1� o
<br />1'r ' •O�V /,•39 '
<br />and 'running north.eastar y/. Along. the cen.tgrline. of. saki! ch:annttI.,, A., d1s,-
<br />tonce of T�+o Atmdra, right and Seventy nree. Hundredths '(708.73) fact;,
<br />thence deflecting Left 5003 "20" nnd running noTtlreTly, `,long the center
<br />line of snld channel., a dtotance of One hundred Seventy, "An,d Lt911,ty -TWO,
<br />_1 Hundredths (170.82) foot; thence de�]RCting right 25 °�D.t`b,G>s'� and r>nnn.tn.p,�_
<br />iVi narthr.,AatCrly n1ong the centerline •of sold channel, .a distance Art 7Wie,
<br />llgndtrad Forty Nino end 'Riptttty Three Hundredth, (249.83) feet;*the>:nce
<br />deflecting left 61 °4005" rind' runmf,ng northwesterly along the centerline
<br />of maid c}tnnnel, n distance of OneAuedred Forty. and Forty Fire lfundredthm
<br />(140.45) fact; thence deflacting rl :jot,' 32 034'45" and running - ortltuesterly
<br />along the centerline of .pod, chnnnct, a distance 'of One 11undr6d 'S;i;xtty Two.
<br />t 9 and . Hundredths (162.02);' feet.; thence de,rl'6Agtl;ng rlglt[ 41059 "23 /'Cand run-
<br />},. ning;p&, theasterly along the, centerline of e0channal a, ¢i6tant 4If0r. 'Rtree
<br />llundrad ttift , Thrae and Five Uundredltha 353.05 • feet.. phance eeflactin
<br />'-right 37040t'15 rd. running itortheaster.ly along cga,Cc,�line' of .aid chau,al
<br />a distance -of sHind:trod Rtghty Seven end.Sm,%Mn, Tenths''(: {1!87.7) feet; thence••
<br />deflecting left 86028d5,5��" 4 runnirig nortlwes't4e,rly, along. the ' tenterline of
<br />,at - ;.channel. a distttence,,a$t;,One Hundred 'Seven,tjG!�+a and. Fotlty Five ItundreAths
<br />�;�;, (17'2,;49)) •feat$, thence def)�ecting, ri,sht. 38°25 "01.1. 'nnd; ZZ u orthensterl•y 4a3:onp
<br />tit.t centerlinst`a,1`',said achannet, 'a''dsil once of, Tyro Hundir, . ,.xhitty Four. and Thjtee
<br />:k,.. Zi:.h�( 214-3) -f edit -than a-defl= tint_r itht s6 °41��and'-rittict►Pnitrturth-
<br />1 :- 0 - - a.,±terly,- (not -in the river.j, a distance of Four 1lundreri.ThIrty S;;y i and Forty
<br />` 8uven 11undrodths (436.47) ,feet, to a'point in 4hn canter of the present '
<br />channel River thence deflecting right 71°3tJ' 'nnd ruttnin ndt�iC.lten9terly'
<br />i' g 1;
<br />along- tha,center of enid channel. n (lie once of 71tirty Three nnd Five Tcntlt.n.
<br />(33.5) feet; thanca,dafladtinft !.aft '42 27' end running northenantrly nlonl; the
<br />center-bf. •said,.chnnnel a distnnea of. One ltunclrad Eighteen and One 'I'unth (118.1)
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 544047'40" and running northeasterly nlongrthn can-
<br />tar of:,aeid.ahannal a distance of Ono hundred Sixty Seven and Sixty Two Mind-
<br />redths (1:67.62) fpa.tl;' thenco dnfloct:inR rigltr. 40 ° /f2' 40" nnd running nortl,c'.ns t-
<br />erly along the centor•of enid channel n dintnnce of. Five dlundr°d Tlrl.rry.Sr van
<br />and 91A.TinAti1n (537.6) foot; thencn deflecting left: 0.2(36'10" and 'rune in1;
<br />Northun0C'o'&ly:Alonf`the. canter. of enid rhnnne.]. a (11.grnnce.of One llunclred .
<br />Sixty.•Sik -•and •Aoven Tonths.'(166.7) feet; thence def.lec•t:ing right 19"O4'20" j
<br />nnd runnittg..northonstarly •along the center of-maid chnim -1. n distance of jl
<br />One 114ndred. Sing Eight and Sixty •Four Hundradthu (161:,.64) feet'; thence de-
<br />flacCin{;`loft 63 52'50 ",.and running northoantorly,olonr the center of gn.id 1
<br />`!tang.! :aYdiil'tt►nce. of.0ee hundred Thirty Three nnd Tiigitty One iluncireritl, t (137.81)
<br />' feat; thaAae *e>flaeting:ri. Sit t 52057' nnd running nortlttn- tterly along fire center
<br />+' of• said- ctMt(fthaAIfttanoi:,of,. Two. hundred" 7ltirty Vivo nn,l Thirty Five Hundredths,
<br />(235.35')7•fatl',thance dof.•lecting right 15042'50" Innd running northengtr:rly- „Along;
<br />the. contatt, oiA id:•'cIMhttel 'n distnnee of One hundred Thr.00 nnd Eighty Ttw.'liien- J
<br />{. drudths��(ldUl'62)' font tb.a'•pnanC on the north 'line of sn.id Lot 1, Inland.
<br />.'being), tha��Aoetion. 1'ina)tf1 thenco deflecting' right 15028' and running cnatorl.y
<br />,salon
<br />a.tifbdnot'��ih� oi't�Nnitt.l.ot.'1 n' dletanca, of Tlttrty Five .and Forty Slx
<br />Hundtadthis, (3346): fpet.'to�•a- point* on tha eotitharly rigt,t- .of -vny line of Ow
<br />t' C. 11., Voi Rttti (.tfihAca.ilitM.ac.ting•rirht 28 Q8'AO. -ant rung{ :nst•i�utitca :rt :cr.ty'rtlont;'
<br />�}�if""'eui.d f;�t1.'k�tl 'R1tttA%6j �iy *`l inn 'n-Afitconco .'of -'.Two Hund ead' F 11W., Onct nnd I•:1 01 ty.
<br />rr :
<br />'(�25.b�ilii)k'i'ti MIX,ur.[ Qafldctitt .),right 73 °5443(14: nn<trrunrl.n+y ;
<br />tat, tidisitpik 3tiit wJIuik +drotl.•HI6ty Four and 1'o4irl.-7unthtt. (984, /,) a
<br />. :' ^. ,,xa ee ttl�tif(tb dn: C�t�t Tina ot'i.ot 1'� Inl.nnd, nnld pnlnt ^lacing Two nun -
<br />r=: �xy ''. �n lr tad '1�ttL �{ C�1p +� {slit � ',1!Avo,.11untlrudths: (219.,15) �tiet: no�> ''nf tl,o.. north
<br />trCc dt' o h'iAt;B!{1k Cltonce dol kattInrl loft 12 07'55” nnd rennin south-
<br />I`r��L
<br />of alo As$' ltltfa.b'•1 aftid'Lot.s' Onitl.(1). and Two (7,), Wand, a dintnnce
<br />11Uad S.Lx nd• •Fi Five. lhindredtit 1,560.,55).�fr,,jt. to
<br />�`'��. ,'Y��+"V1 a .o .�� elf dntshXhi,'t1q,riA t1•ae er,�'ta e
<br />T0RatlratrktrirtiH dri l�Rate dj� =ftf�L't>Wit d4tt b+..4 praput,r;t f.'or.t `ad.pur.noges, to
<br />Mit.,yl,1...1� �'w ��•i '.' .,;rr• i Itl p `•. !•, •�; i', ,
<br />4A: � g,�
<br />a: rt ",� ti'�ttlC�ti 'W at M' art'.o1(' .t'hai Iffattturt fr t
<br />p' a' s. ,Kortbrattalt
<br />1 +'a,"' ra' artn,(liE�pf>Y� o!' Sail on 1r�nt fn+.i (253 ?.r itanrwhi4R� L2), laarrt> 11 ;
<br />' 1ttl+,ags• it lta »( . i& of<'ibllia ��th l.K. =; .10 , B&U ,iaounty', was arCica 1
<br />»`71'ib1 'vie. 1'bYtwritip.
<br />� *
<br />�� ��.{t •.�Y�i ~5��.,y .S'„t • I, fi+,' N ; .:'• •� +' �1'i�., �• 'r• ,'�•* ... '•.
<br />l'• !n rEc M il►t'•t�r teat lis>lle od ';BiDtfFtegt QW "(!fist), maid poitatq
<br />�!'t'. ' lonrJh�.SoVe tt'llltae eftdl'Sttirty�filN� Rundndthi „t(,l6 .:35). feet north of •.:,
<br />y ' • A,,,y; ; tt
<br />.f , ;
<br />