' . � (• .' .' . �
<br /> ' . �� ����Y���� ' . ` .
<br /> r, 1f Lrnder rrquired mortg�ge insunnce as a conditian o�`making the toan secured by this Security Instcurrsent, .
<br /> B�rroWer sh�rU pry t}re prrmi�ms re9quir�ef to maimain thr insmance in eft'ect unti�such time as t�e requirement f�rr tha .
<br /> t insurance terin6nates in ac�ordance with&irrower's aad I.endrr's writtea agreement 4r agpticabie taw.
<br /> ; S. Ir�eetia. Lender or its agent may mak�re�isonable entries upc3n and inspections of the Prcpecty.Lender �
<br /> ' stiall give Borro�ver notire at tlie time vf or prior to an inspection specifying rasonabte causr far the inspectian. �
<br /> ' 9. CoMaus�o�. 't'!se prc�eetd�of anny avrrud or ctaim for damsges.direct or consequmtiaf,in connecti�n w'sth.. �
<br /> .-i �ny condemnafion or ot�er taking oP any part of fhe P'roperty,or fdr eQnveyan�e.in tieu oF condemnaCfon,�re h�rby . . . .._
<br /> � assigned and shall be paid co Lrnder. .
<br /> In tlK evait af a total Wcing of the Property,the procads�hat1 be spplied to ttec sums secured by this Sec�r�ty
<br /> . � Instrument,wh�r.cc o�not then,due,viiith any excas paid to Bonower.In the cvent of a partsaE takittg of,the Pr�periy�, �
<br /> 4 unkss Borrower.and Lender�ise sgree in writing,.t3e sums seGUrcd by th'rs Security Instruazent sbai!Ebe reduced b�r _
<br /> the ai�count of tbc proceeds mtiti:spfied by the follo�iring fraction:(a)the total ameunt of the sums sec�i,�nmectiatei f � _ .
<br /> ; before the taking,divided by(a)the fair mar.Ii�et value of the Froperty immediately before tHa�king:Ai�}: _�ncc s�af1 be ' � �` '
<br /> . paid to Horro�rer: � � . , � . .,�;:=�. :: '�: �
<br /> If the Propeay is abandonod by Hucsawer,or i�,aRtr notice try Lendet to BurrAwcr thaf:itie ttns�Si�ztnor alfi�►r�tb � ``�` ��"'�' ,'
<br /> ms�;an a�vud ot seule a claim for damAges,Bonower fails to ra�ond to Lender witRin 30 dq�s�a�'ier t'fi�d;it+Y the a�tize is , � _ '
<br /> . �.rer�;;;�.ender is authorizod to collect and appiy the proceeds.at its option,either to restora�on�o'r r�pair o�"the Praperig or
<br /> . xa t9nc�ms secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not thea due. - � � , � . ' �
<br /> ' � .:.: :LTnkss La�der and Borrowa otherrvise agc+ce in writing,any�lication of proceeds t4�}�ii�cipal sltalt rtaGt�tti►nt�r
<br /> ,� po�►ane the d�date of the moathip paymen;s reftned to in pat��ra�plis 1 and�or chan�d3ia:rimuunt af such payi�ei:�s. .
<br /> , �0. Borrower Not [t�; Forbau�nce BY,E�c2rwr�t� WaivEr. �stt.�as�c�ii�aFshc rima�sr.psYmrnt ar , .. , ' ,
<br /> � mad[C�►tion of amortization+�.the snins securat by r.fs..is��n=�Instramcnt�granted by Le�B�c t�:��successor in� .
<br /> • int�nese oF Borrower shaU not operate to rdease the liab�:i�y af the original Borrower or Lunazver's su��rs in intereat.
<br /> ' . . . �. La�z�r�shall not be required to commence proceodings ag,ainst any successor in inter�sc.an refuse'tQ.txiend timG for
<br /> �j , . �. pa,.vr::ts�t or otherwise modify amoRezation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument bg ra�rt��at�ny deraand made , _
<br /> ',,...; b�tNr�t�rsgina�Bcjrrawer or}btrower'sswccessoss in int�st.Any forbearance by Lender in cacrciuitlg a�.�r�;�ht or rtmedy ,:� ,� �,� �
<br /> s�aC3,qaea_be s�vaiver of or preclude the exercise of any rigI�t or r�medq. " �'��
<br /> � y � � � ��i. S�oea�o�s Ni As�s Ho��;Joi�t�nd Several Li�biHty;Co-aigaers. Tha aavenants`.a�u��eemeats of '�;;;,;'
<br /> i .
<br /> � � this 5�c�irity Instrun�ent shall bind and bene6t the successors and as�i�ns of Lender and Bono�vrr,subjecc tci the provi�f��ts -
<br /> ; :' .of pacagraph 17.��trower's covenants and a�cemrnts shall be joint and several.Any Borsower who co-signs this Sr��i.�g� t` �'f,
<br /> - • Lnstrument but do�s not eaacute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument anly to mongag�.��nt anA convty � � ' � ,.
<br /> that�anower's interat in the�►':aperty under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personalgy�c�'r3igatod to pay
<br /> the s�s secured by this 5ec�rity Instrument;and(c)agees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, �
<br /> , ; madiPy�forbear or maice any accommodations with regard to the terms af this Security Inst�-�,ment or the Note withuut ,,
<br /> 4 . �that Borrower's consent. .. � -
<br /> j 12. Lau G'��r�e�. If the loan secunod by this Security Instrument is subject to a la�;+�fiich sets ma�cimum loan �
<br /> ; char.�lc�.. and that !aw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or 1:��fi� collected in
<br /> � ror�xmq�ton with the toan oxcad the permittodi lirriits, then: (a) any sucfi laan charge shalx 6e reduc�.�ry the amount .
<br /> ; neCes.�sary to raduce th�eJ�arge to the p¢trr;ts�l�mit;and(b)any sums already coIIxtcd fr�r d3ozrower which ea�ceeded _
<br /> i � • permitted limits��St be refunded to Borrm»jer. Lender may chorss�tcn make this refund by ina�scing thc�r,incipaE cY�v.js3 �
<br /> ; under the Note or by making a�iir�ct payment to Borro�.If a re:��:c�reduces principal,the r�ductio:�•�:i�11�:tireat�+rl as a �
<br /> partial prepayment withoui an:yr�eepayment charge ur���..tne Note. � '
<br /> � 13. I.e�islstio� A1�ecti� I,ender's Atg�b. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws �s the effect of
<br /> renderirrg�ny provision of thc Note or this.�curity Instrumcnt untnforctable accord'mg to i*��t,rms,Lender,at its option, �
<br /> may require imrnediate payment in fu6i td:.�:.I sums secwed by this Security lnstrument a;;ys may invoke any remodies
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exerar�:s this option.Ixnder shall take the Steps spec���an the second paragraph�f -
<br /> paragraph l7. �=-'
<br /> � • 14. N�►tiees. Any notice to Borrower provi�:rai for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mail�;�g i�hy S�si c3a�.;mail u�1�s a��;icabte taw ;a;,_:::�s use of ai2otiier n►eiiiuci.Tl:� �tatice shall be directed to the . —
<br /> Praperty Address or any other a�ress��wer desigr.:�:s by nt*::e to L.endtr.Any not�ae co 1 tnder shall be giv��n�tiy � � .
<br /> , 6rst class mail to Lender's addr�..�szated hete:n or any c�'trr..�t address 3.,ender designates by r.r.�:�A.e to Borrower.Any natice �
<br /> , providtd for in this Security Ir::tr�:nent shall be deeme�dl i:.a have been given to&:�rtower or Lender when�i�u;as provided • _
<br /> in this paragraph. � � .
<br /> 1S. Corerni��Iaw;Setenbility. 'T,'i�is Security Instrument shall be goe�erned by f�s3eral law and thc law of tNe .
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is torat�.in the event that any provision or clausr of t.l�i:� �ecurity lnstrument ar the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable l�w,such conflict shall not affect oiher provisions of this Sccv�-iiy Instrument or the Note
<br /> whieh ran be given elf'ect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of thi�Security fnytrument and the
<br /> Note are dectared tobe severable.
<br />- 16. Horro�tr's Co�y. $onower shall be givea one conformed copy af'the Note and n!'�his 5ecs�rity Instrument.
<br /> 17. Traiuitr ot Hro Property or s Beneflctal leterest tn �orrower. If all or any part of the Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(ar if a beneficial interest in Borcoti�•er is soi�i or transferred and Bc�rro�ver is not a natural
<br /> perwn)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its a�tion,reyuire immediate payment in full of a11 sums
<br /> secared by Ihis Security Instrument. However, this option sh�il not be exercised by l,ender if exercise is prohitrited by
<br /> ftderal law as of the date of this Security Instrument. �-=--—
<br /> If Lender eaercises this option,Lender s3�all give Bonower notice of acceleration.The notice sha11 provide a period '
<br /> ofnot less than 30 d�ys from thedate the notice is delivered or mailed within which�orrower must pay aU sums secured by.
<br /> this 5ecurity lnstrument.If Bonower fails to pay lhese sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any � � �
<br /> fEiiii:c"�fES j5c u�'s�E3�};{2�ii5�FtifTlij%�iiSiFfiilifiii W`ft�tif�iffi�iCi i16iICE bif�Eii'f8iii�8ii S�UFiE3CiCC. .
<br /> la.Horrower's Rlqlnt to Reieatate. IP Borrower meets cettain conditi�ms. Harrawer shall have the right to have �
<br /> enforctment of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other pe�iod as
<br /> L applicable law may specifjr for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any powcr af sale rantained iit this j
<br /> Security Ins�rument or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this 5ecurity Instrument.7hose conditinns are Ihat Borr�wer:
<br /> . (a)pays Lender all sutrrs whieh then wouId lse due under this 9ecurity lnstrument and the Note had no acceleration
<br /> ncrurrcd: (b)cures any dePault of any ather cnvenants or agreements;(r) pays all expensrs incuned in enforcii�g Ihis
<br /> Seeurity instsument, ineluding,but nc�t limit�d to, reasonubin attorney�' fee�;and (d)takec such actinn as I.ender may
<br /> ' reasos�abiy require tn a�surc that the liet�oF this 5ecurity lnstrument, LendCt s nghts en the Pcopertc an�i Eiorre�wer'�, �
<br /> �6ligatinn td pay the sums secured'by ihis Security Instrument �hall rcm��nur uttch.+nged l'puu rc�ntitatement by s
<br /> [inrrnu�cr,thiti Securrty in�trunicnt and the obligatuins�ecured hereb}�_shall renz.+�n fulty eftect►�•c ay dn��acrclerat�c�n had
<br /> �RCUrtcd.Haa•ever,thiti nglit toreir�-�tate sh�,li ne.�t ypply ii�thr ca�^nf acicl�r:�t���n uudrr p�r.�graphs l;��r 17 - � -
<br /> .. � _
<br />