N.W. Nr R See 34
<br />Hf /l L* t t N
<br />I A /om %nom Cap
<br />—
<br />- �l/3
<br />x /3/7./0'.4 /l3/7.20'R/
<br />N. w. Car NEVI NE14, Ser.
<br />SGCI %on L %nd m
<br />— o U • S • /// 6 # IyA Y
<br />34, T11N -R9W, Placed
<br />N.W. car. Plo /l0
<br />PNNu%1/oAsph.
<br />-: � - 1240'A8R- - 407.06'.4 140,
<br />LE6EN0
<br />N.E Car. 1004. sec. • . IBdlcoles 0 "fron P /pe Found Unless Otherwise Noted
<br />N. T11N -R9W, foand Indlcales %? 'lion Pipe Placed Unless 01herrise Noted
<br />.119m/eam Cap A. Indicales ACTUAL 91sloace
<br />�i R_ lodicoles RECORDED D%sloace
<br /># ® J 4-92-05V7-
<br />-'-i 10. 719.
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<br />!� a
<br />j /fit 9ti /0'Easemeel
<br />S.W. Coc Plot /0 53/.0/'.41531. Rl 331
<br />i U;'hle To Place car. S.E. Car. P/V//o ;Q
<br />t ! Eel /s 11 Woodea Past • iO
<br />,® 01
<br />S.F. Car. Plot 9, brood
<br />P/0/ 9 1slood farmstead Project
<br />Qi See Pond 5/0 'Pip
<br />ti r car. crone ecood
<br />°j Farmsleo! Project Seroad
<br />Sud., hand - "P /pe h
<br />-- SE Car. NESri, Sec 34,
<br />Tl /N -R9W hood 2*
<br />j Pipe
<br />Ihereby certify that on April ll, 2001, I completed on accurale survey of 'GRAND
<br />ISLAND FARMSTEAD PROJECT THIRD S1J8DIY151ON', Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on
<br />the accompanying plot /hereof,- that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks,
<br />commons and other grounds as contained In sold subdivision as shown on the occompanyl,
<br />plat there o/ ore well ond accuralely stoked off and marked' Ihof iron markers were pl,CIJ
<br />of all lot corners; Ihof the dimensions of each /a/ are as shown on the plal; Ihof each lot
<br />bears Its own number; and Ihof sold survey was made with reference to known an recorded
<br />monuments.
<br />l ally 349 Ronald R. Rockr 1, - Reg. L and Surveyor No. 349
<br />suss ss
<br />60
<br />Submilled to and approved hr the Regional Planning Commission a/ //a// County, 6rond
<br />Is /and, Wood River and fhe Villages of Aldo, Cairo and Don /phon, Nebraska.
<br />I
<br />Chairman Dale
<br />Approved and accepted by the City of 6rond fslond Nebraska, lhfs__L$ —day of
<br />ti ur\a_ 2001.
<br />gar City clerk
<br />App ccepled by the Hall County Board of Supervisors lhis� day of
<br />2001.
<br />d 'rman of the Board County Clerk
<br />Y
<br />�9N4l�
<br />1
<br />�C
<br />A tract of land comprising o port of Plot Ten 1/01, Grand Island
<br />FormsleadProjecl Subdivlsion, locoled in the East Half of the
<br />Northeast Ouarter 1E%1NEW, of Section Thirty Four 1341, Township
<br />Eleven llllNorlh, Range Nine 191 West oflhe 61h. P.M., in Hall Count
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning nl the northeast corner of said East Half of the Norlheas
<br />Duorfer IE%1NE %4l; /hence runn /ng southerly along the east line of
<br />said fast Half of the Northeast Ouorler 1E%1NE%4l, o distance of
<br />Seventy ondffve Hundredths 170.051 feel; thence defleclingri h1
<br />92'05'07" and running reslerly o dislonce of Thlrly Three and Two
<br />Hundredths 133.021 feel, fa o point on the east line of said Plot Ten
<br />ll0l, and 10 the ACTUAL polnl of beglnn/og; /hence deflecting left
<br />_92,05'o7" and running southerly along the east line of said Plot
<br />Ten 1/0), a dislonce of Five Hundred fifty Nine end £lghly Nine
<br />Hundredths 1559.891 feel, to the SO4_ -osl carver ofsaldPlof Ten
<br />//0 % then ce deflectingfight 92'04'79 "and runnfng westerly along
<br />fhe southerly line of said Plol Ten 1 /0 /, a distance of F /ve Hundred
<br />.Thirty One and One Hundredth 1531.0 /l feet, to the southwest corner
<br />of soldPlol Tea 1/0); /hence deflecting right 87'55'25 "ond running
<br />northerly along the west line ol'soidPlol'Friri% ;udislonceofF/v
<br />Hundred F/ffy Five and flghl Hundredths 1555.08/ feet, to the
<br />northwest corner of said Plot Ten 1/0); thence deflecting right
<br />92'05'23 "ond running easterly along the north line of said Plol Te
<br />1/0), a distance of One Hundred Twenty Four 1124.0/ feel; /hence
<br />deflecting left 92'05'23 "ond runnfng northerly a distance of Five
<br />15.01 feel, /a o point on the southerly right of way line of U S.
<br />Highway No. 34; /hence deflecting Right 91.052J "and running
<br />easterly along the southerly right of wok line of U. S. Highway No. 34
<br />a distance of Four Hundred Seven and 5/x Hundredths 1407.061 feet,
<br />to the ACTUAL point of beginning and canlolnfng 6.808 acres mare
<br />or less.
<br />KNOW ALL MENBr THESEPRESENTS, that 1, MARIA L. BECK, o Single Person,.beingy the
<br />owner of the land described hereon, has caused some to be surveyed, subdivided, plalled
<br />and des /goofed as 'GRAND ISLAND FARMSTEAD PROJECT THIRD 5119DIYISION',.Hall Count,
<br />Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plot thereof, and do hereby dedicole.lhe rood
<br />tight of way as shown thereon to fhe public for /heir use forever, ond the eosemenls, if on
<br />gs shown thereon for the location, conslructlon and mainlenonce olppublic service utililfe
<br />forever, together with the right olingress ond egress Jherelo, 97ndhereby proh /bfl /ng the
<br />planting of frees, bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, aver, 97/0)79 or
<br />underneath the surface o /such easements; and that the foregoing subdtviston.as more
<br />particularly described in the descriplion hereon as appears on this plat is mode with the
<br />free consent Win accordance wflh the desires of fhe undersigned owner andproprielor.
<br />IN WITNNfSS WHEREOF, /have offixedmy sionature hereto of 6rond lslond Nebraska,
<br />)his- 146 day of Adaq z00/.
<br />n ,n
<br />0
<br />�
<br />Z o L N
<br />o�
<br />• � a
<br />Stale OfNebrosle
<br />fou/7lyOfH4' ss p
<br />On 1h day of Mai. 2001, before me, Fla-/ D . a
<br />Notary Public within end for so/G County, personally appearedd.074 L. BEC , o Single
<br />Person, to me personally known to be the idenllcofperson whose signature Is affixed
<br />herelo, and that she did acknow ledge the execution /hereof to be her voluntary act end
<br />deed.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, /have hereunto subscribed m name and offixedmy official seal
<br />of Grandfsland, Nebraska, o the dole lost above wrfilen.
<br />My commission expires h rQ
<br />Notary Public
<br />S /0.
<br />Shoel No. l
<br />