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.. •'�f -.V u � .. ..le. .. 11 thtj��lf - >��+„1�L1 <br />_ -- e.r�P!,4 ff NlilM .rfV�• ,� __._. .__ - -.' <br />.. �. 90-107055 ADDITIONALTERMS <br />AYINENTA[VDACCRUAL OF NANCE CHARGE: Even though 1 do not have to pay more than the lesular %cltctluiut monthly payment, l have the right <br />to pay Ilia n9tnsing owlag to you in full at any it= ox in put from drive to lime. If the lending in %titwistn thr:l bas s my contract campuses tiro flnanceKha�ge daily, ' <br />1 k w m fllwrJe ch�a�a will be less 111 mate an early paymcni, was it alts ba hlgtter if !(a.y late; ! st:., r`caggnlie that xty street ary sf}usumat to my tots. fin�ce <br />ch will be reflected my final bill; I also know that the amounts shown on the reverse aido tsar the Fnattce Charge, Taal of Paymems, and the TiNfil Sale Prlco taro - - -- <br />tt esti hued an the assumption that you will raceive each of the payments exactly on its due date; and 1 Y.nnw that there will bo no refund if 1 prepay because them is <br />r• tuNhlnpp to and if 1 am charged on a tail basis. If the lending institution does *A compute the finance charge dallyy and if I prepay the whole umtwnr, y will refund <br />o , to 1110 the one korr of the on e e charge linteresl) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial medu ; and the amount of my rebate will tie gored on the - <br />_ scheduled doer amounts of my momhly payment and not oft the actual dates and amounW of the pct faymenls that I pay uo you. l know hiss a refund of etas than f I .W ; ,, • <br />will not be nude• may voluntarily prepay lire amouunt l owe you. in full air in pan, at any urea. If I make a panel prepayment. 1 mu +h sorunrte to my regular <br />payments until 1 s paid all amounts owed. <br />IMPORTANTM CE ABOUTWARRANTIES: (o) SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRE88E R IMPLIED: -----° <br />OF MERCHANT ILFTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UN SS SELLER <br />FURNISHES BUY WiTH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LNWITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY LLER ON ITS. <br />- OWN BEHill (big 1 ve read, in detail• the separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract. h explain, the nlic condition and clued circumstances affa to <br />which the manufactured acts will be repaired or replaced, 1 take notice of the limitations on the warranty• and 1 particularlyy rrcaggnice th any implied wartaaty <br />which applies to the goods ash my as long as rho witrronry or service contract. (c) I have read, in detail, the separate ••LIMITED INSTAL ATIO WARRANTY" which. <br />if made accompanies this con . <br />It explains the condtttons and cireumrtances in which the p of the siding, siding necessaries. gutters will be redone. I r. <br />d i h a lies to the installation lasts only s long a% the warranty or <br />s1 '1: <br />lake notice of the limitations ore 1 warranty, and 1 particularly recognrre that any impose wartanty w pp r . <br />service contract. S' <br />LIMITED MIIRRANIY: M/ sole and Iusive reeedF alainsl In w Few assfAees shall be haillad to my flights old tflI issin railer the ties 10 Per LIMBED <br />WAD= yee 11011d to lee at the e 1 sip this Count, My Imitative rilbts aM [moos oath: tAe wanaldf shall M to lieu o1 a ethu rights N nalies. <br />at lair w is tit 11. wtleti ileitted icabt1131110 lap. t, <br />ALL WNUFACTINtED NINDDN PRODUCES NOT GUARANTEED AGAINST CONDENSATiOM, MOISTURE FORMATION OR FROSI. PRODUCTS NOT GUARANTEED AGAINST �;'. ;::;• . ;� <br />coRNOt1oN ouE m wllt� cl•uunc c �;: ,�:' %�r''''`'; .y`,, ; �' • . <br />BUYER, REAM THE OWN 'III YEAR t1ARRANTY" 41NICN S A SEPARATE WRId1EN INSTRUMENT PERTAIMilo SOLELY MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS OF <br />'TNE PAGESEMR CORPM11ON AND WHICH "LI 0 NARRANiT' HAS BEEN 0111VIRED TO EACH RFSPECTIVE•BUYEA IN CONNECT( ikAN 1TIIS SALE. PACESETTER'S '� "i�I`f' Sri• °t,;'.;.,._ -, <br />ARRAIIPf AND 1T!E FORE641t16 ROYlSIONS REf3ARD1NG CONQEiISATiOR DO NOT APPLY TO SIDING. �r, <br />TO YEAR LIMITED YI f <br />Flathar, The Pacesafler Corporation Motu N PRESEtITATION OR WAIRRANT'f OF HY HIND OR NATURE WH:ITSOEYER, EN ESS OR IAiPLIED, WITH RESPECT 10 is = <br />THE ENERGY SAYINGS I COULD OR MAY ACHIEVE BY E OF iii PAODUCUS). 1 understand that any enemy savings 1 may a • ro Is dlpaadaml upon a oulabat a9 <br />factors, ificludieR, bill not limited to, the type, quart and quallly of insulation In my homa, the particular she and s of -MY home, the tt�FpplI of 418011•otl ;• ?) ;''!;'' 'i `rµt� ,t: <br />Construction of my home, <br />my particular life sale, tq n her Of opeallns is my borne, proper monrtarieA of thenloetat bogs, � fruitic eonditloas and location `' <br />if eIF boon, and eren the type of ellerp consueled for h tinA and air coaditloainA purposes. i i a _ <br />dowers ro•talta r •r <br />SPECIAL -ORDER GOODSt 1 know that you have measured m house and its openings %a that you can make the acts to lit my particular house and that the gnod% <br />probably .will not fit an other houses, so 1 know that I cannot can el this contract at any time after the penned of it given to me by law in which to cancel. After that <br />legal period of time, 1 know that 1 have the obligation to pay You full the amount owed. <br />COMMENCEMENT OFTHE FINANCE CHARGE: Tlta finance huge (interest) 1% estimated to slap w nhin Jays of the date did rhtr contract. except in the event <br />yoil complete the installation of the goad% oned services on amaof date, en the finance charge (interests will hegt n ran an the date that I sign the Completion Ceniftcale. <br />tore amount of finance charge (interest) may he more or less than the punt disclosed depending % the •area ms I pay you and my rinleHnc%% m making payments <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AN "Y REAL FSTATF.t I. I pnomke keep arty house in godid repair and keep t m %used fax at <br />least lurk of its tepiacemem value by buying .+ fire And cstcaded canscmg In:ura ce feelhcy. 'llte insurLin• r ri p nv mum he approved by vou, and the policy must have <br />a beneficiary clause which says that you are h1 he paid if there I% u Ins%. insurance company mum all that tit will n.1t cancel my puhcy wilhlut fiat telling ydw. 1 <br />authoeice the insurance company to pay you directly fair any lo%%. liu call ,dose ht use this Insurance p niem w either repay any amount-, I owe yolu or br repair my <br />house. 1 have the option of providing pn?crly insurance through an existing they tar through a policy In •rmmknlly nMamed and paid for by me. 2. 1 also promise that <br />1 will not allow anyone else to place any liens too my veal estate without your niten permi%dom. 3. 1 p use to pa all axc %, amse%%rnont% and tether charge% ten my real <br />estate when due. 3. 1 promise to Timely make all payments tin my prior loan%%► •urcd by my real estate. ul%o1 pro I ill nW extend. renew or change or Iwms <br />wlthaul your written permission. S. If I do not msurc my house or fulfill my of obligation% to my rc estate, than can d t for me tf�-ou warn (hut all oho not hate <br />lot• If you do Pa any of these abliggminrn far vex. I uggtee to pay you hack on and plus mlere%l t 1 I cool owl rate of mterem. I1nri1 I pay you back• <br />lieu amounu will be added to my deM to you which is acurcd by my real estate aid house. 1 kn11 t t if y deco inwrvex (hat you o out have to <br />obtain any homeowner tar Ilabillty insurance. <br />MORTGAGES I hereby grant. bargain, sell comfy uldl moogage to you• a% Mon gee. my re estate and tit se -aced at my ” ten :fie ether +ate <br />of this contract as secunty for all amounts due ten you under chi+ Imm�llment Sale% retract. <br />DUE ON SALBs If 1 sell• lease or give my house to anyone before f leave fully pail all owe u r this contract. you can hat owe under this contract payable <br />at once and I agree to immediately PaY Yaii that omoum. \i <br />DEFAULTt I will be in default under this contract if: I. I don 1 make a payment when d : 2 I break any pnimix I de 1 oil I. th s convect: or 3. Something else <br />happens which causes you to believe in good faith that 1 do not intend to pay you as promo : on 4.1 default on any o toll t as h I am usijtloy home as collateral: <br />OF S. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights, if any, in tit. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am In default of this contract and you demand full payto L undersumed That you hate t right to f reel t nuingagc i have green to <br />you and to have my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you. Before my house n Id• y u will edo all that the law gqmire%. I d sf aid al ynu hire an aaomey <br />to assist you in the enforcement of your nghts, including the sale of my ho ter u la sea. 1 a tee to pay )'oil for reasolnable m10 y an who: related expenses <br />such as court costs, tide searches and money you expended to protect my house. s you arc n owed to inflect such amours I <br />OTHER RIGHTS: You can choosy not to enforce any of the rights under this co ct as often % you want without losing t y can delay enforcing any of the <br />rights without losing them. You can also use any rights now or to the future gw n to you by la <br />DELAYS: 1 know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am rcha%ing on my use. but 1 also understand th t In some situations vou may encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have in ohs rag matenals, ar for her reason% that we beyond your control. 1 will nw hold you liable <br />for such delays. <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT: If I um in delaull under chi% contras vou can deviate all that I a c under thi %contract ppayable at once. I agree it) fay you interest <br />on that amount at the maximum contractual rate allowed by Iaw until the - 1111unt 10%%e pin I% paid. I al%t know that vou can fnrtwlo%c the mo rigage I have given to )au. <br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity, quality or petformarxe o he pnducts. I understand that myy dispute may be submitted <br />to and settled according to the mediation - arbitration program that may have developed In my community. I a 1 noiw that any decision mask by an arbitrattx(s) would be <br />entered in the court having jurisdiction over me and you. <br />SALVAGE VALUEt 1 know that the windows, woodwork. sidling , ck and other materials that have to l+e it ved by you for this installation have NO salvage value. <br />When you remove them, you call have them for whatever purpo want, <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of sonic oft products that you sell. I understand that in speci % ituations your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. 1 also understand that this sale occurred in my home and that you and I may not have had all correct information Important to this transaction <br />u our fingertips; 1 give you my consent to correct any obviqus emus that may have occurred when the blanks in tht contract were completed. <br />INVALID PROVISION& If any provision of this conuaci folates the law and t% unenforceable, the rest of the contract ill be valid. If any pan of this contract requires <br />he 1 its then ou ill and have the right to collect from me the amount of int It which tine law alklws you to collect. <br />payment of more interest than t aw perm . , ) <br />COMPLETENESS OFTHIS CONTRAL*T, 111% coon act can inly he changed of bonh you and I agree in writing <br />NOTICE <br />ANY HOLDER OF THIS CONSUM CREDIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS ND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINS THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PU UANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. RECO RY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEEd�AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br />DEBTOR HEREUNDER. \\ <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATIONt If I It e reyuemed insurance in Ohl% purchase. I ilia) cancel such requcm flat insurance for any mason within fifteen (15) day% loom <br />the date of this contract by notifying you the holler of thi%contract in %%riling. 1 know that the cancellauan of n1y rot eragc wed) bt anon d wash 111e insurance carnet) %1 <br />and a full refund of my prettriumisl to (her with applicable finance charge will he credned to ihim contract. � <br />PLEASE NOTE: If 1 have Mrelyocsted surance m IhI% purehu%c. I w•ul rccenc %% min) o "'o, a ccoiu"o%..ic ......� <br />I know that if Irince h is any conflict the co%eruge ter the lunguage ill the cenihcate ail al+unni%e and the Inlluwmg Nettle vet Ntq%,,cd In+urrn+ that I am cusered anl)�ho <br />the extent sn the fwlowoe • atice of Proplo %ed Inwrince- 1 alma know that I haw mi%uorece % +.%eldge only d" I home been charged for <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I take that enha reds Life .x Credit A.:cidenr and Health Insurance. ter tooth. will be applicable w the%In,tahlment Sales. an • remme melt only if <br />I have chos;. mint the reque %t fir .arch m,;urmta l'biv insurance %+dl .%atv corer the person %ignmg the reque,t at the curt feet each 1% of in%rance shown. <br />Subjject a ance h he m %urance compaac the invurxrv:,t w k e(tectlue islet beta) Joel will continue only for the number of nd.nths after l effech%e date equal <br />fit ire nummo ly paymenl'. 1 under%rJnd that the, par „�r.�ar insurance may Ittet provide cowrlge 1 tar my lam few payments, and that during i at penlrl set hmc <br />will not hamin rance cmerage. All lenetits and proceed. e f ehe is >urance wilfbe paid h• you lar to a f vmncfao in,lltumin If a purcha%c% fix In%6dhn 11 bales Contract <br />fn the exte atefevs and in•. balance will he payable • �e 'P ±c Eamal amount n( Cnadit Lite Insurance n the amount required to reppa% Ilse TI I elf payment,: <br />thereafter. trance decrease% tv the amount of each nwtifith pavrenr on a scheduled ?n day ha,i+ It' I Linn witilh ohligJted lave the In,talliient Sae l'ontract with <br />a CI *Buyere hate lath signed the reyue%t (air Credit t.lte In.;urar ✓:e. death henefil, wdi he p ;nahle nnl� %%tih repeat In the fir,: one ill u, n. die tiubtect i e+cluunn,. <br />elimination iting penod slated in the insurance polic<• • t certificate. Ctovht Accident •and Be.lfth In%utaiuc 1% felt the hencht amoitnl of 1 u4h al each rum 's pavnlem <br />for each flay that 1 am totally disabled due tf. , an raj an i.r slckres, whit:.' ..we Joy paynew h• you: basses et. I unJer,IanJ that I have to be prevented from w kin due <br />to such tool disability tot more roan founcen i I•t, cnnwcutr.e dav% W.'re the llisarwae benellt I% paid hJck to the lust day of ors total dnahiht). 1 also kn that 1 <br />cannot obtain any Insurance from you if I am Mee b-s yeafn of age today. and IM LS04MOR that the lasw•attce coverage provided to me may contain a ma nium <br />amount of coverage which will nw pass to some cases, the tntire amount than 1 owe op. rye fu thr maainum amount of co%era$c muted to the tmurancc qi <br />know that any unpaid amount m exce%, of the muram e c•. •erage we]: sell have, }}pp iw p:l d. If the its ooh t Salaa Contract n prepaid m full prwr to I Ia,f pay •ni <br />date. any unearned Insurance premium% will he refunded rn .e rn me r-,anner ptfsfritxd by law. Within thirty 1.101 da)s. I %%dl rece•ne the certi icafe of m %uruncc ran <br />fully de crihor,g m) ir.:,urance average- If the insur ante • '• r .i -erird F.y the inwr;ll- company. I will ieceiw a rclun,l ail the in,uran+c prcanum% I haw paid <br />I <br />I <br />r <br />, <br />