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<br /> G. p�y��'�,'�Ei�^!'0F LEpSE�.Ugon L¢nder's rrcqucsi. 8arrower shatl assign to Lender a11 leases of t�c
<br /> Pea�ay and all sscuriry depusits made in connertion�vith tea4ts of the Pcagprty. Upam th�assi�nmQn� ixader
<br /> shali have th��r,ht to mQdify.extend or terminate thQ exiatin;le��s and w ezecute ne�r leases,in Lender's sote
<br /> di�se�tiun.As used in this pan�raph G,the«�ord"lc�se"shaJl mean"subteasQ'if die Securiry insnvm�ai is vn
<br /> a te�e,'�old.
<br /> Nl. ASSIG:�1Pt�A1'1' OF E�Eh'H'S: �P{D�'�1�4��"f OF 1�CEId�Id, LERTFDER IIY �.S''.�SEON. __.
<br /> Ba�vower nbsoSutety am!unrnn�itinnafiy assigrt.��nd trstnfers to Lcr.der t�l!th�ceius ar�revenues("Rents.•)of .
<br /> ih� prugerty, cegardiess of to �vhom the Rents of the Pro�:ry are PaYable. Barrovrer authorizes Lender or
<br /> Lerder's agems to callect the Rents,an���Yee+that each tenant of the PropQrty shall pay che tients eo Lender or _
<br /> l.ender's agents.Mou•zver.Borrouer shall receiee the Renu antil(i)LendEr has given Eorrower natioe of def2��It
<br /> Rursuani to psragrapfi 2f of the�rity Instcument and(iil�����S�ven natice to the tenant(s)that the Rents
<br /> are to be p:id to Ler.der or Lender s agent. This assignntent of Rents constitutes an alssalute assignut�nt�td not
<br /> an zssigiment Por a�ditional se�uity only.
<br /> If Lend:r gives nnrioe af br�tth to Borrower.(e)all Rents received by Borrower shall M:held by Botrower
<br /> as ausee2 for the benefit of l.ender vnly,co be upplied to the swms secured bY the SecuritY�a,�n�:(ei)Ixuder
<br /> st�all be entitled to en1lect att��ceive all of the Remts of'the Prorperty:(fii)Bnrmwer a�rees that�tenant of the
<br /> Fcuperty sha11 psy all Retns d�ce and unpaid to fi.ender or[zredei s PSznts uP°n Lender��vrittrn demand co the
<br /> tenant; (iv1 unless npplicable lau+provides otherwise,all Rents collected by l.euder or Lender s agents shall 6F;
<br /> applied first m the rnsu of tnking oontrol of and managing the PcapertY and wltearng the Renu,insIadia�.bat
<br /> r� timicad co. attarncys-' ic�. Et3CiiY2i 5 t�. prcmiuubs u�a mr�iver's bonds. re�air and mainte�aaoe oosts. __
<br /> insuTa�qce ptemiums,taxes.a�sments az��other charges on the Property.aad then to the sums sewred by tt�
<br /> Se�rity instnunent:(v)I�nder,Le[tder s a�ents or airy judiaalty agpo's�xe�r�oeiver sbsll he liabie to atcout►t for
<br /> only those Ret�fs actuatly recraved: and (vi) L.ender shsil ise entided to have a raceiver appainred to take
<br /> possessian of and manaDe the Y�roperty and collert the Renu and profits derived fram:tk�;Froperty without zny
<br /> showing as to th�in�cquacy of the P[operty us security.
<br /> If the Rents of the Property are aot sufficient to eaver the wsts of taldng cantc�l of aad maaaging '.the
<br /> Fropeaty and of cotleding the itenu any funds expendesi bY i.ender for such puiposes sha11 beoom�inaebtedness
<br /> p f Ba�-rouer to Ixnder se�.vred�y the Security Instrur►►�nz patsuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> I3orroR�r rpresems and Evaaanu that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment af the Rents az►d has
<br /> no�a.*xi wilt not perform any act that would prevem Lender from eaetrising iu righu under this p�ragtaph. .
<br /> Lender, or Letcder s agents or a ju�icially appointed r�iver, shall t[at be rr�uired to ent�apon, talce
<br /> control of er maintain the Property hefore or after giving rtotice of dsfault to Borrower. However, Lender, ar �
<br /> [�end�r s agents or a judiciatly appoimed r�eceiver•maY do so at any tiRte when u def�:.lt accurs. ltny appli�ion
<br /> of Renu shall rto�cue or waive aay defuutt or invalidata tu►y other right or ramady of•�cder.7`his assignmenE ai
<br /> [tents af the Properxy shail ten*��:te when all the sums sccviced by the Seauiry Inet�uns��a►i are paid iA full.
<br /> I.CROS�DErAUI.T PROVISIO:OS.Borrower's def�uit or breach u�der any naie or a�ce�nr:,�i in w�ic�'�
<br /> l.ender has an interest sha11 be a breach under the Security Instrum�nt an�Lender may invo4ce any rf t�2 rem�dies
<br /> pzrmitted by the Security Instrturt.nt.
<br /> BY SIGMNG BELOLV.. L3orrower aooepis and agreas to tttz temis and pmvisions oontAinrd in tfiis 1-4
<br /> Family 'der.
<br /> ��� � (SeaU (Seal)
<br /> ' -Bonouer -Borrnuet
<br /> �'-^�;-,,,,.
<br /> .�s�� (s�)
<br /> . . -Bo�p.n -uorrowa
<br /> �
<br /> Ik.r..n 3770 3193
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