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, � � � � <br /> �s=. ia57o� . , � <br /> UHIFO1tM CovEN�Ki'S. Bocrow�r and Lendet covenant and agrae as follows: � � <br /> 1. P��t ot Pti�ciMl s�l�teret�PrcMYweat aad Iate Charges. �orrower shall promptly pay�when due ' <br /> the principal oftnd'utte�est an tt►e debt�vidence�b}the Note and any prepayment and tate charges due under[he Note. ' <br /> 2. Fw�tor Tues�I�sar�eee, Subjcct to appfic:ble taw�or to a written waiver by Lertder.Sonower shall pay <br /> to Lender on the dsy monthty payments are due under the Note,until[he Notir is paid in fult,e s�rm("Fands")cqua!to <br /> �, onatwnelRb of(aj yariy tuxes snd �.ssessments which may xttain priarity o�tr this Security Instrumer�t; (b) yeariy , <br /> taseiioW payenents or fround reri[s on the �►FOpert3�, ii any; (c; Ycarly hazard insurance pcemiums;�and (d) yesrly <br /> � marEp�e insurmce pre�niums.if any.Ti�ase items`are called"acrow item.g"Lender in�y estimate tht Fuads due cm tl�t . <br /> 6�sis of currtntdata antt reasonabk estitnata of future escraw items. . <br /> 'the Funds shatl be fietd in ui institution tfie depasits ar ucounts uf which are insured or guxranteod by a fedenl ar <br /> atate�a�ncy(includln�Len�r i�I�ender is such an institutionj.Lendtr shatt�appty the Funds to psq the escrow items. � � �- <br /> �-'� I.m�lert�y not�iar�efotfiofdina���applyin��the Funds,anslyzing titicacc�waEor verifyina�t6etsera�v�itetns,unkss <br /> ' ,I,eeckr pa�rs Borro+ver interest on tLe Funds and applicable taW permits Ixndtr to rnaice such a charge.Bonawer and . <br /> Lendec m�y aga in.wricins that inurest sha11 be peid on the Funds. Unless an.agreanent is made or applicabk law . <br /> �quQea irtertat ta bc p�i�,Lender sb3tl.not be roquired to pny Borrmver any inserat or earnings on the Fanc�s.I.antkr - �� <br /> � s1��i i�ztm�3orrower,�vithrwt ets��sa annua!accounting of tha Funds showing credits and debSts to the Funds and the � <br /> ' " '�SUrPose�'oi which ac�deU�E Yo ti'�e�i3s was macic.The Funds are pledge�as additiosia�security�ortiie snms secured isy , ' ' <br /> � thes Secmity instrnma�t.; . _ '�' :� .�. . . � <br /> If the anwunt�.�t_Fur.ds�lr�Y��'Y'�:�gether with the futus�cnonthly payments af L��;.r.ds payabte prior to <br /> the due dates of the escfoa�items,�l:�.eae.�t�;amount ctx�cr:w�d to pay:c&�escrow�xems when due,the eacess shall bc, . � <br /> at Sc►rrow��r's aption,either proc�ep�t�,yr::.,rsna:.�..��^rrpar4r oX.�ed=ted ta$.�rawer on��rr�thly paYriimts of fiunds.t�'the - " .. , =.`-:.�;: <br /> � amount of the Funds�hdd by Lena�is s�s�s���r�t�:to.PaY t�e:�scsow ir,�a.qvhrn dac;�orrowec sha.0 pay to Len�3er any , : ,::`. : _.�°-;:` <br /> . amount�ax.ssary to maicc up the dc�er�;F n�o�e i�r more payments as��r:d by Lender. . • . `�..•�.��;. <br /> .,,,.� <br /> Upon pryment in full of all ssi�s'secured by this Secu�ty.lnst��ris,Lendcr shali prompt��y���fund to Bonoaer _.: �-��`;s�'` <br /> any Funds held b I.ender.It undtr a h 19 the Pru i�sold or� uired b Lender,L.endCr s�SaU a v,.�o la�er � � _ �• �=`'-�'� <br /> Y �' 8�P P�Y �i Y PP� , ' .._ , . <br /> than immediateiy prior to the sale af the Property or its acqui�?an by I,ender,any Funds held by Lender ai t�,r,i:ne of, �" ��`��' , � <br /> : .::,,,, �,�.�:.:•, <br /> �:application as acredii against the sums secured by this Security��sstrument. . •.;:��. ''`�'�:��"� . ' ' <br /> � 3. AplEcatlo�oi I'�yweats. Unless applicable law p*ovi�es utherwise,aU payments recei.���y Le'r.�i under , <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 sl�all be late chuges due under the Note;second,to prepayment ct�..rgw due�nder the �- • -�,i,..;,��,��: <br /> , Notr.third.ta aunnunts payable undcr paragraph 2;fourth,to mterest dn�and last,to principa!due. .''. .`�� : ,,,;,; , , <br /> �;:::;.:. 4, C�IJess. Hona�czr shall pay a11 taxes�assessmtnts,char�es,fines and impositions atiributss�rlt;::.i��:`.i�:he . • • . . -. <br /> PropeRy �vhich may attiin pc�ic�aa�r;over Ihis Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground�ct:its,.:�i;C�any. , .� + <br /> Borrower shall piy thae obliaations in the manner provided in paragrapb 2,or if nat paid in that manner,Horrower shall � "• <br /> pay them on time directly to the person owod payment.Horrower shall pramptly fumish to i.ender Yit notices of amounts (�,�� <br /> � to be paid under this paragraph.If Barrowa makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly farnish to Le�rdrr � � <br /> , � rsceipts eviden�irtgtita paymems. � <br /> Bonowor shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority oyer this Serurity Instroment unless Bonower:(a) , <br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good <br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the tien in,lep,al pracadings which in the Lender's opinion operate to : <br /> prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiturt of any part of the Property;or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an <br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to ihis Security Instrument,lf Lender determines that any pan of <br /> �': , the Property is subject to a lien whieh may attain priocity aver this Security lnstrument, I.ender may give Borrower a <br /> :;.;�' notice idmtifying the tien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days <br /> " of the giving of aotice. '� <br /> . :. <br /> 5. Hutrd Inswr�[tu:e. Borrower shal!keep the�mprovements now eaiscing or iic�z:+S'¢e�e:ectc�os t:sc Pr�.;t� '� ' <br /> , ..... .:,, _ <br /> �insured against loss by�r��,f�,azards included within the term"eatended coveragd'and any other hazards for which Lender � ��,;��° <br /> requires insurance. This :,�rance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender reqnircs. The �� ��' � �' <br /> � insurance carritr provi�ilT�the insurance shall be chosen by Bonower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be •�_ ' .. <br /> unreasonably withhefd: , � -— <br /> All irtsurance pesai�:ies and renewals shat���Se acceptabte to Lender and shall ineiude a standard mortgage clause. � � <br /> Lender sh�Iti h�ve ihe r'ght to hold the policies ar.d renewak�+ Lf L.ender cequires,8orrower shall promptly give to txnder � <br /> ' � aij reetip�s•�rE�premiums and renewaj nu�ice�.in tt?e e���t e�i tusy,8orruwer anai!give prumpt nutice to the insurance s�--_ <br /> • catrier and�der.LeniE�r may make proof of lo�,:r�'not ma�iti:���romptly by Borrower. � , <br /> ' Unless Lendtr an�Borrowet otherwise a��}r��:+n writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair , - <br /> '�.�,_ <br /> ' oi"the Property dam�ged,iPthe restoration or r�:.�:�:r is econornicalty feasible and Lender's security is nnt lessened.If tde �. �'': • <br /> ' restoratioa�or rePair is no!economi�;:�:Jy feasible or I.ender's 4ecurity would be lessened,thb insuranee proceeds shall be . - <br /> �pptial to the s�tms secnred by thir;..�'sexurity lnstsumtnt,w�it�.�her or not then due,with any excess paid to Bonower. If <br /> � Borrower abandons the Property,or�aes nbt a�iswer within 30 days a notice Prom Lender that thc insurance carrier has <br /> offered to settle a ctaim,then Lendet may collect thc insurance prceeeds.Lender may use the prOC,��f�x1y to repair or restore <br /> , the Prope»y trr to p�Y'+ums secus�od by this Secusity instrument,whcther or not then due.The 3Q-�ay period wi8 begin <br /> � when the netj.:e i�givitt. , <br />, " Ur�l��s�L�:�riier and Borrow-er atherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postponc tr.e due da:e of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs l and 2 or changc the amount of the payments.lf <br /> under paragraph lg the Property is acquired by Lcr,der,Borrower's right ta any insuranee polieies and proceeds resulting.. <br /> from damaEe to the P'c�ip�rty prior to the acqu:si�ien shall pass to Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this 5ecurity . <br /> lnstrument immediately prior to the:�.rquisition. <br /> b. Yre�enatioM and Maintisswtc�ce of Property;Lease6olds. Bt�rrowet shall tiot desiroy,damage or svbstantially <br /> ct�ange thc Property,allow ihe P�c�o:y to deteridrate or commit waste. !f this S��urity lnstrument is on a feasehold, <br /> Borrower shall compiy with the prar.s:ons uf the lease,and if Borcower acquires fee titte to the Propeny.the leasehold and ----- <br /> fa title sha11 not merge unitss Lender agrees to the mcrger in writing. � <br /> 7. Proteetion ot Lender's Rights in the Property; Mortg,�qe lnsur9nee. IP Bc�rrowc>r fails ta perform the � <br /> covenants and rgreements cantained in this Security lnstrument,c�r there is a legal pr�x:eeding that may signiRcantly affect � . <br /> l..rnc!��'�xi;;hts i�tltt Pm�ett�(r�t�ch:�c��r�uetcling in hankru�tc�, �►rnbate. for condemnation or to enforce iaws or <br /> regulations),thtn Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary Ee pratect the��alue af the Prope:ty and�Le�ider's nghts . <br /> � in the Praperty. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by� a Iters Khich has pncnty�cer this Security <br /> � Instcument.appearing in court,paying reason��ble attorncys'fees and entenng on the Property ta n?akc rcpairs.Aith�ugh <br /> y.enclet may talce actian undtt this p�ragraph?,L,endrr daes nut have ta do so. <br /> Any amounts disbutsed tfy Leader ander this p�ragraph 7 tihul!6ec�me addiuonal debt of gvrrnaer tecured by thic <br /> � Sccunty tnstrument.Unless&►rrow�er and Lender agree to othcr tcrm�of pay mena.the;c�mn�nts shal!bcar�nterest from_ <br /> thr date of dubursrment at the .�iote ��ate and Shali he payable, ti�ith �nterest. u�cm not�re irc�m Lendcr t�i Rorroaer <br /> requesting pavment. , � <br /> s <br /> 1 . <br /> .--�7 <br />