_ .(ry:y. � ` . '�
<br /> .___.- __.l . l� . . _...__ _ ,_-`-
<br /> - �'
<br /> ` -- '�� -_.__ _,._..._ . . - . - -----•_-•f . �..c_ . .. . ' ` . " ,. ---y- �l �
<br /> , . . . . 1 �•
<br /> - ---=—; a�-��-:� n��n��Tcae�.�T �q�fl9���� �a�Q a -
<br /> � I Loari t�o 85�4470 (Co�3�nusd) .
<br /> � rep!ucc�rrsnts o1, and eil suDsiitu�ons tor,any o!5ucn pro�erty; ertd tagothar Lrith a9 pracead3(inC►ttding�srithout iirttit3tion aJ triswanca
<br /> • ' ' � proCesQs and returtds ot premlum5)ftam uny saie or other dspDSillon of tha Properly. �
<br /> Propsriy-Tha�vord`Property'mssns Ca"activety the Real Properiy and t1:a Person3i Propsrty.
<br /> h i.
<br /> . �i Re01�ropet[y Tka vfmds"Real Proparty'm�3n the propsrty,in,Br65ts and rtghts doseribes 8bave 1n lh0°ConvayertCe and GranY seetton.
<br /> , Relate0 b�eumeats. Ths words�telated Qacumsnts"msan 8nd Include vrithaut timitation a:1 Oromissory rtatss.credil egreeman9s,loan •
<br /> ' i agroema�.environments!agreamards,�uarantiss,c�ettriiy agreemsrd3.mortg3g�,Ceads of trusf,and a9 oth°t insUttmar�ts,egtesmerds and .
<br /> , , ! documan�,v�hathar rtOVi or hsreafter e�dstirtg,exeeuted in eonnecilon vrith tha Inds'b`.edrtsss. .
<br /> � i Rents. Ttta vlord'Rsnts rrtaans al pr�ent and fitture rer+ts,revenures,ineome,tssu9�,royailes,prei�LS,an0 aiher Ca�tefits dertvad from tha ,
<br />, • PropaAy.
<br /> �" J . • Tnts2ee.Tha ward°Trust2s'ma3ns UNiTED MEBAASKA BAM(and arty s�stituta or s�ar trustees. - ;
<br /> ' TrUatOT. Tha word'fntstoP mEans any and ali psr5on3 end etitittes execufirtg this Q86d of Trust.irtduding titithout 6mita6on eJi TruStOfs namsd '.
<br /> '•, � ebOVa. �
<br /> � Ot�7f�FOLLOWiNG?EAM�: ° �`
<br /> ' PAVNIFJiT A!ID PERFORIAANCE- Exc2Pt as olhenvise pmvid�ed in this Qeed o!Tnst,Tiustw st��ay to Lender all amourds securerJ Dy th�IIaed �{.-`�
<br /> � ot Tn�t as theY lsr�ar.�s dus.art�shs0 StrEcty and in a t3mary nanrter��ferm s:l af Tn�stofs obGga9orrs undar the IUa'.e.this Deed a`Tntst,and Eha =-
<br /> � Reiated Qacumertts. _
<br /> pp$$ESSSOH AS�[D[NA{NIEMQl�10E QF THE FitQEER?Y. Tnutar agr¢es thst'�.�:ofs possesston ana use of t):i:(�pertyr shall De gau6�ned by •-F"'
<br /> ; ih3 to;low�rtg provisiorts: _;`�
<br /> `� i Rogsessian�d W^e. Urtt�1 fhe c+xurrence ot an Event of UaTauit,Tn�-c-u.5 (a)remaln in passessian an_-�^trni of ths Proyerly. (b)use.
<br /> operats ar managa fhe RroFsrtY.an� (c)ao'�a,ct any ReMs fram tha Pr�;�-�. . �`.__-
<br /> � Duty to kTaintaln. Trustor shalf m�lntain tha Properiy in tenantable cort����promPnY P�rm all re�sairs,-�..3acaments.ar�d mainienance -•�-�:
<br /> , � '�.�`• ` (tEC0558f�/t0 pt838N2 i15 Vc111t9. —
<br /> [`.,I�,�
<br /> ----�--- ��,�'s' !(at3rd0u4 SubslnrtGee. Tha temts Rte�srdaas weste;'4ia�rdotts substan�."d�sposal:'�re!ease,"and"threateaed retease,'es used in titis � °_--
<br /> ' �' '�`� Oesd of Trust,shaii hava tha sama meantngs as set foAh in the Comprahersive Envfronmental Response.Compensation,and Usb�ty A�t� -
<br /> ' `��� 1980,as arrsandsd,42 U.S.C.fieetton 9fi01.et seq.('CERCLA7,the Superiurtd Arrtertdments ans Reauthor(�8on Ad of+438,Pub.L No. ��-:r:
<br /> ,� gg-4g9("SARA'�,tha Harardous Mateflais Transporfation Aet,49 U.S.C.Secdon 1801,et Sss�,the Resource ConservaUon aad ReeO�teiy� �.;°w
<br /> '� � 4 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,et seq.,or other appL•aabla state or Federel laws,n�es,at regulsUOns adoptsd pursuant to any of the tor6gofng. Ths °�"-
<br /> i ;�fr'_''�
<br /> . . : � t s r m s'9�a m r d o u s w a s t e ansl'hamrdous substance"stiall etso ineiuds,4vflhout Gm1Ta8on,peLro:aum and patro!eum Dy-prod�cts er arry tr8�sian y�_
<br /> - - ,I thereo}and asb8st�. Trustor repressr�ts and wartants to L.ender thn� (a)durirtg thfl pertod af Trusta�s atsntsrshlP o!t►ie ProPerM�tt�we h¢s ;:_�;
<br /> , . � � baen no use.gsneration,manufacture,s2orage,treatment,d'Sposal,raease er threalened release of any tuezrrKOtu wasfe or sW�tarie�e CY m^' �,---
<br /> • �} petson an,unGS►,abaut or trom tho Proparty; (b)Tn�stcr has no knOwtedge of,at reasOn to b8itave that ihata��as bsee.exoePl as Rrer.Q:�Y = __�
<br /> Qcycto;ed to and aefcnowtedgad by Lender tn vrrtting. (q arry use.Benerallon.manuktdure.storage.treatrt�eH:.��sposat,relsasa.ar f�atar�
<br /> � ?3�; E j refeass of any haardous w'.�e cr substanee on,under,about a from tho Proparty by any pAor oumers or ns�ants ot the Prope�rly u(�i)aell �
<br /> ��'.':t �I actual or tAreatened I"�tgation m-daims of any Idnd by emr peison n3tating to such rrtatters;and (c)Exc2p2 as pre�lously d'�sct�ed to and ---
<br /> ""'� acQcrtowtedged by Lender in writing, p)rteither Tnlstot not any tenant,ces:"�tot,agertf or othsr fluthori�:uer ot ttsa Proparty st�a.7 use,
<br /> � '� �' generate.mam^.scture,stose.treat,disga,e c�,�retease any Aarardous ur�..�:r substance on,under.aheu:�-'+•�m tha Properlp and (a)e.�v
<br /> � such activityr sha0 be canducted in compfa^r•��fh ail app(:Ceble tederal.�r-,and local I3LVS,regWations+arri=rdinances,Irtcluf8re�tvi��'�-'i:f
<br /> �': , limitation thnse tavr.reguta4inns,and ordinan�os desaitred ebova. Trustar authorizes Lender and its ags�is��enter upon tha Praper`i;¢
<br /> �,+;�. . r,�atce sucA inspectlons and tests,at Trusta�s e�ense,as�-ender may deem approydate to determirte comp8artce of fhe Ptoperty witr'ts's
<br />° � '�'.�'��� azctlon o1 ths Daer!af Tw't My inSpsWons or tests msde by Lender shaD 6e tar Lenders piuposes or�iy artd sha0 no1 ba construed to create
<br /> ;, snY ras�onsitrifdy or uahyty an the part of Lsnder to 7:ustur ar to&ny attte�pa�son. The rapresentallorss and warrartttes eontatned t�aretn are
<br /> ! based on 7rusto�s dae di!igence in invesL'gallng the Properry for harardous weste and hamrdous substance3. T�ustor hereby(a)rek�ases nnd
<br /> � � watves any future ct�trtu against Lender tor indemnity or wnbiba8an in the event Tru�tor ba�:omes liabie ta►ceanuD or other cosis unEer arry
<br /> 4` SacA laws,artd (b)agrees to indsmnify and hold h2rmlass LenQer stgtttnst any an0 atl ctaims,loss8s,tVtibutias.damag2s,pertaiUes.artd
<br /> • � � expensas wh!eh lendar may drecily or indirectty susta(n or suHer resutting from a breach o!ihis Secticr :;t ihe Deed at Trwt a as n
<br /> ' •�'. Cansequence o7 arry use,goneration,manufacture,storago.CGpa�..al,retaase ar threatened retease ot a hardrdaus waste ar substursoe on tho
<br /> � . �'� n d b ness an�tho �satisfs.l an�and reconvayartce of he Itanol f s Oeed ot Trustend shaU nat tro aH�eMad by L a Qe,�s acpqu��Hlon o1 any
<br /> � Inferes!in th2�:4erly.�vh9lh�r by forectosure or oiherwiso.
<br /> •- � Hulsanee,l�lr�ute. Trustor shaD not eause.�:���:sxt or permii any nui�•Ta�:ommlt,pertn�,ar suffer u�n�r�t,:.ppirp pf or waste on ar to ihe -
<br /> � ' Properly or cc^:,:,s.'tion ot th�Property. :Y3!�aa.�millng the genetelily a!tI:E'rs•sqoirtg,Tnts'.or wiD noi rc^ira�r�..or qrant to any oiTee�party tAe �
<br /> agM to remova,eny dmbar.^'�n�is(tnctudir�a:l and gas),so8,gtaval a ropc;rodue'�wlthout the prtar wrf.ten consent o}Lender.
<br /> ���•- 'F Removel ot ImprovemerRe. ':Jstor shall not Gemoltsh or��ve arry Improvament�hom the Real Property w(thoul ihe prlar u�l�n eonsent =-
<br /> �'K"K=�:. �' o!Lender. As a condiuon to tRe removal of any Irrtprovar..ca13,Lender may requlre Tntstor to make srrlrtgemeats sattsfactory to LenQer to
<br />,_ `�;;i��� IR , reptaee such Imgrovements w(ih Improvemenis o}at tea5t oquat valua. =_
<br /> +'-y � l.ender's Fir,�isi�to Entet. Lendar and its agents and ropr�entattves may a:ner upon the Real Propec'.�/N rui'reasonab:e times to attand to Q._
<br /> � r,. ��� lendef�in'�i�i�and to inspect the Property tor puryoses of Tw^lofs eompl:ance with the terms and c�.�111rars�t thts Oeed at Trust. �-
<br /> ' Y:;��<<� � � ,; ,^,ompqanee wtlh Qflvammcntal RepulrEmtnt�. TrustOr�h�l rromptt�tamply with atl ta;•rM rr•21^artc�,4'G regulaHorr,now a hereaftsr in �-
<br /> •ti,:;,�.
<br /> a�.,;,s 3Yacf,o}atl flovernmental aulharit!es apyCcable to ihe usa c:oecupancy o f t he P ro p a rtp. i+�;r m.r s y ccnfast In good faith a r ry sueh law, " _-
<br /> i;:t1,'. �rdin3rtce,or regulation and withho�d comptianao dudng any proceeding,�ndue�rtg app.royr�ls�_,�erils.��on9�as Trustor has notiHed Lender =
<br /> •• .=t.�.�, 1n wdtirtg pdor to doing so and so tong as,In Lenders so!o opinion,LonCefs'rti,�esis in fhe PropeAy nro r�a���sopardtzed. Lander rtsay requtre
<br /> � •_ . :,;��� Trustor to post adequate seeuriry or e suroiy bond,reasonsbly sa6sl�Ctory ta l.,e�s�:.er,to proteci Leadafs tr1�T��:. _
<br /> � � Duty to Pro2Eet. Trustor egrees neiiher to aUarj don nor teava urta8ended the Properly. Trustor shel)do�i}�tl:ar aCLs,in addiilon to lhoSg aCts �1
<br /> �•: - se1 loAh abova in ifiu section,wh!oh hom iha�naracter and uso of the Propedy are roasortabry neoessary to�•rsteCt and preserv9 ttis Prope�ty. �_
<br /> '`�� � �,1=pM SALE-COl1SENT BY L.ENDEA. Lendar may,at tts opUOn,declare Immediatety due artd payabfe eU sums sflcwed by thts Deed o!Tru51 �-�_
<br /> upan the sate cr:ranSfE►.w(tho�tAe lende r's p dor wri i t�n tonsen t,0 1 e i l a r a n y p a r t o f i h e R e a l Pro p e A f+.ar fln y interest In iho Reai ProperlY• A
<br /> � � ''sale ar tran5�3r"�*eu+�s tRa cor+vayaneo ot Real Pso?ieAy+ar any AgM,ti11e or I��t thereln;whoiher teg�l,ban�°-.,2!a equ:ta97le;wholAer vdunf3n/ _
<br /> or Involunfary;u�rke•by o�irigM sao,doed,in:ln�i��nt sale con}ac1,tand c:r,lrsr.l.corttrtict for Eoed,fe:r.clt�,'d Ir+terest wiih e tmm greatet ti�an
<br /> .��' thre9(3)years.Ic�x,.�oAtion canUac'�,or by sate,rs�:.ignm�ni,ar trart3fer o1 tnY 4�eneftc4�1 inLresf In ar tn nn7 lund Uust ho!dlrtg tiii0 t0 ttr�� �
<br /> Property,or by any other m�ihad a1 comcyanco of REaI Property In_9re�L If arp-rustor ts a corporaUa�,Gu�n�''�ntP ar fiRited L•ab�ty compmny, .
<br /> trart3fEr�so irtctudos eny chango In own2rsh!p of more ihan hvonty-tivo patC3nt(259b)ot ih4 t•ctr�stock,p8rtnershtp interests or Iimiffi0 fiabiily .
<br /> l� corr.pan�in!erests,as iho case tn3y be,01 TntKor. Hevtevar,thls apilon sh311 no1 b0 exoreisod Ly��inQor it Such exerC(59 Is proh;Eife�Dy fEdoml � �,�.,
<br /> Iaw or by Nebraslca law. '
<br /> T/UfES IWD LlENS. Tha to!lowing provisions refatin�to lho taxas and liens on tha PropsAy aro a part o1 thts Oeed of Trust. ,
<br /> � Paqment. Truster shan pay wRan duo(and in rill evants prlor to Qeunpuency)al ta�ces.sp2ci�J teues,as:e"�srtur�.ehargss(inetu�rtg wa!er
<br /> end sov�er),flnes and Imyosilio�t�vtesd ug�inst ar on eceouni of ine RropeAy,ar►d shail pay wAon due ail ctaima for woAc done on a tor •
<br /> • ssnrtces rendersd or material turn�hed to the Property. Tnuia sha11 maintaln the Property tree o1 ail Cens havlag Ddority over ar equ2l to tho
<br /> in'orosl of lendLr undEt ih:s Oa�d o1 Trust,ettceAt for tha t:�n of t�s an9 usse�sments no1 dao.exooPt for ths e�dsting indob:edr�retarred
<br /> � �o aao�.and mceepl t►s olh�nviso provlded tn fhf;Qaed of Tnu1.
<br /> Rlah1 To Con2esl. Trustor m3y withho'd payrtsonl ot any tax,esssssment.or ciaim in connecllon wllh n gaod tailfi dspu:o over Uia ohigsUan ;
<br /> . � to pay,so lortg es Londo�s in!�rest in th9 Propetiy ts rta1 jeoparQ9ied. It a lien artses or ts filed es a resu110?rtonpa}Iment,Tr�utor ShaB wiitdn
<br /> ffte�n(15)days afte�IAe I:on ari;99 or,it a l:on i�fi:ed,wiihln 6Reen(15)Qays after Trustar h�s noLOe ot tne�tlrtg,secure ths dK.,eRvge o9 the :
<br /> I:sn,ar i1 requasted by lEnder,drpos'st vrith Lender ctt�h ar a strt°ct�nf corporato s�rety bond or othar s9curiiy 531�f3ctory to Lcsnd3r in an
<br /> � . amovnt suff:e?snt to d:schsrp�ths I;on p!�any crts artd attartoys'tc�es o►oth2r eh�rges ihat cov:d acerue as a r��tt a}a toredosure or ss;e �
<br /> unG�r trt�lien. In any con';,,t,Trusto�shs'1 d.;.'end i�s:f Etnd Lcn4^r ttrtd sha7 sa+,isfy any a6vErs9 Judgmcnl Catoro enloroemsM ag�(nst tlr�
<br /> . _ vrnar.:tv. Trusfor shall�rr►31�nder os an add:''onal oD::g2e urt6er uny sarcty tran�fumshsd in tha con?ost prooerd:n�.
<br /> - =—� . • • „ . - -.
<br /> .�
<br /> : , 1 .
<br /> - . _... . __... ---�---- ----.._ ..-------- --- -•-�--.._ ---- -- -_ __ ._ _ _ _
<br /> � _ _ ._--- _ _.--�_
<br />