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_.7� � . c".t'r�.� a _'_e".__. .t , <br /> _��-���_ .. . _ <br /> . , �Y•k! ' � - —— . _ , . _._. _ _ <br /> ��.` _ , � , ti i` . �� �'� . ,_ }� , . �, � . y ,� • <br /> �, •. <br /> .,r . .-,. .;. ,.. . _ . . • . <br /> . . <br /> �.. . , <br /> . s.< - � .�. .. <br /> . � .:.� _- .�-. � --- _ _ . .1�9 ���\ � --------_.------- . _ _--- --- ---- --.--____ . <br /> �. . . �A ' � ��VV�� L <br /> � � - 8ottar�^f�ascrotiv �scount untt�r tPta hd��►R:a1 Ectats 3s3f�m�t Proaadures&rt oP 1994 as�dsd irom t�nte to Gm�, 12 U.B.C. � <br /> Ze01 �i a9q.('iL:�A'�,unta�s anolC�3r tar+thIIt t�pD��3 ta 4ha Funcf3 cais o tessrr amoun� If so.Lendsr�r►y 41rt�.co�ct an� <br /> ' " hots Funfi��+an emouni eot to mcceed tnfl les:er amcunt. Lend2r m3y estynate the emaunt of tunds dua on the bssis of curtent dat9 ��° <br /> ' . '. . and raason?�te est�nstss of expsnd3ure3 ot fuh�re Escrow lts3mms or athesw4e�atcordaatt►witt�sABlicabi�L�tv. <br /> s <br /> �`. <br /> TAa Funds sRaU Ce he'.sf �en fnstiwttan whose dc�o�&4 a-*d hcured by a ted�rai aIIanc�r. tastrumsnta+�y. or entRy (t�aPrdhQ �:: <br /> • � LenII2r, it Lgnder is such en tnstHui�On) or In eny Federal Homa Lo2n Bank. lend2r sha(l apAly tRO IFUnds to Q3y the Essrow �.gm�. �"^ <br /> � LsnQ.r rts3y�ot ch�o Horroxer fat Ao:dsne and aDR$m0 tho FundS,annu�ity anahntrty th9 escrow er.count,or v�itymg the Escrouv � <br /> • • item9,un�ss LenII�r pays 8aaowtr intarast un tri3 Funds 2nd appfiCabte tdw pumfts Lendet to make such a eh3tg9. Howevsr.LentT� � <br /> � msy re:q��va Bono�var to pay a ons�thra enarge tor an tndeII�ndent re,al este.'s tax�eFert�n8 servko used by Lend�r�eonnxtt�n wtiti <br /> tt <br /> th�loan.un�ss e�pl':eabb'�!aw prov;dss othsnvise. UtUess an Hgr89mer�t t3 rt�ade or&ppJcaEla IaH requ&es interost to be p3t0. L.tmdsr = <br /> • ShF1U not Qe requir2�t0�Say BoRaxrat tlny int�rost or eamings on ths FunCs. HCrrovte►Eartd►d3t rttay CgC��rmT�tB.hoK'rv"�t,that <br /> �� <br /> �.=°� intasesi sRsU be �aQ on ths Funds. Lender shaU ptua ta Borrov��. �@hout charga, an annuJ eccovntin9 W the F�+flGs, s1a�g _ <br /> - "�`' � er�ed3s cnd c�2D3s to tha Funds snd the purposa ter whteh eaeh deb$to the Funds was mada The Funds are pk�6ged as eddd�anat =_ <br /> ' securdy[ct sU sums s3cured by thts Se�writY Irtsfrut�t - <br /> � � It tha Funds heA bq Lender excced tha emounts perm3ted to ba heid by epp:cabie taw,lenCer shaD esxount to Borrorrer faT tt�e <br /> . i; p�eass Funds in rr�xotdane8 wdh tP�a raquirom�nts o!appGcahH taw. It the emaunt of the Funds hetd br �ender at any tiss ts not <br /> � SuH'�Ci�l t0 p3y the E6CCCtrt�t�tis'arhE� du�,LEU►d2r m3y so notBy Borrowar in wr�9�ttnd,in s�tch case Borro�ncer shaU pay to Lertdbr <br /> . �' �.� tRe ameunt�eces:,ery to matce up the defiotEncy. 8orraw�shaD rtr3ke up tha Qafietertey �no more tltan t+rraNe menthF/peyr[ <br /> Londa�s soss discre?ion. <br /> .. ,--_.���-- lipan paymsn4 in NIl ot all&ums secured Cy this Ssci+rtiY trtsLUrt�t,isnder sfia0 promptiY ren+nd ta aarro��y Fun�r.;.�L� - <br /> Lc,nder. [f,unQer paragraAh 21.Lcnder shaU eequue or�all th�ProDariy.Lender.Prior to th��ui�Rton or sat9 of tha Progerty.shaD <br /> . , aDP�Y any Funds hatd bY Lender at the tints ot ea4Lfis�on ct s��s as a cred3 e8sirtst the sws�c�cured bY this Sa:urRY MsWCroenL ..- <br /> . . • 3.Ilpptteat�ion of Paymeets. Unkss aAP�r�Dka Lrr ptorrtdes otitc-�wise.a[i Rayr.�en�s receMad tiy�eaaer unaer vara�rapns - <br /> � t end 2 s�saD Ce agp� any PreAaYmer►t cher8� �under tte No�;s�cond,to emnvnts paY��under pals8raph �thtrd <br /> ' , to inmra�^t dus;tcurN�to D�c�al dua;and eny t�t dTr�C3as 6ue und�the Note. <br /> _ -"'.-� r 4. Clf�gl.s;Ltens. Barrower shaB PaY a7 taxes. �sments.cRerpes.frtss at�d�.�osktons attt�ut3bl9 tc tSa FroP�Y <br /> ' • . . whtch may attain prior3y ovar this SecuritY Instrument,end (easehold payrtEents or ground �ems. � any. Bnrrower cital pay Ihese <br /> . oD6gt�iicns h the manrter providad in paregrayh 2.or d not paid in that manner.Borrawer shall pay th2m an tUn3 directty w the p9rson <br /> � owad payrRent Barrow�r sl�atl promptty tumish to Len�r a0 notices af amaunts to bs patd under tAis pa��ayb. If Bartower rt�tices <br /> .,',�i-�-. . these PaYments d�cdY. eoaowar snan pror��y4T►funtsh to LonG�r�aei�t��r'�atL�g ttsa paya'�..'sx3. ` <br /> BOrrower Shal1 OromBilY disCharg9 enY C6n wfilCh hQS pri0r3r ovat thts SeCYfity tnsti7u�nt unless BOlfOwer(a)ag�b�W <br />� :r';-r�.. � the pIIy�rtsent of tha ab�igaUon securad by the Iien In a rt�nrter atcept3biB M Lertder;(b)Cort�s4s h goad faftt�the lian F��,a'de�nds <br /> f�` ,` agamst enforeement af the Gan in�ie8a1 ProCeeditgs wh1Ch it th9 Lender8 CRintOtl oD�:rn I��t tha�tercart�!atBta t'in;or(e) <br /> =;�+,�:•,.. "' sBCUreS from tho k01de► Ot the Ren en 89��!SatiSfdGtOry t0 l6nde!sltr�fdiRZUrtB �°t�d fF'st►t0 thLS S9CUtdY InStNmi�lt tt Und�t <br /> = defa+mhes that any Dart o!the PropeRy i� subjeet to a Oon which a�ay attah prbrfty oti����Secur�y►1nsUumant, I.eader m�Y QM <br /> �"', � � ` Bnrtawar e natice IdeniByirtg tho fien. Borrowet shaf!�tv^f�the Gen er talc9 one or rrte3�Ilt�actions se2 terth above w$hin 10 Qays <br /> ,��ix:r;F; ��� _ <br /> . at the g;ra�g ot nottce. <br /> �:�:il�cx�:�-�;:. . <br /> ::_irn�u�i��-,.� <br /> -_=`,:;�r��.�,:;.-.� � v". Hazardl or Properiy Insuran�e. eorrower shell kee� tRe 's�ra,rements naw ex�sun9 or nereaser acscssa on <br /> •�;,:.arn:;� �• <br /> ..��_-- _ � Prnpart�l insured agahst iess by fivo.hamrds hclicded wdhin the term'e�nertded coirereya'end&ny oihar haards.hc�i�ny fioads or <br /> .'�.1•jy�'--�', fbadl�Q, tor wR�h Lentter requirea hsurenr.e. Th� insurance shaA be mahLtfned b the amounts and tor tAa�a that I.a�d�r <br /> �-��'�:`�=•.-�`� rsquYes. The in3urance carrier Rravids�9 the nsuranea sha�be chosen by Horrower su0j�to L�tde�s ttpproval vtttich shBH rtot bs <br /> _�.:_'�'r•�1 unreasanaby withrield. t!BorroK�r taiLs to matntat+ coverage descrbed abovs.Lendar rmc'r,at LenGe�s oplSon,abie�n cavereas ta <br /> =--_��:=�._.;�+� proteCt Lenders rtS74�ts in the Properiy�ttccord?.�tpo wit1�pemgraAh 7. <br /> ---- --"�-'� An insurar:x3 Po�ps end renewals shaU tro 8ocepiahl�to Lender and shaD YtcLde a standard mortgago ctaus9. Lender aMY have <br /> --�-- tha right to hplq Yhe paf�cies and renawnts. It L.ender re4uaes. 8orrower sha.7 promR2d� gt�e to Lender aY raeelpts ot peld Pramiums <br /> ---- --•.ne+ral notices. tn the er21t of bss. Barrower shs�l �jr��romy2 noitco to tho �:�r�a'ee carrier and Lartder. Lande►rts�y mfk� <br /> ._�_�=°°--= pma�;.f b:,s n noz m3do prcc:r,�rr�r�y 8orrower. <br /> __ .��.;��� UnTess L�.m�and Barrower oiherwise agree b writhp,llr�aance proceeds sha7 C�ar,�,^3ed to rosiorQUon or repair o!the ProDrrty <br /> _.�u r.�,� <br /> .�.•,�1� damaped, d the c?..��toration or repaY� econontca(ly teasblo and Lender's sficur3y is not br,senod. Q the rasioratlon ot�pair I� rtot <br /> ��t�-� economfeaVy isas�b ot LenQers secur3y wouid le lass�s:, �e hsurer.ce proceeds sh80 bo apyCad to the sums a�cune Dy thi� <br /> =;�,-,.��+',;'� Security lnsUUmcnL wheiher or not then Que, wi:h any err� Oald to Borrowe►. E4 G7-�war abanQans ths das aat <br /> �?t�=•��� rrnuvrer withh 30 days s notke trom LenQer that the ir.aacr�:ca carrier has oftered ta .u1r.� a ctalm. then L�enOer mr� coLc! th.s <br /> -.�- -'�"'—' lnsvrance procaeds. Len6ar may uss the prcceeds to repatr or resroro tho Pra��tY rar to pay sums sscured by thb Sreurky <br /> :r'_=e=.-;:.�� <br /> ;��:,�:„��1,�. Instrumcmt.wReihst ar not than due.The 30d.7y 62riod witl bagb��+cntfa3(s�tiea. <br /> __{;�;��^_'��+!�±! Unless Lender and Bonawet otherwlse egree in writing�anY ePDt�caa:rs«1`rroceed�=o pnc��a!shE!not exte�d or po5tpans tfe <br /> �V�la:'=�=��`'� due date ot the rtsonthty paymenis re'srred to in paragraph^_ t �4:d 2 ar eT�tge tha������`t oJ ths p8yments• U under ParaOnDh Zt <br /> ���-_���� the RroA�Y�ecquirQd by Lcndpr.Boaowe�s right to My i,s:xu�u'co po�Cies and prace�rl�r•msutthp from d.amus0 to tho PropeRY Prler <br /> �y.�5�. <br /> .���; to the BCqulsitton ShaO ptu:. =� Lend�r to ths extenl of 1he sums secused by tl+d� ."x��rdy Instrutnent trmaYdtatot/ D�� � <br /> _r,'.�~., <br /> _.:"��'rv�1 : 8CQ11131ti011. <br /> -==="a-=�-:: 6. Ooc��ancy, Prese�Uon, Mafntenance and PrcC�ctlen e9 the Properiy; B�rrower's LAaef <br /> -_ �:-�:-�:`'=- A�r;qaetIa�; Leaaehotd�. eono„rer snan occupy.esrae�sn.ena use tha ProRerty e:.Barrowers Dr�elpal reslQencY wittih sbC/ <br /> � daysc a°tr th0 exocutbn ot U�U.�rr,y Instrurtsen2 ond$tk,?conihua to occupy lhe Rrr.ptirf�as�aaowefs pfact�at rosidena tor at _ <br /> _Y � � � leas! or►o y�3r after the dato of ooeup�sy, unVss, I.�nd� c2htyw�o agrees h wrEY�'h� �fibA conseat shaSf noi ba unnasautGy _. <br /> ':' •'�� wRhhetd.or ank3ss mRenuauhg e'reum;,truices mcist wh�f�are boYertd Qorratvr�'s controL Boacreer shsil not desUOy.duritye or imP�t _ <br /> _ u <br /> �'� tha Froperty,altaw Ne Proyerty to deteriorato.or comm3 wasto an the Fropnrtir. Borraxrar sha0 be b dnfau�B anY tartBYure oetion er ` <br /> i� � proeeeding,whelher civil or erimnal,G begun that ln Lende�'c Saas fniU�11d�nt could resu8 in farteLwre of tP�s Proporty or oit.9rw�ra _ <br /> �tien <br /> �,.+�.,_. - <br /> "� ��� m3tariauy impa'v tho lion ereatod by thi3 Secur3y Insbument or L�[dsrs sec�rrihr (rtterEis� Oarravrer may curo suth e de�u� aas <br /> �, • ' ��� roinstat�.as praviQeO in paragraph 18,by causing tho acxbn ar proceedlrt9 to be dism�sssd w3h a niting th3t,b Leadsfs{�oo�fta1� <br /> � • d92e�m3rtattan, preCWQs9 (ortei�h� of tho Bortox�s inierest in the Properiy or othsr ma�ial imR �sment of the Ger� cr�sfsd by thte <br /> • ' &ncurify ln5trument or Lensefs sacutQy ntero�t, 8arrowtr&hsN al5o bs in defauR d Barrower, d�fep the b�n eDpliClUOn DroCaaa. _ <br /> gave mat�ial►1► t�tse c� nsccur� in`.ormatian a� siaterr�snts to L4mIIer(cr t�ed to �rcri�o Lortder w3fi► any cr�.2er'�.1 Nfarrr�n)b <br /> • cartnection eilh the IQan e',ridsaca0 bp tho No�o.hcA�d'r.�,but net GnBs�to,ropreseni3Uc!►s toneeminp 6artowers accuDfncp o1 tPse <br /> '-F � . Rroperty as e print�af resldenCe. If Nis fiscwXy lnstn:ment Es on a Ipdseh0ld,8orrower sha9 cOmpT/wBJ� a➢tlrp ptm'tsiCna O?Ct�e <br /> , ksa�. It Bo�ro+.ver ec�u�:,f�431�to th�ProPeRY.ttts k�3SS1�ob c�sd tha tse tdle shaD noi merge un➢ass tho Lert�tr e�ee�ts ftto <br /> .. . : �� ����,Q��. ���,s���� <br /> FtO�.tM.01�Q1�7� Psge 2 ot G <br /> = i. • C�:a � <br />