arge, an ennnat e�couni�p of tF�a �tu�d��aho�lrtQ � � • <br /> _, �;.,, <br /> ,�.: cred3s and doLHs to tha FunQs and tho purpos�for wt�ieh e¢ch QebD to tha Funds was rn3dv. The Furtds aro 0�8sd as add3tonal � �. <br /> ,�;p, ee�-- <br /> � 59Cl7�fOf UD SL!!lS SSCUiB�by U'tIS.S��Y It18SNtREt11. _ <br /> �' If the Funda ha:d by l.end2:�a�the amcunis parsn3i=3"�Ce he!d by appfiCebts t�.ES.:,ender shn[1 aCCOUnt to Borta�far the ___ <br /> , s �g Funds ln c»rordans�e��.� :`a :-�s�:��o!apF:�:� UH. I1 tha emour+t of GRa�unds Re10 by Lsrtder et 8ny Umo t�not <br /> � � s�c�t�o pay c��erow i�e^ss�^�e�cea�-�=r may so r.2�?r�tsro���i�tm'tlng,and,§►suth case 8arto��sha7 pay to►Qor -- <br /> ;• .' �� ti:3 c�ur►!rtacess�y to malce�,-�, .4a defi�lency.eorrawer�."::.t�i.;,.G��aRciertay in no more ther+ twe3ue rt:on2hly� �- <br /> ' Lt:�ee:-�ar's sob d�scraUoa <br /> `�T�3T = ._ "��- ���.�t+n b!U�t A3 s�seci�red by th�Sea:,� tnsffur•�+r�t.�:�s sfta7�.��Y]y re1�nd to Borrowa�enY C-�..��i,twid by <br /> �:�;;r. � � r to tha isiflan or sa�of t?te Pr�iy.shn -- <br /> • " � Lend9r. U.�n�-jc 3�nagtaAh 21.lender sha'J�u3re or saU the rr�}c..>� La�=�.Rrio aaqu . <br /> �J�{,, eaPh 8ny Fur.'�fiakl by lsnder at ths tir.e a7 s�uis&�n or sate as a crc�9R�ktst the setms secured by fhis SeeurRy+InstrumertL <br /> 3.Ap�t`aai�an st Payfinents. Ur.k�s spPGc&ble 1aw pmvfd9s o�nv�s.aQ PaY�ts teCeNed by Lender under Du��aDhg -- <br /> :;,.;�,�„. <br /> a <br /> ,,�r�;a,• t �^�2 shall tra apA��1: ���Y OreDaymsnt chsrgas due undar tha Note:secand,Yo 8movnts paYabt�un�et D�II�Ah�thtd <br /> . to aterest dua;Ns.:rth,to ar�es�s?due;and test,to any tato chasges due undat tRe IVote. <br /> . - --. 4.CitII�'$C-�;Ue11ti. 8orrorver sha0 pay ad taxes, assessments, c1►�rges. finas and �rr+posRions atu�utsbse to ths Rrogsrty <br /> � whlCh rt�y atta� r�riorftY ov8r Utls SeCUrfiY insbumt�c�t. and leesehflid Pay,^�nts ot�ou�d rerrte� H eny. Borrovr2r SAafl PaY thes� <br /> � , oblqaUons h tt+e manner provlded fn paragreDh 2,ar B not patd tn tAat rt�s.:�.na',8orsower shall pay them an tir.e dkeeU,�W tRe�sc^� <br /> � owed payrt�ent 6arrawer sha(1 prompty fumish to Lender ati noUces of ar.�a=ts to be F?�under thts para�ph. I�6tirrower ersv� <br />•, '� .:�. these Oayn�et►fs dUectty.Barto,ver sha0 PromDUN tamish to Lender rdcsipts euidenChp tlt3�.:�mertts. <br /> �4M I' <br /> -'� 8orrowar sit�7 praript�j dG�h�.^.ny�n�h!sA hss pAonly ove►this Secnrity Instiument untess 8orcouc�r:(a)e�raes�w�p£s <br /> the payrnent of the obGg�ton sscured Dy the fie� h a mannar aceepiab(e=�'�nder:(b)contests h goed fa3h the oen by,ot de�:� - <br /> �:�-,•. ,, againsi entoncemsnt of tRe t3�in.iepal Procwd�s8s which in tria Londe�s ophinn operats to prevent tha entorcemeni af the Oen: or(�.) <br /> =-:,;1�L�: '� F,�� �acur� trom tha hotdor of the �'�n an a,qreerttent sat�factar� to Lendet subordhaUrtB C'n_fien to ttfis SeCardy(ns�� i!Leador <br /> `�'��'�:� `� cfota�nhos thet erry Part a!tFr,�'P-oDQ+tY fs sublect to a f�c �rh�Ch maY attab Drior�Y�.a�u`�Ls Secufdfl insCUmont, Lander�e�aY 0� <br /> 'L .�'i� <br /> �:�'"�.. O�arxer a notfce tdontdy�fl the Oan. Borrawer�ha0 satlsfy isw''an or take one or morc�i:r?�se IIcticns set torth sbavs w37►i�10 days <br /> -. •" . . of tho ghinp ot rtoitco. <br /> ..�y�5.+,� r..:.,,,_• <br /> ..,.,r_.,:.r.jl..•` . <br /> -.�z ::-� •�� 5. Na�t� or Property Insuranc�. eonower :.�r:� «� �� �:.provema�,u now ex�urtg ar h6r69fter etected on tne <br /> -. �•ti:vr;y��� Property hsure�against foss by fre.hemrds etGf�dad wu'.�r tlsw:�-^°w°nded coveraye'an0 any oit�er hez8rd9.irscta�'rta fJooQs or <br /> -��'�';. : flooding. tur whiCh LertdBt tequ(res hsurdrtte. '[n�s hsu::rr�c.:na7 be mahtalrtee b the emounis and for tt�e p�M�s that Landar <br /> -,�_:_:�.� ., <br /> Y;.;�_r;�".; "� roqutres. The 6'SUrettCe Csrder Ptovidbts ttC i�nsui�lnCe Sh£:I::e chosen foy Borrower subtsct to Lersdefs ePPraval whTeh shal not be <br /> - - unreasonabiy�.t�:�ciad. If Borrower f3tl�to r.antain covsrsge de�cfbed above.Lender�rts�. at�.rrsders option,oDtaY�cav6ray�e� <br /> - _��1�y�a r pro2ect Lert�ols r�;�rn in tho PrapertY h c,ccordance w�h paiagrap.h 7. <br /> ;'�.;;�"'�_�� A9 tnsurance Pafictes anJ:-c^.e�saLS shaA be acceptable to Lender and shsN irtck+de a standerd�aqe el¢uEe. ta�der sAaY haw <br /> --____= --- tho�ipht to hold the policia3�-d rertewab. It Lender requkes. 9orrowar sAatl PramDtlyr �Ag to Lsnder aA nce�b ot pald premiims <br /> snd renewnl natxas. In tha event o1 br.s. Barrower sha0 give prompt notice to the hsuranrs cerrier and Lender.Lender maY m�JCs <br /> __ _ Qt00f Ot bss il rr.:rt1aQe pl0mplty by BOtfOwBr. <br /> -' - Unfess 5�:��and Horrower oiherw(se a9ree in arrfiln�,Insurenee proceads sha0 be appGed to rsstnration or wp�tr ot the PrapxiY <br /> W";��.� d�r�cr�eQ,U t,� restoratbn or repair is eeonomlcaiy feasbe and Lendee's securdy b no! iessgned. tT tt�a rsstonUon or�pafr is neL <br /> �'• ecor.srmira�y toas�l�w Lendr�s secardy wovld Ee tesssnes.the insuru►ee praeeaQs shali be app9ed to tha tums sacuro0 by thls <br /> T -;:�•�� <br /> =-�� SeeurZy insUument,wheiher or not then due, wFth any excess Oam to Borrower. I?Banawer abendorta th�PraDertY, or Qoos�ot <br /> -`-°`-';;�r� answer �r�ts'r. 3'; days e notice Kam Len� thst tire hsurence cerrier h�s oRered ro serite e ele�n. then L,ertGer cr�Y Co1sc2 ths <br /> -_ _- insurance F:axaa�3. I�nder may usa the proceeds to reyalr or restore the Proyerty ot to pay sums Sacund by thb S�curYy <br /> ,:i.h''��,;,'„- InSbumenb v�r•��::�ar or not then due.TAS 3bEay perfod wi7 itep{n when Cr�o�e b Qfiren. <br /> --_=`�'''�'°�~ �.;alara LmQEx and Bc-*s:��r otheiwtse agree in w�trtg. anY eS�!ct::i;,�o?proceed9 to prinCbal sAsN not�RanB or poafpon�tha <br /> -A• �---�rr�. . <br /> _,_��?:�_ Cs.�� �:a o!ihe monihty F�.�s��ta re*.erted to b paraqrephs t c�r¢2 ar G`.ange the esr�ni o!iRS peymaii9. lt undar parcpraah 21 <br /> �� ��.;���� thB?rc�r^j"s,��sluired by Lender.Barrowofa�ight to eny tnsura-.��cG::s:u:and proceeQs resuRisg fram Q�mags to tho Property priar <br /> °:t�?::.W: <br /> -.__S�.�t,�. �. to �`.o a.:,�ata:r; shsil pass to Lender to the e�der►i o! the s1��s y�r�:��d by this Secufdyr In�ttumeni Y�ar,edtatat/ prb► to ttir <br /> u;:"�';.����, r�c:l.•��s.�. • <br /> ='�Y�f-� �. Occupanay. Preae�vetion, Matntenan� �.� �roieetion ot the R+roptrty; Bo�c�tr'a Loan <br /> =::�`y' _ A;.;r'.s�tian; L@3SCf1C:w° Barrower shnU occupy.e�=il��1�,�,anD use the PropeRy as Barrourefs pfnefpal res:�,rco wthin abRy ` <br /> -'��Y��,�,� days after t*e c:3cuii�n of��u Security Instrumont end sR����an'� zccupy the PropaRy as Berrowera prirtoipaf resldoncn tor tt <br /> --_ . .. ,.�, basl orto 1=u' rttar tho �: c` cceuy�.�._.r, unLSS Lende� c���;:::.� •r.�'��a tn wrling. wRich ccr�mr sAM nat bo unretsart�itt�j - <br /> �`- .' �.; W7tttifDk1.CJ:.�u�l Paf:ar'.[S:i'Q:==�":r:'s�s r.s!whkh a�:a:��: 1 EGmi�eofS Ca1tr01. BOtr¢uar.^_lit�D ix2 dUS�Oy.QQmilQe Or L�1�G1�' <br /> ' t;fl vr�f2�:'.,a�:cw tho Prc�r.,r3y tn da'�rst w.�,ar commK k.:^.:�Tn i�+a��zorty. Borc.:+.r�ShaD be fn Be'9wa U any tar`alGro acben cs t- <br /> `''� ��1"r�,e�r�=='��cNJ ar c',i.begun that h Ler.���ra9�:w�iudyrtjerst coL�Rssu�in torte�ur�o!thv Prega� cr ath�rwlsa =_ <br /> .••:�z =� �gr�y �;,� ,.�e tlen created by this Secufty InsWmgr.? cr Les�a sseurty bterest Bortower ar.ay Gur�suclf a dWauR�nd <br /> , . ' ':�a� ��c., reinsmto.a:,6-`a.+f4ed in psregraph 18.Oy eeusYsg tha ectian ar prascr,rJ;�p to be dkm�sed wfN a ru0rtp thaL b I.andrs pood faRn <br /> � QetemihAtfon, ptec�Qe3 tort0ituto 01 the Borrowafs htDro:>R in t1'0 �r6�se+2y a► oU+er materlet Yr,�skm�t o! ths GM Cre�fed by LAts _ <br /> . s^ecufRy Insfrurrten2 or lend�/s securlyr ht6reaG Borro•vcm ��s�.7 a�a trs In delauR N Barrowar,dufng t�:0 ioan nAPlicat�n proc�ss. <br /> anrre matetia.�ly f315e or irtueeurato Intorznatlon or sts�rrrtErtc to Lender (or tatksd to pmvlQe lendta u►f41 enY �rsta�'�f intarmatlon) in i` <br /> ' � '`" connection wkh the Ican evlQenced by ths Note,iscY�dhg, but nof fm2ed to,reAresentatians concemi�g Barrowere occupanay of tEa - <br /> PropeRy as 8 princ�al resldertce. It thi:,�c�r3Y InsVurttent G on o It3asehold. Borrower sha'1 tampry wRt� e➢the Ptovlsiorts o!1t� = <br /> baso. u Barrowa�acquJes teo t�b to th�Proasrty, 2ho basaha!d snd ths fse t�te sha0 not mergo ur.te.�9 tha lertdar agreos to ths � <br /> � . m�gw�writing. w�m:az�ot� - <br /> .. . '� Ft020.tfI.0 p0J07) P¢�e 2 01 S t.-. <br /> ... -`-.--=__--'-_- <br /> �. <br /> ' E <br /> .� Q34 I��_. <br /> L. <br /> . J: <br /> -- -'��._._. - ---�-,-_--.�—_-------�.-.-...�_a <br />