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� �___ _ __ _ <br /> _ _ __ _ _ ___ <br /> � , I '. � <br /> , _ , - . <br /> 8�- �.05'73� _ � . <br /> U1vU1�01tM t7ovEtv�►M�s. &xrcwer apd t�der oovea�et�nd yc+ae a fulla+�: <br /> -t. 1h�w�t�t PrVe4r w�M�r'�h+Ml�■�t�M Lal�6ire�. 8orra�►ae iAa�4 Prore�ptDY pay when due <br /> the princiqlofu�d intaat on the debtevideaced by the Note+�ad iu►Y�x+ePi►Y�nent anQ l+ite�tt�rjes due undar the Noce. <br /> 2. E'�r�i�fa�Taxe�a�I�Ma. Subject w applicabte!rw or to a�retten N�iKarb�i�en+der.Bocso�vsr�Pta!!paY <br /> �""' w I,ender aa�he day manthiy p.ymenw are due uoder cbe Noca uncil che Nae ia p�i�d in tu11.s sum("Funds")equal to <br /> �..,' onat�reIR� af: (a} yearly taaes �nd s�nts w6kh may attain priority ov+er tbit+Sexur�;r,Insuument; (b) Y��Y <br /> . lwebo� peymeats ar.:�C+ound r�ats on the Piapectg, if�y; (c).�rs�rl�.l�r��in�urans:s.�r.nfi��ms; u�d (d);yearly <br /> moit�in�t�ooe P�ivaa,if any.T�e itaas ue callad"e�crwr items."Lendcr may�esi�qiata�tiia Funds du�on the <br /> 6ni�ofc�rtmt data wd r�eN�ort�bk atinw�tez bf Popu'e e�ctow itema �� ::; � � <br /> . .'I7x Fu�nds sl�all6e hdcl�in-�n inatituti�n�tha depodts or a�counts ef which are in:wr��r,Suan�ntaed by a federal or <br /> ..,.. .� �oqe ap�jr:(`�dudie�X.asdar if I�eridec is a��iastituHon).Lesder sha1J appi�tlia Funda t4�+tf�e escro�r item3. <br /> • t,aia��.r noe�bar�.to,r hotai�ana+�pt�r,a.c�a�anas.„�ty�a st�.�t ar..xr�sl+,��iig`tl�a escrowr iteats.unkss .., - - �--- -�--� <br /> , I�eedet p�t�s�orrowa interat on tlie Fund�►uM�tppiia�bta l��r perm�its Lc�td�rr,sn�maks such a chsraa Borro�►er aad . <br /> � Leader aoay t�i+x im�nitina t�st interat�hal1:bia pud dn thc Funda Uni�s�ia.Agi�e"tinent is�msd�e or applicxbk liM <br /> . ; rec�uira inttrsst to 6e p�id,Lqsder sball�not be t�j�vci tu�lrit�+:�trrower an��t�ittm�st ar.rarniags�ocs the Fund�:.Leucter . <br /> tks11 sive ta Bot[anrer.wdt�wt oha�an enntual:ac�aunNago{'iii�Fuuds s�ittw�:��'atedits and debits ia t�e Funds aad the - .. <br /> � ! purpo�e for+rhich each debit to the Funds�vas m�i�ie.The Fun�s ut piedged as addltfanal security for the swns sxared by " <br /> this Secwity Insirume�►t. � . . <br /> Yf the sp�ount of the Funds tteld by Lacricr,together prith.the ti�t�uionthl�.�vmeau of Funds paya�e prior to . <br /> the dne�ta of the acro�v�1l.�aeed the amount necjuu�c3�ta pug tse escr:e��itxms when dae.tbe excess sl�aU b� <br /> . . �t Ha�no�rrtr's�ptitta.ait}�er PromptEY ce�[id ta�arrrorvar or,crcditcd�to�'ez��a r,�nthly Pa�meats of Fands.�If t�e . ..� <br /> ; amouat of tLe Fu�s hdd by Lenckr ia not aut�t�ent to paty the escro�v it,esas���d•�:r,�arrowcr s�a'-1 pay w L,eadtr aay :. , � <br /> �unount na�n�ary to mstce�tp the de5cimcy in a�e�►�mare paytnents`as cd�c�ced6y I�r3er. : , ,; ,:.;,: . <br /> � UP�P�7�t its fuU of all sums sa�und Ery this Security Instruinent,Len�ea�1 promptiy refurLd to Borro�ver ,� _, . , . <br /> my Ftmds�by Ltndec.If ander�ragraph I9 the Propert��sold or acquired iry tir�3cr,Lender shail app�Y��rz;o laier • ' •, � <br /> ' �.�9 P�to the saie.!��ee FroperEv or its a��on by I,ender,aay F�txld by L,endcr u u�Cime of . � . � <br /> �dn�s�ctcdit�sdnstthe�Btcure��•tk�$�cz+cass��°�nstrumen� � � ,. <br /> ��-_��,.`:..�_�±�,�rat P�yaeaer:: �t�s�,���1a�r�sflvides otherwise,sll Faymeats roceived by Lec���� : �. . . � � , <br /> p�za�t����,aad 2 sUsl�be appGed:�►.,to tate Ey c�ae a�r.3er the Note;s�canl3,����ayment charges dtre ii��e:3�e .� ;� �•� , <br /> ;..:.;; . , �i�.�if�:amourats PatYable uad�sgarsgrsph�fou.sth,Ca�cnterest due;and last,ta�r.��?�ua `� �, .. � , . - - <br /> . ., '4�. �I3er. Borrorrer sh�ll psy aT�taxea.aasessments,chargca,fines an�its�pa���ans attributable to the�, � ' � <br /> � '.k�aperty M�ich m�y �ttain priority over this 5ecurity Insuument, and Trssehold payments�ar ground rrnts, if auny. ' • <br /> j Rorro�ver absli p�y thtse obliptioas ia the msnnar�ravided in�ragrapb 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall � <br /> ; . paY tLcni on.timc directly to t�e petson wved psyment.Borrower shsli prompily Purnish to Lender all notices of atmaunts ' : �` <br /> _ , ro be paid under this pa�nph.If Bono�ver makes Wese psymeats directly.Bonower shall promptly furnish to I,ender . _ <br /> ; t+eeeiQts evidencin�the pyments. . _ <br /> � Borro�ver shall promptly dischuge any lirn which has priority over Ehis Security Instnunent unless Borrower:(a) , <br /> � �ras in wrritina to the paymmt of the obliptian securod by the lien in a manner ucsptnble to Lender,(b)contests in good <br /> ; ftith the iitn by.or dtfends agsin�t enforcement of tht lirn proceedings which in the Lender's opinion aperate to , <br /> ; prevent the rnforcement of t}�e lien or forfdture of any part of the P�operty;or(c)socures ftom the holder of the lim an _ <br /> aareemrnt satisfactary to Lender subordinatin�the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of <br /> � the Property is subject to a lien which may att�in priority over this Security Instrumrnt,I.ender may give Bortower a <br /> notice idcntifying the lien.Borrow►tr shal!satisfy the lien or talce onc or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days <br /> of the giving af narice. • <br /> S. Hu�d Iasa�uoe. Borrower ahall k�dtp the impravements now eaisting ot hereafter erectod on thc Prop�erty <br /> insured ngainst lass by fir�.haurds included�vithin the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards for which Lendar <br /> requira insurance. 'IUis insurance siull be malntained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The <br /> insunnce cmier providing thc insurance shal!be chosen by Bonower subject to i.ender's approval which sh�l1 not ix � <br /> , unnasonabty�vithheld. , <br /> � All insunnce policies and rrnewals shall be acceptable to Lender and sh�ll include a standard mortp�age clause. _ <br /> j Lender s6a11 have the right to hoid t�te palicies=nd renewals.If Lendet tequires.Bacra•�er shall promptly givo to Lender . �.,�,r: <br /> all receipta af paid premiums and«ntwsl notias.In the evEnt of toss,Borrower s':ai.1�:e prompt r.otice to the insnrance . " <br /> carrier aad Lendcr.Lender may make proof of loss if noi made promptEy b;'r Bc17Gt+',C?'. <br /> Unless I.ender and 13orrower otherwise agree in writing,inyurance proccras�:��be appl:�s��:4 eestotatien or repEir <br />, af the Froperty damased.if the restoraiian or repair is econ��ccaliy feasibte and II.,e��ier's sectrrit��is not l�sseo�ed. lF thc ' ' <br /> restontion or repair is not economicafly feasible or I.ender's sccurity wouId be lessened,the insu.r.Yn.ce proceod.s shall be � <br /> applied to the sums securod by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due�with any excess psiid to Bonower. If - ` <br /> Horro+ver ab�sidons thc P�aperty,or does not answer within 30 days a nrztice from I.�ndcr that thc insurance carrier has <br /> olfered to settk a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceads.Lender may use the procoeds to repair or restore <br /> the Property or to pay aums sccured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then dne.The 30�day period will begin <br /> Mhm the notice is given. <br /> { Unless Lender and Horrower otherMise agree in writing�any application of proceods to principal shall not extend or <br /> ; postpone tha due data of the monthly paymmts refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of the payments.If <br /> - , nndtr para�rapfi 19 the FroperRy is acquired by L.ender.$orrower's right to sny ittsurancx policits attd proaeeds resulting <br /> � from damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition aball pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> ' Instrum�rl immodiately prior to theacquisition. <br /> I:_ Paacrr�tloe a�d Mai�te�uuce ot I'ro�erty;I.ea�rst�. BQnower sha11 not destcoy,damage or s:�!;stantiaUy <br /> change�'h� �'raperty,aUow the Property to deteriorate or c�marit�a;;s�e. If this Security Instru.msnt is on a leasehold, '____�. _ ._. <br /> Barra��r.��all comply with the proviuons oPthe IaGte,and if�ccower acquites fee title to the Pru�:ry.the[easehold and ' " .��� `T <br /> � � fee titir S��uG1 not merge unleas Lender agrees to the mer6er ut.���ing. . <br /> :;. �. ; . 7.. Protectto� ot I.eNer's Ri�iM i� tl�e Pro�erty;�?Nort�tge Insura�ct. ff Bor`t�:�1Knr�Pails ta�'''orm the � , <br /> . �• covenants and agreements contaiu�ed in this Security Instrument,ar there is a legal pn:��etding�I��c�~ay significantly affect <br /> ` �.ender's rights in the i�rapeny(such as s procee�ing in bantcruptcy,probate.fRf'C�i.Cemna7��s� �3.r ro enfarce iaws or ' � <br /> resulatioas).then Lender may do and p�y for whatever is neaessuy to protect the vadi�+,�Fthe ProFe:�cy and Lender'S r1�If5 <br /> in the 1'roptrty. Lendtr's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien ut;ich has priority over this Security <br /> L Iestrumer�t.apparing in caurt.psyina rqsonablc attomeys'[ees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Atth�ugh <br /> LRnder may take action under this p�raanph 7.Lender does not hsve to do so. <br /> • Any amounts disbursa!by Lender under this paraaraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrow•er sccured by this " <br /> � 5ecurity Instrament.Unless Horcnwer and Lender sgree to other tetms of Qayment.these amounts shall bear interest from <br /> tht date of disburscment at the Notc rate and shsl) be payablt, wilh intcrest. upnn niit�ce from Lender t�► 8orr��w•er , <br /> requestin�payment. • �, � <br /> l <br /> J- <br />