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<br /> , ti�s Ravuer and proce�ure prov2da�for by t�w fo�Ytqe s�,bgtituYlon ef e Trustee or T�usts�s in the pleae o!the Trustae
<br /> • .r� m Tnistaea nanrted hsraln.
<br /> �� ��. ��s�py g�ai{t�or'�raats�Nat s W�ivfr. A tarbemzencs by Beneftctary or Trustna in exerc�sirte
<br /> < an� ri�ht or rernady hareunder, os otherr�ise affiardad tty nFplicablo :aw shatl n�t be e waivet o9 or preciude the -
<br /> � �xerciss of arry rig4�t or remady Rareunsi$r. �kawd�a,4h�wsive�by Bsnettelary or'truste9 of enY do4avlc af Trustar �_
<br /> . `�� i_
<br /> 1 under tRis Qea�of Tn►st ahatl nsY tso deemed to ee e�areivar of any otRsr or atm:[ar dafautts�vbse�usntfy ar.�urring.
<br /> ., <.,;.. ��:,-_
<br /> -��:r- 98. T�t�sr Ha't R�laasad. E.mens'an af the time tor pay�mant er max�ffieation or am�rtiz�tion of tAs sums sacure Q _
<br /> �y 4Pse[teed of Trust granted by B�nefIeiary to atry succassor in Interen4 04 Tr�ust�p sho3t rtoi og°mte 40��°,in�r+y
<br /> _ �_�� ma�►rter,tRa liablfi3y of the oriQtna!Trus2or artd Trueter's succassar in integest. 8enflfidary ahat!rtat Pse ra�uIred Yo �.
<br /> • '•'.�� commertce preceading�a egainst such successor ar refuse to extertd tima far payment or�tharv�iss rrt�dify emartiaatl�n
<br /> ..; ,� of the suma sacured Dy the Qaed of Trust by reassn of any demand msde by tha ort�inel TruWtor ertd Tnister'a
<br /> sLCess�ue►s in iriter�st. -
<br /> ,•: ��� 1g. Q�atloa�tm FoPSdaae. URon the occutrence ofi eny defauit he�eander, 88nsRciary shall have tha optton io
<br />..:.A._�. .
<br />_�� }�.- fotectQ�thia�ee�of T�ust I�the manner provtds�6y!ew for the torectosare of mortgeges on resl preparty.
<br /> "'��" g�. T��m�C(�ht��p�aslat petaui� Unttl any dafautt in the payrnent of ln�ebtedness hereby saraued,ar until
<br /> �� `-� the breaeh of any cove�ant herein canta�n�d the Trustor, 64s successars and sssigns,sh811 Rossess and enjoy the
<br /> : .. �
<br /> �,�: pra�ctlt and rseeive the �enic end�rofita therefrom. Up�n pag/rttsrtt of nq sums seeurad by this Desd of Trust,
<br />�r-��� �e�aary ahall request Trastae ta rec�nvey the praperty an¢I shatl auRender th�s tZeed of trust end aU noms end lavan
<br /> °��� A�nents evidendng indetitedrtass seatred�sY ttea Qeed of Tncst 4o Tnistee. Trustee shail recorevey the propsrbV
<br />``-u"`� wi3rt�cut�►arranN mte!without charge Ao t�se persans legally erttttted thsrsto. Yhe Graritae in any reconvey�nce mal►
<br />: `;�fr,;; ba descsi6ed as°�a pe:so�ar �srs�:ts entitSe�!Mar�'to', �nnd thes rec3tafs thersin of anV rttatt�rs or fact� sha[i tra
<br /> - :�, cortde�ive proof of tM Vutt�tulreass thereof. Such person or persans sha11 pay sp casts of racard[ng,if any.
<br />��''.�,. �'�, Yr�sfu of tii� Rc�e�t7►:Mswn�tlon. tf sil or srry Part of the �r�party or an inierest tha�e'.n is acld ar
<br /> -';.`��.. trans:"�red witha�t Benef�c#�'s prior writtea� consant.except as otite»vise p�ovide0 by law. Beneflaiury may, ai
<br /> ��� Benefidery's ap��n, daclare aD the sums secured tsy this Qe�d of Trust to ise imasediately d�s und payubl�.
<br /> -�'-:���� Beneficiary atsa�i ts��e waiv�d such optiac�Yn acceferate if;prior tQ tfta sa18 or transfer,Heneftdary and t@►a persan ta
<br />-=� wrhe�ae tt�e proFe�t�y t�to be soid or transiBCr�roach agreemem fcs�rrti�rsg that the credit af fiuci9 pe�san ts satisfac2ary
<br /> - - - ta Ba�c��icIary and that ths int�rast pa�uir� on tile sums 5ecur�d 6y the Qacisi of�n�t, rfftatl be e� �uc�ratB es
<br />-_- -_-= �1r►ii�ary shaA riaquest. if�eneNciary tt3s wai�e�Izo optEon t�accelar�te �srovidsd in this Paragrupiti 29. end �f
<br /> — - Tr:+it�`s successor in frster�t��nas execut�d a wr�tSa� assumpt�en agreem�c� accepted in uvrfting hy L�anefii�ary.
<br /> w L���� • Sercefidary sltafl�elaase TruC��r from ail6�itgartissns��:�"er this Oas�i nf Trust and the Loan Agreement. 4f BeneHciary
<br /> --'- exs��ses such c��ian to acc2":erate,Benef�iary may irovoke eny cr��s�.Iies pamnft2sd bY th�Qe��f Tnast.
<br /> "�`� �, Requea4 tar�t��c�. The T�u3tor request tPsat a copy e4 any n�ti+x3 of defautt and of any rtotice o f sa la
<br /> - - her��t�der be mails�!to Trusl�ar et 4he address hereirtl�rni�re set forth.
<br /> �- �N WITf+ifSS �i�tERfOF,the Trustor has exasuiet9 thls Dees�of Ttust the day artd ye�t first above written.
<br /> _-_-- �--zo q9
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<br /> STA c�:r PdL�3F.i'l+t yKAI -
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<br /> - '3etore ma,a Hotary Publi�qualified for said Caunty,personally ceme �A B�� � °�1QDU""^�mzcx'
<br /> ---- tittsHU�n nam wias
<br /> - known to me to be the identicai Rer�T(�1 who sig�eed the furegoin9 instr�ment and ackrtowlsdged tho exacutta�a
<br />-�-- _�- thereof 4o be his/horlthsir vofuMary ��t r-;td deed.
<br /> Witness my ha�sd end f�csv�rIa1 Sea1 this 2oTH day of J�Y • , 1998
<br /> --.__.�.� �Q9E�{ALI�QT'r�RY•i1rIMM�itaio
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