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� '�� . <br /> � . , . <br /> � , , ._ --------° <br /> � .. � -—..._ <br /> a • .., ° ---...--- -----------� <br /> , �` _,____�__-9g���i���._._�_ . � , <br /> a <br /> . T.c�',�y+p�...�.1,ander ia hercby e�.fpned tll eompan3�tton,a�rerds,dem�ges and other palr�ems or r¢L'a4(horeinafYer'Procards'1 " <br /> tn eonnection with sondamatnLtan ar other teking o4 tAe Fropsrty or a�rt tt��real,0►fot cunv�y�i�nl'ura{O�,t:�t'`�""�"�s-`�:sr•i=^�A-►�!"-'!1 <br /> taken or damaged,Lend2r shall have the oDtton In ita eole end ebsatuta epplY all such PredB�s,edtet Cedueting theretram . <br /> ' � al coata and eupans�irscurt2d by tt tn eonnsstian with euCA Proeeed�,upAn EnY indebtedn4ss se�utesl hereby en�in such erder ns <br /> " Lendar may dsterm?rte,or to eapN atl such Roceads,after such deduattons,ta tae restorattan of the Roy�rtY ugon sueh eonditions ea <br /> � I.endeT may daterm`.na.Any st►ptication ot Froceeds to indebte�n.a9 sAs!t rtot extand or postpono the due data of eny OaYments andsr . <br /> � �.� the Nota,or cure eny detauh theraunder or Aereundar.Any un�yp!icd funQs ah�?l be p�ld to Trustor. <br /> ' ; 9.P�r[arnana by Lu�der•U�an the occunaace of en Event of Oataufi Aareunder, or if any e�t is teker►or te�a1 proceeding <br /> '; commenced v+7fish matEda!1�aNeccs LeadeYa tntenast In ths Ptoperty.lentler rtu�Y in it8 ow+�dtserettan.Cut whhout obligation to do so, <br /> I anfl without rtoite�to or demand upan Trustor ans v�httaui re:ezing Ttusior irom sny oC�igaitan,do eny ect tirhtet�qrustor has sgrced <br /> ; . � � 0ut fc'.f3 to do�rtd moV e�s�du any other ac4 tt deams nctusaa�l/to protact tAo secusity hereat.TruKOr sheSl,immedtatelY uAon dsmand h <br /> tReretot by Leredar,paV to LEmEcr�li eosto and ottpEnsss tncarrcd and surt�s exDanded by LendeT in conneetton�arith tha exerdse by <br /> _-•:�-� � Lendar of ffie 4oregoing�ighta,to8aiites vtititt►ittt�t�t itt:leon e2 th9 de}a+.�St�8te pto+rtdsd in tP�O INote,v+h'ch eha!1 bs ttdded to tho " <br /> �, indtbusdneas sscured hcnby.Lend�eha:l nat intur any{iabi'.ity Decause of anything it may do or omit to do h3reussder. <br /> 1 8.Hat�rdau�Matxt�ta•Trustar ehcU kasp th�PtopertV tn tomplian�vrith a7 EFDIicaDta lsvvs•efd9narseas artd regutations celating to <br /> � ; industrial hygtena or envUonmEntn!protectton(co[Iestiv�Sy rete�e4 to herein as'Emtronmenta!lavva').Trustcr shai,kesp the PrcD�nY : <br /> I freo from all substanees desms:f to ba hazardous oi toxle undet any Envlronmental Lawa tco�'ecUve(V reterred to here'.n as'Hezudous �.•�__: <br /> . . °�1 MsiertaLs'1.Ttustor henby warrent�►�r►d�eyresento to L.ender that u�e a►e rto Ha:ardaus l4Raterial on or under the ProgartY.trustor !=�__ <br /> hereby sg►ess to irtslamnIfy and ftald harmless londer, rts d'u¢aor�.officsts, empioyee3 En�agants. and anV s:iccessDES to�endefa <br /> � inter�t,irom and ageinst any and ai claims,damages, losses snd[tab�iites ansing tn connecUan with the pmsence,uss,dfsPosal or - <br /> �� transyort of any HatarQous Matuia(s o»,under,from ar a6out the FroAerty THE F�REtifl�Na VIA�RA������SENTAT[ONS, __-- <br /> R <br /> ��.� MID TRUSTOft'S OSLtiATtQNS PtiASUIiNT TO TNE FOAFQflING tNDEM�JITf,SFIALL&URVNE RECONVEYAN'CE OF THlS OEED OF _ _ <br /> TRUST. a-- <br /> ' �;� 10.Asstgnma�t of RMts.Trustor hereby a.�^^'9es to Lertder,rind grer►ta�er►der a security interest in.a[I present,futuro and atter � <br /> a -- <br /> rtsing rente,tssues arid proRta at the Ftopzrty:Rrovfded that Tastor shall.until ti►e occuRence of an Event ot Oefau[t heraursder,have �,-,.__ <br /> . ! -- <br /> the tf$ht w eollact and retein such rents,Issuus and Profits Ps t�eY become dus and payabte. Upon the occurtence ot sn EveM of _: <br /> � Qe4autt.l.eader maV. either in pereon or by ageni,with or witdout bdngtng nnY ectEon or hY a teceiver g00oimed 6y a F-- <br /> ` n�ar�t the name of the TnisCa9 and�o anY ects hi�f i�decros ne�i�sssarl/or�deetrcb 9 o�preserve thapva'ae.m���:C�ty nr &. <br /> .� I of tt�s ProRarty,er miy gatt thereof at intesest therein,os io inaeasce tlie incomP thErefram ar protect thH security hr�ef ar.d. ��:= <br /> .��_. � '�`�v <br /> � � ,, v��(tit ca ovitiiout ta[d�s9 Gosce^irn of tha PropertY,sue for or otherwise co['ect tAe�ents,tsa�se�artd D�}tte thereof,indudfcsg t1-• pasc �_- <br /> due�~�un�s€d,tr�zotitying tensu�ts to make payments to Lender. Lendsr msf apDiy�ente•fssues and protito,less eosts art3 exRenses G--- <br /> r�f af aperaiton azd cet:actfon[ndudirsg attomays'feea,to any indettednes3�.rped heseby.s0 in surfi order es Lender may dstemtine.The e T <br /> � ent�ng upon snd taSdng pass e s s ion o f t ha R r o p e r ry, t h e collection ot e.�ah reMS,issues and pmfits,and tlie appGcatton thereof as �_� <br /> ' �-. ��Id,shaU not cure os w2ive any dafautt or rtoUce of defauR heraurtder or invxlidate any act done in response to such datauh or :_ <br /> a�.:artt to such natIce of defautt aad,norivithstandh9g the cantinuance in possessfon of the Ptoparty or ths eoAeetion,raeeipt and <br /> � � epplicatton of rents, issues er G�of�ts• Tnistee and lender r�t�! be eMidad to axerdsa every�tgM provided for in any of the Loan � <br /> Insirumenta os by taw upon omurrenee of any Event of Qefaz't, induding without Iunitation the dght 4o exereise the povrer ot eate. <br /> � ' v�' � iurther.Lendefa rights and remedias under this parsgrapA shall be cumuiative with,und in no way e limiiatton an.Leadei's�Ights and <br /> ' � rcmedles under os1! assignmr.nt of teasas mid renta rewrded against the PrapertY.Ler►der.Tnistee and the racefirer shall be tiabte to <br /> eccount onry gorth�se tents actv�:�Y received. <br /> � . 11.Ev�ts af D�iwif.Tha(a:Sa�ving shall consYmrte sn Ev�j+c nf Defau[t under thlu Deed of trust: <br /> �: (a1 Faflcre c�pay any instailment o4 prinei�al or interasn ai snv other cum secured horaby e.rhen duo: ._. <br /> � "�� (b)A tr�af or defautt under any prov3sion contained in the Pia'.r•,this Oeed of Trust,any of thfl Loun instrumants,or any _ <br /> ' :;!��� other t3rm cx a:r.mbrance upon the ProPcriy; ._�. <br /> � tc)A �rr'c 4'r oxecutian or attachment or any stmitar process sht3Sl �='Entered e9a?nn Trustor whlch shalt bcwma a Ilan on the <br /> � Roparty Ar any portion thereo!or interest there:n; <br /> tdl Thore shail be fitad by ot against Troator ar Bortawer an uctton undar anY prer�ant ar future federal,stete ar otRer status,tau� <br /> or regutaTion r�lating to bankruytcY, insolvenay or othor reliaf for debtora;or there shell be appo:nted anY mu'tee. �ec°�V� °* <br /> � IiquIdator of Trustor ar Bortow2r or of ail or any part of tP�e Roperty,or tho rents,issues or prafits thareoi,or Yrusior or Bortower <br /> � ahal make any genert�l as5ignment tot tho brnofrt ot creditora; <br /> � (e)Tha sata,transfei,lease,assignmelt,conveyance or turther encumbtance of a11 ot any Dart of or any interest tn the Roperty. <br /> etthes volunteflSy or invofunw�ify,without tirQ ozptess�rtitten consant of Lender,provtdtd tnat Trustor shafl be permittad to exaacto <br /> :,�r,:.r,,, t r,� �Inase nf tho Property thtt da=s not cantntn en option to purchase snd tRe term of frh!sh doas not axcead ane yeer; <br /> -:�.r.: (f) 6lbandonmern of tP�G+-�perty;or <br /> • ' ' (g) If Trustor is rtot�:r►�'lvtfivat,tho issuanca, e%rU>.Vanster, assiSnmant, conveyence or encumbraneo of mote tt►�tYof <br /> - � � corparation) a n�_�ot percerrt o4 its ir.�ue�r�:4 e:.tetandin8 stonR or Q}a Dartnership)a total of p/p P� <br /> �. partnersh(p int�re�:3,a a �mited Ilabllity c::r.�anY)a,t•.ts1 of N�_�Parcent of the Iimite0 Ilabllity eompanY inierests or votiri�+ <br /> �__ • r� " rights during tha�eriod thfs Deed of Trust te:r..nrne a lien c�"�e ProAertl+• <br /> � :;'� .� 12,R�m�s;Acc�*atlnn Upon O�fauib:.t!:e eveat cf any Event oi Dafauit Le�er may,without notice exeeyt a�requlred bY law, <br /> ' ' ��c�9�z�e e'.I indebtedness secured hereby to be due ans p•,r�e ��the same shell thereupon become due artd payabla without anY <br /> __;�x�, . . . • • - <br /> .-, ,„,,.. �,� . �r�¢:E�tmgnt,damand,protest or naUce of any kind.There�*.�'�^lendcr may: <br /> 'r • ...,• •,r : (�DemBnd that Ytustae exuelse the POINER OF SALE grented herain, and Trustae shail thareaitoT cause T�usior's interest <br /> �'� .:�'� �•;,•;,�•,��! in the Rrc�t;�to ba sold end the ptoeeelz'.�be distributed,al!in the rteannet provtded in the�debrucka::i rust Qaeds/�ct; <br /> ��.� ,• +••� �;;'��y� (b)�;�raye any and atl righto p:c�vi�e� for inanyof tha Loan tnstrumenta or by low upv�s :ccurrence ot anY EveM of <br /> "�;,,'' �., � ��rrsun:�a <br /> �%':�� (e)�o^-Rencs ctn u+�:�. to toreet�ca_.`.iss Deed c+ rrust es a rttortgage, apRa��t� reaeiver,or spacificallV enforce any ot Yho <br /> ����:i` � a couenar."�.re:zot. <br /> Ho remedy[scrair :anferred upan or reservert c..Trustea or Lender ts intonQed to be e:c.u<s:e of any other rem8dy heratn,in tha loan <br /> �� Inctrumentc c��1sy �•jw provided ot permitted,inat:�ach shail bo cumuiathre,r,fcail bo in a�ditton to every c•l�aT remedy 8�ven hereunder,in <br /> . '�f�`J��� the Loan Irtrtn�rt�.c'te or naw or hereafter ax��5»l;at taw or in e$uity cs trr :t�4e.e��may ba exerci:.�i�:oncuRCntfy,indeyendontty ar <br /> i��, <br /> .��..�� c::ccesslvely. <br /> � �' 13.Tnratee.The Tru�teo may resign at any time wrthout ce::3e,and'+.e:der may ct nny ttma and without cause appolnt a suecns:,or <br /> cr substitute Trustee.Trustee shatl not ba liable to any parti:�,ir.:-ludin9 without I?mitati�n.l�:ader,Borcower.Truator os�,�b Wrchaser of _. <br /> ,�,; ! �.~9 Propartl►,tot any Ias9 or damage unloss Que to rcxf.iaae cr vliliiul misconduct, ai�f .hail rtat bo required to take eny action in — <br /> ,.<f• connectlon with tho en}arcemersf of thb Dced o4 Tru&'t a,fr•.nu.r.Cc:r.�;:_�.in vnitinp,tar e!�eos4s,compensattan or oxpensp whtch maY <br /> � � ,;�.�,�;•�� �a assoclated 1lsacawith. In uddition.TruEtaa m��4see�r..x a�::� at r.nv sa:e of Gte RoperiY tjadttlal or under the powar of e+tfr. — <br /> j qtmt.ed hereinl:G�nDont►tho e�te of ull or crs y�t•nstie-�ct ttsr.iTC�erry,nu R�n�idad b;�ta.;a•cCU Lh9 PtO�jfl}�1 89 8 WTIDIB,Of Itl 60QUfrifli — <br /> . I�arr-zts or lata at Trustae'a disc:ot;on. <br /> � • � �4,��n��p�ntes.In tf�o event Trust�o sells Yhe Prvper:y by exarelse of powat of�iata,Tru�teo sha:l ba enUtted to eypSy any aale <br /> � � procxeds first to paVment of atl cosia enfl axpenses ot exerc�ng power of aate,inctudirva ell Truatee's tess,and Lcrtdors and Trusta0's _ <br /> � attorneya 4oa�,aatucliy incurred to entaM Darmitted by opD��1e��•In tAo event Baaower or Trustat exerelses any tlght prwidod by - <br /> � law to euro an Evem of DefauIt.Lender thall ba entitled to recover from Trostor all costs and axp�nsas aetuetly Incurrad as a rusuft ot _ <br /> � ' Trustoto do4uuii.inciuding withaut Itmitt�tion ail Trustes's csnd ottorneys fees,to tho eMent parmitte�9 by uPp:'•cabia law. - <br /> 1 g,Futur�Admrtcn.UOfln requeat oi Bonovrc�,LenQer may,at k�optlon,mafcs addittonal ares tuturo advaneos un0 roadvanv�s to <br /> ' Horrower.Sach ntivances and roaQvt►n►noos,with interan tfiereon,ahall Aa aecured by thfs Oeed of Trust.At�o tima shal tho prittc[pa1 = <br /> amauM of the indaDtednass secuted by this Oeed of Trost,rvrt indudirsg sum9 advanced to protect tha secur'rry of tht9 Oeed of Trust, _ <br /> oxceed tho odglnaf princiaal amaunt stated hereln,or 9 so 00 _.vuAtcheve�i�greater. _ <br /> . : ..� _ <br />- i��-. - . 1 r.:;taa��o a'c�rs�csmra Q-:a sav.o�s =- <br /> � � 183:J!!!".N�9 ES�!C7 CCS1:m7CA TM1 aA]S?f.fla!ASS.`L."�1.1U12�l.R'�IISpD . .. __ . . <br /> � '' _ . __.. . .. __— —._ - ___ ._ <br />