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� � , t . � <br /> . , . ��, <br /> j11QIF'O1tM CUYE�IANTS. Homswdr and Leader cavtn�r►t and agrte as foliows: B�- 1 Q 5'�10 <br /> f. Pay�t o[Pri�c�l a�i Itteres�PreMy�t aN Iate G'Iwr�e�. Borrawer shall prnmptly pay when due <br /> . t6t princip�l of and interat ae the debt evidenced by tht Note.and any prepayment and lnte charges due under the Note. <br /> 3. .Fiu�for Tues�i I�rr�ee. Subject ta�ppl�:c�bk 1aw or to a written waiver by Lender,Horrower sA�}I pay <br /> to�ender on the day manihly payments ue due untkr the Ncsce.anti!thr Note is paid in fuil,a snm("Funds")equa!to <br /> - ont-t�weitth of:�a) yeas�y tuces and asseasnQCnts which may attain priority oves tfiis Secu�ity Inzi�rumant�, (is)yrarty <br /> s lasthoW pymcnis oc,�rcwnd rmts oa t�t Prapert}. if any; (c) yearly hu�rd insunnce premiums; and fd)}tiarly <br /> � moKp�e insunu�ce prem'tums,if any.These items are calkd"escraw item�.•'Lender msy estimate the�unds dnt on the <br /> b►sis c�C'curn�tQat�ar,d reaw�abkestimata�nftuture e�ra�v ieem�. <br /> . Tbe�unds�ha11 be heW in an institutioa tbe depoaits ur accounts of which are insurcd or�uarantted�y a federat dr <br /> � ��� rii►t�e�yaic�r�Cincl�u�ias i.e�i�ei if�t.e�ie�i��k a�t[�3�stieuti��. i.�rtrkr sh�1t apply�the Fahd'sta►p+�y t6rtscrow items. <br /> � Le�der may er�t clur�e for I�oWin��nd spptyin�Elje Fund�,anslyxin�tAe accou�t or verifyin�thr eserrnv item�,unless <br /> ; : . t.a�ier prtys Eiorrower ir�tereu on the Funds�appli�abk bw pennits I.erukr tcr make sueh�clur�e. Horrawer and <br /> � Lender may s,�rce in writin� that iaterrst sh�tlt be p�id t�n the Funds. Unless an a�rennent is made or applicabic law <br /> requira inte�+d�t to 6t paid�l.�nder sAall not be required to pay Borrower any interest rn esrnin�s on the�und�. Lender <br /> s�ll�to Bortawer.wfthout chat��nnus!�ccountina of'the Funds showing credits snd debits to the Fund:�and the <br /> pupae fuc�rhich each debit ta the Fundx was tnade.Tht Funds are pleslged as additionsl seturity tor the sums secured by <br /> tf�security inst�urnent. ' <br /> If tlxanwuat oi'tiu Funds Aetd by Lendet,together with the fuwre ruonthiy payments of Funds payabte priar ca � <br /> _ tbe d�data af.the acro.v items,sha11 exc,ee8 che amount requ'tred co�y chc�.srr�+v icems when due,the exsess shalt b� ,:.:� <br /> , at Horroaer'a optio�e,ritha promptly repaid to Borrawer or ccedited ta Borrower on monthty payments of Fund�.Tf t�z <br /> � anwunt of th�Funds hetd by I.ender is not sut�cient to pay the escrow items when due.aorro�e�shatt�y to u��y � � <br /> � �mount neeeas�ry to malce up the de5ciency in one or more pay menrs as required by Lender. <br /> Upon payment in full of aIl sums securod by this Secnrity instr�mrnt,Lender shall promptly refund to Horrov►er <br /> j any FutWs held by Lender.If under pangnph 19 tAe 1'roperty is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender shalt apply,rto tater <br /> � than immodiatdy priar to the sale of the Property or its acquisit#on by Lender.any FunrJs held by Lender at the time of <br /> ; applicstioe as a credit against the sums secwod by this Seeurity Instru�ent. <br /> � 3. A�li�of Payeteets. Unkas applicaEle law provides otherwise,all payments r�ceived by Lendrr un�tr ' <br /> � paragraphs 1 an3 2 sfsaU be applied:first,to late charges due under tEta lVotr,second,to prepayment charges due uader tl�e <br /> NaC third,tn amounts pay�ble under paragnph 2; interest due;and last,to prinripal due. <br /> � 4. Ctiar�I.ieta. H�rcower shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges,Bnes and impositions attributabk t�iLe � ` <br /> Proprrty �vhicbs �g attaiA priority,over this Security Instrumrnt�, and leasehold payments ar ground rents,i�aRay. �;� <br /> ; &xtn�rar shalt}�y th�se obligations in tha manner provided in pafagraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Horrower sb�aRl . ' <br /> � pay them on time�1ire��-to the persoa ov�ed payment.Bonower sha�Et ptomptty furnish ta E.ender all notices of aiaaw�izs r ' <br /> ' to 6e paid wx�er fh�i"s parz�,p��.If Borrawer makes these payments directiy.Sorrower�S3 pramptip furnisis to LtrWier ` � <br /> roceiptsevidencirsg�tr:�,:j��s. <br /> � Borrowe2�s,�,x�:pramptly discharge a.*�y lien which has prior�2k aver this Security Iasc�umtnt unless Bonower:Ga) <br /> �gras in watin�g za¢��payment of the ob�a�.tion secured by the tiecn cia a manner acr,eptabte tm�.ender,(b)contats in gKx� <br /> � faith the lien by,or defends against enforarscnt of the lien in,legat�roceedings which in the Lender's opinion operat:e io ' <br /> : preve�t the enfoscement of the lien or forfeiture af as�y part of the Property;or(c)secures f'rom the hoIder of the lien an <br /> � agreement satisC�,:tary to Lender subordinattng the lieca t��his Secur•ity lnstrument.If Lendtr determines�hat any pzrt of <br /> � the Proporty is w�,kvoct to a lien which ma}��ttain priority ovee rl;�i;�Security Instrnment, Lender may give Bona�a a � <br /> , <br /> a noiic��c'iai.�i j�is��;c ji;.t�. Bar.a�er sra9�:.�•.�s y.hE tie:��r tai:c�y.<r mor;.af tke actiasss set!'urtls.:�.e r.�i�.hi�If�:���. . <br /> ' of the giving o�notice. � <br /> IS. Hwrd I�rfnce. Borrower shall keep the imprdce:��ts now eaisting or htreafter erecie�,�cs.rhe Property <br /> ( insured against loss by fire,hazards includecS v�'ithin the term•'eatecsded coverage"and any other hazasds t'c�r which Lender <br /> � requires insur,ecfrae�This insurance shalI f�cnaintained in the an.r�a���nts and for the peri�that Lender requires. 1'he <br /> ; insarance carrir.���roviding tht insurance�I�a11 be chosen by B��s��er subject to Lender's approval which sha�l rt�,�r.i�e <br /> nnreasonabf3��.?:he1d. � <br /> � A►��xu.�:+;ance pofic-ies and re��ewaJs shall be accepta6le tv%ender and shali ittclude a standard martgage clause. <br /> I Lend�r sha.@ f�a��the right to hold the policies and i:r�;r�er requires,Honawer shall promptly give to Lender _ � <br /> � all receipts oi��remiums and renewal notices.In the event of'l���+,Borrower shall give prompi notice to the insu�.�+nce , <br /> i carrier and Letsu�:.Lender may make proof of loss if not m�de pro.r,rtly by Borroaer. <br /> � Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance prceeeds shall be applied to restor�t.s.�n+1r r+��ir � ` <br /> bf the Property damaged. if�restaration or repair is economically feasible and I.ender's security is n��� !�:�,�r:��! [t'the <br /> � restoratian or repair is not ecr=3or�ically feasible or L.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance pruceeds s��:�d:l be '_ <br /> applied to the sums secured by:fiis Secu.rity Instrument,whether or noi then due,with any excess paid to Borrow�r. If <br /> � Borrower abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice Pram Lender tlrat the insurance carrirs has <br /> ! ott'�rcd to settte a ctaim.then L.ender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use ihe proceeds to repait ot testore <br /> ; the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�day period will begin <br /> Mben�he notice is given. " <br /> Unte!:s l,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing.any application of proceeds to ptincipa)shall not extend or <br /> _ i poatpone the due date�f the manthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of'the payments.lf � <br /> undet paragtaph 19 the Property is acquirtd by Lendcr.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resultins <br /> , from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument immediately priar tothe acquisition. <br /> � 6. PreserYatlo�mnd M�fntemttce of Ptoperty;Leaseholds. Borrower shall not destroy.damage ar substantially <br /> ' change the Property, allow the PropettY to deteriorate or commil.waste. if this 5ecurity lnstrument is on a lt:asehald, � ___._ _ <br /> : Horrower shall comply with the provisian•�of the lease,and if Harr�a�vc:r acquires fee title to thc Property,the lcasehqld.and �' T <br /> fcetitle sha11 not merge unlas Lenderagreest4 the m�g�c in wrilii�}�. � <br /> 7. Protectlon of Lender'a Right� in the Property; ilt�rig�Ke Insurance. If Borrowet fail� tu perFc;tm tlte I , <br /> � coeec��e:a�rcc�r:es►ts so�tsinrd irt t�sis�esatity�; thete is s legst prc�e:eed'sag t!!Q!m3y si�tti&ean!!y affer� 4 <br /> Lender's righta�n the Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or to enforc�l�us or <br /> � regulatians),then Lender may do artd pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lenderrs rights <br /> � � in the Propeny. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority o�•er th�s Security <br /> Insttument,appeari�g in court,paying reasonabte attorneys'fces and entermg nn the Pt�p��rlf tn make re�+airs.Allhaugh <br /> Lender may 6akc aciinn under this paragraph 7.I.ender docs noi have tv do ko. <br /> ' Any amaunts disbur�ed by Lender under this paragrapfi 7 Sh:�ll hec�me addittona)dibt af He�rrt►µer seci�i�41 h}•tl�is <br /> SeCUrity Insf cument.Unless&�rrowcr and Lcndrr a�rce to uihrr terms uf payment.the5e��rnount�clrall hear interc�t Pr�,m <br /> the date ot disbutsemcnt al the Nc�ic rate and shall br payrblc; �►itli interest. upun notice fr��m Lender ��� Ei��rr�.��er � ,,/ <br /> rcyuesting payment. L <br /> . t_ <br /> ..��- <br />