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<br /> � . ' gayments�y no longer�Se required.at the option of Leader,if mortga„�e insurance co�erage(in the amount and for the�eaosS
<br /> ' • that Lender requir�)provided by an ia�urer agproved by Lender a�aia becomES available aad is obtained. Basotiver shall p�y
<br /> . t�e premiums required to maintain mortga�e insivaace in effect,or ta provids a lass cesenre.until the r2quirement for mortgage -
<br /> , iasyraace ends in�ccordaace with any written agi�eem.�nt tr�tsveen Sorrower and Leader oz applicable taw. =
<br /> , 9.Ias�Clfoa. Lers�er or its agent may malce reasnnable entdes upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall gir•e • �
<br /> � . Boirower ttatice at the ti�e of or prinr to an itsspection sgecifying�easonable caus�fos tiie inspection. -
<br /> • 10.Cor.demnafloa.Tite proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or cansequenrial. in conaection witPi any
<br /> � ` condemnation or other t23dn�of any part of the Froperty,or for canveyance in lieu of condemnation, are i�nby assigcte�l aad -
<br /> . � shxll tt�paid to Len+der.
<br /> _ � In the event of a total taYung of the FropErty,the praceeds shall bz applied to tl�e sums�ured by this S�uriry[nsuum�at.
<br /> ;:�.�;�:; v�heth�r or not thea due. with any exc�,s paid to Borrower. In the event of a p�tial taking of the Property in v+hich the fair
<br /> �.,.�r.' m3rket valus of the Pra�sem.+ imiaediately b2fare the ta.king is eqaal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> m rk
<br /> ` � � �curit3r instn��eat imm�iately befon the taldng,untess Botroe�rer and Leader otherwise agree in writiag,the sums secured by
<br /> � ' - t�is Seeurity Ins�u�eat sha11 be ceduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplied by the follotiving frastion: (a) the total �
<br /> ' , . a�ouat of ths sums secu�ed Imnaediately before the ta'ang,divided by(b)the fair martcet value of the Property i�nme�iately --
<br /> ' befoie the takiag. Any bala�se sha11 be paid to Borrou+er. In the event of a pardal taldng of the Property in whish the fair
<br /> �• _ ��•
<br /> �y markei value of the Progerty immediately befor�the taking is Iess than the amount of the sums secured immediazety before the _
<br /> . „ TM taking,unless Bomower and I.eader otherarise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides.�he pmceeds shall ��:,
<br /> 4 be applied to the sums ser�ued bY th'ss Sscusity Instn�ment wp►ether or not the sums are then due. �i.
<br /> .. -- -�_-' tf the Propeny is aaau8aueo oy Barmwer,or ii,aftei�',ti��y I.�-a�e:to Bornr�cr ihat the caademaas aff�ta m�e sa ':-
<br /> d.
<br /> � � award os seule a claim for damages, Borm�+er fails to respmnd to I.eader within 30 days after the date the notice is givea, -
<br /> • . � Leader is authorized to collert aad apply the proc�ds,as its option,either to xestoratioa or repair of the Ptoperty or to the sunts `-
<br /> secured Dy this Sec�uity Iastrnment,whether or nat then due.
<br /> Unless L�der and Baimwer atheraise agree in cvriting, aaY $PP��on of proceeds to priacipal shall not extead or e;-
<br /> -- `-- pust�one the due date of the moathly paymeats referrcd to in paragtaphs 1 aa�2 oz change the amoant of such paymeats. _
<br /> • 11.Borrawer Not Released:Furhea�re BY Le�dsa'Noi a�lc�ver.Extension of tha time for payraent or mudifccatiaa -
<br /> � of amorti�arion of the suu�s saaued by this Securiry Insm�ment granted by Leader to any suxessor in inte�st of Borrower shzil. "'.
<br /> ;,�; �oi operate to telease ths liabiliry of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.LendsT shall not i1e required tc -
<br /> --. :. commenca pmce�ings against any successor in interest or refuse w este,ud time for payment or otherwise modify amortuatiaa .
<br /> '' of the sums secur�l by this Security lnstrw�ent by rrason of aay damaad m�dy hy th�arig�nal Barrorrer or�arro�et's �_-
<br /> • snccessors in interest,Any forbearanre by Leader in esercising any right or remedy shall noi be a waiver of or pretlude the �
<br /> - .• • exetcase of any right or rem�y.
<br /> ``_r.��, ��,.:��: � . 1S. Suceessors aad Asdgns Bound;doirt and Severnl Ua3�, Co�stSneas. The covenants aad agreements of[his
<br /> -_ .��:ty Instcument sha11 bind and beaefit the successors aad assigns of Lender aud Borrower,subject w the provisians of
<br /> _-`,.:. r''� �.� • , �rrap3i 17. Borrower's covenants ansl agreen¢ents ^ �� be joint and several. Aay Boaower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ��-:Fq;•;.,:;�•.� i Insuument t:�ti R3aes ao2 exe�ute the Note:t21 is co-s;�;this S�..a�::?InsirumEnY only to tao�+;age,grant aad coavey th.:t
<br /> --�.�•=y:-�:�• L�,� . Borrower'c'�r:�zst in the Property under rI;���s cf��Security Gr,��nt;(b)is not ge�a.*�1L�r obligated to pay the swnc
<br /> . att
<br /> _:�'�����i�::�� secured by this Secnrity Instrument;and(c'y��roes e�u i.�-..der and�:;ryi;�.�r Borrotiver may aorce ca exte�d.mmd'►fY. forbear c��
<br /> -�'-=`•r`�•'`-:� maYe any accommodattons atth regazd to the terms of:::.i:s Securiry Inscr'�nt or dr.r�l+�ese wIthont that Bozrov�er's consent.
<br /> ��;_:.'�.;;.y;�. ' 13.Loan Chatges.If the loan s�ured by t}us S2ctziry Instrument is subj�:c!�r a law whieh sats maximum loan c�arges,
<br /> `"_�:;�;;i,._;'�k and tbat law is finally intorpreied so thaa t'az interest or other loan charges wlletted or to be collected in oonaection witb th�
<br /> =--���•-,:;�� Ioan exceed ttc:permitted limits,then: (a)uaY suc�loan chazge sh2IE�e�uoed by the amount necessary to reduce th�char�z
<br /> -- �--t,-. I r�the pemutted limit; and(b)any sums already collected from Bo�raiver�vhich eaceeded permitted limits wiA be refunded to
<br /> -_- -�.�".,,��' L!:�:^^mwer. Lender may choe� :a make this refiucd by redu�ing the priacipal owed unsler the Note or by making a dira:l
<br /> -_---9,-- p�ment to Borrovxr. If a :-ct�d reduces principal, c'� reduction wUl be treaied as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> -_��: p�paymtnt cyzsge under the Now.
<br /> �� ,_;,�_;_;�,�: 14.Naifi+� Any Qouce w Borro:<L�l�:ovided for in this Securis5+Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> �";`��'�. it by firsn class mail unless applicable is„��uires use of aaother mewod.The notice shall be directed to the Progerty Address
<br /> -----'�� or any oiher address Bom:�•4.r.� designates by aotice tfl Lender. Any notice to l:ender shall be givea by first class mail to
<br /> �._r.��
<br /> -v���; Lender's�ddress stated ha'+�ir:or aay oiher address Leader designates by nfltice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in ttils
<br /> ,-�-� --=_;,�� Securiry Insuument shall Ce:.�:��ead to have been giva►to Bflrrower or Lender when�iven as�rovlded in thi�paragtaph.
<br /> -= 15.Gov+�nl�g I.s��+ Se�erab3�=--�z. �i9 SecuntY Instrumeni shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ,.:_�.F.'�� jnrisdiciion in which t�e Fl:�:raty is So:,�::. in the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instn�ment or tt�:Y���ir.
<br /> __„�,=�~�'
<br /> �;�°� c�.,nflicts with applicabl�ls�v..�:ch conflict shall not aff.�?other pmvisions of th:s S�urity Inswment or the Ne;�which s,�u h_e
<br /> -�:�..:���, ' rvr.n effect without ths caa::�cting provision.To this�:��,the Drovisions of this��r•x.z-.rity Instr�ment aad ihe 17i,rr,are declaied
<br /> . '��T1°--�-��-�.Z�� t be severable.
<br /> ���:;����+ 16.�c�r,�aYver's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confora�cd�:r�of the Note and of this S�uiry ttnuunur�:nt•
<br /> _--�y,��`��.,. Gxm30s`f� lf�rt�
<br /> _ -::a. ��.'
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