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_—... _t__'.. . - . .— __.��. <br /> , _ -F'- __,— <br /> ` �} <br /> . . . . ''""._ . <br /> . .c:. y[r,. - '__"_ . .."_'_ ' '_ __—.�.—_.�—.. __'._'_"_���_.__.._..'____' <br /> � ��+'������ �Pe$P 2 0�5� _ <br /> � � <br /> �� TOGETHEI�rvith all the improvementa nov� or Aereafter erected on the �ropw�;. and al! easements, rights, <br /> i appurtenances and tents(subject hocvever to the rights and uu2horities given herein to I.ender to coltect and appiy such <br /> _ � � cents},all of which shnll be deea»�d tu be and remain a part of the progmS coveted by tlus DEed of Trwr,and all of the <br /> 4otegoina> togather nith s�id prngz:�y (flr the teasehold es�tate if this I?�d of Trust is on a leasehold) are hereinafter <br /> ` . l referted tQ as ihe"Property." . . <br /> � Bnrtoner covenants thut�orro�rer is lacviully seised o4 the estate herebp conveyed a3d has the right to grant and convey <br /> . � . � � the Propercy. aad that the Propercy is uaencumbered excr�t for encum�rances of record. Bortower rnvenants that <br /> ; $arrocver warraats and cvill defend generally the title to the Prop� agaiast all claims an�demaads, subject to . <br /> � . :` i encumbtanres of record. <br /> UIJIFOR�i CQ4'E:�IANT�:Borrocver and Ixnder covenant and agcee as follon� <br /> • - . --• l.Paynnent of Frincipal and Iaterest. Borrower shall promptJ� pa}• �hen du� the principal and interesc <br /> ' � = indebtedness evidec►c.�d by the 1ote. including any ti�ariations resulting from changes in the contracc rate, and other . <br /> . charges as provided in the 1�?ote. '�':s ; <br /> Z.Fnnd�for'I'a$es aad I��raax Sub��;t to agplicable lacr ar Frrn�s 4saiver bp I.ender, Borro�er sY�all pay t� ,ti�i?�:4. <br /> .. :.��` LearYer aa the day mo�thly pay�.e�ef�z�rol aad inter�t Pre r�?��-'_°�:^�th�'_�?ate,until tL-:';�;.�.°_s�:.d i:�;���:...-. ���_ <br /> •. ; r <br /> �,, �,�,, ; , „ �^�: t c�i� e2rt������_�r�ats inciudin araaar�i'rusm=...�:.�':.�:�=:e,..a v::Yrw <br /> � +`r-'�:r.f;-s,,la�� c �li]5.��i�'� LSlL2� Qiii:tEi•C,_'�"'��'�Jl J' � g � ��•. , <br /> , '.t.'rsS} `�;;`; �y�ir.,����==�'�.�� �axa=�.�ts, if a*ap) which a�ay- at�in �r_"a:� a:� d.;is 1?eed of Trust, and �raund rents on the ' r � <br /> ' ` ' ""f�' �'° Fr��sertg. �f anq, pius ons-teYelft�of the yearly premium instaUmeats for hazard insurance,plus one-t�velhh of yearly .:::� <br /> . .�,,�. } -tY <br /> � , pr�naittm installments for mor►.�age insuraace,if any,nU as reas�nablp estimated itutially and from tima ta time by r� <br /> � � Lender on.the basis oF assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. Borrocver shall not be oblig�tad to make ___ <br /> sush payments of Funds to I.ender to the extent that Borrower makes su�h payments to tha holder of a prior mortguge -- <br /> V � or deed of uvst if such holder is en institutional leader. �•�_� <br />