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<br /> Pruperty.'I`�e e�d3a9s tn t4ze Tev�ee•s deed sQall be �rema fade evE3eu,�of tEte tautb of th�siateinents a�de thw+ein. �
<br /> '�e�.nee sitall n�p1y tF�e p�ceed�oq�.h�sale in the faLoe�t�o�er:ia)to a!1 msts and expenses otese�3a�g t�e power oT �
<br /> �zte,suu9 t�:saie.ins3¢dI�g the pay��3 ai the Tw�ee's fces Qetuaily iIICU�nd.an�to ex�d 5.00 �
<br /> ot thc prigcJpal atauunt of Bhe Rnte at�t[me of t�e dedaratioa u!detaalE,�n9 reasnnaDlP uttoraey�i���ed t�o �
<br /> by law.(b)to ail sums�by thSs Se�riry Instra�eaY;aad(e)at1Y exoess to the person or peaso eea!!.
<br /> I4. Ofl
<br /> ?.�. Reamveyance. Upon payment of aU suros secvred by this Security Instrurtrent, Lendzr shat] request TrusLee to �
<br /> r�econvey the Progerty and shal! surren�er this S�urity Instrument and all notes evidencing deht secured by this Security
<br /> In�trumerit to Tnist�.Trusser shail r�onvey the Iaroperey�vithout�wamu►ty aAd wi�'�aut charge to the p�rsvn or peisons legally �
<br /> entitied to it.Such persun or persons shalt pay an}+reoonL:.hen oosts.
<br /> 23.&s�ti3atP Tnt�tee.Lender.�t its option.may from time to ti�remove Tmstee and a�oint a successor uustee to
<br /> any Trust�apgainted her2under by an insuument recard�d in the counry in which this S�rity I�strument is recorded.l�thuut
<br /> conveyazcoe of ttte Property.the suoces�or trvstee shali suoceed to all the dde.power and duties confe�red agon Tnistee t�rein
<br /> and by spnlicabie lacv.
<br /> YA.Reqnese[os F�Iattees.Eormwer requests thax aopies of the rtotiocs of de�nit ard sate i�seat m Forrou-er's�ddress _
<br /> c��hicb is cic�PcapznY Address.
<br /> 25.Rldws to tl�is Securitq Instra�aen�If one or more ridras aie executed by Barrower and noorded together with this
<br /> Sxuriry I�suu�nt,the aovenanu aad agr0effients of rash such rider shall be incorpcirat�d ituo and st�all amend and supp2ement
<br /> ths oovenanu and agreemeau of this Security Instrumea�t as if the ri�°r(s)were a part of this SECUCity Insuument.
<br /> [L`heck appiitable bo3{es)j
<br /> []Adjustable Rsie Ridr� ❑Condnminium Rider �1-4 Fami'ly Rider
<br /> �Graduated Paya�eat Rider �Plaaned Qnit Developmsnt Rider Biweekly Payment Eiider
<br /> Ballaon Rider ❑R�te Impinvemerrt Rider 0 S�cud Homc Rider
<br /> []vA Rider ❑Oshfsis)[s�cifYl
<br /> BY SIGNING BEIAW.Bonrower�o�"s aud agrees to the tenns and covenants oontain�i�Cnls Secu�ity Instn!_*+�*+i and
<br /> in any rider(s)exewted try Batrower aad seccrded with i� �
<br /> N�3nesses: � (Seal)
<br /> R C�ARD L F�LLAN3� "�
<br /> � ; . ,. ..�... �s�,�
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<br /> STA'�E OF LfJ?3RASKAs ��t9� HAf.i.
<br /> 1�e fc:z�aiag insuument was acicnm.Nladged before me this 2S�'H �Y�f Jt:N�'1�RY Y 999 +
<br /> by R Y CAARD L PF�_LA�ID AND JANET � PELLAND in said Caucty�•^"i�•�ate afore�aid.
<br /> Witness rrjy da��n�n�+�ial seal atGRAND L:��.�I1W, 7EERASI:A
<br /> My Cflmmis_=ir3n Eapires: ��py�Y,�al lidntla £ .
<br /> Kausy Pab
<br /> MJ Qo��F K 1�.�t�
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