- , ., -
<br /> . • 1 �
<br /> � � 89+. io5�r��
<br /> � If Lender requiral mortp�inwrinoe u a ca�dition o!makinE the lo�r►secured by this Security InsiruaKnt.
<br /> Borro�er s1Wt pg tLe pcenuwr�t nquired to aaintain the insurance in elt2ct until such time u thc requirement'for the
<br /> - inwnnce teraiinRtet�i��t�c5e�itl�9ofrarwdt's atid I.endtf's�r►ritteq�eement ar applicat�tr ta�v.
<br /> f. I�etiN. l.aider or its yent nuy iaalce rauooabk muia upon aad inspections d'the Proputy.Lenda
<br /> �U�ive 8o�roM!er�otia�t tlfe tinirof or priorto au iaspectkxE spatifyin�rasonabk came fa tl�eintpectiou.
<br /> _ . ! C�i�MIM. The procads of ai►y award or cWm for daavjes.dirat or oonsequential,in connatioa w�ith
<br /> ��ep coedemestion or aba ukiuf of wy part of tbe Propaty.or fa�oaveyarice in liw ot'cardemnation,are benby
<br /> � aii�ised�a�d��a(lbepaid to Lasder. . . .
<br /> Iu drt�vatt af s toaJ ulcinj t�f tbe Fropaty,ti�e proceeds si�all be sp�slia!to tLe sums ser�udd by thi:Securit'
<br /> � I�nttw�eat,wbetber or not tLen due.Mrith��►e:cess paid to Boira�rer.In the evrnt of:partiat tafdns af We PrnQerty.
<br /> � tm1e�BorroMer and l,.endet othenri�e ajree ia�vriwu.the tn�saciued by tbis Sacwity Instn�aseat shall be red�aed by •
<br /> tbe anorai of tbe ptooeedt mult��ied by the fo[Io�rinj fractia�:(s)t6e tatal amount of the sums secured immedistely .
<br /> � �divided DY(b)t6e fiir market valtit of the Prcpaty immodistely befort the taking.My bdance shali bt .
<br /> � If t�te ProQ�aty,is slxndoiied by Barro�va,or if,afta aotia by Lender to Borrower that thr condemaor c�'ars to
<br /> ;�F��:;�: ;maicc�t�,irar�d or se�s claim for dam��,Ba�rer fi�s ta respond to I,ender�itbin 30 days aRa tise dau the not€ce i�. •
<br /> "::; . : isau�tied to cotkct and 1 tJ�� st iu �on,eit6a ta nstaration c�c d'the P�perty o�i�:' ;�...
<br /> :.: :�:��►.� iPP Y '�taceeds. � .,i'�=T. -
<br /> ';' '�`' . �` herar�tthendue. .. .„��.;
<br /> � .;r. ° . . =�.�1b�e.��ecured bg thu Security Instrurtjmt,:ir��iet :.. <.,� ` �•'•,."�: ::: , <.
<br /> , '� ` r�T�Leadrt�ad Horro�ver otber�viu�t'ee�in wir�,g;aay apptiqrion of����"�.,�*^�!shall ei�t�zZE�ad o�t f:. � y'
<br /> �, ?� `` °:pastpo�i��ue date r.f.the monthly P�Ymeats�tc�:isn�ara�aphs.l,and 2 or c'�aenge t�Ce`aio�ro�ui�t oisucN pryments,:!�:,•.:;�.•;.• ::".°,
<br /> ; . �. .
<br /> ' 1Q Ba�e�o�net;�:;ttk�ed; Farieie��c`By Leniiti Na� �aC�rer. Extmsion oE�ae time far psymeat Q�:::.;� '.�; _ ' •:�"`
<br /> � rlivdi8eatio�of amoce��of the svms�ec'��by tbis 5�urity I�eat aranted by Lea�.�et w aay st�ccessor iit�".`': ' ,�
<br /> � . . ;: .::f#��d'Sn�so�va s�raF ttot opesate W rekasie*�r fiabilitg�ti��la ozigiti�i�orrower or Borrower'S SuczoessOrs in iaterefi. ;:'._"� .
<br /> ,L.aider sT�i�itit be�equirod to caa:mence proCOediaEs a�'va�i any suecessor in fnterat or r�fuse to extand time fot . �
<br /> .: paymeat oco,t�enviae�teodify amardrition of the aums secua���'�y this Seaaa�ty Instr.imbit by rason of any demsnd made :: ,. . • � ,
<br /> by the ori�inat Borranr-tror Horro�rer's success�a�i�z�ta�t..�y forba�a�x by Lender in easr�i�n��ny right or remedy. :"� . .�:',�. � .
<br /> �Wl not be a�vaiver d'or preclude the exerr'se e�k'a�rijtet cmr:eaudY• . . � . . � � ';;
<br /> il. S�ee�ots t�A�Qau�Ja6�e a�i Se�eeak ILtiWt�r,Co�ipees. The covedsu�and ast+eemenca df �� :;,;:.
<br /> tbis Sxurity IRStn�rna�t shall bind�ad benefit the tucceswr�and aui�s of Leader and Borrower,subject to the provisions � �'
<br /> . af p�r�psph 17:Hatm�rer':varrnsnts u�d aaneanents shaU be joint and sevenl.Any Borro�rer Mho co-signs this Security , '
<br /> � Instrume�t 6ut das n�qt exacute tlu Note:(s)is co-si�ning this Security Instrument only to mortg�ge,grant and convty l� .-
<br /> - tHat BorroMet's interat in the Property under t�e terms o�this Security Instrumrnt;(6)is not personalty o6liasted to pay �
<br /> tbe sums sacured by thii Security lnstramrnt;uid(c)agras t1u�t Lender and u�y other BorroMa may�gree to extend, � ,
<br /> modify.forbear or make any acoommodstions�vith re�ard to the tenns of this Security lnstrumrnt or the Note without -
<br /> that 8ono�ver's consent. �
<br /> 12. LoM G1v�es. I[the ban secured by this Socurity Insuumrnt is subjoet to a lsw which sets maximum loan
<br /> chuaes,uid that !sw is ftnally interpcetcd so thu the interest or other lan chuaes collectod or to be collxted in
<br /> � connectfot��vith the lan eaaed thc pem�itted limits, then: (a)any such lan charge shall be reduced by�the amount �
<br /> nooeseary td toduce the char�e tb the petmittod limit;and(b)sny sums slresdy rollected from Borrowar whiCh eacoeded
<br /> �e:r€it�!2��i.s r�il1�,r�'�s�to E3rsa�.::..Ler.Q;r m:.y ak�a ta m�ke tlsss:ef�ed�y ra±u.'s.�g*_�gr�.s±!����e�! _
<br /> . under the Note or by makins a direet paymatt to Barrower.Ifa refund reduces principal�the reduction�vill be traited u a
<br /> partia!prcpaymmt without any prep�yn�ent chuge under t6e Nota
<br /> � 13. LesWatio� ARecti� LeMe��Ri�ib. If en�ctmene or eapiration of applicabk laws has the elfoct of
<br /> ' renderinE any pmvision of the Note or this Secarity Instrument unenfores�ble according to its terms.Lender.at its option.
<br /> ' msy ra�uite immediate payment in fnll of all sums sacored by thi�5acuriry Instrnment and may invoke arry remtdies �
<br /> permitued by pangraph 19.Ii'Lendcr eaercises this aption.Lender shall't�ke the steps specifled in the second parsaaph of
<br /> �rs�saph!7. ���'
<br /> 14. Notktis. Any notice to Boao�rer prdvided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deliverinE it or by
<br /> � mailin`'rl liy firat cliss mail unkss applicable law requires use of another method. The notica shall be directed to the �_
<br /> , Froperty Addras or any other address BortoMer designata by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by �
<br /> • 6rst clsss a�aif to i.ender's arWras st�taf haci�.s ar any ottxr address Lrnder designttes by notice to Borrmver.Any rmtice : ;.
<br /> , provided'for in this Security Instrument shail ise deemed to hsve been given to Horrowar or Lender when given as provided -
<br /> {n this P�6�+Ph. - -
<br /> 1'�, C�eraiK Lw;Senr�hi:lfty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of'the
<br /> juri�dicr�,m in�rhich the Property is lacated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the
<br /> Note ca►flicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not aReet other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note
<br /> wrhich can be pven e�act�vithout the contlicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Sccurity Instrument and the
<br /> Note are detlued to be sever�ble.
<br /> lf�, 8orrower's Co�y. Borrower sha116e given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Seeurity Instrumtnt.
<br /> 17,.. Xia�der o�ttie Pro�eety or a Be�BcW��terest ie Horroeer. If all os any part of tbe Property or any
<br /> intuat itt i1 S�s soW or ttsnsferrefl tar+f�benefleial intcrat in Borrower is sold or transt'rrred and Bonower is not a natural
<br /> person)�riihout I,endcr's prior written consent,Lender may.at its optitm,require icnrnediatt payment in full of all sums =
<br /> secured by this Securlty'�nstrument. However, this optian shall not be exercised by 3.er:der if GYr.tcise is prohibited by
<br /> fodenl l�vn ris of the c'at�ef this Security Imtrtsss�ent. '
<br /> If I�e.�td�er exerc:ses tbis optiort;Lender shall give Borrawer notice af acceleratiun•The natice shall provide a period � -
<br /> of not kss�th�n 30 day�fcom the d41�:�'he notice is deiivered or mailed within which Bm7�wer must;pay all sums swured by . •
<br /> this Securit y Ipstrciment.gf Bonower f�iLs to psy these sums prior to tli�c�piration of this peria�d.Ltt�der may iitvokt any ��' '
<br /> rcmedia pe�mittad byr;tEnas 5ecurity Instrnment without further notice ot demand on Borrqwer. �
<br /> . . �1�.L'.,.�-r�.,.-���:sa P.eias�.ate. Ef�ncs�u sre�certaia cgcr�tis�:is,Earre��shai!'lsa:�e ctie�r#��t to have � -
<br /> r,niorct��sst of this Seeurity lnstrumeni discontinued at any t"sme prior to the earlikr�f da)5 days(or sueh�11ter period u � '
<br /> appli�re taw may sprcify for reirutatement}before sale of the Property pursuant to any power o�'sale cilni��ned in this
<br /> L Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgmens enforeing ttis Security Instrument.Those condiciaRS ara Ct.at�orrower:
<br /> (s}pays Lender all sums�vhich thrn wauld be due under this Security Instrument aed the l�ic%e had no acceleration
<br /> octnrred;(b)cures�ny defiult ot any otber covenanis ot agsaments;(c) pays all expenses incaned in enforcing this
<br /> 5ecurity ittstru�cat,including,but no1 limited to, reasonable attorneys fe�.s;�nd(d)talces such uctinn as Lender may
<br /> reasonabl}� roquire to assure that the lirn of this Security lnstrumenl, Lender's rights in �h� Property and Harrowcr's
<br /> obliption to pay the sums sesused 6y this �curity instrument shal!cantinue unchanged_ Upon reinstatement by �
<br /> Bortower,tftis Secunty lnstrumeni and tht ubliEaeions secured hereby shall rema�n fully effective as if no accelerat�an had "
<br /> arcurred.Hawever.ehis ri�ht to reinstatc shaf t not apply in the case of acceleratcan undrr paragraphs 13 or 17
<br /> �-
<br />