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_:.=� <�;� � . <br /> ��_ <br /> ^��.� --. - `{ -- -`._- , --- ` , . .. , � =_^_- -._ <br /> �`�----�— `- - ---� - � � o ' � . : '` . � '. . . ; � , . . `,' <br /> � . � . , • < < .." . � . ... ;-'- '�-��� <br /> � . .��i J.{. � .[� . h ' �. -�ck-1�"�i.+�t. -�-�- :. L• --4'`.;�..+J"`` .:{�-c>-;=a�a'py�'� <br /> ' .'i.l•� ". � �_'S - � r'S1'"- " - <br /> � payrttsnu muy no longv.s b�r�; the option af Lender,if mort�age insurrrnce coverage(in th�amount and for the�eriod _ <br /> that Lendav requir�s)p�cn'93�1 b4+un�ns�g upFroved by Lender ugain becora2s availuble and is obtained. Borro�ver sfiall pay <br /> thc premiums required tp m�n'•:�n�rt���age���1D e��•°r to provide a toss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage <br /> insuranso ends in r.cco*d;r.:e u:th enY�«en agreement b2tvrezn Bnrrower and i�ender or a�plicable law. � <br /> �- 9.Iaspectton.Less:i2s or it�a;znt may make reasonable enuies upon an� inspecaons of the Property.Lender shali give � <br /> • � :� Borrower natice at th.tim,�af az prior to an i�.�pection specifying reasonabte causg far the inspaction. <br /> � < • la.CondcmtiaYlm�. Tl�:�S�uce�s of any award oT claim for damagPS. direct ur consequential. in connection with any • <br /> ' condemnatian or ad:..*t 'nsin3 of t�ry p'.rt�f the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of coa�emnarion,are hereby assi�ned and � <br /> , '� shall be ptud to LensSzr. Isistrument. � <br /> `�� In the event of u coUa!ts:cnB of the Property,the pror,eods s1�a11�e applied co the 5ums�ecnred by tt:is Security � _ <br /> ,._f-��.�s whettser or aot then dL.. �ti�iih a;�y excess paid to Bomovrer. In the eveat of 3 partiai takina of the Property in which the fair <br /> " market value of the Frflp�sty immaiiateiy before the taking is ei}ual to or greater than the amount of the sums secwed by this � <br />";a. � '•�' Securiry tnstnuttent imm9dis:�tS''�before the tak'sng,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agtee in writing,the sums secured by <br /> .�,:�� this 3�curiry Instrum,ynt �h�il a�re�aced by tiie amount of the proceeds muleiplied by t!►e follon�ing tiaction: la���� — <br /> , �`�. .;� amount of the sums sec��rar!imm�iately hefo�e the taking, divided by(b)the fair marke�value of the Pro'perty�I����i <br /> i <br />.,�� y befora the taking. Any ba!s.�a�shali Ize paid to Borrower. In ttce event of a partial takin of the Property . <br />-:;�s: ° market value of th:Prap_rty immediately befoie the taking is Iess than the amount uf the sums sscured immediateiy hafore the <br /> °rty <br /> _,,.�.�: .. i��.���p,��a�;�r��L�dQr orhervuise agr+ee in wriSng or unless apFlicable law otherarise provides•the proceeds s <br /> be applid to the sums secirod b;�this Security Instrument�rhether ar not[he svms are then due. <br />-_�.�_z.,_� If the Prnp�rcy is 2`s�.-a9onYd by Borro�ver,or if,after aou�S�-a Lender to Borcower that+.;,'��condemnor offers to malce an <br />�t:�? <br />,.��`�: award or settle a cl�m fos do.�nages. Bar+'ower fails to res�e-^.•��: l.ender within 30 days::+�;�the dace the notice is g�ven. <br />_�._�� Lend�r is suthnrized t9 coAfr:�an�apply the prooeeds,at iu o���..either to restoration or re�.�of the Propercy or to the sums <br />---:.�_ s�red by this Seas�ity In�ttum�►t,wl�ethsr or not tken due. = n� S�� ��exter_d or <br /> _ ,'�:� Unless Leuder a�� Bcr�rower ot�:envise agr� in vmtirw.,,�n?�application of proceeds � pri P� <br /> _�;— postgone ths due das.e of the m�nthly payments referred ta in p4-�,?�hs 1 a�d 2 or change tIte:n�:ovnt of such paymenu. <br /> `Ty,:�,.i Il.IIono��r A:cti2 R�"ea�;Forb�arance BY E�nde�'Not a WaEver.Exterision of the rime for payment or modifrarion <br />==:�:L��� of amortiration of ttta s�sorured by tt►is Security Instrument granted by Leader to any successor in interess of Borrower shall <br />`':�_�'�� - <br />_'-� nnt operate to r21�c th�iit:�iitty of the originai Borcower or Bosrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to <br />-,��'�+-c.,� com�mRCe proceedin�;e�.insc•any successor in interest or re¢ase to extend dmc for payment or otherwdse madify amortiiation <br /> •'�:;:�� Instrument b reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Eazr.uuwer's <br />� =_� ����;�u�=b}q,np fQ earan¢e by Lender in exercising atiy right or reme�ciy shall�:.t be a waiver of or <br /> -- - - exercise of any right or r��n�}t• <br />---_ ___= u, gu�;so� an{J p�Cigns Bound;Joint and Seveml Ua6ility;Co-stguers•'I'he a:�venants and agreements of this <br />=—_ _ Security Insicu�-�t sh�l bin� and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bommer, subject to the provisiosvs of <br />- <br />